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Gnaeffe’s moot squasing method aden Sowers Ths method uv used ty fend Xoott 4 a Poly oom all equatin with neal aoffe ciente. The sosts meq be seal and datinc, rook and gurl ot Conpley. Idec: Let ofp be too Hosts f ang quadratic Polynomioh ans. be fore @-KI (ep 20 3 xe (arp xt xPz0 — a MEER = Gap le W~ nu“, even dep Tams odd degtu rm syne soy on beth didd, ye Lve > (aap = ep) = aA Pape = Wp eepepe ye > hp hp = et phat =o > @- 47 )(e- fF =o LE -* = 2 tow Q(ziz CZ-«*)(-2 -py=o ® be -2h, -f Ate Spots cf eq ustio® Wher oA B ane roots ft cam. Thu ideo cou be Generalised for 6 Pelynmil degree in. H L& Prous dox™4+ ain + ax ry... be a polynomial equation with ai IR. LA Hot 4 Four o be Heel “and dutind’s ond seprecentid by 6,6, --- Ba + An, % + Oy =O —() Separating even dette oud odd depen fowwer s 4, % (without Loss 4, ffrctalaty, Consider ny Os even ) (are? # PAO 4. aya an) = (Ox Eas? 3 nen deg run tons #4@n4X) odd degree tans ae on blk ides, toe gat — 2 (a%4 ag +n)" = = (ant! gS eg aX) 7 ag XP (GP 2q%) vs (a 2010, saan ey ar L& 2-2 tow BED" 2" — EW ar2q ayyZ™!y (GL 20a 42-05q4) 2. 4" abso tby =o — © => be 2 + bee 4 BL BM 4. Whae bo = G2, bz Qb- 2G) by = al 20,420, b= @ au Rects 4 eqns ® wit be eB ~ Eh ke (atte the ideo ) histhig aquaney Procedure in tabulore 4prn Q, Gy a a, Oy, ny ay ae ge Qn, Oy ~2Q0, 20a, 24 ~ 20n2 Op 20y Og 201.45 2G Oy bo bi by bs - byt by Let m “Squting be donee we obtain the hollering equation, Box t BX b Ber yg By & +B, =o Lahose Oon RR Ry axe the LEE pyoor of dhe Swot, | gus @ with ofmmaie time, be Rp = -Be, ce V2,-- 9 Th we assume le 1B) >> > (Sq), thew IR >> [Ral >>Rs) = >> IRal 4G Bet Be 2, G,= 5 aff 2 quarys , Qe -1 kes - 256) Rez = 625* obvinwy 625 >> 256 D> | Motteover, le ove 2k R= ~ Bye az Kk i a > Bulg = ~ Bi she ayn dX Me eRe = er, B79, RRR, = CB, Swe hve Igey - 8p; jp = Lee] = IBN 7 Lavest = 2 On tert Qa laral], cenancn Absolute values 4 Hoo cau be obtained from @). Signpel, Seotp Conbe Uden tified be Pating the value 4 G2 th Pry zo. Q. Fend al the stoots of the folynonsal 2° -4x*41n-c=0 usa te Grofe’s Sraot, Bq using method. M:o A=! ay=-¢ a.= II Q3- -¢ ! BC lat Be ~2L -F2 m=| b=! b= 14 b= 49 b= 30 | 146 246! 1296 -4 -loe8 mer ) 18 1393 1292 Approximation of frosts m &, a 5, | 3. 44It 1.80% 0-35 7) 3 314.63 1441} 0-782) 3 Boga Lyyl4 O-1195 4 3-000% 1.9999 |-e000 adcud Soh art 32,1. Ans. Q Find ofl te seaots of the Polym’ of r8-4x¢ +5x-2 = 0 Using the Gradhe’s oot Aq was mdthed . Q=! a, -4 Q25 Q3=-2. 1 o1(a0(2) 0-2500(2) 0+ 4000(1) — 0:|000(2) ~0-\booc2) ml I 0: Gove (1) d- 4000 (1) 0+ 4000(1) I 0 3600(2) 0- 8100 (2) 2-\booc2) —d-1800(2) —0- 4800(2) mer 1 0. |$e0 (2) ©-3300(2) 016002) | 0. 32-40 (3) 0° 1034 (4) 02560 (3) 0-06 6p (3) — 0-05 46(4) m=3 l 0-25 80 (3) 05150 (a) 0-2560(3) | &- 6656 (5) 0.2632 (6) 0.655 -4(5) = > oles (5) =0-1521 (4) mit | o- (esz(5) o- Ist (6) 0+ 6554(5) 1 3-42-44 (Ie) o-1FIGCH) 24245 (10) =d: 2622 (6) —o-o8sacil) mes U 0+ 4294 (Ip) 9-0854(11) O-424S(lo) Wenob’ce that the magartude of, the codfvclent By is half the Square of the mogritude of Lhe Cotsesdfordt codfi cist Ue the Previous equa. THis fhermencw sndzcctr thet & in a double Sted. Wve obtain magnitude of Un swcte as 5 (a = Fl = 0-4294x)° > qe 149994 Pol, % Re l= BY, a 1627s [gl - + |Reu) = Biel] [Re] > [BIB l= boone s 000003 PURE |ARia) = Isl Ig. All the x0ctk ana Positive. 4 Le Bafistow method Baistow MEtLOe The Boitstow method extnads a quadratic fador (2 + «x +p) from the Polynomial FeO) 6p 240044... pany x4 dnzOy which mod dre pour 4 Complex HFS oh a Pur + sual roots. Th we devi de Be Polynomial Ro by He quadnabc factor (0+ xxtP), Uw we obtain a qpolient Polynomial Q, Ge) of degre (n-2-) and a Semain- —doc tom Which 1s a folynomioll of degue 1, ce, hetg. Thus, i (A) = Cede) Q. ow + Ru prraop —oO The Ptoblem is to debrmine dap duel Abet Rw P=0, 9K,f)=0—@ The pelution 4 age too equcions ip obtamed i n trrahive procedure. Ty (4o,Po) 15 dn dnitial abprorimation ond (dot d4 B+ hf) Bb te hu Sin od RUD =o, GCsP=s, ter LG t8% for 4B) =0, gle daw tah =0 — @® BY wae Taylor’s formula htt od, Pot apy =o 2 hips (ade at?) leg Gy? be can orde, [ean > Abe py + ac hylatrs aphe se py <0 sieeng gh =? fad + hp op = -f — 3) Smal, da Ax + Gp Af = “yf Solving {pe Ad k Ab we have a [tip 3p] Cah ~ he dy) _-®© be tect Goma 4] scthar approximations caw be obtained b Akay = Xr bX Pati = Pq tof H The tleralive Proceduse is continud until He suqyived accuracy \s athained, pe. folky de} < oe L lPxn Pel < vi He The vans AL, Pe), G\esfic) dod tein vba donuaves raquo "@) Can be obtained Wainy Synthebic AWision- Synthetic divisions We fave P,@) = (oma Xn +P) Q,09 thr eg 7 xt OAM Es On, Lt On = (tole ef) (b> 4h PS 4 4 b, x tbo-s) thus r Comporung be Powers, 4 x, We fove Qs = be => b, = Go 2 bteb, => b= G-xXb, = by +db+Pbo => by = Ga~h,-P bo = bk + odbyytBbea > be = aq — Chat bank Pe ve OR = be Ky PG With Gb, and C\z0 ®> Qe ha f, i h Sinlody ? 3 a ¢ = obna 4 esp Yh = bart dG-z +B Cn-g 2-2, Waing @ = —by-g +h Gra HP Gres = Gs, wig = bet -Cay—e Gna = PCn-g dp: — (Git aG-3) —® Hating ai the aquired dota » @ = bo= bd (fede bpg.) b= A Xb -P bys, ke ayn G: be kG Bice KE Dyed Chapa) aps (het (Uy lay } -® he ber, hy= Gra, fe = “Cag, ge bytedbna, 4a= Pos, Og “GstdG.s) ® Recurgve sel abions @ Con be weiter in tabuler form 3 fpolloves : ne ee Gy ay ~My kb) db wb, —albn.y -P ~Bbe _-pbr =Pln-s _— Pea b by Lob bay ba dG ~2G > en G q t om Q. obtain the complex Pair 4 xoots 4 dhe equation 7-[= 0, Ug the Bainstow method. Assume the initial Abbrer i mobion os (6, Pe) = (0-4, 2°4)- Bairstow tae is given 4 ly = =o O= 0 Qs=-| 4 —0-4 0-4 b= 0109 byez - 0-109 0.4 ber —o-4 | @:] G= -18 Gs D683 Vom (By he bay = byy = ba: -0-09, hy= -Ga=-Ge 18 bee tugs ~@ =, Fe bytXhy = bs thbr= -O-, JPG > d= Poo = 9-4, ap: —CnrtXGgy=-(Gt4G)= o-7 Th @® > Ag: —_! ty - gfe] = D+ 107539 (82540 Gaul f DQ ple FT4 “F Grau Ry) = oo hsse Thes sd, t hd > hz 0-44 dloF54 = |ooksg 4 L Pir fet aP > f= 09 tong57 = hooks fo” Cheradiow Def Lated fe4ynom al Qyry = box +h, = X09 (asta first ter) Extrocd quadtahicfacsn = 2 + |oo 542+ 100 35z (1 un) Recond Ltoratin gil A d= —d-D00751, AB: ~0 06354 a= di tad = |-00003, fa Pitep =] Ths extraded quad atic fader is + |ooooax +] om hy “x +] Aw. Heme Wonk ? © Porfrmtor tin attons of, Bauatso methed ty entad o quadrstte feces from the felynomiaS 25 42% 242-0. Use initrad Abpronimattous , = 98°F) Bo= 04 fas Paagt itt abion ( Ad=— S14} Second ibtohon {* oe SB= 2+ bs), Ape —0-003/ ¢ ® hind He Josh using Baivste®> methed ee atitasg co teke HoBe) = (25,19)

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