Soal Latihan Up Bahasa Inggris Ukmppg 2020

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris


Program Studi/Mapel : BAHASA INGGRIS

Directions: To answer questions 1 – 30, choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, D, and
E – to each question.
1. As a teacher, he or she must show loyalty and care in educating, teaching, guiding,
directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students. In addition, he or she must also
show high appreciation for the following matters, except:
A. Language
B. politics
C. Social
D. Culture
E. Security

2. Mr. Rommy’s learning objectives are to enable his students to generate ideas and
organize the ideas for their essay on advantages and disadvantages of gadgets for
learning. Which instructional activities would potentially optimize his student learning?
A. Brainstorming and rearranging jumbled sentences
B. Note taking and dicto- composing activities
C. Flowcharting and cluster mapping
D. Mind mapping and idea outlining
E. Table making and idea listing

3. Based on the indicator that follows: “Students act out a dialog to express meanings on a
series of photographs depicting a metamorphosis of an animal using appropriate
language and idea development”, the most appropriate scoring criteria relevant to the
assessment procedure include….
A. content, organization, language, and interaction
B. language, intelligibility, naturalness, and expression
C. information, organization, naturalness, and content
D. grammar, pronunciation, accuracy, and diction
E. clarity, information, accuracy, and vocabulary

4. What is your attitude towards teachers who do learning using threat and violence to
students in order to improve student superior achievement?
A. Strongly disagree with the teacher's actions in order to improve student superior
B. Disagree with the model used by teachers in improve student superior achievement.

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

C. Simply agree with the teacher's actions for improve student superior achievement.
D. Agree with the learning activities carried out by the teacher for improvement student
superior achievement.
E. Strongly agree with the teacher's actions in helping improvement student superior

5. Handoyo is a type of a field-dependent learner who tends to be good at interpersonal

relationships. To optimize his learning of English, Ms. Yuli can set up learning
environments for him which provides him with an ample opportunity to…..
A. work on individually
B. finalize tasks in details
C. compete in doing tasks
D. perform under pressure
E. accomplish tasks in teams

6. A student was caught carrying a cellphone to school. Though school actually has given
written warnings and rules not to bring cellphones to school. As a teacher who is obliged
to provide education, how do you respond to these problems?
A. Calling students and advising him not to bring cellphones when in the school
environment because it will interfere with the concentration of learning.
B. If you know that a student is carrying a cellphone, immediately convey it
this is the homeroom teacher and the guidance and counseling teacher to obtain
further handling.
C. I will be more active in preventing students from carrying cellphones when at school
by checking before the bell enters the classroom and confiscated the cellphone for a
D. I met students who brought cellphones at school and at class and give a direct
warning in the hope of not repeating it these violations.
E. Grabbed the cellphone and called the student's parents to come along remind their
children not to bring cellphones to school

7. Motivation has been the centre of attention among teachers throughout the years because
it constitutes the backbone of learning process. Learning is a complicated and dynamic
process, and learning in real sense gets completed through motivation.
The underlined part constitutes the backbone of in the passage may be best rephrased
A. Sets up a strong basis for
B. Becomes the structure of
C. Plays a pivotal role in
D. Makes it important for
E. Establishes a firm ground to

8. To facilitate students to have sufficient practice in guessing the content of a reading

passage, a teacher can make the best use of activities in which the students ___.
A. relate the accompanying pictures with the content
B. use a flowchart mapping the content of the passage
C. answer several comprehension questions provided
D. complete a table containing the passage outline
E. rearrange jumbled paragraphs of the passage

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

9. As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers to chunks

of language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the following
A. idioms
B. routines
C. turn-taking
D. collocations
E. lexical frames

10. One day, you are in charge of as a standby teacher whose job is to fine anyone coming
late to school including all teachers, students and staff. There is a student coming late
and his mother begs you not to give her son certificate of violation point. what will you
A. Fulfill his mother request and keep it secret.
B. Still make a certificate of violation point according to the rules but it is not necessary
to report it to the principal.
C. Keep making a certificate of violation point according to the rules and repot it to the
D. Do not need to write the certificate of violation point of violation.
E. Do not need to write the certificate of violation point of violation because it is not an
important thing to do.

11. You are assigned to work at an underdeveloped school, poor teaching and learning
activities, lack of media and learning resources, as well as low motivation student. What
efforts are you going to do there to deal with this?
A. I will sacrifice myself trying my best and my mind to find new ways to develop the
B. I invite the school committee to participate in the procurement of media and
C. I suggest to the education office to prioritize the program for this school.
D. I asked the principal and teachers to improve the school quality.
E. I will list the school need and write it on the newspaper.

12. Boni is absent minded when Ms. Rina asks him the topic with which the class is dealing.
What follows is a set of appropriate empathetic communication strategies she can do,
A. Repeating the question to help him answer the question
B. Asking the whole class to help him answer the question
C. Asking him whether he understands the question well
D. Telling him to ask her questions about unclear points
E. Asking him whether he is fine enough to join the class.

13. Often in teamwork, groups have conflicting views with your opinion, the statement that
best describes your reaction is…
A. Leave the group, because I cannot accept that decision contrary to belief.
B. Keep joining the group, but secretly expecting the group fail to do what you decide.
C. Stay in the group, but follow all activities wholeheartedly.
D. Accept group decisions for what they are, but still be critical against the decisions
that have been taken.

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

E. Fully accept group decisions, and conduct introspection if there is a wrong personal

14. At the flag ceremony to commemorate Indonesia independence day, you become the
head of the ceremony. If you were given the freedom to choose the theme described at
the event, then what would you choose?
A. Maintaining the unity, integrity, and interests and safety of Indonesia.
B. Exploring self-potential in the millennial era.
C. Combating juvenile delinquency through positive activities.
D. Fight for and achieve goals in various positive ways
E. Creating skills for provision in the world of work

15. Integratedness in assessment means that ___.

A. Assessment is aligned to not just teaching but also planning and objective
B. Eliciting is essentially a holistic process as completes differ in nature
C. Assessment is directed not only to language components but also skills
D. Instruments used to reveal competence should be varied in formats
E. Any assessment should include not just tests but also non – tests

16. Communication strategies are strategies that learners use to overcome communication
problems in order to convey their intended meaning. They include the following
A. paraphrasing
B. substitution
C. coining new words
D. asking for clarification
E. switching to other languages

17. You are accustomed to working fast and regularly, so you often have spare time more
after teaching. You see a friend who is having a hard time doing something that had to be
done soon. Your reaction is ___
A. I will help her or him only if she or he asks me to
B. I will keep doing my other activities
C. I will ask him or her to rest and I help him or her to finish the job
D. I will insist on helping her or him
E. I will offer him or her to help finish the job

18. When immoral acts occur in schools between teachers and students, what do you need
A. Discuss with the school's internal parties and immediately find a solution.
B. Discuss these events by involving the parties who have an interest in it.
C. Calling teachers and students who do immoral act by giving advice.
D. Notifying the incident to interested parties in order to get help.
E. Let the event disappear naturally so as not embarrassing school.

19. There is a student who always wants to dominate in a study group. He did not give the
other members the opportunity to express their opinion. If another friend leads and
controls the discussion, he is trusted by himself and tends to learn by himself. As a
teacher, the attitude that will be taken based on the situation above is ___

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

A. Teachers must be able to explain the important of equality of degrees, rights and
human obligations of every human being.
B. Teachers must explain that discriminating against ethnicity is not good.
C. Teacher supports such a student to increase the student’s self-esteem.
D. Teachers must scold such a student without discriminating the religion, belief,
gender, social position and skin color.
E. Teachers must ignore such a student because it is not his or her business.

20. Applying portfolio assessments, innovative English teachers expect that they may
improve testing processes in the following ways EXCEPT that they ___
A. enhance student and teacher involvement in assessment
B. provide opportunities for teachers to observe students in various contexts
C. permit the assessment of the multiple dimensions of language learning
D. provide opportunities for both students and teachers to work together
E. reflect on what to do to assess students’ language mastery

21. Mr. Rommy’s learning objectives are to enable his students to generate ideas and
organize the ideas for their essay on advantages and disadvantages of gadgets for
learning. Which instructional activities would potentially optimize his student learning?
A. Brainstorming and rearranging jumbled sentences
B. Note taking and dicto- composing activities
C. Flowcharting and cluster mapping
D. Mind mapping and idea outlining
E. Table making and idea listing

22. Consider the following statements:

1) To help a school principal to improve the quality of the school facilities.
2) To provide opportunities for students to reflect their learning and plan further action
3) To help a teacher to measure students’ achievement in terms of core and basic
4) To let students, think about appropriate learning strategies to improve their
5) To give comprehensive information of students’ achievement to parents.

Which statements characterize ‘assessment as learning’?

A. (2) and (5)
B. (3) and (5)
C. (1) and (3)
D. (2) and (4)

23. In writing the learning objectives it is necessary to pay attention to the following things
except ___.
A. audience
B. behavior
C. class
D. degree
E. empathy

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

24. A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not only spoken but also
pictographic images which enable them to have face-to-face idea exchanges can most
appropriately utilize EXCEPT ….
A. skype
B. short message services
C. multimedia language laboratory
D. teleconference
E. google messenger

25. From the result of observation in one class, a teacher found that some students liked
listening to the lesson material, while other students preferred to see something that the
teacher demonstrated. So in developing the lesson plan and media / learning aids, the
teacher should choose media that is ___
A. Audio
B. Visual
C. Kinesthetic
D. Audio – visual
E. Audio – kinesthetic

26. In formulating indicators of competency achievement, the teacher must use operational
verbs. Which of the following indicators is incorrect?
A. Mentioning politely and confidently behavior in communicating about greetings,
leave takings, thanking and apologizing.
B. Identifying social functions, text structure and linguistic elements in greeting leave
takings, thanking and apologizing and responding according to the context of their
C. Compiling an oral text on expressions of greeting, leave takings, thanking and
D. Knowing polite and confident behavior in communicating about greetings, leave
takings, thanking and apologizing.
E. Performing a role play on greeting leave takings, thanking and apologizing.

27. To facilitate students to have sufficient practice in guessing the content of a reading
passage, a teacher can make the best use of activities in which the students….
A. relate the accompanying pictures with the content
B. use a flowchart mapping the content of the passage
C. answer several comprehension questions provided
D. complete a table containing the passage outline
E. rearrange jumbled paragraphs of the passage

28. One of the basic competencies is ‘understanding the social function, generic structure
and language features of notice, warning, caution based on their context and usage.
What will be the first indicator from the basic competence above?
A. Writing a text about notice warning and caution
B. Identifying the social function, generic structure and language features of notice
C. Playing a role play about giving warning

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

D. Creating a text on notice, warning and caution

E. Knowing the social function, generic structure and language features of notice

29. At school, you found one of your fellow teachers became a topic of conversation among
teachers because he or she gave irrelevant test score towards the students. What will you
A. Keep silence because we have our own business
B. Report it to the board of school especially to the curriculum coordinator and the
school principle
C. Send direct message to the school principle
D. Talk to the teacher immediately
E. Talk about this problem carefully when my fellow teachers and I have a leisure time

30. Points:
0,0- 0,4 Speech is so halting and fragmentary or has such a non- native flow that
intelligibility is virtually impossible.
0,5-1,4 Numerous non-native pauses and/or a non- native flow that interferes
with intelligibility.
1,5-2,4 Some non-native pauses but with a more nearly native flow so that the
pauses do not interfere with intelligibility.
2,5-3,0 Speech is smooth and effortless, closely approximating that of a native

The list of scoring categories is most suitable for testing the students’ …….
A. Fluency
B. Reading
C. Speaking
D. Pronunciation
E. Spelling


To answer the following test items, you will have to read the related short texts. Each is
followed by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, D,
and E – to each question.

31. None of the students is willing to act out a brief monolog on the danger of mobile phone
use in the classroom when Ms. Ramiga asks anyone to come forward. The empathetic
communication strategy she may use to make students secure is to tell the class it is OK
to make pronunciation mistakes and Ms. Ramiga says ___.
A. If you practiced your English more, you will have a better pronunciation
B. If you practice your English more, you will have a better pronunciation

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

C. If you do not practice your English more, you will have a better pronunciation
D. If you practice your English more, you will not have a better pronunciation
E. If you practiced you English more, you would have a better pronunciation

32. Carl Wieman and colleagues have published evidence that flipping the classroom can
produce significant learning gains. They compared two sections of a large- ___ physics
class. The classes were both taught via interactive lecture methods for the majority of the

The word that best completes the missing space is….

A. enroll
B. enroller
C. enrolled
D. enrolling
E. enrollment

Items 33, 34 and 35 are based on the following passage.

The commonly used acronym BICS describes social, conversational language used for
oral communication. Also described as social language, this type of communication
offers many cues to the listener and is (33) ___. BICS describes the development of
conversational fluency in the second language, (34) ___ for students from different
linguistic backgrounds to comprehend context-embedded social language readily.
English language learners can comprehend social language by observing speakers
(35)___ gestures, facial expressions and eye actions.

33. Which option best completes (33)?

A. context-embedded language
B. language context-embedded
C. embedded-language context
D. language-embedded context
E. context-language embedded

34. Which option best completes (34)?

A. which takes about two years
B. which it takes about two years
C. which taking about two years
D. which take about two years
E. which to take about two years

35. Which option best completes (35)?

A. Whose their non-verbal behavior show
B. Whose show non-verbal behavior
C. Whose are non-verbal behavior
D. Whose non-verbal behavior
E. Whose non-verbal behavior show

36. In the English teaching learning process under meaning orientation, meaning negotiation
is focused in that communication is considered running in so far as you can understand

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

A. understood
B. be understood
C. are understood
D. to be understood
E. being understood

37. Student : How will we revise our assignment, Mom?

Teacher : You have a chance to revise your writing assignment no later than 13.00 p.m.,
Friday 27. Late submissions will not be considered, and the grade will be
announced as….
What idiom would best complete the conversation above?
A. cut and dried
B. safe and sound
C. fair and square
D. bright and early
E. first and foremost

Items 38 and 39 are based on the following passage.

Flipped Learning allows for a variety of learning modes; educators often physically
rearrange their learning spaces to accommodate a lesson or unit, to support either group
work or independent study. They create flexible spaces in which students choose when
and where they learn. Furthermore, educators who flip their classes are flexible in their
expectations of student timelines for learning and in their assessments of student

38. The underlined word ‘accommodate’ is synonymous with….

A. hold
B. spare
C. afford
D. stay
E. settle

39. The antonym of the underlined word ‘flexible’ is ….

A. lenient
B. stringent
C. suitable
D. deficient
E. convenient

40. ___ some troublemakers exist around here; you will not be able to improve your
A. As soon as
B. As long as
C. By the time
D. Until
E. After

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

41. In the 21st century, students from all levels of education face extreme global
competition, technology that is driven by information, and rapid media-saturation. These
dramatic accelerational challenges are the reason ___ with the skills needed in the era of
A. How the educational system must prepare students
B. How must the educational system prepare students
C. why the educational system must prepare students
D. why must the educational system prepare students
E. why do the educational system must prepare students

The following text intends to 42 and 43

The World Bank assessed Indonesia as well positioned to deal effectively with the risk of
global financial and capital market volatility, which is still considered the biggest threat
to macroeconomic stability as the faster-than-expected normalization of the United States
monetary policy could trigger portfolio capital outflows. The second Indonesia Economic
Quarterly report for 2018 issued on Wednesday commended Bank Indonesia (BI) for its
sound and transparent monetary policy and the Finance Ministry for its prudent fiscal
management despite the election year. BI made the right decision when it raised its
policy rate by another 25 basis points at the end of May to 4.75 percent.

42. Text above intends to …….

A. Report Indonesia’s position in dealing with global market volatility
B. Inform the results of an assessment on Indonesia economic stability
C. Describe the external threat to microeconomic stability in Indonesia
D. Argue about the way in which financial and capital market is managed
E. Discuss the faster- than-expected normalization of this country.

43. The capital outflows in Indonesia capital market could be triggered by……
A. Global financial sudden changes
B. Global macroeconomic stability
C. Annual prudent fiscal management
D. US faster- than- expected normalization
E. Sound and transparent monetary policy

44. Beliefs are the intermediary between knowledge and action______ They exhibit the
knowledge that is most worth and has proven itself in action. There are core and
peripheral beliefs. The core belief is more influential in shaping teachers’ instructional
approaches whereas the peripheral one can cause discrepancy between what teachers
claim they do and what they actually do in the classroom. This distinction acknowledges
the idea of diversity in teachers to reflect their characteristic perspectives to teach in
particular ways.

The option that best completes the blank space is ………

A. For one thing
B. As such

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

C. In addition
D. Primarily
E. Likewise

45. The best arrangement of these sentences to make a logical paragraph is…
1. A good education system must have common goals in every areas of country to
provide a suitable and proper learning to its citizens.
2. In such a competitively challenging world, it is a must for all to have good
3. A country cannot grow and develop without the individual growth and development
of its citizens.
4. Also, some people have not enough skill to earn money for their daily routine just
because of the lack of proper education system.
5. Thus, the development of any country depends hugely on the education standard
available to its citizens.
6. Therefore, we should try to have equal opportunities of good education system for
7. But, because of the lack of knowledge and skills, some people are uneducated and
living painful life.

A. 1–7–4–3–6–5–2
B. 2–6–7–4–3–5–1
C. 2–7–4–6–3–5–1
D. 1–6–4–7–2–3–5
E. 3–5–7–4–6–2–1

46. The meaning that best expresses the following conditional sentence is ___

‘The students would not finish their work even if the teacher was there’

A. The students would not have finished their work even if the teacher would have been
B. The students would not have finished their work even if the teacher had been there
C. The students would not have finished their work even if the teacher were there
D. The students had not finished their work even if the teacher would not be there
E. The students had not finished their work even if the teacher were there

47. What would be the best option complete the blank?

X: Have you ever been to Australia?

Y: Yes, I have been there once
X: _______
Y: by plane.

A. How will you go there?

B. How do you go there?
C. How are you going there?
D. How did you go there?
E. How have you gone there?

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

48. The best meaning from this conditional sentence is ___

If I study hard, I would pass the exam.

A. I pass the exam since I study hard

B. I will pass the exam because I have studied hard
C. I do not pass the exam because I do not study hard
D. I do not pass the exam although I have studied hard
E. I pass the exam although I study hard

49. The following group of words belong to the same …

preach – priest – pretty – prepare – prefer

A. b-r initial cluster words

B. f-r initial cluster words
C. s-r initial cluster words
D. p-r initial cluster words
E. g-r initial cluster words

50. What will best complete the blank?

X: Shella, what is the best birthday gift for Sisca?
Y: she likes playing guitar, ___, why don’t you buy something related to her hobby?

A. All right
B. well
C. okay
D. you know
E. anyway

answer the questions number 51 and 52

Born on September 6, 1962 in Paterson, New Jersey, Elizabeth Anne Vargas was the
daughter of Rafael Vargas, a U.S. Army colonel of Puerto Rican descent, and Anne
Vargas of Irish- American descent in 1962. She is an American broadcast journalist.
Beginning in 1996, she worked for ABC Network on a variety of news shows, including
Good Morning America, 20/20, World News Tonight and also served as a host for ABC
News specials. In September 2016, Vargas publicly discussed her longtime battle with
alcohol and anxiety during a 20/20 segment and subsequently released a book, Between
Breaths: A Memoir of Panic and Addiction. In December 2017 Vargas announced she
would be leaving ABC to pursue other projects, which included a production deal with
A+E Networks’ nonfiction series A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.

51. We learn from the text that…..

A. A child does not always inherit talent from his/ her parents
B. As a child Elizabeth Anne Vargas was very talented
C. Rafael Vargas let his children choose their professions

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

D. Changing professions is common among celebrities

E. Starting a new profession is not always smooth

52. …other projects, which included a production deal with A+E Networks’ nonfiction series
A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.
This part can be changed into adjective phrase as
A. …other objects which are including a production deal with A+E Networks’
nonfiction series A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.
B. …other objects which including a production deal with A+E Networks’ nonfiction
series A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.
C. …other objects including a production deal with A+E Networks’ nonfiction series
A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.
D. …other objects which are included a production deal with A+E Networks’
nonfiction series A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.
E. …other objects included a production deal with A+E Networks’ nonfiction series
A&E Investigates, slated for 2018.

53. Pay attention to the following dialogue!

Shopkeeper : Excuse me?
Customer : Yes, I'm really sorry.
Shopkeeper : What did you do to this shirt?
Customer : I accidentally ripped the shirt.
Shopkeeper : You will need to pay for the damage.
Customer : How annoying! How much do I need to pay?
Shopkeeper : I'm going to need seven dollars.
Customer : That's not too expensive.

The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Satisfaction
B. Dissatisfaction
C. Happiness
D. Pleasure
E. Displeasure

54. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning ______ but also for helping
teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement
A. what is taught
B. how they learn
C. that teachers aim
D. which is important
E. why mastery is vital

Read the following text answer questions number 55 and 56.

For a century and a half, the piano has been one of the most popular solo
instruments for Western music. Unlike string and wind instrument, the piano is
completely self-sufficient, as it is able to play both the melody and its accompanying

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

harmony at the same time. For this reason, it became the favorite household instrument
of the nineteenth century.
The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the
fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal. In the
seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became
the chief instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the
piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century’s clavichord's tone was
metallic and never powerful; nevertheless, because of the variety of tone possible to it,
many composers found the clavichord sympathetic instrument for concert use, but the
character of the tone could not be varied save by mechanical or structural devices.
The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth century by a harpsichord maker
in Italy (though musicologists point out several previous instances of the instrument).
This instrument was called a piano e forte (soft and loud), to indicate its dynamic
versatility; its strings were struck by a recoiling hammer with a felt-padded head. The
wires were much heavier in the earlier instruments. A series of mechanical
improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction
of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of
the finest quality, finally produced instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the
most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid,
singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance.

55. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The historical development of the piano
B. The quality of tone produced by various keyboard instruments
C. The uses of keyboard instruments in various types of composition
D. The invention of piano in the eighteen century
E. The popularity of the piano with composers

56. Which of the following instruments was widely used before the seventeenth century?
A. The harpsichord
B. The spinet
C. The clavichord
D. The organ
E. The drum

57. Pay attention to the two sentences below! Which ones do belong to the old information?

1. Antibiotic resistant microorganisms have significantly compromised antibiotic

2. A large proportion of resistance in Gram-negative bacteria can be attributed
to resistance gene cassettes contained within a site-specific recombination system,
termed the integron.

A. Antibiotic resistant microorganisms; resistance gene cassettes contained within a

site-specific recombination system, termed the integron.
B. a large proportion of resistance in Gram-negative bacteria; antibiotic treatment.
C. Antibiotic resistant microorganisms; a large proportion of resistance in Gram-
negative bacteria
D. A large proportion of resistance in Gram-negative bacteria; antibiotic treatment.

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

E. Antibiotic treatment; resistance gene cassettes contained within a site-specific

recombination system, termed the integron.

58. There are 5 underlined sections in the text below. Select the one which is wrong.

‘Foreign investor bought stocks in a cigarette manufacturer which profits had increased
dramatically for the last three quarters.’

A. for
B. Stocks
C. quarters
D. increased
E. which profits

59. Online education has gained acceleration especially with the developments in ICT. This
model of instruction is now widely seen in many fields, and language education is no
exception. Nowadays, many institutions are giving language courses online. In ELT
departments, there have been material development courses for prospective English
teachers_________ Very few books and articles provide sufficient information to ELT
teachers about the material development process with a technology- oriented approach.
The option that best completes the blank space ___.
A. On the contrary, in the ICT- based technology era, paper- based textbooks are still
B. However, creating online materials is not yet addressed sufficiently in these courses
C. After all, prospective teachers are teachers that need to be technologically prepared
D. Specifically, they consider it obligatory for teachers to use technology in classroom
E. For example, topics on developing online materials are scare, not to say absent

60. Based on the following sentence, which one is not the new information?

‘John and Mary built a house in France last year’

A. It was last year that they built a house.

B. It was a house in France that John and Mary built.
C. There were John and Mary went to France last year.
D. John and Mary built a house not in England but in France.
E. John and Mary were the people who built the house, not anybody else.

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

Pedagogy Test Items

Choose the right answer.

61. An English teacher emphasizes on the teaching of grammar because she believes that
language components (competence) must be mastered prior to language skills
(performance). His view is in line with the concept of one of the following theories of
A. Behaviourism
B. Cognitivism
C. Naturalism
D. Constructivism
E. Pragmatism

62. A curriculum must be developed on the basis of the following principles, EXCEPT....
A. comprehensive
B. sustainable
C. science development
D. life necessities
E. focusing on local interest

63. A student wrote: “When I took a walk along the river last week, I saw two oxes and four
sheeps.” It is apparent that the student still has a difficulty with ....
A. Irregular plurals
B. Reguler plurals
C. Tenses
D. Adverb of time
E. Conjuctions

64. To motivate students before dealing with the day’s reading class on healthy life styles, the
empathetic communication strategy Ms. Erwina can use is to ...
A. Show a video on unhealthy life style
B. Tell the students to pay more attention
C. Raise several background knowledge questions
D. Ask the students to consider the danger of some styles
E. Tell the students the meaning of healthy lifestyle

65. To achieve an instructional objective which states Students are able to find the main idea
of a functional text in the form of an announcement, advertisement, or invitation, an
English teacher can determine the following learning experience
A. Determining the meaning and forms of verbs used in a functional text in the form of
an announcement, advertisement, or invitation
B. Answering questions related to the content of a functional text in the form of an
announcement, advertisement, or invitation
C. Reading a functional text in the form of an announcement, advertisement, or
D. Finding meaning of difficult words in a functional text in the form of an
announcement, advertisement, or invitation
E. Identifying a social function of a functional text in the form of an announcement,
advertisement, or invitation

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

66. To make her or his students accustomed to using the technology of information and
communication, a teacher can ask her or his students to submit their assigments via ... .
A. email
B. facebook
C. twitter
D. teleconferencing
E. whatsApp

67. When the indicator is To respond an instruction given in a class context, such as ‘close
your book’, ‘open your book’, ‘put down your pen or pencil’ and ‘raise your hand’ by
taking an action suitable with it, a junior high school English teacher may determine the
following teaching strategy to be adopted.
A. Total Physical Response
B. Presentation, Practice, Production
C. Roleplaying
D. Dramatizing
E. Discussing

68. One of the following principles is NOT a principle of a learning design.

A. Competence analysis
B. Formulation of learning objectives
C. School vision-mission analysis
D. Student characteristics analysis
E. Organization of learning contents

69. When the basic competence is “To rewrite a very simple English, writing correctly and
acceptably. An elementary school English teacher may develop the following indicator:
A. To be able to rewrite a complex sentence correctly and acceptably
B. To be able to rewrite a compound sentence correctly and acceptably
C. To be able to rewrite a paragraph consisting of 8 sentences correctly and acceptably
D. To be able to rewrite words, such as Happy Birthday and close the Door correctly
and acceptably
E. To be ableto rewrite the phonemes and morphemes of a word given correctly and

70. In a task-based lesson, the teacher sets a task for students to do that involves ….
A. the use of language not yet studied in the class or studied previously
B. activities from the course book intended to assess their achievement
C. activities from supplementary sources to be done outside classes
D. the participation of the whole person in the learning experience
E. the provision of a stimulus to which students respond optimally

71. Mr. Andi plans to teach his students lexical items in written report texts. He wishes to
have them practice the items in controlled yet contextual exercise. For the purpose, he
can utilize ...
A. gap-fill exercises
B. stimulated dialogs
C. substitution drills
D. transformation tasks

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

E. dicto-glose exercise

72. What will a teacher need to perform after realizing that the average score of a basic
competence is below that of the minimum learning mastery standard?

A. Using different text types to assess the students on the basic competence
B. Providing the students with more materials on the basic competence
C. Reviewing all materials more intensively on the basic competence
D. Eliminating the learning objectives on the basic competence
E. Giving the students remedial treatments on the basic competence

73. Ms. Sinta observes that her students’ achievement in listening comprehension on dialog
section is low based on the result of the tryout on the National Examination. An
innovative strategy she may take through classroom action research to solve the problem
would be ...
A. dictation-based
B. dicto-gloss-based
C. dicto-comp-based
D. communication dictation
E. running dictation

74. Based on the idicator that follows:

“Students present a monolog based on a series of photograph depicting a metamorphosis
of an animal usin appropriate language and idea organisation”,
The appropriate assessment procedure for the purpose is ...
A. Project
B. Product
C. Observation
D. Performance
E. Extended reponse

75. Applying portfolio assessments, innovative English teachers expect that they may
strengthen their students’ learning in the following ways EXCEPT that they ...
A. Rate portfolios on a regular basis throughout the school year
B. Capitalize on work that would normally be done in the classroom
C. Motivate students because they present meaningful activities
D. Focus learner’s attention on learning processes
E. Facilitate practice and revision processes

76. In writing the Independent Practice section of a lesson plan, consider the following
questions EXCEPT
A. What activities will my students be able to complete on their own?
B. How can I provide a new context in which the students can practice a new skills?
C. How can I offer practices on a repeating schedule so that the learning is not forgotten?
D. How can I integrate the learning objectives into future projects?
E. How can I use the information to plan my future teaching?

77. Knowing that his or her students’ potential to gain good achievement in reading
comprehension is when they are taught to find the topic ideas or texts and the the details,
a teacher should teach them ....

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

A. selecting skills
B. synthesizing skills
C. reviewing skills
D. analyzing skills
E. skimming-scanning skills

78. The students still have poor speaking ability and class participation in speaking activities.
Wanting to do a classroom action research to solve the problem, a teacher formulates her
research title like the following:
A. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Predicting Technique
B. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Skimming and Scanning Technique
C. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Roleplaying Strategy
D. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using SQ3R Strategy
E. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Mind Mapping Strategy

79. Consider the following phenomenon : “James is a type of student who likes to have
physical movements to learn English”. What learning activity is suitable for such a
A. Memorizing a transactional text.
B. Observing a modeled drama.
C. Listening to a recording.
D. Simulating situational episodes.
E. Reading silently

80. After the question is constructed, planning procedural steps to collect information/data to
answer the question or to solve the problem is set up. What does the notion refer to?
A. Situational Instruction
B. Cooperative Learning
C. Collaborative Learning
D. Discovery Learning Model
E. Project based Learning

81. Consider the following description of a student’s attitude in a school report: “Salsabila is
considered polite, fairly concerned with others, and self-confident. Honesty,
responsibility, and discipline are relatively improved”. What grade will the student have?
A. Poor
B. Low
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Excellent

82. Based on the Strategic Plan (Renstra) of the Ministry of National Education in 2010-
2014, to be able to provide excellent service, one of the things that needs to be done is
the development of information and communication technology (ICT) which is carried
out through the utilization of ICT in education which includes the following roles, except
A. ICT as the Substance of Education,

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

B. Learning Tools, Educational Facilities,

C. Competency Standards, Supporting Educational Administration,
D. Tools for Management of Educational Units, and Educational Infrastructure.
E. Development of students' talent and creativity

83. Teachers' activities in: involving students looking for broad and deep information about
topics / themes of the material to be learned by applying natural principles; learn from
various sources; use a variety of learning approaches, learning media, and other learning
resources; facilitate the interaction between students and between students and teachers,
the environment, and other learning resources; involve students actively in every learning
activity; and facilitating students to carry out experiments in the laboratory, studio, or
field called activities ...............
a. Elaboration
b. Exploration
c. Confirmation
d. Browsing
e. Contextual teaching learning

84. A student always wants to dominate in a study group. He did not give other members the
opportunity to express their opinions. If another friend leads and controls the course of
the discussion, he separates and tends to study on his own.
These students experience problems in the development ...
a. Social-emotional
b. Cognitive
c. Moral
d. Spiritual
e. Psychomotor

85. If a student always mispronounces the expression ‘excuse me’, a teacher should say … .
A. “Your pronunciation is bad but it needs improving”
B. “I think you need to practice again and again”
C. “If you practice more, you will pronounce it correctly”
D. “Well, have you practiced enough at home?”
E. “You need more practices”

86. In evaluating the process and learning outcomes, a teacher needs to pay attention to the
following matters:
A. All indicators are billed with various valuation techniques, analyzing the results of
the assessment, carrying out improvement and enrichment programs
B. Implement improvement and enrichment programs, analysis of assessment results,
some indicators are billed with various valuation techniques
C. Analyzing the results of the assessment, not implementing the improvement and
enrichment program, all indicators are billed with various assessment techniques
D. Carry out the results of the assessment and carry out improvement and enrichment
E. All indicators are billed with various valuation techniques and carry out an analysis
of the results of the assessment

87. A teacher must be able to utilize learning media and learning resources to achieve full
learning goals. The following statements that are true regarding learning media are:

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

A. The best learning media is ICT-based media

B. A media can be used for all learning activities
C. Media can be used as a messenger in a learning activity
D. Choosing media does not need much consideration so as not to bother
E. The use of media as a tool to introduce learning materials

88. Following are the steps of learning with the project based learning model:
1) Determination of Fundamental Questions,
2) Designing Project Planning,
3) Arrange Schedule (Create a Schedule),
4) Monitor students and project progress (Monitor the Students and the Progress of the
5) Assessing the Outcome,
6) Evaluate the Experience (Evaluate the Experience).
The correct order is ....
A. 1-2-3-4-5-6
B. 1-3-2-4-5-6
C. 1-3-2-5-6-4
D. 1-2-3-5-4-6
E. 1-3-2-4-6-5

89. In class action research, the problem under study comes from ....
A. Teachers are concerned about their performance in the class being taught
B. Educators concern about the quality of education
C. The desire to help the teacher
D. Researchers' concern for teacher performance
E. PTK is one of the teacher's needs

90. The following problem formulation of CAR, which is the most appropriate form of CAR
A. Is the influence of role playing can increase the activity of class XI students of SMA
Negeri 2 Boyolali?
B. How to improve students' ability to ask questions through the question and answer
method in English lessons in Class XI Science 2?
C. How is the effectiveness of the Group Investigation learning model in growing
students' critical power ??
D. How to use teaching aids that come from the environment around the school?
E. What is the student's perception of the use of Indonesian as the language of instruction
in English?

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

Professional Test Items

The text below is for questions number 91-93

An Excellent Investment
New Business property of brick, with limestone front construction, carrying a 5-year lease
with an average yearly rental of $2,200. Tenant makes all inside repairs and carries plate glass
insurance. This property has no other expenses, other than taxes and fire insurance.
Located on finest thoroughfare of Washington, where there is an established and increasing
demand for business property. The price is $22,500.
If you are interested and want further details, call:
713 14St. N. Y. Main 2345

91. This passage fits the following characteristics of an advertisement EXCEPT….

A. using familiar language and simple vocabulary
B. using complex and compound sentences
C. using simple and colloquial language
D. using the Simple Present Tense
E. using familiar words and phrases

92. What is the advertisement about?

A. place to rent
B. a new business
C. Shannon & Luchs
D. business investment
E. limestone

93. From the advertisement, we are informed that…

A. Shannon & Luchs, Inc. is a proper company
B. the taxes and fire insurance are included
C. the annual rental is less than $3,000
D. the company is thoroughfare
E. tenant makes all inside repairs

94. Lidia: "Mary looks very happy today."

Sarah: " Don't you know she ____ to General manager?"
A. has been promoted
B. being promoted
C. has to promoted
D. to be promoted

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

E. has to promote

95. Andi: "What would you do if you were a millionaire?

Iwan: "_____ a trip around the world."
A. I will take
B. I would have taken
C. I would take
D. Me took
E. I took

96. When we reached our arranged holiday resort, ......... we were planning to spend two
weeks, we realized that it was no worth.
A. which
B. whose
C. in which
D. for which
E. that

The text below is for questions number 97-99

A guy drives into a ditch, but luckily, a farmer is there to help. He hitches his horse, Buddy,
up to the car and yells, “Pull, Nellie, pull!” Buddy doesn’t move. “Pull, Buster, pull!” Buddy
doesn’t budge. “Pull, Coco, pull!” Nothing. Then the farmer says, “Pull, Buddy, pull!” And
the horse drags the car out of the ditch. Curious, the motorist asks the farmer why he kept
calling his horse by the wrong name. “Buddy’s blind,” said the farmer. “And if he thought he
was the only one pulling, he wouldn’t even try.”

97. The story is about ….

A. A guy with his car
B. A helper horse
C. A guy and a buddy
D. A clever farmer
E. Smart horses; Coco and Buddy

98. It is implied in the story that ….

A. The farmer has four horses
B. The guy has four horses
C. The farmer only has one horse
D. Buddy is the name of the guy
E. The horse is deaf

99. We learn from the story that ….

A. Never believe to a new guy
B. Being a kind horse for people is a good thing
C. Helping each other based on our ability
D. Being a kind farmer and deaf horse is a precious thing
E. Having a horse is one of farmer’s dream

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Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

Customer: Excuse me. I bought this last week and now it’s stopped. (100) ... it’s very good
Shop assistant: I’m sorry that’s rather unusual. They’re usually very reliable.
Customer: But it’s not working, so (101) ….
Shop assistant: I’m sorry about that. Can I see your receipt?
Customer: Here’s the receipt.
Shop assistant: Thank you, sir. If you can just wait a moment, the manager can see you.
Customer: I want a refund, not the manager.
Shop assistant: I’m sorry, sir, but (102) ... . She is the only one who can give refunds.

100. A. I don’t think

B. I can’t think
C. I didn’t think
D. I have no idea
E. I had no idea

101. A. I like a refund

B. I’d like a refund.
C. I’d like to refund
D. I have to refund
E. I must refund

102. A. I must look for a manager

B. I will see a manager
C. I must fi nd the manager
D. I have to get the manager
E. I should go from the manager

103. Read the text.

It was _____ in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing
wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it was now only a
little after two o’clock in the afternoon the pallor of a winter evening seemed to have
closed upon the hills, cloaking them in mist. It would be dark by four. The air was
clammy cold, and for all the tightly closed windows it penetrated the interior of the

Which option best completes the blank space in the passage?

A. a cold grey day
B. a small parade day
C. one warmer night
D. a snowy night
E. an interesting one

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

The text below is for questions number 104-107

Homemade herbal cleaning products are mostly composed of just one main substance – the
cleaning agent; you are not paying for bulking additives, artifi cial colors or perfumes. You
can choose the type and strength of the scent; fresh herbs or essential oils almost invariably
leave a delightfully fresh, clean smell. There is also evidence that links the use of chemical
cleaners such as bleach with the development of asthma in both children and adults. Some
chemicals can set off allergic reactions or contact dermatitis. And U.S. study discovered that
women who held cleaning jobs while pregnant had a higher incidence of birth defects in their
children. So, whether you are already committed to a greener way of cleaning or you just
want to save money and simplify your life a little, herbal cleaning makes a lot of sense.

104. It is stated in the text that herbs or essential oils….

A. tend to leave a delightful smell
B. certainly provide a clean smell
C. basically set off allergic reactions
D. have lower incident of birth defects
E. offer a greener way of cleaning

105. The word ―bleach in the passage means….

A. an allergic reaction against awful smell
B. a strong chemical used for cleaning things
C. a herbal product for removing color from things
D. a substance for rubbing the surface of something
E. an abrasive substance often for cleaning surfaces

106. The text suggests that herbal cleaning….

A. is environmental friendly, economical, and simple
B. contains the least additives for the environment
C. provides the best scent that we want
D. prevents the development of asthma
E. is composed of merely one main substance

107. Reni : “Hi Clara! How was your day?”

Clara: “It’s amazing. You know I just received the Math test result. And, it was great.”
Reni: “Great! I know you can pass that. Anyway, how about attending dancing exercise
tonight? Are you in?”
Clara: “I ... attend dancing class when I was in junior high school. I’d love to. But, uh, I
need to complete my science project.”
Reni: “That’s fine. Hope you can do that well.”
A. might
B. used to
C. would
D. could
E. get used to

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

The text below is for questions number 108-111

Do you agree that music is important in our life? Yes I do, music has certain role completing
our day to day activities. Here are some reasons why music is heard everywhere and
Music is a way to express feelings. When we fall in love, the kind of music we’d listen to
would be all about love. When we’re sad, we would go for music that is melancholic in
nature and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re happy, we’d choose songs with
happy tunes too.
Song can help to memorize the last experiences. A favorite song is a powerful documentary.
People with Alzheimer which are impaired the brain would remember details about songs
they were familiar with. For example, an elderly woman who couldn’t even remember her
husband’s name would remember the details of her favorite song; when it was played, how it
made her feel and things about the song that made it especially memorable for her.
Further, music can unite people for a cause and changes the world. A song with good lyric
and striking deep chord can stimulate the universal feeling of all people. We can see it in the
case of the famous and legendary Michael Jackson’s Heal the World. It can arouse humanism
of a lot people in this world.
So, what would the world be like without music? It would be lonely.
Adapted from The Jakarta Post

108. What kind of the text is it?

A. Hortatory exposition
B. Analytical Exposition
C. Explanation
D. Report
E. Descriptive

109. What is the social function of the text?

A. To persuade the readers that something should be or should not be the case
B. To explain the process of a natural phenomenon to the readers
C. To persuade the readers that something should be the case
D. To give a short description of a natural phenomenon’s impact
E. To tell the readers how to prevent a sunburn

110. After reading the text, the reader will most likely …
A. be aware the importance of song
B. play a song when he/she studies a subject
C. find certain song that make him/her happy
D. remember his/her last beautiful experiences
E. try to understand the lyric of his/her favorite one

111. If a person falls in love, he/she …

A. listens to a romantic song
B. will listen to a romantic song
C. would listen to a romantic song
D. will be listening to a romantic song
E. would have listened to a romantic song

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020
Soal Latihan UP Bahasa Inggris

112. Woman : I have been having the worst headaches. I know some of it is stress, but I’m
worried that I might have something more serious, like high blood pressure.
Man : Well, We’ll check that out, of course, but first, tell me the last time you had
your glasses changed. It really sounds more like eye strain.
In the dialogue, the man suspects that ....
A. The woman needs new glasses
B. The woman has a high blood pressure
C. The woman is suffering from stress
D. The woman has a serious headache.
E. The woman has worried to much

The text below is for questions number 113-111

Cigarette smokers are said to have a good chance of getting various fatal diseases. But, I
think that other people’s tobacco smoke seems to increase the chances of non smokers getting
a wide range of cancers.
First, although passive smokers inhale less tobacco smoke, the researchers point out that the
smoke they breathe in is richer in many toxic chemicals. There is, for example, three times as
much as benzo-a pyrene, six times as much as toluene and more than 50 times as much as
dimethyl nitrosamine. Of course these substances will harm our body in the long run.
Secondly, the recent research indicated that the risk of getting cancers not normally
associated with smokingalso rose among passive smokers. The risk of leukemia rose 6 – 8
times and the risk of cervical cancer increased 3-4times.
Thirdly, past studies have found that the products of cigarette smoke such as nicotine and
thiocyanate, turn up in theblood, urine and saliva of non smoking adults, children and fetuses
that have been exposed to smokers. Thesesubstances are the main causes of various cancers.
In short, the effects of exposure to the cigarette smoking of others are greater than has been
previously suspected. That is why passive smokers have more chances ofcontracting cancer
than people with no such exposure.

113. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Passive smokers have more dangerous risk than smokers
B. The causes of cancers are toxic chemicals
C. Toxic chemicals are fatal to passive smokers
D. The more toxic chemicals we breathe in, the shorter time we live
E. Passive smokers inhale smoke which in many toxic chemicals.

114. In the text, the writer is trying to ….

A. explain the danger of smoking cigarette.
B. expose the risk of getting cancers for passive smokers
C. discuss about the dangers of inhaling cigarette smokes
D. describe the substances cigarette smokes contains
E. persuade smokers to keep on smoking cigarette.

115. The following statements are NOT TRUE based on the text,…
A. Toxic chemicals in cigarettes’ smoke are not the only causes of cancers.
B. Cigarette smokers have great possibility to get various fatal diseases.
C. Researchers said that passive smokers also have the risk of getting cancers
D. The researchers have found the amount of people suffering from leukemia and
cervical cancer increasing.

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E. Passive smokers have little chances of getting deadly disease than the smokers

116. The following substances are included into the toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke,
A. toluene
B. saliva
C. nicotine
D. thiocyanate
E. benzo-apyrene

117. Abu decided to go back to campus to take a magister’s program _______ it took him a
long way to get campus.
A. as though
B. even if
C. while
D. wherever
E. now that

The text below is for questions number 118 – 120

Simmeringer Hauptstraβe
11th district, Simmeringer Hauptstraβe, lively and modern location, and some apartements
with teracce/balcony, close to subway station U3-Enkplatz.
Accomodation: all shopping facilities in neighboring area.
Specials: very good infrastructure, various bars in the neighborhood.
Parking: no shot term parking zone, 3 hours free parking in the shopping center across the
street, enoug parking possibilities just 3 minutes away; public garage in 2 minutes distance.
Public transport: U3, subway Enkplatz; tram : line 6 and 71; bus: line 15A &76A; city
center reachable with 10 minutes.

118. The following are the advantages of the apartements EXCEPT ...
A. close to public garages
B. close to public transport
C. near subway station
D. with very good facilities
E. in a peacefull neighborhood

119. The apartments are ...

A. in a dynamic location
B. close to the grocery store
C. completed with a balcony
D. provided with parking lots
E. fully furnished

120. The text is about ...

A. cheap accomodation in a quiet urban location
B. fully furnished residences in a suburban location
C. comfortable apartments close to shooping center
D. cozy accomodation with very good facilities
E. inexpensive apartments near public garages

Semoga Sukses UKMPPG 2020

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