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Associate Editor: A. STONE FREEDBERG, M.D.

Emotion and the Circulation


ACCEPTANCE of the Platonic doctrine dency to ascribe conditions of unknown etiology

that all bodily ills proceed from the spirit to emotional disturbances persisted, as exempli-
led medical authors of antiquity, the fied by one authority of the 1870's, who stated
Middle Ages and the Renaissance to ascribe with assurance "It is not surprising that in the
cardiac diseases to emotional disorders almost present day, when the worry of life and strain
exclusively. Postmortem studies, impressively on the feelings in all ways are so vastly in-
collected by various authors, notably Zimmer- tensified, that there should be strong evidence
man,1 appeared to confirm this general idea and to show the increase of cardiac affections";
to support such concepts as "dying of a broken Balfour expressed similar ideas 25 years later
heart," where cardiac rupture was found in and today some cardiovascular diseases still are
grief, or "hardness of heart," in which pericar- considered to be due to psychic disorder.
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ditis was found in individuals notorious for The problem that plagues the cardiologist
cruelty. In the early nineteenth century, Corvi- arises from the fact that he sees evidence daily
sart and his followers, Burns, Testa and Krey- of the influence of emotion on the circulation
sing, likewise believed emotion to be the most but has at hand no extensive body of
important cause of heart disease. The cause of physiologic data that might illuminate his
cardiac and aortic dilatations was confidently clinical observations. For the most part, the
stated to be the driving inward of the bodily psychosomatic studies of the circulation merely
humors during psychic stress. Sudden develop- emphasize what the competent internist appre-
ment of dropsy, cardiac hypertrophy and aortic ciates, namely, that emotion may cause cardio-
aneurysms immediately following a single se- vascular symptoms. The present discussion will
vere emotional upset was often described. analyze available physiologic studies and will
Corvisart and Testa stated that heart disease attempt to relate them to clinical phenomena.
increased markedly during and after the French Reference will be made only to the heart and
Revolution and attributed this phenomenon to peripheral blood vessels; consideration of renal
the disorder of the times. Bertin, a decade later, and gastrointestinal circulation will be omitted.
held that seeming increases in cardiac disease
were due only to its being recognized more PERIPHERAL VASCULAR SYSTEM
certainly. This controversy of over a century Physicians of antiquity believed that specific
ago sounds familiar in the present. In spite of emotions caused specific changes in the pulse;
increase of knowledge of pathologic anatomy in this belief has persisted, in various forms, dur-
the nineteenth century, etiologies of cardio- ing the past 25 centuries. For instance, early
vascular diseases remained obscure. The ten- in the present century, Wundt, in his Gefuhls-
From the Laboratory of Clinical Physiology, Mc-
theorie, classified feelings rigidly in three pairs,
Lean Hospital, Waverley, Mass., and the Department i.e., pleasure-pain, tension-relaxation, and ex-
of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. citation-calm, and his followers claimed to have
444 Circulation, Volume III, March, 195t
observed specific changes in the pulse wave Although most studies of peripheral flowe
corresponding with each. This work, reviewed emphasize unpleasant emotions in causing the
by Leshke2 in 1914, formed a seemingly con- changes observed, there are data which show
vincing body of evidence which now is regarded that strong pleasurable emotions may give rise
as invalid. Recent work on specificity in pe- to identical peripheral vascular phenomena.5
ripheral vascular reactions to emotion' evokes The thesis that subjects who show marked
doubt because of skepticism regarding the vasomotor changes with pleasurable emotions
authors' ability to characterize exactly the feel- are expressing subconscious guilt consequent to
ings experienced by their subjects during short experiencing such feelings is not supported by
experiments and because of the absence of psychologic studies. In addition, as Lombard
suitable control periods. showed a century ago, and others have cor-
Many physiologic studies of general effects roborated since,6 vasoconstriction in the ex-
of psychic factors on peripheral circulation are tremities occurs also during concentration not
available.4 Cutaneous vasoconstriction in the obviously emotionally colored.
hands and feet during emotion has been amply Peripheral vasomotor phenomena of emotion
demonstrated; this change manifests itself by do not parallel regularly the facial expression of
cooling of the parts and, because of stasis, ex- emotion and even less so the verbal description
cessive deoxygenation of the capillary blood. of it. Whether conscious or unconscious feelings
In ordinary circumstances, changes in the are the more important is unknown; however,
hands are due both to arteriolar and venular emotional vasoconstriction disappears during
constriction, whereas those in the forearm are sleep, when, according to psychoanalytic think-
largely venular in origin; on the arterial side ing, unconscious emotions are at their height.
only the terminal cutaneous arteries, and not Patients with persistent and marked emo-
the radial, metacarpal and digital arteries, tional vasoconstriction exhibit coldness of the
usually are involved. In extremely severe emo- extremities and are intolerant to cold tempera-
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tion, however, spasm of the radial artery may tures. Confusion may arise with the symptoms
be detected. As a consequence of spasm of of hypothyroidism or anemia so that patients
arterioles and venules, changes in cutaneous may needlessly receive thyroid or antianemic
capillaries occur; these are visible on micro- medications.
scopic examination of the vessels of the finger- The vasoconstrictor effects of emotion may
nail folds. All the changes described are mini- aggravate manifestations of such peripheral
mized by vasodilating agents such as alcohol, vascular diseases as arteriosclerosis, thrombo-
carbon dioxide or warmth. angiitis obliterans, post-traumatic causalgia
The immediate vasoconstriction of emotion and Raynaud's disease. In addition, men with
is effected via the sympathetic nervous system a previous history of excessive vasomotor reac-
and a sympathectomized extremity does not tion to emotion are markedly susceptible to
show it. The hypothalamus contains centers frost-bite and trench foot.7, 8 Rheumatoid arth-
governing generalized vasoconstriction and ritis of the hands and feet is also demonstrably
vasodilatation but the occurrence in emotional influenced by emotions and excessive vasocon-
states of vasomotor changes limited commonly striction in this disease actually has been dem-
to the acral areas raises the possibility that the onstrated.91
impulses arise in the cortex. On the other hand, Fragmentary observations' suggest that sub-
it is possible that vasomotor changes in general jects with unstable peripheral vascular systems
are most marked in the acral regions so that develop conditioned reflexes involving this sys-
weak discharges from the hypothalamic centers tem more easily than do others; this may
cause changes which are detectable only in the suggest a possible mechanism whereby the
extremities. At any rate, the importance of peripheral vascular system becomes the one
cortical impulses in vasomotor phenomena is which expresses emotion in some individuals.
now recognized; this will be discussed below, in In addition, emotionally unstable individuals
relation to hypertension. exhibit excessive acral vasoconstriction as a

consequence of concentration itself,6 which sug- subject. The pulse rate in exercise in neurotic
gests that vasomotor as well as cerebral subjects will be discussed below, in relation to
emotional mechanisms may be abnormal. neurocirculatory asthenia.
Physiologic phenomena underlying blushing The relation of emotional tachycardia to
and blanching of the face and neck have not conscious appreciation of emotions has not been
been studied; here is a promising field for ob- defined. Emotional tachycardia subsides during
servation on specificity of emotional responses, sleep, a fact used in differentiating anxiety
for blanching with fear and blushing with em- from thyrotoxicosis. On the other hand, during
barrassment are well known. On the other sleep a noise, insufficient to awaken the sleeper
hand, various feelings may cause either pallor or make him exhibit overt evidence of startle,
or flushing in different individuals or in the may increase the pulse rate by a third."2 This
same individuals at different times. The be- phenomenon appears to vary with the depth of
lief that easy blushing is evidence of a marked unconsciousness.
paranoid personality has no support in exten- It is generally presumed that tachycardia of
sive observation, and is a conclusion based on emotion is related to sympathetic hyper-
an a priori interpretation of the symptom. activity, or production of excess epinephrine.
Vasodilatation consequent to fever, external However, norepinephrine, which does not in-
heat, imbibing of alcohol, or emotional upset is crease pulse rate but merely raises the blood
known to be followed by urticaria in some pressure, is probably liberated from the adrenal
individuals." Acetylcholine is released locally medulla together with epinephrine. An addi-
during vasodilatation and it is well known that tional complication arises from the fact that
acetylcholine is a whealing agent. Whether it acetylcholine in small amount causes tachy-
acts as such, or through the liberation of hista- cardia and in larger amount slows the pulse.
mine, is not established, however. Development It is known also that the brain contains areas
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of hives under these circumstances in some which cause tachycardia when stimulated. It is
individuals and not in others is not understood. evident that the precise cause of emotional
tachycardia is not known.
CARDIAC RATE Rapid heart rates in neurosis may lead to
Marked changes in heart rate occur in rela- mistaken diagnoses of heart disease or thyro-
tion to emotion. Poor correlation between toxicosis; neurotic patients who complain of
changes in pulse rate and the facial or verbal tachycardia may be given antithyroid drugs or
expression of emotion is regularly found.'2 Vari- digitalis and may become disabled owing to
ation in rate from minute to minute may be bad advice regarding activity. It should be
marked."2 As a rule the rate is accelerated in noted that palpitation in neurosis need not
emotional reactions but at times it may be signify occurrence of a rapid heart rate; palpi-
abnormally slow. In some instances the sinus tation may be experienced with normal or slow
bradyeardia is part of a syncopal reaction, heart rates if sudden rises in blood pressure
while in others the bradyeardia is not the pre- occur, if the rhythm is irregular, or, on oc-
cursor of any such reaction. The cause of the casion, with no change in the circulatory
rapid and marked variation in rate is not mechanisms.
known, although at times it may be due to
sinus arrhythmia correlated with hyperventila- CARDIAC RHYTHM
tion. Routine examination of neurotic subjects
Changes in pulse rate during strong emotion may not reveal the occurrence of any arrhyth-
are of the same magnitude in normal and in mia other than sinus arrhythmia, but every
neurotic subjects. Neurotic subjects, however, cardiologist has seen occasional instances in
experience more severe emotional reactions which auricular flutter, fibrillation or tachy-
than normal subjects during mild stresses. The cardia, frequent auricular, nodal or ventricular
neurotic may, moreover, be more aware of premature beats, the Wolff-Parkinson-White
emotional tachycardia than the non-neurotic syndrome, or minor degrees of heart block

appear recurrently in emotionally unstable indi- claimed that some types of emotion caused
viduals without heart disease. At times the decreases in the output of the heart. The bal-
arrhythmia apparently develops in relation to listocardiograph is not accurate when the pulse
some unusual emotional stress, but on other rate changes markedly and rapidly. Discrep-
occasions similar stresses do not cause it; con- ancies between the work of Wolff and Wolff'6
versely, the arrhythmia may appear in the and that of other authors may be due to the
absence of overt emotional upset. The same fact method used; however, the observations of
holds in patients with established diagnoses of Hickam and associates,16 who used the same
organic heart disease; partial heart block may method, do not support the concept of relation
increase in degree, or premature beats may between type of emotion and circulatory
become more numerous during emotional upset. change. Rises in cardiac output owing to
The arrhythmias seen in relation to emotion emotion are greater than increases in oxygen
are usually those produced by hyperactivity of consumption which occur at the same time;
the vagus nerve, i.e., arrhythmias involving the cardiovascular changes resemble those
the S-A node, the auricles and the A-V node; which follow injection of small amounts of
in the case of ventricular premature beats the epinephrine.15 Cardiac work is proportionately
effect of circulating epinephrine, or of sympa- increased.
thetic stimulation must be considered. Circulation time is usually accelerated in
emotional tension although marked emo-
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM tionally-induced venoconstriction in the fore-
Papers claiming that abnormalities of QRS arm may cause some slowing in the observed
complex or of T waves indicative of altered time and so give no true indication of the
myocardial function occur in neuroses or are increase in cardiac output.
produced in normal subjects by emotion are Change in cardiac output during anxiety in
unconvincing; changes shown appear to be due patients with heart disease but without failure
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to variations in cardiac rate and in position of are similar to those in normal subjects'5 17; in
the heart. Examination made here of several congestive failure, however, little or no in-
hundred electrocardiograms in instances of crease in cardiac output (and work) occurs
emotional disorder corroborates the findings of during anxiety although the pulse rate rises.
others who showed no deviation from the nor- The increase in metabolism induced by emotion
mal. in these circumstances results in further
deoxygenation of capillary blood and exacerba-
CARDIAC OUTPUT AND WORK: tion of the anoxia already present.
CIRCULATION TIME Stevenson and his co-workers" studied the
That measurement of cardiac output in tense effects of exercise on cardiac output in anxiety
or frightened subjects yields values that are and found the rise to reach higher absolute
high relative to the basal has long been known values and also in some instances to be greater
to physiologists. The earlier work of Grollmanl3 in amount than when the subjects exercised
and the more recent studies of Stead and co- while relaxed. Makinson18 found the increase to
workers'4 and Hickam and associates,'6 all em- be normal but more prolonged in neurosis.
ploying accurate methods, showed that emotion However, the use of a method of low accuracy
may increase cardiac output by two-thirds, makes acceptance of these data only tentative.
and occasionally more; the cardiac output may Nevertheless a metabolic effect of emotion,
vary markedly from minute to minute. These i.e., failure to oxidize carbohydrate com-
observations showed no relation between type pletely, as described below, suggests that the
of emotion and change in cardiac output. cost of work is higher during stress and
Hickam and co-workers's and Wolff and Wolff,'6 therefore the circulatory response in exercise
using the ballistocardiograph, found greater should be greater than in normal circum-
increases in cardiac output in many patients stances.
during emotional stresses; the latter authors Increases in resting cardiac output by about

half owing to anxiety is not significant in in the words of Herberden. In the presence of
causing emotional dyspnea during exertion coronary arterial insufficiency, increases in
except when the effort attempted is maximal; cardiac work owing to emotion may cause
the maximal possible cardiac output is not anginal pain or may cause exertion more
approached during moderate physical activity readily to induce it. John Hunter, whose
and the patient does not need the cardiac clinical history and postmortem findings con-
reserve lost as a result of the increase in tributed to the modern theory of angina
resting cardiac output occasioned by emotion. pectoris, often stated, "My life is at the
In patients with serious organic heart disease mercy of any scoundrel who chooses to put
but no failure, the increases in cardiac output me in a passion." Hunter's death occurred
during strong emotion, may, if long continued, during a dispute with the Governors of St.
act in a manner like that of thyrotoxicosis, George's Hospital regarding the exclusion of
anemia, fever and other conditions which students whom he considered to be victims
strain the heart and precipitate decompensa- of a prejudice against the Scotch. The pain of
tion. angina pectoris occurs when the work of the
heart is increased to a degree which cannot be
CARDIAC I)IscOMFORT: SUDDEN DEATH paralleled by increased flow through diseased
A variety of sensations seemingly localized coronary arteries; the importance ascribed by
about the heart occur during emotional Wolff and Wolff"' to their findings of a
reactions. The clutching discomfort occasioned lowered cardiac output in one patient during
by fear is well known; it differs from angina one attack of angina induced by emotion may
pectoris, according to those who have ex- be criticized in view of the fragmentary data,
perienced both. The heavy sensation associated obtained by a method of low accuracy.
with sadness is also commonly experienced. Another possible mechanism for the pre-
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The mechanism of these sensations is com- cipitation of anginal pain during emotional
pletely unknown. stress has not been studied adequately. That
Another type of discomfort, commonly cooling of the skin of the hands favors the
seen in neurosis and more particularly in occurrence of anginal attacks in patients with
neurocirculatory asthenia, is the typical per- the syndrome has been established20' 21; the
sistent, sticking pain close to the left breast. fact that strong emotion usually causes
Its occurrence does not depend on changes in cooling of the skin over the acral areas may
cardiac rate or rhythm, although in occasional therefore be significant.
patients it occurs only with premature beats Discussion of mechanisms for producing
or with palpitation. The mechanism of its anginal attacks applies also to myocardial
production and the pathways of its trans- infarction. Sudden death during emotional
mission are not known. Commonly it is asso- strain has been recognized for at least 25
ciated with persistent tenderness over the left centuries as a common occurrence in the
chest although each of the two symptoms may middle-aged or elderly. Although ventricular
occur without the other. Anxiety pain is fibrillation may account for some, in many
occasionally confused with angina pectoris, such instances myocardial infarction is the
leading to induction of a needless state of cause for this accident; it must not be con-
invalidism in the patient; this occurrence is a cluded, however, that strong emotion is the
reflection on the physician who makes the sole or the most important cause of myocardial
error, for anxiety pain and anginal pain have infarction. That strong pleasurable emotions
only the most superficial resemblance. The may be as dangerous in causing sudden death
confusion between anxiety pain and angina as grief, rage or despair is important in relation
pectoris vitiates all of Dunbar's work"9 on the to advising patients regarding their daily
latter disorder. activities. Benjamin Rush described how
Attacks of true angina pectoris may be ". . . the door-keeper of Congress, an aged
precipitated by "disturbance of the mind," man, died suddenly, immediately after hearing
of the capture of Lord Cornwallis's army. His of neurosis in patients with complaints of
death was universally ascribed to a violent hypertension therefore results. Also, since
emotion of political joy. This species of joy emotional upset does aggravate hypertension,
appears to be one of the strongest emotions the incidence of neurosis is high in patients with
that can agitate the human mind." early or moderate hypertension. In addition,
stresses of various types cause more marked and
SYNCOPE more persistent increases in blood pressure in
A fundamental phenomenon in syncope is neurotic than in normal subjects. Definition of
strong vagal discharge causing marked sinus physiologic mechanisms responsible for ex-
bradyeardia; occasionally minor degrees of acerbation of hypertension is difficult in the
heart block and ventricular escape may occur. present state of knowledge, a fact that has
Total peripheral resistance decreases markedly not deterred many authors from doing so.
and blood pressure falls22; there is also evidence There are observations which show that
of generalized loss of venous tone and, to anxiety in normal or neurotic subjects is
judge from the cutaneous vasoconstriction accompanied by decreased peripheral re-
which develops,23 of pooling of blood in the sistance; the diastolic blood pressure is ele-
viscera. The cutaneous vasoconstriction, mani- vated only occasionally and remains unchanged
fested by disappearance of visible capillaries in or falls for the most part. The systolic pressure
the fingernail fold and by smallness of the rises parallel with increases in cardiac out-
superficial veins of the arm. may result from put.'4-'7 These changes resemble effects of
a sympathetic discharge elicited by the falling injection of small amounts of epinephrine.
blood pressure. Cardiac output measured with However, there is good evidence that shows
the patient recumbent is normal,22 but in the that in essential hypertension the peripheral
upright position it is markedly decreased.23 resistance is increased, both systolic and
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In animals stimulation of areas in the frontal diastolic pressures rising, while the cardiac
lobes causes hypotension and bradyeardia; the output remains normal. It is evident that the
relation of these findings to emotional syncope cardiovascular physiology of essential hyper-
may be important. tension differs from that of anxiety. Never-
Tendencies to recurrent fainting in neurotic theless it is true that anxiety further elevates
patients may be ameliorated by the drugs systolic pressure in hypertensive subjects and
effective against increased vagal tone, i.e., increases cardiac work greatly. The fact that
atropine, ephedrine and the like. norepinephrine is also liberated during stimula-
tion of the adrenal medulla is also important.
HYPERTENSION It acts entirely on peripheral blood vessels,
Much has been written on the importance of increasing peripheral resistance and not in-
emotion in hypertension and opinions vary. fluencing cardiac output directly, thereby
Most cardiologists believe that psychic influ- producing changes resembling those of essential
ences are among those which most strongly hypertension. To assume that one adrenal
influence the course of the disease; on the other medullary hormone alone, epinephrine, is
hand, some internists and most psychiatrists liberated during stress in normotensive subjects
feel that emotional factors actually cause while the other, norepinephrine, is liberated
essential hypertension. The first of these alone in hypertensive subjects is not reasonable;
opinions is well established but the second is not however, work should be done to ascertain
securely founded in observation. The present whether stress of short duration results
discussion will not attempt to resolve this largely in epinephrine effects, while stress of
issue but only to point out certain factors that long duration causes predominately norepi-
must be borne in mind in considering it. nephrine effects, as work of Bulbring and
Hypertension may cause only mild symptoms Burns24 suggests may be possible.
and accordingly introverted patients are most The cold-pressor test in normotensive pa-
aware of these minor complaints; high incidence tients with anxiety causes rises in blood

pressure which at most are only slightly greater essential hypertension. Statements that certain
than normal" and are much smaller than those types of personality or emotional conflict are
found in hypertensive patients or some of their the cause of the disorder are ill-founded and
normotensive siblings. This finding again should be received with skepticism.
suggests that anxiety is not fundamental to
essential hypertension. NEUROCIRCULATORY ASTHENIA
Another humoral mechanism has been The importance of neurocirculatory asthenia
invoked to explain how anxiety may cause has been rediscovered during every war in
lasting hypertension. Decrease in renal blood the course of the last century; there is no
flow, consequent to renal vasoconstriction, evidence that it is increasing in frequency. Its
may occur in emotional stress; it has been relation to neurosis is indicated not only by
suggested that renal ischemia so induced may the nature of its symptoms, but also by the
give rise to elaboration of renin, and so cause fact that the physiologic changes induced by
elevation of both systolic and diastolic pres- exercise in patients with various types of
sures without increasing cardiac output. neurosis are similar to those considered
Against this hypothesis is the fact that renin characteristic of neurocirculatory asthenia. A
is not found in the blood in essential hyper- physiologic difference between these two
tension. In addition, not all patients with groups of patients lies in the fact that on the
essential hypertension exhibit the changes in average changes are greater in neurocirculatory
renal vascular dynamics required by this asthenia; however, there is much overlapping
concept. of the two groups.2"
Excellent work in animals and more recently In addition to pain and precordial tender-
in man26 has extended knowledge bearing on ness discussed above, symptoms pertinent to
nervous pathways which carry vasoconstrictor the present discussion consist in diminution
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impulses from the brain. Existence of vaso- in tolerance to exercise owing to abnormally
constrictor centers in the hypothalamus has severe palpitation, dyspnea, or fatigue.
long been known; recently it has been shown In emotionally disturbed subjects, exercise
that stimulation of the frontal cortex, es- causes a greater rise in pulse rate than in the
pecially that of its posterior orbital surface, same subject when not upset, or in normal
elevates blood pressure. The location of this subjects; the pulse rate falls slowly after the
area in the general region in which is situated exercise. The mechanism underlying this
cortical representation of visceral changes and phenomenon is not known; the concept held
of somatic movements associated with ex- in some quarters that hyperventilation is the
pression of emotion is highly significant. cause of the tachycardia is not securely
Some patients with essential hypertension founded. The severity of the palpitation, due
exhibit significant changes in blood pressure in both to the markedly abnormal pulse rate and
relation to variations in the intake of salt. also to the patients' increased awareness of
The fact that a tendency toward salt retention symptoms, results in disinclination toward
may possibly exist during emotional stress, as exercise. If tachycardia is very marked during
discussed below, makes it necessary to consider exercise in a neurotic subject it is possible that
this mechanism as possibly involved in rela- some impairment of circulatory function might
tions between emotion and hypertension in develop owing to lessened filling of the heart
some patients. due to shortening of diastole. Otherwise
In spite of uncertainties regarding the tachycardia is important only because of
manner in which emotion exacerbates hyper- discomfort it may cause.
tension, clinical observations nevertheless puts To consider neurocirculatory asthenia solely
the relationship between the two on a sound as a state in which the flesh is willing but the
basis; observation thus far, however, lends no spirit weak is an error, for when patients with
support to the concept that emotion causes neurocirculatory asthenia, or indeed with

neurosis, exercise, evidence of a metabolic believes to be his capacity for exercise. Mis-
disorder becomes evident27' 28; minor degrees of diagnosing the condition as myocardial in-
this disorder may be apparent at rest also. sufficiency may do harm to a nervous patient
The resting blood lactate level may be slightly if marked revision of way of life is advised.
elevated in some, but during exercise it rises
regularly to a higher level and remains ele- SOME METABOLIC EFFECTS OF EMOTION
vated longer than in normal subjects doing Metabolic disturbances found in emotional
the same work. Oxygen consumption during disorders are numerous and complex; many
strenuous work is not increased as much as in are not pertinent to the present discussion and
normal subjects and consequently there is a only three will be considered.
large and prolonged oxygen debt. Associated An extensive literature, based on work in
with excessive and prolonged rises in blood animals, has shown that discomfort or emo-
lactate in exercise there are corresponding tional stress stimulates the hypothalamic
increases in respiration, so that the carbon center that regulates the function of the
dioxide content of expired air falls and carbon hypophysis and results in liberation of anti-
dioxide may be washed out of the blood; diuretic hormone. This effect is shortlived in
during work the respiratory rate and minute normal animals but excretion or inactivation of
volume increase more than in normal subjects this hormone is slowed in the presence of liver
and remain elevated for an abnormally long damage, such as exists in congestive failure.
period after the end of exertion. That some edematous cardiac patients retain
Mechanisms responsible for this metabolic more water than salt is recognized, and this
phenomenon are not established but the finding suggests the importance of anti-
changes observed are consistent with the diuretic hormonal effects as a mechanism of
effects of adrenocortical hormones known to be edema formation in heart disease. Patients
with congestive failure regularly exhibit re-
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liberated during stress. Vital capacity and

venous pressure at rest and after exercise are tardation of water diuresis as do patients with
normal, and so no possibility of significant mental disturbances also.29 Patients with
cardiac or pulmonary insufficiency need be mental disorders also show abnormally small
considered. The exertional dyspnea of emotion responses to the injection of diuretic drugs.29
is based upon impairment of lactic acid The above discussion regarding one possible
metabolism and the fact that neurotic patients relation between emotion and exacerbation of
are discomforted more than normal subjects edema in heart disease is largely theoretic and
by visceral symptoms. These mechanisms, is designed only to call attention to the prob-
important in neurosis or emotional upset in lem.
normal subjects, are all the more so in con- Patients with emotional disorders show
gestive failure. many evidences of increased activity of
Emotional dyspnea, since it does not pituitary-adrenocortical mechanisms. It has
involve stasis in the lungs or the venous system, been shown also that distressing thoughts are
is not associated with orthopnea, a fact useful followed by physiologic evidence in normal
in differential diagnosis. Patients with neuro- subjects, of increased formation of adreno-
circulatory asthenia may do large amounts of cortical hormones. That these hormones favor
hard labor under some circumstances and need salt retention is well known and accordingly
not show the excessive prostration exhibited this phenomenon must be taken into account
by patients with congestive failure who in consideration of those patients in whom
attempt exertion beyond their capacities; as a diuresis with the commonly successful measures
rule, however, emotional dyspnea causes is unsuccessful.
enough disability to force the patient into One action of the adrenocortical hormones
some limitation of activity. Nevertheless there liberated during stress is to impair carbo-
is no harm in the patient's exceeding what he hydrate metabolism so as to retard removal of

lactate from the blood. This mechanism is may seem particularly large today as a conse-
basic in neurocirculatory asthenia, as dis- quence of the fact that measures are developed
cussed above, but also must be of importance, in rapid succession for the exact diagnosis and
when present in congestive failure, in con- specific treatment of many diseases; no such
tributing to dyspnea, since the lactate me- measures exist in the field of emotional
tabolism is already markedly impaired in disturbances and so, by comparison, they
myocardial insufficiency. cause the physician more perplexity and
dissatisfaction than any other group of
COMMENT disorders.
Physiologic effects of emotion on the circula- Except for the fact that the cardiovascular
tion in health and disease are many and changes in startle reactions are similar in
varied. Their importance lies in the facts that nature if not degree in various individuals, no
(1) they may exacerbate cardiovascular dis- consistency is encountered in the occurrence or
eases; (2) their manifestations may resemble character of cardiovascular phenomena which
those of coronary sclerosis or myocardial may appear in relation to environmental
insufficiency and so lead to erroneous diag- factors which influence the psyche. The
nosis, and (3) their occurrence may call emotional significance of the environmental
attention to the presence of emotional dis- factor to the individual patient determines the
orders not previously recognized. occurrence and in a measure the severity of the
No comment has been made relative to the response to it. On the other hand, except in a
effect of disease itself in causing emotional small minority of instances where the nature of
upset which in turn acts unfavorably upon the the cardiovascular response to emotional stress
initial condition; this is true when the con- is evidently determined by neurotic identifi-
dition is organic heart disease or cardiovascular cations or by conditioning in the past, there is
no indication as to the mechanisms which
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neurosis. An example is afforded by Sir Walter

Scott who stated, "what a detestable feeling result in the appearance of each of the various
this fluttering of the heart is . . . I know it is types of cardiovascular change.
nothing organic, and that it is entirely nervous In spite of the lack of a body of definitive
but the sickening effects of it are dispiriting to data explaining the mechanisms underlying the
a degree." This problem involves one of the occurrence of emotional reactions, the reasons
most important aspects of the relation between for their variations in degree and nature, and
patient and physician. the manner in which they cause bodily
The problems raised by emotional disorders changes, there is no lack of positive statements
are probably not more numerous now than bearing on all of these matters in the current
they were in the past, although they are literature. Much of the current writing on
probably different in character. Psychiatric mechanisms whereby emotional situations
and other medical writings of the past, from cause cardiovascular symptoms consists in
those of Burton down to those of the present, validation by anecdote, and is no more
recurrently exclaim at the rapid spread of conclusive in establishing etiology than the
emotional disorders consequent to loosening writings of half a century ago that regularly
of family ties, disintegration of morals, loss of ascribed heart attacks to the eating of spoiled
influence of the Church and deterioration of or exotic foods. Attempts to prove that
economic security. It is startling to find that specific diseases are associated with or the
Erb, for instance, used these same explanations consequence of specific types of personality
at the turn of the century, a period which arouse skepticism because of their lack of
today is nostalgically considered to have been control studies, the limited amount of data
one of stability and contentment. It is difficult presented, or evidence in some cases that the
to accept the pronouncements of today's author is ignorant of the criteria used in
Cassandras regarding trends in the incidence of recognition of the disease in question. Concepts
emotional disorders. The importance of neurosis which relate specific illnesses to specific types
of emotional conflicts likewise are not con- barbiturates and other drugs are helpful at
vincing in that they appear to be based on intervals, they are less so, and at times may be
superficial resemblances of one or a few of the harmful, in the long run. Circulatory disorders
many characteristics of the clinical syndrome consequent to severe neurosis cannot. as a
to one or a few of the many characteristics of rule, be alleviated to any great degree or for
the conflict; it is not established, moreover, any length of time without psychiatric treat-
that conflicts are single, simple and invariable, ment. On the other hand, the milder emotional
or that they can become known or understood disturbances aroused in normal subjects by
completely. Symbolic explanations currently ordinary vicissitudes of everyday life, and the
encountered in the psychosomatic literature somewhat more serious ones precipitated by
also invite skepticism. Acceptance of symbolic serious cardiac illness, can be handled satis-
formulations regarding cardiac symptoms re- factorily, if recognized, by the artful physician.
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