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Journal of Abnormal and, Social Psychology

1963, Vol. 67, No. 5, 422-436


General Electric Company, Crotonville, New York

A theory of social inequity, with special consideration given to wage inequities,

is presented. A special case of Festinger's cognitive dissonance, the theory
specifies the conditions under which inequity will arise and the means by
which it may be reduced or eliminated. Observational field studies supporting
the theory and laboratory experiments designed to test certain aspects of it
are described.

Equity, or more precisely, inequity, is a variables involved in an employee-employer

pervasive concern of industry, labor, and gov- exchange, before we proceed to define in-
ernment. Yet its psychological basis is prob- equity formally. Having defined it, we shall
ably not fully understood. Evidence suggests analyze its effects. Finally, such evidence as
that equity is not merely a matter of getting is available will be presented in support of
"a fair day's pay for a fair day's work," nor the theory. Throughout we shall emphasize
is inequity simply a matter of being under- some of the simpler aspects of inequity and
paid. The fairness of an exchange between try to refrain from speculating about many
employee and employer is not usually per- of the engaging, often complex, relationships
ceived by the former purely and simply as an between inequity and other phenomena, and
economic matter. There is an element of rela- about what might be termed "higher order"
tive justice involved that supervenes eco- inequities. In the exposition that follows we
nomics and underlies perceptions of equity shall also refer principally to wage inequities,
or inequity (Homans, 1961; Jaques, 19S6, in part because of their importance and in
1961a, 1961b; Patchen, 1961; Stouffer, Such- part because of the availability of methods
man, DeVinney, Star, & Williams, 1949; to measure the marginal utility of wages
Zaleznik, Christensen, & Roethlisberger, (Adams, 1961; Jeffrey & Jones, 1961). It
1958). should be evident, however, that the theoreti-
The purpose of this paper is to present a cal notions advanced are relevant to any so-
theory of inequity, leading toward an under- cial situation in which an exchange takes
standing of the phenomenon and, hopefully, place, whether the exchange be of the type
resulting in its control. Whether one wishes taking place between man and wife, between
to promote social justice or merely to reduce football teammates, between teacher and stu-
economically disadvantageous industrial un- dent, or even, between Man and his God.
rest, an understanding of inequity is impor- Whenever two individuals exchange any-
tant. In developing the theory of inequity, thing, there is the possibility that one or both
which is based upon Festinger's (1957) the- of them will feel that the exchange was in-
ory of cognitive dissonance and is, therefore, equitable. Such is frequently the case when
a special case of it, we shall describe major a man exchanges his services for pay. On the
man's side of the exchange are his education,
This paper and some of the experimental work intelligence, experience, training, skill, senior-
reported in it are part of a program of theory de- ity, age, sex, ethnic background, social status,
velopment and research on wages and productivity
undertaken by the author at the Behavioral Re- and, very importantly, the effort he expends
search Service, General Electric Company. The au- on the job. Under special circumstances other
thor wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to attributes will be relevant: personal appear-
Leon Festinger for his work on cognitive dissonance ance or attractiveness, health, possession of
and to George C. Homans for his ideas on distribu- an automobile, the characteristics of one's
tive justice, which stimulated much of the present
essay. He is also grateful to A. J. Arrowood, W. B. spouse, and so on. They are what he per-
Rosenbaum, F. Tweed, and Patricia Jacobsen for ceives are his contributions to the exchange,
assistance in conducting experiments. for which he expects a just return. Homans

(1961) calls them "investments." These vari- variables as independent. Thus, for example,
ables are brought by him to the job. Hence- if he were assessing the sum of his inputs, he
forth they will be referred to as his inputs. might well "score" age and seniority sepa-
These inputs, let us emphasize, are as per- rately.
ceived by their contributor and are not neces- On the other side of the exchange are the
sarily isomorphic with those of the other rewards received by an individual for his
party to the exchange. This suggests two con- services. These outcomes, as they will be
ceptually distinct characteristics of inputs, termed, include pay, rewards intrinsic to the
recognition and relevance. job, seniority benefits, fringe benefits, job
The possessor of an attribute, or the other status and status symbols, and a variety of
party to the exchange, or both, may recog- formally and informally sanctioned perqui-
nize the existence of the attribute in the pos- sites. An example of the latter is the right of
sessor. If either the possessor or both mem- higher status persons to park their cars in
bers of the exchange recognize its existence, privileged locations, or the right to have a
the attribute has the potentiality of being an walnut rather than a metal desk. Seniority,
input. If only the nonpossessor recognizes its mentioned as an input variable, has associ-
existence it cannot be considered psychologi- ated with it a number of benefits such as job
cally an input so far as the possessor is con- security, "bumping" privileges, greater fringe
cerned. Whether or not an attribute having benefits, and so on. These benefits are out-
the potential of being an input is an input, comes and are distinguished from the tempo-
is contingent upon the possessor's perception ral aspects of seniority (that is, longevity),
of its relevance to the exchange. If he per- which are properly inputs. As in the case of
ceives it to be relevant, if he expects a just job inputs, job outcomes are often intercor-
return for it, it is an input. Problems of in- related. For example, greater pay and higher
equity arise if only the possessor of the at- job status are likely to go hand in hand.
tribute considers it relevant in the exchange, In a manner analogous to inputs, outcomes
Crozier2 relates an observation that is are as perceived, and, again, we should char-
apropos. Paris-born bank clerks worked side acterize them in terms of recognition and
by side with other clerks who did identical relevance. If the recipient or both the re-
work and earned identical wages, but were cipient and giver of an outcome in an ex-
born in the Provinces. The Parisians were change recognize its existence, it has the po-
dissatisfied with their wages, for they consid- tentiality of being an outcome psychologi-
ered that Parisian breeding was an input de- cally. If the recipient considers it relevant to
serving monetary compensation. The bank the exchange and it has some marginal utility
management, while recognizing that place of for him, it is an outcome. Not infrequently
birth distinguished the two groups, did not, the giver or "buyer," to use economic terms,
of course, consider birthplace relevant in the may give or yield something which, perhaps
exchange of services for pay. at some cost to him, is either irrelevant or of
The principal inputs listed earlier vary in no marginal utility to the recipient. An em-
type and in their degree of relationship to one ployer may give an employee a carpet for his
another. Some variables, such as age, are office in lieu, say, of a salary increment and
clearly continuous; others, such as sex and find that the employee is dissatisfied, perhaps
ethnicity, are not. Some are intercorrelated, because in the subculture of that office a rug
seniority and age, for example; sex, on the has no meaning, no psychological utility.
other hand, is largely independent of the Conversely, a salary increment may be in-
other variables, with the possible exception of adequate, if formalized status recognition was
education and some kinds of effort. Although what was wanted and was what had greater
these intercorrelations, or the lack of them, utility.
exist in a state of nature, it is probable that In classifying some variables as inputs and
the individual cognitively treats all input others as outcomes, it is not implied that they
are independent, except conceptually. Job
M. Crozier, personal communication, 1960. inputs and outcomes are, in fact, intercor-

related, but imperfectly so. Indeed, it is by Person as a referent when he makes social
because they are imperfectly correlated that comparisons of his inputs and outcomes.
we need at all be concerned with job inequity. Other is usually a different individual, but
There exist normative expectations of what may be Person in another job, or even in
constitute "fair" correlations between inputs another social role. Thus, for example, Other
and outcomes. The bases of the expectations might be Person in the job he held 6 months
are the correlations obtaining for a reference earlier, in which case he might compare his
person or group—a co-worker or colleague, a present and past inputs and outcomes. Or,
relative or neighbor, a group of co-workers, a as Patchen (1961) has suggested, Other
craft group, an industry-wide pattern. A bank might be Person in a future job to which he
clerk, for example, may determine whether aspires. In such an instance he would make
her inputs and outcomes are fairly correlated a comparison of his present inputs and out-
—in balance, so to speak—by comparing comes to his estimates of those in the future.
them with the relationship between the inputs The terms Person and Other may also refer
and outcomes of other female clerks in her to groups rather than to individuals, as for
section. The sole punch press operator in a example when a class of jobs (for example,
manufacturing plant may base his judgment toolmakers) is out of line with another class
on what he believes are the inputs and out- (for example, maintenance men). In such
comes of other operators in the community cases, it is convenient to deal with the class
or region. For a particular physicist the as a whole rather than with individual mem-
relevant reference person may be an organic bers of the class. This is essentially what
chemist of the same academic "vintage." is done when the relative ranking of jobs is
While it is clearly important to be able to evaluated in the process of devising an
specify the appropriate reference person or equitable wage or salary structure.
group, it represents a distinct theoretical area Using the theoretical model introduced by
in which work has begun (Merton & Kitt, Festinger (1957), inequity is defined as
1950; Patchen, 1961; Stouffer et al., 1949) follows: Inequity exists for Person whenever
but which would take this paper too far his perceived job inputs and/or outcomes
afield. For the purposes of this paper, it will stand psychologically in an obverse relation to
be assumed that the reference person or group what he perceives are the inputs and/or
will be one comparable to the comparer on outcomes of Other. The first point to note
one or more attributes, usually a co-worker.8 about the definition is that it is the perception
When the normative expectations of the by Person of his and Other's inputs and
person making social comparisons are violated outcomes that must be dealt with, not neces-
—when he finds his inputs and outcomes are sarily the actual inputs and outcomes. The
not in balance in relation to those of others— point is important, for, while perception and
feelings of inequity result. reality may be and often are in close accord,
wage administrators are likely to assume an
INEQUITY DEFINED identity of the two. Second, if we let A
designate Person's inputs and outcomes and
Although it has been suggested how in- let B designate Other's, by "obverse relation"
equity arises, a rigorous definition must be we mean that not A follows from B. But
formulated. But we introduce first two we emphasize that the relation necessary for
references terms, Person and Other. Person inequity to exist is psychological in character,
is any individual for whom equity or inequity not logical. Thus, there is no logical obversion
exists. Other is any individual or group used in male Person's being subordinate to female
This assumption follows Festinger (19S4), who Other, but, as Clark (1958) has observed,
states: "Given a range of possible persons for com- the inputs of Person and Other in such a
parison, someone close to one's own ability or opin- situation may be dissonant, with the con-
ion will be chosen for comparison [p. 121]." Gen-
erally, co-workers will more nearly fit this criterion sequence that inequity is felt by Person.
than will other persons. As was previously suggested, the dissonant

relation of an individual's inputs and out- TABLE 1

comes in comparison to another's is his- AMOUNT OE INEQUITY FOR PERSON AS A RESULT OF
torically and culturally determined. This is DIFFERENT INPUTS AND OUTCOMES FOR
why we insist that the incongruity is pri-
marily psychological, even though it might, Inputs-Outcomes
in addition, have a logical character. Each
individual has a different history of learning, Other
but to the extent that he learns from
people sharing similar values, social norms, Low-High High-Low Low-Low High-High
and language, that is, the extent to which Low-High 0 2 1 1
he shares the same culture, his psychological High-Low 2 0 1 1
Low-Low 1 1 0 0
reactions will be similar to theirs. The larger High-High 1 1 0 0
the cultural group, the greater will be the
number of individuals who perceive similarly Note.—The first member of the pair indicates inputs and the
iecond member, outcomes.
and react similarly to a given set of relations
between input and outcomes. In the United something of the values and norms to which
States there is a strong, but perhaps weaken- he subscribes—with what culture or sub-
ing, predilection for the belief that effort and culture he is associated. Granted this knowl-
reward must be positively correlated. Con- edge, it is then possible to specify what con-
sidering the population at large, this belief
stitutes an obverse relation of inputs and
has the status of a cultural norm and partially outcomes for Person. In a given society, even
explains rather uniform reactions toward
ours, there is usually enough invariance in
certain kinds of inequity—toward "feather- fundamental beliefs and attitudes to make
bedding," for example.
reasonably accurate, general predictions.
It is interesting to note that the American It is shown in Table 1 how inequity results
attitude toward work and reward is by no whenever the inputs or outcomes, or both,
means universal. In highly industrialized of Person stand in an obverse relation to
Japan, for example, there is little relation- either the inputs or outcomes, or both, of
ship between the kind and amount of work an Other. Though inputs and outcomes may in
employee does and the monetary reward he most cases be measured continuously (eth-
receives. Pay is largely determined by age, nicity and sex are obvious exceptions), we
education, length of service, and family size, have dichotomized them into "high and "low"
and very little, if at all, by productivity. In for the purpose of simplicity. The entries in
his study of Japanese factories, Abegglen the table are relative rather than absolute
(1958) states: quantities. Thus, 1 indicates more felt in-
It is not at all difficult to find situations where equity than 0, and 2 indicates more felt
workers doing identical work at an identical pace inequity than 1. But before pursuing the
receive markedly differeat salaries, or where a implications of Table 1 and of the definition
skilled workman is paid at a rate below that of a of inequity, let us agree to use amount of
sweeper or doorman. The position occupied and
the amount produced do not determine the re-
effort as an instance of inputs and pay as
ward provided [p. 68], an instance of outcomes. Any other input
and outcome would do as well; we wish
This, of course, is not to suggest that inequity merely to use constant instances for the il-
is nonexistent for Japanese workers. They lustrations that will follow.
and their employers enter into an exchange The first important consequence to ob-
just as Americans, but the terms of the ex- serve from the definition is that inequity
change are quite different. Hence, the basis results for Person not only when he is rela-
for inequity is different. tively underpaid, but also when he is rela-
In order to predict when an individual will tively overpaid. Person will, for example, feel
experience inequity under given conditions of inequity exists not only when his effort is
inputs and outcomes, it is necessary to know high and his pay low, while Other's effort

and pay are high, but also when his effort is in their jobs and both obtain low pay. The 0
low and his pay high, while Other's effort entries in the main diagonal of Table 1 re-
and pay are low. flect the fact that when the inputs and out-
Although there is no direct, reliable evi- comes of Person and Other are matched,
dence on this point, it is probable that no inequity exists. It is further assumed, and
the thresholds for inequity are different (in shown in Table 1, that no inequity will re-
absolute terms from a base of equity) in sult if both the inputs and outcomes of
cases of under- and overcompensation. The Person are matched and those of Other are
threshold would be greater presumably in matched, but are different for Person and for
cases of overcompensation, for a certain Other. To illustrate: if Person expends low
amount of incongruity in these cases can be effort and receives low pay, while Other ex-
acceptably rationalized as "good fortune." pends high effort and receives high pay,
In his work on pay differentials Jaques equity rather than inequity will result. The
(1961a) notes that in instances of under- converse also holds true.
compensation British workers paid 10% less With regard to the amount of inequity
than the equitable level show that exists, we have assumed that greater
inequity results when both inputs and out-
an active sense of grievance, complaints or the
desire to complain, and, if no redress is given, an comes are discrepant than when only inputs
active desire to change jobs, or to take action . . . or outcomes are discrepant. This signifies,
[p. 26]. for example, that Person will experience more
inequity when his effort is high and pay low,
In cases of overcompensation, he observes
while Other's effort is low and pay high, than
that at the 10-15% level above equity
when Person's effort is high and pay low,
there is a strong sense of receiving preferential while Other's effort and pay are both high.
treatment, which may harden into bravado, with In Table 1 only three relative magnitudes of
underlying feelings of unease . . . [p. 26].
inequity, ranging from 0 to 2, are shown. In
He states further: reality, of course, many more degrees could
The results suggest that it is not necessarily the case
be distinguished, especially with variables
that each one is simply out to get as much as he such as effort and pay which are theoretically
can for his work. There appear to be equally strong continuous. The point to be emphasized is
desires that each one should earn the right amount— that equity-inequity is not an all-or-none
a fair and reasonable amount relative to others phenomenon.
[p. 26].
It will be noted that in the definition of
While Jaques' conceptualization of inequity inequity and in Table 1, inputs have not
is quite different from that advanced in this been differentiated, nor have outcomes. There
paper, his observations lend credence to the are two reasons for this. First, the processes
hypothesis that overcompensation results in that govern inequity are applicable irrespec-
feelings of inequity and that the threshold for tive of the specific inputs and outcomes ob-
these feelings is higher than in the case of taining in a particular situation. For example,
undercompensation. inequity may result whether low inputs are
From the definition and Table 1, we may in the form of low effort or of poor educa-
observe as a second consequence that when tion, or whether high outcomes stem from
Person's and Other's inputs and outcomes are high pay or from great rewards intrinsic
analogous, equity is assumed to exist, and to the job. Second, there is a degree of inter-
that when their inputs and outcomes are changeability between different inputs and
discrepant in any way inequity will exist. between different outcomes; furthermore in-
We assume that it is not the absolute magni- puts are additive, as are outcomes. It is im-
tude of perceived inputs and outcomes that plied, therefore, that a given total of Person's
results in inequity, but rather the relative inputs may be achieved by increasing or
magnitudes pertaining to Person and Other. decreasing any one or more separate inputs;
For example, there will be no inequity if similarly, a given total of Person's outcomes
both Person and Other expend much effort may result from increasing or decreasing one

or more separate outcomes. For example, if could not serve by themselves to achieve
Person found it necessary to increase his equity.
inputs in order to reduce inequity, he could In discussing inequity, the focus has been
do so not only by increasing his effort, but exclusively on Person. In so doing, however,
also by acquiring additional training or edu- we have failed to consider that whenever
cation. If, on the other hand, greater out- inequity exists for Person, it will also exist
comes were required to achieve equity, ob- for Other, provided their perceptions of in-
taining new status symbols might be equiva- puts and outcomes are isomorphic or nearly
lent to an increase in compensation, or a so. A glance at Table 1 will make this ap-
combination of improved job environment parent, and we may predict from the table
and increased discretionary content of the the inequity for Other as well as for Person.
job might be. Only when the perceptions of Person and
The question of the interchangeability and Other do not agree, would the inequity be
additivity of different inputs on the one hand, different for each. In such a case, one would
and of different outcomes on the other is an enter Table 1 twice, once for Person and once
important one. Does a man evaluating his for Other. It is sufficient at this point merely
job inputs give the same weight to formal to note that inequity is bilateral or multi-
education as he does to on-the-job experi- lateral, and symmetric under some conditions.
ence? If he has completed high school and has Later we shall consider the implications of
held his job 2 years, and a co-worker, whom this in greater detail.
he uses as a comparison person, completed
the ninth grade only and has been on the EFFECTS OF INEQUITY
job 4 years, will he judge their inputs as
equivalent or not? Is the frequently used Having defined inequity and specified its
practice of giving a man a prestigeful title an antecedents, we may next attend to its effects.
effective substitute for greater monetary out- First, two general postulates, closely follow-
comes? Definitive answers to such questions ing dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957): (a)
await research. However, this much may be The presence of inequity in Person creates
hypothesized: Within certain limits of in- tension in him. The tension is proportional to
equity there will be a tendency on the part the magnitude of inequity present, (b) The
of Person to manipulate and weight cog- tension created in Person will drive him to
nitively his own inputs and outcomes and reduce it. The strength of the drive is pro-
those of Other in such a manner as to portional to the tension created; ergo, it is
minimize the degree of felt inequity. Beyond proportional to the magnitude of inequity
these limits of inequity the tendency will present. In short, the presence of inequity will
be to manipulate and weight inputs and motivate Person to achieve equity or reduce
outcomes so as to maximize the inequity, be- inequity, and the strength of motivation to
cause as will be discussed later, this will do so will vary directly with the amount of
increase the motivation to adopt behavior inequity. The question, then, is how may
that will eliminate the inequity entirely.4 Person reduce inequity? The following
In both processes it is assumed that normal actions enumerate and illustrate the means
men are limited by reality in the amount of available to Person when reducing inequity.
cognitive manipulation and weighting of in- 1. Person may increase his inputs if they
puts and outcomes they can perform. Except, are low relative to Other's inputs and to his
perhaps, in the case of very small degrees own outcomes. If, for example, Person's
of inequity such manipulation and weighting effort were low compared to Other's and to
*This process is analogous to that postulated by his own pay, he could reduce inequity by
Festinger (1957) when he discusses the relation of increasing his effort on the job. This might
magnitude of cognitive dissonance to seeking infor- take the form of Person's increasing his
mation that will increase dissonance. He hypothesizes productivity, as will be shown in experiments
that at high levels of dissonance increasing informa-
tion may be sought, with the result that the person described later, or enhancing the quality of
will change his opinion and thus reduce dissonance. his work. If inputs other than effort were

involved, he could increase his training or 4. Person may decrease his outcomes if
education. Some inputs cannot, of course, be they are high relative to Other's outcomes
altered easily—sex and ethnicity, for instance. and to his own inputs. This might take the
When such inputs are involved, other means form of Person's lowering his pay. Though
of reducing inequity must be adopted. an improbable mode of reducing inequity, it
2. Person may decrease his inputs if they is nevertheless theoretically possible. Al-
are high relative to Other's inputs and to his though it is usually assumed that persons
own outcomes. If Person's effort were high with very high personal incomes are moti-
compared to Other's and to his own pay, he vated by tax laws to donate much to chari-
might reduce his effort and productivity, as table and educational institutions, it is not
is illustrated later in a study of grocery improbable that this behavior on the part of
clerks. It is interesting to note that effort is some is motivated as well by feelings of
the principal input susceptible to reduction; inequity.
education, training, experience, intelligence, 5. Person may "leave the field" when he
skill, seniority, age, sex, ethnicity, and so on experiences inequity of any type. This may
are not readily decreased or devalued real- take the form of quitting his job or obtaining
istically, though they may be distorted psy- a transfer or reassignment, or of absenteeism.
chologically within limits. They are givens; In a study by Patchen (1959) it was ob-
their acquisition is not reversible. The impli- served that men who said their pay should be
cation is that when inequity results from higher had more absences than men who
inputs being too high, decreases in produc- said the pay for their jobs was fair. Although
tivity are especially likely to be observed. the author did not conceptualize "fair pay"
One may speculate that restrictive production as in the present paper, it is clear at least
practices often observed are in fact attempts that "fair" was defined by respondents in
at reducing inequity. relational terms, for he states:
There exists in industry a tendency to
select and hire personnel with education, The data show also that the actual amount of a
man's pay has, in itself, little effect on how often
intellect, and training which are often greater he is absent. The important question, regardless of
than that required by the job in which they how much he is getting, is whether he thinks the
are placed. Since it is likely that in many rate is fair [p. 12].
instances the comparison persons for these
individuals will have lesser inputs and, per- Leaving the field is perhaps a more radical
haps, greater outcomes, it is evident that means of coping with inequity, and its adop-
some of the newly hired will experience feel- tion will vary not only with the magnitude
ings of inequity. In consequence, education, of inequity present, but also with Person's
intellect, and training not being readily modi- tolerance of inequity and his ability to cope
fied, lowered productivity may be predicted. with it flexibly. Though it has not been
3. Person may increase his outcomes if demonstrated, there are probably individual
they are low relative to Other's outcomes and differences in tolerance and flexibility.
to his own inputs. When Person's pay is low 6. Person may psychologically distort his
compared to Other's and to his expended inputs and outcomes, increasing or decreasing
effort, he may reduce inequity by obtaining them as required. Since most individuals are
a wage increase. Evidence of this is given heavily influenced by reality, distortion is
later in a study of clerical workers. He could generally difficult. It is pretty difficult to dis-
also, if appropriate, acquire additional bene- tort to oneself that one has a BA degree,
fits, perquisites, or status. An increase in that one has been an accountant for 7 years,
status, however, might create new problems, and that one's salary is $500 per month, for
for the acquisition of higher status without example. However, it is possible to alter the
higher pay would of itself create dissonance, utility of these. For example, State College is
particularly if the new status of Person placed a small, backwoods school with no reputa-
him in a superordinate position vis-a-vis tion, or, conversely, State College has one
Other. of the best Business Schools in the state and

the Dean is an adviser to the Bureau of the if Person and Other are both on the same
Budget. Or, one can consider the fact that production line, a decrease in effort by Person
$500 per month will buy all of the essential might affect Other's production and pay, with
things of life and quite a few luxuries, or, the result that Other would object to Person's
conversely, that it will never permit one to behavior. Another means for Person to reduce
purchase period furniture or a power cruiser. his inequity is to try to have Other increase
7. Person may increase, decrease, or distort his effort. If Other perceives his and Person's
the inputs and outcomes of Others, or force inputs and outcomes in the same way as
Other to leave the field. Basically, these Person, he might, indeed, accede to this in-
means are the same as discussed above, but fluence and raise his effort. If, to the contrary,
applied to Other. The direction of change in he perceives no discrepancy between his and
inputs and outcomes would, however, be pre- Person's inputs, he may be expected to resist
cisely opposite to changes effected in Person. Person strongly. Alternatively, Person could
Thus, for example, if Person's effort were too resort to leaving the field, or to distortion,
low compared to Other's and to his own as discussed earlier. If distortion is unilateral
pay, he might induce Other to decrease his on Person's part, it may resolve his inequity,
effort instead of increasing his own effort. though not Other's. This leads into another
Or, if he were comparatively poorly qualified interesting aspect of inequity.
for his job, he might try to have his better Person and Other may or may not consti-
qualified colleague fired or transferred. tute a social system, that is, Person may be
8. Person may change his referent Other to Other what Other is to Person, so that
when inequity exists. If Person were a they are referents for one another. Or, Other's
draftsman working harder, doing better referent may be someone other than Person,
quality work, and being paid less than Other say, an individual X, who is quite irrelevant
at the next board, he might eschew further to Person's social comparisons. When Person
comparisons with Other and pick someone and Other do not form a social system, the
with more nearly the same capability and way in which Person reduces his inequity will
pay. The ease of doing this would vary have no effect on Other and there will, there-
considerably with the ubiquity of Other and fore, be no feedback effects upon Person.
with the availability of a substitute having When the two do constitute a social system,
some attributes in common with Person. the interaction that may take place is of
Not all the means of reducing inequity that considerable interest. Considering only those
have been listed will be equally satisfactory, instances when Person and Other have iden-
and the adoption of some may result in very tical perceptions of their inputs and outcomes
unsteady states. The nature of the input and it is a truism that when inequity exists for
outcome discrepancies and environmental Person it also exists for Other (though prob-
circumstances may render some means more ably not in the same amount since one will
available than others, as may personality be overpaid and the other underpaid). Hence,
characteristics of Person and Other. To il- both will be motivated to reduce the inequity;
lustrate this we may consider a Person whose but it does not follow that they will adopt
effort is high and whose pay is low, and an compatible means. If compatible means are
Other whose effort and pay are low. If adopted, both will achieve equity. For ex-
Person acts to increase his pay and is suc- ample, if Person expended little effort and
cessful, he will effectively reduce the in- received high pay, while Other's effort and
equity; but if he is unsuccessful, as well he pay were both high, a state of equity could
might be, given rigid job and wage structures, be achieved by Person's increasing his effort
inequity will continue. Person might, on the somewhat and by Other's reducing his a bit.
other hand, try to reduce his productivity. Or, the two could agree that the easiest solu-
This, however, might be quite risky if min- tion was for Other to reduce his effort to
imal production standards were maintained Person's level. However, this solution might
and unsatisfactory productivity were penal- prove inadequate, for other reasons; for
ized. There is the further consideration that example, this might endanger their jobs by

reducing production to an economically un- The data that are available may be divided
profitable level. grossly into two types, observational and
Many possibilities of incompatible solu- experimental. Directly supporting evidence is,
tions exist for Person and Other. Continuing on the whole, somewhat meager for the
with the preceding example, Person could in- reason that little research has been focused
crease his effort and Other could decrease on the specific question of job inequity. The
his. From the point of view of each con- work of Zaleznik et al. (19S8), Romans
sidered alone, these actions should reduce (1953, 1961), and Patchen (1959, 1961) has
inequity. When considered simultaneously, dealt with significant aspects of the problem,
however, it is apparent that now Person's but, with the exception of Homans' (1953)
effort and pay will be high, whereas Other study of clerical employees, the data collected
will expend low effort and receive high pay. by these researchers are difficut to relate to
A new state of inequity has been created! the present theory.
As a further example, if Person's effort were
high and his pay low, while Other's effort A Case of Pay Inequity among Clerical
were low and his pay high, Person might Workers (Homans, 1953)
reduce his own effort while Other was trying Rather than dealing with two individuals,
to induce the supervisor to increase Person's we are here concerned with two groups of
salary. If Other were unsuccessful in his female clerical workers, cash posters and
attempt, a new, but reduced, state of inequity ledger clerks, in one division of a utilities
would result. If, on the other hand, Other company. Both groups worked in the same
were successful in obtaining a raise for large room. Cash posting consisted of record-
Person, equity might be established, but a ing daily the amounts customers paid on their
new situation, hardly more comfortable than bills, and management insisted that posting
inequity, would result: Person would have be precisely up to date. It required that cash
received a pay increment for a decrement in posters pull customer cards from the many
effort. files and make appropriate entries on them.
Private, psychological distortion of one's The job, therefore, was highly repetitive and
inputs and outcomes is especially likely to comparatively monotonous, and required little
result in unsuccessful reduction of inequity, thought but a good deal of physical mobility.
if done by only one party. For instance, if Ledger clerks, in contrast, performed a
Person is overcompensated and manages to variety of tasks on customer accounts, such
convince himself that he is not, it will be as recording address changes, making break-
extremely difficult for Other to convince downs of over- and underpayments, and
him, say, that he should work harder. Or, supplying information on accounts to cus-
if Other were to convince himself that he tomers or company people on the telephone.
was working just as hard as Person, Person In addition, toward the end of the day, they
could not effectively convince Other to in- were required by their supervisor to assist
crease his productivity or to take a cut in with "cleaning up" cash posting in order
pay. The very fact that one of the parties that it be current. Compared to the cash
is operating at a private, covert level makes posters, "ledger clerks had to do a number
it nearly impossible to communicate. The of nonrepetitive clerical jobs . . . requiring
perceptions of the two parties being now some thought but little physical mobility."
different, the fundamental premises that must They had a more responsible job.
underlie joint action cannot be agreed upon. Ledger clerks were considered to be of
Distortion by one party in effect breaks the higher status than cash posters, since promo-
social system that had previously existed. tion took place from cash poster to ledger
clerk. Their weekly pay, however, was ident-
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE ical. In comparison to cash posters, ledger
clerks were older and had more seniority and
The evidence in direct support of the experience.
theory of inequity will now be considered. These are the facts of the situation. In

terms of the theory, the following may be A Case of Status Inequity in Supermarkets
stated: (Clark, 1958)
1. The cash posters had lower inputs than
the ledger clerks: They were younger, had We shall be concerned here with the check-
out counters in a chain of supermarkets,
less seniority and experience, and had less
responsible jobs. Their outcomes were in which are manned by a "ringer" and a
some respects lower than the ledger clerks': "bundler." Ringers are the cashiers who add
Their job had less variety, was more mono- on the register the sum due from the
tonous, required greater physical effort, and customer, take his payment, and make
had less intrinsic interest. Very importantly, change. Bundlers take goods out of the cart
however, their pay was equal to the ledger and put them in bags to be taken out. Under
clerks'. normal conditions, ringing was a higher
2. The ledger clerks had higher inputs than status, better paid job, handled by a perma-
the cash posters: They were older, had more nent, full-time employee. Bundling was of
seniority and experience, and had more re- lower status and lower pay, and was usually
sponsible positions. Their outcomes were done by part-time employees, frequently
higher on several counts: Their status was youngsters. Furthermore, psychologically,
higher, their job had greater variety and bundlers were perceived as working for
interest, and physical effort required was low. ringers.
Their pay, nonetheless, was the same as the Because customer flow in supermarkets
cash posters'. The requirement that they help varies markedly from day to day, a pre-
"clean up" (note the connotation) posting ponderance of employees were part-timers.
each day introduced ambiguity in their inputs This same fact required that many employees
and outcomes. On the one hand, this required be assigned to checkout counters during rush
greater inputs—that is, having to know two hours. When this occurred, many ringer-
jobs—and, on the other hand, lowered their bundler teams were formed, and it is this
outcomes by having to do "dirty work" and that resulted in the creation of status in-
deflating their self-esteem. equity, for employees differed considerably
It is clear from the discrepancies between in a number of input variables, notably sex,
inputs and outcomes that inequities existed. age, and education. Not infrequently, then, a
In capsule form, the outcomes of ledger bundler would be directed to work for a
clerks were too low compared to their own ringer whose status (determined by sex, age,
inputs and to the inputs and outcomes of cash education, etc.) was lower. For example, a
posters. The evidence is strong that the college male 21 years of age would be ordered
ledger clerks, at least, felt the inequity. They to work for a high school girl ringer of 17.
felt that they ought to get a few dollars Or a college girl would be assigned as a
more per week to show that their job was bundler for an older woman with only a
more important—in our terms, their greater grade school education. The resulting status
inputs ought to be paralleled by greater out- inequities may be described as follows in
comes. On the whole, these clerks did not our theoretical terms: A bundler with higher
do much to reduce inequity, though a few inputs than a ringer had lower outcomes.
complained to their union representative, When interviewed by the investigator, the
with, apparently, little effect. However, the store employees were quite explicit about the
workers in this division voted to abandon inequities that existed. Furthermore, this was
their independent union for the CIO, and true of ringers, as well as bundlers, showing
Homans (1953) intimates that the reason
that inequities were felt bilaterally in these
may have been the independent union's in-
ability to force a resolution of the inequity. cooperative jobs. To restore equity it would
He further implies that had management have been necessary to form teams such
perceived and resolved the inequity, the that inputs and outcomes were matched.
representative function of a union would have Clark (19S8) has stated the principle in the
been quite superfluous. following manner:

A person's job status (which is determined by the inequity. This store went through a period
amount of pay, responsibility, variety and absence of considerable labor turnover (perhaps as
from interference his job has) should be in line with
his social status (which is determined by his sex, a result of employees leaving the field to
age, education, and seniority) [p. 128]. reduce inequity), and associated with this
was an increase in labor efficiency and an
That store employees attempted to reduce increase in the social ease index. There is,
existing inequities is evident from the data. therefore, quasi-experimental evidence that
The principal means of doing so appeared to when inequities are reduced, individual pro-
be by the bundlers reducing their work speed ductivity increases, with the result that
—that is, by reducing their inputs, which operating costs decrease.
would have effectively decreased inequity
since some of their other inputs were too high Experiment I (Adams & Rosenbaum, 1962)
relative to their own outcomes and to the One of the more interesting hypotheses
inputs of the ringers. One girl explicitly stated derivable from the theory of inequity is that
to the investigator that when she was ordered when Person is overpaid in relation to Other,
to bundle for a ringer of lower social status he may reduce the inequity by increasing his
than hers, she deliberately slowed up inputs. Therefore, an experiment was de-
bundling. signed in which one group of subjects was
Interestingly, this behavior is nicely re- overcompensated and one was equitably com-
flected in the financial operation of the pensated—that is, one group in which out-
stores. A substantial part of the total labor comes were too great and one in which out-
cost of operating a supermarket is the cost comes were equitable, given certain inputs,
of manning checkout counters. It follows, relative to some generalized Other.
therefore, that one should be able to observe The task chosen was a one page controlled
a correlation between the incidence of in- association public opinion interview (for
equities among ringer-bundler teams and the example, "Which of these five automobiles
cost of store operations, since the inequity do you associate with a rising young junior
reduction took the form of lowered produc- executive?"), which subjects were to ad-
tivity. This is indeed what was found. When minister in equal numbers to male and fe-
the eight supermarkets were ranked on labor male members of the general public. The
efficiency5 and "social ease," e the two meas- subjects were under the impression that they
ures correlated almost perfectly—that is, the were being hired for a real task and that
greater the inequity, the greater the cost of their employment would continue for several
operating the stores. To give an example, months. In actuality, however, they con-
one of the two stores studied most intensively ducted interviews for 2.S hours only, after
ranked high in inequity and had a cost of which time they were told about the experi-
3.85 man-hours per $100 of sales, whereas the ment and were paid for their participation.
other which ranked low in inequity, had a Two groups of 11 male university students,
cost of only 3.04 per $100 of sales. Thus, it hired through the college employment office,
cost approximately 27% more to operate the were used as subjects. Each was paid $3.50
store in which inequities were higher. per hour—an amount large enough so that
A further finding of Clark's is worth re- a feeling of overcompensation could be in-
porting, for it gives one confidence that the duced, but not so large that it could not also
relative inefficiency of the one store was be made to appear equitable. In one group
indeed due to the presence of relatively more (E), subjects were made to feel quite un-
As an index of labor efficiency, Clark (1958) qualified to earn $3.50 per hour, because of
used the number of man-hours per $100 of sales. lack of interviewer training and experience.
"Social ease" is a complex index, devised by The other group of subjects (C) were made
Clark (1958), the value of which is basically the to feel fully qualified to earn $3.50 per hour,
number of pairs of part-time employees, out of all
possible pairs, whose inputs and outcomes were "in by being informed that they were far better
line," according to the definition given in the quo- educated than census takers and that educa-
tation from Clark. tion and intelligence were the prime requisites

of interviewing. It may be noted that the TABLE 2

referent Others for all subjects were trained PRODUCTION SCORES or SUBJECTS IN EXPERIMENT II
interviewers at large, not a specific, known
person. The complete instructions to the Public Private
groups were, of course, much more elaborate, Overpaid 67.20 52.43
but details need not be given here. The Equitably paid 59.33 41.50
critical point is that the E group felt over-
compensated, whereas the C group felt fairly
Experiment II (Arrowood, 1961)
From the theory, it was predicted that the If it is reasonable to suppose that the re-
E group would attempt to increase their in- sults of the previously described experiment by
puts so as to bring them in line with their Adams and Rosenbaum (1962) were a result
outcomes and with the alleged inputs of of the E subjects' working harder to protect
trained interviewers. Since there was little their jobs because they were insecure in the
they could do to increase their training and face of their "employer's" low regard for their
experience, this left productivity as the prin- qualifications, it is reasonable to suppose that
cipal means of altering inputs. Theoretically, the same results would not obtain if subjects
E group subjects could also have tried to re- were convinced that their "employer" would
duce their outcomes; this, however, was im- have no knowledge of their productivity. Con-
possible since the pay was fixed. In sum, then, versely, if the theory we have offered is valid,
it was predicted that the E group would ob- overpaid subjects should produce more than
tain more interviews per unit time than the controls, whether they thought the "employer"
C group. This is what the results demon- knew the results of their work or whether
strated. Whereas the C group obtained an av- they thought he did not.
erage of only .1899 interviews per minute, Following this reasoning, Arrowood (1961)
the E group obtained a significantly greater designed a factorial experiment in which sub-
average of .2694, or an average of 42% more jects from Minneapolis were either overpaid
( X 2 = 4.55, d/ = ! , # < . O S ) . or equitably paid and performed their work
Results comparable to these have been ob- under either public or private conditions.
tained by Day (1961) in a laboratory experi- The first two conditions were similar to those
ment with children who were given training in Experiment I: Subjects were hired at $3.50
trials in which they pushed a plunger mecha- per hour to conduct interviews and were made
nism to obtain M&M candies. The number to feel unqualified or qualified for the job.
of candies received varied between 1 and The public-private distinction was achieved
6 and was directly dependent upon the mag- by having subjects either submit their work
nitude of pressure exerted on the plunger. to the "employer" (the experimenter) or mail
After responses had stabilized, 25 M&Ms were it in preaddressed envelopes to New York. In
received by each subject on each of five trials the latter case, subjects were under the im-
regardless of the pressure exerted. Day's data pression that the experimenter would never
show that a significant number of subjects see their work.
respond to the increased reward by increased The results, shown in Table 2, validate the
pressure on the overrewarded trials. In terms hypothesis tested in Experiment I and per-
of our theoretical model, the children in Day's mit one to reject the alternative hypothesis.
study are comparing their inputs (pressure) In both the Public and Private conditions,
and outcomes (M&Ms) during the overre- overpaid subjects produced significantly more
than equitably paid subjects. The fact that
warded trials with those during the training
mean production in the Public conditions was
trials. The latter trials establish a base upon significantly greater than in the Private con-
which to determine what constitutes "equity." ditions is irrelevant to the hypothesis since
The "overpayment" of 25 M&M candies re- there was no significant interaction between
sults in inequity, which may be reduced by the inequity-equity and public-private di-
increasing pressure inputs, mensions.
Experiment III (Adams&Rosenbaum, 1962) wages as fair was supported by the previous
experiment. The rationale for the prediction
Since the results of the two previous ex- was that because dissonance is linked with
periments strongly corroborated a derivation units of production, dissonance would in-
from the theory, it was decided to test a fur- crease as more units were produced, and, con-
ther, but related, derivation. The hypothesis sequently, subjects would attempt to avoid
was that whereas subjects overpaid by the increasing dissonance by restricting produc-
hour would produce more than equitably paid tion. There is, however, an alternative ex-
controls, subjects overpaid on a piecework planation that would account for the same
basis would produce less than equitably paid manifest behavior. It is entirely possible for
controls. The rationale for the latter half of subjects to reduce dissonance by increasing
the hypothesis was that because inequity was their effort on the production of each unit,
associated with each unit produced, inequity for example, by increasing the quality of their
would increase as work proceeded; hence, work, which would have the effect of in-
subjects would strive not so much to reduce creasing the production time per unit and,
inequity as to avoid increasing it. In other therefore, have the consequence of reducing
words, because inequity would mount as productivity. In terms of the theoretical
more units were produced, overpaid piece- framework presented earlier, this explanation
work subjects would tend to restrict produc- assumes that pieceworkers would reduce their
tion. dissonance by increasing their inputs, very
Nine subjects were assigned to each of the much as the hourly workers. Only the mode
following groups: Overpaid $3.50 per hour of increasing inputs varies: Whereas hourly
(H e ), equitably paid $3.50 per hour (H c ), workers increase inputs on a quantitative di-
overpaid $.30 per unit (P e ), equitably paid mension, pieceworkers increase them on a
$.30 per unit (P c ). In all major respects, the qualitative dimension.
task and instructions were identical to those Unfortunately, the task used in Experiment
in Experiment I. III did not lend itself to measuring quality
As may be seen in Table 3, the hypothe- of work. In the present experiment the work
sis received unequivocal support. Overpaid performed by subjects was so designed as to
hourly subjects produced more than their permit measurement of both amount of work
controls and overpaid piecework subjects pro- and quality of work. The specific hypothesis
duced less than their controls. The interac- tested is: Pieceworkers who perceive that
tion between the inequity-equity and hourly- they are inequitably overpaid will perform
piecework dimensions is highly significant better quality work and have lower produc-
( x »=7.11, < * / = ! , # < .01). tivity than pieceworkers who are paid the
same rate and perceive they are equitably
Experiment IV (Adams, 1963) paid.
The prediction that piecework subjects ex- The interviewing task used in the previous
periencing wage inequity would have a lower experiments was modified so as to permit the
productivity than subjects perceiving their measurement of quality. The modification
consisted of making the three principal ques-
TABLE 3 tions open-end questions. As an example, one
MEAN PRODUCTIVITY AND MEDIAN DISTRIBUTION OF question was "Does a man who owns a shelter
HOURLY AND PIECEWORK EXPERIMENTAL AND have the moral right to exclude others from
CONTROL SUBJECTS IN EXPERIMENT III it, if they have no shelter?" (Yes or No),
which was followed by, "What are your rea-
sons for feeling that way?" The subjects task
He He P0 Po
was to obtain as much information as possible
from a respondent on the latter part of the
Mean productivity .2723 .2275 .1493 .1961 question. The measure of work quality thus
Cases above median 8 4 1 5
Cases below median 1 5 8 4 was the amount of recorded information
elicited from respondents. More specifically,

the dependent measure of quality was the needed to determine what variables guide the
number of words per interview recorded in choice of comparison persons. While this is a
the blank spaces following the three open-end theoretical and research endeavor in its own
questions. As before, the measure of produc- right, it would contribute much to the under-
tivity was the number of interviews obtained standing of inequity.
per minute during a total period of approxi- The analysis of inequity in terms of dis-
mately 2 hours. crepancies between a man's job inputs and
Twenty-eight subjects were used, half ran- job outcomes, and the behavior that may re-
domly assigned to a condition in which they sult from these discrepancies, should result
were made to feel overpaid, half to a condi- in a better understanding of one aspect of
tion in which the identical piecework rate was social conflict and should increase the degree
made to appear equitable. The results sup- of control that may be exercised over it. In
ported the hypotheses. First, as in the previ- moving toward an understanding of inequity,
ous experiment, the productivity of subjects we increase our knowledge of our most basic
in whom feelings of inequitable overpayment productive resource, the human organism.
were induced was significantly lower than
that of control subjects. Productivity rates REFERENCES
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