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sInles mediate Value Theorem; Suf ce that -[Cx) ic Gnttnyuot on the cheed inkyval [467 and Ut WN be any number beter feay and feb, where fcay¢ fb). Then there exists a Point ce (ab) such Ahat flo =N fea! Application ¢ If fx is Continuous function onthe Closed interval [aby and fea) fch) iR is @ nonkrear function. e4., a) 7 Sinx — E% 4 5 =o dy) ay 8 4 52% -7 Ina 2 =0 Obviously, not all non (fnear equations Can be Solved enplicttly te obtain exact valves of vootg & Fene, we need to Pook for methods te abbr. Value of voots. ‘By approx. rool te foxy =o, we mean a Font EIR fos which the value fox) ve neat te Zev, ve, fomuo. Hew, we Sholl Aludy thevattve methods te oblatn an abpoor to a veal vost of equations of the form fin =o with betng QA Contfnuows ron Ltnear Funct ton: The Key tdea in appyox. “the veal voots of for) =o involves two Steps 2 & Atovting Slep © Take one ov mose Pointe (Acbibety ov following a Procedue) xg efab) (t= OY--m men) around a voot of equation fos o. Consider 2p ag an appsoximation lo the rool of fcxy= 0. (iy Impeving steps if OAL Very Clase cle “Lhe rool {hen We Ase done. Tf xm is not “close” te the veguired wool, Ahen / 1 Gee Cn OCA UrcemeanlS obtain another Point ms) thet \s “move Close” to the soot than Xm- Kepect this Step tnti] we obtain @ Pos %y (nz ) which 8 (Yanbbiciently Clse” ts the vequired vod. Thtp Process of tmpsoun “the ppsoximalfon te the yout 18 Called Plesatfue Process and Auch a qnethod WU Called Stesdtve anethed. t+ In Gn Btexative method, we obLain a Sequence of numbers fant which 18 expected ste Converge to the exact voot of foy=o 0s N—> oo- a) @) i Ttevatfve methods are classtfred inte tise tes: Closed domain methods? As the stastig step, these ametheds need the Knowledge of an Entewval in shih Gt least one vost of Foo existe. fusther tte vatlons include The vestyiction of this tntesval to Smaller Patesvals in wahich xaot Lis. . eq:, Bisection method Regula Falsi method oy. open domain method 2 The %E% mentioned in the Stavtng step are Chosen asbityovstly and the Conse cutive Plerattons axe bozed on @ formla, eq: Neuiton ~ Faphson melhod, Becout method etek Let us ferst disCurs Closed domain methods | The idea behind Lhe Closed domain methods jd ts atast wrth an — thlesval. ( dencted by fab] ) to whic there 2XiM& at Leost one root of foy= 0 and thon weduce “Lhe Length of this tnterval Ctevatlvely with Khe Condrtion thot the is of tsxt one Swot of the eq uahion ot toch Ltotattion. Bisectron Method (bo { Gbo)) ( Go, f (ao) ) Steps Gr Choose two steal numbers (by Lrial Ond error method) Op tb, Auch thet fl) chy ) £ (do) <0 oy £ (m1) £ Go) neorest to exact yal. 4 afta refeak ng “pus procedure n Kimes , final snttrval Lingth will be b- d — - Thea, we Pave chal ut by - Qo [>= KE, hore d0< € = |Xn- H| nit’ abbro: soot > 13 Lie *Ve) [oa “This aves “the number of Pte valtiont vequtied lo achieve an accuracy E> ey | { |b- a] = 1 and &= 00] (tie. difference helwem actral rool and Qhpar: vool), theo fl Cu be Seer - Ln (Yost) ff . ero Q. Find Gn Approx. Solutfon te non Linear equal von Ssmx +X 1 = 0, Using bisection meld. foy = six He-1=0 Obviously fro fcr) <0, thus wool Bes belideew/ O Gud i. uo Xo = ie = OF Cheek, fCo) {co.5) >0 (Bool does net fier th (005) Pterotion fetes, = O54! 4s UV) 2s check fesihtco75) <0 and flops) $C) do (No need to Gnsder ) zi cheek LCs) fen go (vost fies inthis tolesval ts Tvs cool res heloeen 0.5 Gnd 0.7 5~ % = 0540-95 ——— = 2 — om 0.625 di) f (op) [C2 625) $0, So root fies belive 0-625 and 0-75 Ths x3 = 0-625 £ o-Ps _ oe = 0-68 PS™ ancl / on but fod mong fateps fore qctual vot 15 0. 63 bE 33. Stopper Crftesia 2 - yy ert Stormy S geacitl @ Jm-e <& C, inbnowdn dh) Yrefre the tele number 4 Ctevations (out 4 fetipuens (ily [%e— ter | SE a) | = Aka) th a é& Fic @ veal number €>0 ard 4K the Pleralroo to Alep after pene X fauch [fom < © gesidusl Qsort qa veal soot of the equation AFON-5=O WV) QO. Find using {He er gh- B= Oo ot fres in (2,3), aot 213 2 ae Thus 60 Bi ° 5 check f(as)>o 4 feayo Binet fray : Regula - Jabs? Method 2 Ke Ss “This method is also Stmilar ly the bisecttoy mélhods Unfrke Lhe mcd Point as Lhe fost app soxi mated wool, btley Seclton Point of Aho Chorel qn (4f08)) and (hb fe) Ln the x- aahs ib daken fine approxi mate d ep | Gqutioo of Choed (frre) pert “Lor Points (4 {cas} bud Ch [c) is gi by ft) b- j- tt = O18 (eY Ena = On +b TO isection method @ (take intern! cantooniny ‘oot ne by-00 . Foor } z = X- aU >” a, nate Hee 5 (fay, © [K14 foylbnice (o,f fans Alb) bof) gay. © & © F Cony - fn) Lf -this Chorel Cuts x-axis, thaw yo and x2x, (frst app yovimated yoot ) O- f(ay~ LH-4@) (gy 4- a bs) Ayor aa 1 fea) fw[la Or qe afth—bfon fty -f@ Tes n= 0 12 -+-5 ale fine the Plexattye Sequtnce of the vegula - fals? method as f th) - £ (4) phich isthe x- G-ordlinate of tHe Tort of inkesee. Lion of the Lene ami the Points (Cs, { Cay) and Cho, f0)) (Obtained at The 1% clerakin) poet the x- eds for) Ya (ot on

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