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<[ypoawing We IMAGON By JOSEPH FOLDES OPTISCHE WERKE G. RODENSTOCK, MONCHEN Printed in WeshGermany. TRODUC \ the lens that takes quality ploturen automatically.” These \ fer words juat about mum up what the Imagon will do for phote- graphers. Words, however, few or many, cannot describe pictorial quality. Even illustrations are not entirely valid examples of what the Imagon can do for you because a lens is almost like a painter's brush - the regults depend on what you do with it. Just the sane, ¥o muat describe the Tmagon to get you acquainted with the. unique properties of this lens. Probably you would ask the following questions about the Imagen: 1, What is it? 2, What will it do for me? 3. How to use it? fo special lens of unique design. It is made to gather than mechanical photographic achieved by superimposing a secondary reproductions. Tho affect soft image over the basic sharp ima The result is o picture that ie sharp but not ha . The degr of softness can be ely controlled by adjusting a perforated disk in front of the lena. This disk also controls the f1 atop (speed of the lens) inatead of the usual iris - diaphraga. round-glass The Imagon can be us focusing. Thies includ reflex cameras. Tho wu: knowlede Ll pre: of the Inagon does not require special WHAT WILL THE IMAG FOR Me ‘The quadity of the Insgon pictures will be fully revealed to you only after you have used the lens for a while. ‘he picture improving possibilities of the Imagen are linitle: We point out just four branches of photography where the Inagon can be used to great advantage: Portraiture, pictorial, fashion and advertioing photography. Portrait photographers are often forced to do extensive retouching because the pictures they take ro 1 minute details that are not seen by the visual observer of the subject, These sinute details (okin-pores, snall wrinklea, facial hair, otc.) are usually unflat- fering and muat bo removed by retouching before the finished print can be made, ‘j % = Page 2 - Expensive and time consuming retouching ia practically elininatea ty the Inagon, Its soft image aoems to "wipe off" the disturbing details, without interfering with the basic sharpnoms of the picture. In piotorial photography, the Imagon quality makes your picture more effective. You oan replace the liberal, matter of fact quality of ordinary photographs with a gentle mood, a fairy-tale like atmosphere. In fashion and sdvertiaing photography, the Imagon has a priceless quality- it makes different pictures. Advertisers always look for a "different" approach, and are willing te pay for it. But words cannot do justice to the Imagon quality, won't make you visualize what this unique lens can do for you, You must use it several times before you can begin to appreciate the beauty and ense that this lena will introduce into your photography. HOW 10 USE THE IMAGON?. It fa simple to use the Imagon, The lens cones in a box that also holds three perforated disks, a yellow filter and s sunshade. The three disks look alike, except that the size of the holes in them are different. There in a large hole in the center of each disk, surrounded by mail holes, The small holes can ba partially er fully closed by turning the outer rin of the disk. The lena opening (f: stop) and the degree of softness are both controlled by the selection of the disk and the opening or closing of the snall holes. Two numbers appear on the front of each disk. They mark the speed of the lens (f: otep). When the enall holes in the disk are fully open, use the smaller numbera as your lens opening. When the small holes are closed, use the larger nuaker. In betwoon values can be estimated according to the degree to which the small holes are closed down. ‘The greatest softness will result when the diek with the largest holes is used and the mall hole: kept open. The softness will diminish if you start to close the small holes. The inage will be completely sharp when the small holes are closed. ‘The degree of softness is different ven if the omall holes are open or The disk with a smaller center hole The least amount of softness will r disk with the smallest center hol for each of the three disks, closed to the same degree will yield leas softne ault from the use of the = Page 3 - Qn the other hand, the sharpness of the image increases ao you change to ® disk with a smaller center hole. acerdingly, you get the sharpest picture when yeu wu: the disk with the smallest center hole and close th small holes arcund it. For all practical purposes, Coarse +11 yiald an. taage wise aharpueen (ie (aller to thet of an anastignat. ‘A great azount of softness can be achieved if you use no disk at all. Mhile this is not recommended in average work, you can make interesting experiments and come up with unusual results Picture taking with the Imugon is not different from that with any other lens. Poous with the szall holes fully closed. It is easier to focua on the sharp inage. Open the amall holes to the desired degree after focusing. You will find that aost of the tine you will ume the disk with the largest center opsning and will leave the small holes fully open. The resulting pictures will show the most "Imagon quality". Also, this combination offers the largest lens opening (most speed), allowing you to use less ure time (a higher shutter &: This, in turn, will mnt a blurred inage resulting from camera or subject motion. Contrasty Lighting will result in the most obvious softness on the final point, The highlight areas will have a halo-like soft- ness aroun the , extending alightly inte the adjoining shadow areas. Contrasty lighting is not ne benefit of the Imagon quality. You get that regardl: Lighting you use. Soft, almost shadowless lighting is recommended for ordinary portradte. When the disk that yields the most sof tne: is uzed with ouch lighting, the resulting picture will need little or no retouching. sary, however, to get the full ef the If you photograph a scene in which the background is much brighter than the aubject, the picture will have a reversed halo effect, The hnlo will oppenr inaide the borders of the subject instead of on its outside. This happens either when the background is such lighter than the subject or when it receives such more illumination. When a strong light source is included in the picture, or if it ie reflected ty « shiny surface within the area photographed, ita image will be mltiplied - will have a star Like appearance. These two effects (reversed halo and stars) occur only if the smail holes are open. The above inforaation will help you when you begin to uae the Imagon. io no gubstitute for experience however, and for beat results aly. You will find the Imagon a fascinating tool that will help you to make beautiful pictures easily in color or in black and white. The sore you uae the Iaagon the more opportunities you will discover for utilizing its unique quality, END V 116/0480/1V/10 § When working in bright light, especially outdsors, and using very fast wodern sensitive material it may be necessary to use exposure times substantially shorter than those provided by the Compound shutters. It is eften not possible to just stop down because the desired degree of softness is linked to o certain aperture of the filter-grid, consequently farther stopping down would alter the image character in an undesirable way. In such cases over-exposure can be avoided only by using o grey fitter, and therefore we shall in the future equip the JMAGON with such « filter instead of the yellow-green filter i 25 ¢ and thus sakes it necessary to multiply the exposure time by 4. The filter is suitable for black and white as well for colour photography. ion of supplied formerly, It has o specifie light tran 159 058

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