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The human outline's accessories and its brands are an illustration of an actual

globalization process existing. The human outline's accessories and its brands are an

illustration of an actual globalization process existing. It's about economic globalization,

which allows us to interact with each other and trade our products that represent our

country, as well as exports and imports, and the manufacturing of goods and services

that we transfer across boundaries.

The garment industry or apparel economy is absolutely international. It has

pushed the boundaries of human occupation since the dawn of mankind. People utilized

native plants, animals, and minerals in each geographical region. The Chinese

discovered the secrets of the silkworm; linen and cotton were grown in the Nile and

Indus River valleys, respectively; and Mesopotamians bred sheep for their wool

(Winakor, 2013). Fashion is amongst the most significant motivational and

creative enterprises around the globe and a product of the modern age. In addition,

fashion designers response dynamically with these well-known garments. They

frequently veer away from all over the world or even from their own culture while

producing clothing.

Fashion has become a prominent example in talking about purchase and

compliance in economic strategy and has traditionally been viewed as a window into

socioeconomic class and change by social philosophers. Fashion has been utilized by

cultural theorists to reflect on symbolic meaning and societal goals. As a result of

globalization, fashion designers and merchants were able to cut production costs and

produce more items that fit people from various socioeconomic backgrounds.

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