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Intex polation Let @ physical expori ment be Conducta) ond out ome ia ecodad ot dome denite number of tine. Tf we nowt fo Kno Ve odcome of dome intrrmedials time who the data ans not aaitoble, thew we mo use foo supe te whole experiment once agarn to get Pris dobe Mothemah coll, Dope phot te fynite Bat 4, values {foa: A= o,12,- un} + a function foxy at a given ad + fads fr teen, oy 13 Known and we wat fo fd the Vole 4 fay ot xe Oy, %), fon ome drove LK= alarm One wos of obtains the value 4 fix Us to compote thir value dbaucly from the expression of the function Pix). ofbin, we mag not Knoid tne exprernion 4 dhe ford exple city ond ony the data {easy beotannf U kwon, whe Ye = fou. 4 ee Xn Tn toes of fhe sical exposmest (Like caraua a count ry ), repealing bn espoumet will len be very exhensive. Thoutont, one would Lke fo qt ot Loot an ofprovimate value of fox ( In tome ah ex porinat, anJabbrorimal value os the outcome ol the devined tine) # Tas is achieved ty pout Cooma Ma Choi a function POC) Whose Value at % coinades exodly with the volue frx;) for £212, un and find the vole of this com rncid function ot the desined font. Guelv a frou is called nb polation and Mu cont nudes) berdton Poy is Colled tu inte folabog function fon te given dda. # Incartoin cir cumatonces, the forekion $00 meg be Kroon explicitly but till tho dilkreult th Perform cart ain thorations Dike ali fyertati ation ond snfeghation. This tL uthul b deatrid the clams of inte ploing functions te foly nomi old, Whas — chiffersatiation | {ilepration can be done cols Falunomi al inferpolation : Ik jx a Concept of fittng 0 Payne of te a gue dil. Thus to contruct an ‘ate polodiig Potynom: all, we fiat need a al of: fou at whichs the dota values ara Kroon Def: Any Calle chan of distinct rool numbers %0, 2), -- 1 Xa (not necersanity kn Anceo nag ardor) jg Called nodes. Df: Le Bj, = ty be The given nodes and to,3,°°7d, b Neo nunbas. A filynomied RO) f dep sn wu paid be te a Felynon al Unto Polating the given date on into. polatng Pols non al fpr the given dota xf Pty = ¥- - WO = ay # Keyan —O Conditions gun ty @ ore called the inser fol ary Condi tions. Existence and Uniengge of, iatrflting Bynomal PASTE ONT SNNOGE thy Wty Kyron! Theorem: Lib 6,21, 9 be given naket, and yy y, jhe ren numbers. Then i Mhece existe a pam’ ad Pu 4; dee Cees than o- equal ton duds Bat Bu ayy, = Ola, diy Aus a plyaom al 05 obove jf unique - Fro Sy We Wk prse existence of Jatyflany Hy nonial by Malem -abical induction If ozo, then te conttart Palyronial Ra =y, 1 Ade rquitel Aynmmial ond Me degen 4 Les than oF sul to Eete Assume thal the tem is rust ber nek: We will nd pave that the result ig pure fpr n= Kil. Lt the dela be given by | te 4 sete d! d Ys. § kK ke Bathe axumption, thee existe o. Polynoriol Aor 4 degree ters Lhow ve equal to K Aude dhol the pot k falerfplosiig Condition Rr) = oe, de ebek — Pold. Oryne a Peby noncsa Pray degree lers thon ov equal to Kl by Poy OE) = NOY tC (te) (4%) + (Hy) Daher fhe Constant C1 Gad Hat the (Ksi)' anterlabing condi on en Cea) = Sky falls “This is ocdieued by chuosing Ce Ye = fe Ota) : Cone) (eH) = Oh) Heke Unk Fay OP) = ye fox £20, 12 ---, K and K+}. Hence, th yen J Ha fo Oy rar nanbor (i) La than be toe inter boleding Poly nomial FQ) andQ Go) 4 dence DO thw o& equcl ten okt steqing Intec olatg Conclitions ve, MOO = Yo, Leela yn id Q (24) dh, tre la-on Dhne In GY = Px) -Q, &), thee MnO 10@ Polynomial 4, degite Leas than oy equal fen. By interpolating conditions ne Fave Snake) = Pred — Qqlu’) 9 Inc) =O fr ewny Le0)2- 0" Thus Fatt) 1% 2 Poly noms of of dope Lex thom orequel te ny with @x) distnd root. ©) the pedanental thenram algebra, We Conchule tht ¥en MO Zor Pol nomi Le, the infec slaty foly poral is Ungue A La the following dota represent te values 4, f . x ° 0.5 1 fry |-o00 0.5242 = 0-493} Then Uw arte Fulrssiny qrovtions : (ly Whd 3 the exact expresion for thu frnetion foxy ? Uiy 4095) 7 fst We corit get the exad expresion df fry Govt tet Dee gues data (sex fy4- ) qd Dus te this foo9s) oil | nel be unique -Lnfod ef Gon be any aol nunber. Pye = - 1404220. ovo + fous Sin(K e*) 0S on the vthurkard, 4 le los kK fer fon kn the clas 1 Tanabe 4 dey <2, thn Previous then rem Amplia Ahet Chow ex cts ea cy One Buch ferynomial & Pence le obtain unigad valu 4, £0.45) Foxward differen ms: Lit de data { (x45) L ke any xismgtih ae 440%): = Ad = TON) -FOs), S4= ard), oy AY 4, to A fs ala iwoud Ai osnee ops aed 83, a3, ay, on Called first fru and diffounee. J dil erences a fim {fomdurd dikfeneners OL Second forsoard Vihboren es ond one hensteD by Ate = ACMI) = 8 CY) = hy 84, = Bao) (Ir delay, Be = 8 nue) = 8 Ay = Bes hna)-C ha) hr, I dep beg §n % x % Ky Poxword diffeuner table 4 x t A a a“ 4 “ No ‘hb - a “ a7 _ ato. By Ay B ty * * a4 . . *, 5 Mh ay, Ad, % ds ey Ae ts 5 d, yy a4- . my, © de Tek yee es We - + Backward difterencep * “The dif ounces dvd, ted, Colled first backword dafjerin ces and denoted by ae b= age, x X 4 Ar % Xe oy dnt, Vie 427 di, 3) Vda= On $a - Hew y(nebla) ts cabled the backward dffounce oberstor - Vv yr v3 yt ~ Ab Mh Ny Rey vy Yeon , L a, Vv 4 vy A Va, 's ay veg 4 4, A, 3 to Yeo a, 4 dy Central _— The central diff eran ce sper ator, SB defined by he sal ations 4-4, = a Xs § 4 ~fo= Saleh) Sy, ob ant, L bn- 4, = Sia *o oh x, Centiet diff ounce table § 6 $ sf sy =AheTh $Y b¥y, Bay 4 5 oa, oh da, 3 te sty "he Sty > HE Tt 5 clean from above discussed table tut th a duhinite numerical Ge, the ame numerical yolue occur in the Aame Positions Whethrr We wie dprward, backward o% Contra diS fonancep . Thos, we hove s 3 5 - = _ way _ Ad= V4, = aL, AN, = Wds= Sy, ete Symbolic Relalions: The shft operdtr E ib debined by Bu equation E ty = 4 which, hows Hut afect 4, E pat M+? hfe the funcional value yy fo the next Agha vol Yyey L Also, Edy = E thy, = Gran un general, e” de = Sen The averaging operotos (Ju) Is defined By Bay = 3 Carat * de), ra nl ty, te ht 1 <7 whe eth + 44, Sma, — dn = Edy —dn Ain = EY, > Az E+] : 4 aL LoL Smiley, gs ie E! $2 -E* ys EXtE™ L gf - pre It 2, A= VE = Se” ete A den ite outer De 4 Gud thet Iso, We dehmite an ob te Dye a4 4). de To kelate D and E, we fove from Taylors Sesces Eqoy= eet h y = qm t A Dyer) $ ae D> Yin) fee ZI - 2 = ( tapos hoy te) yoo at ho Ce 4m RHs WV Q. show tht (Uo blot aus.) hn = Show that AY Uy) = Uy ~ Nay t eo ye “FEN Un Ux -— ng ncn-) -% - x — DE Uy t+ CE Wyn gt ene Ux “1 - (inne + nO er, + EU”) Uy vt -1yA (l-e7)"u, (e-1)" E uy n Nv Uy-n, °9 Az E- o TUy tue tue y.. 2) uw Differences of A falynomial © Let Yoo = 69274024. 44, be @ BY nomial 4 nde degree. Then, we Rove HAR) ~ 4 Og = Oo L@thy” — x9] $01 | GHhML x te Ayn) = dnhy Ply ah x 4 ay xd y- ——0 hove ay, ay ae OM new Coeffi cans. Equation ® Shows thet te first dif erence 4 Q@ Poby romied of wth depae is a. Polynomial deqru @-1). Srmiberly, the Zecond dlifference will be @ folynomial 4 degser (0-2) and the coef cunt fox wil be GN) Hi Thusth nth Qi erunce 4 By nl ty which 14 4 Constaid Hen, the Garyth ond Righor order difertnaas qa felyromial] 4 nite degree will be Zero. Conversely, a) Bu te dof ances 4 a tabulited function at Constant ond the Gry, (ayy dyornees abl Varsha, When the dabulated function paprcieite a fobgnoma all 4 degut n Tt mey be naticad thet there revl fold gred oy 4 Be tas eo eputly apred 4 The Cawese is imbrtat in aumericad, analysts us to abprorimati @ functon by 4 Py nomad if ity diff ounces 4 done vader beeome nearly Constant Binee id enables Newitor’s formulae fon Tnterpolotio » Given the date LRH) Fe ghar ny ats moe RE LE a nein te find 2 Potynomial Pacer (Yor) 4 depuen duchy thet Yn) Gre Of given tabulated Point Since 4,(0) (whieh we are inbuatid to {nd ) ome Tolnomial o, depen n, Eb may be Wwrithy os POO =) = Go + Oe) + (LHe) OER) 4g Sn (1-29) (2-11) ~ Otay), —O 5 cf Hoe Qe ane rinknown. Values ol APS ane ob tamed by ip x ‘nln any Conditions, u+e., Pee dn (XR) = de A Saleen Freon ©, we fave 3 ak y= Le, Yo = a £ olxexy = +O, Carre) = dys YoYo A 4, > = = a r=%y, d= ‘2 (9%) 4a (AK) (hy > wae Sim Wy, Br = at, Az = Hot ER; izoy2, ah n Setioy x= Q4 PR and feat alt. He eS 4 dn volus of, as in Q, he Rove * x we cH % REY GO = y+ b Ay, oe ey ay ED»: (Ft) oy. al —® E1,@ [5 Newtons foxward diffeunce svt Polation formule and is useful for rntr polation near the begining of a act 4, tobules values Nestow’s fewer d Later polation fpemulas Date f@, 8). b= 6L-nf A MEK Tih we OD = et psya+ PED Bygr + HDC (enen, Ke mph a — yr A Ge Srila te Neots fyaerd fprmila, one Cou derive bac kor) dnferp form, Gorgdeva, (ay 4 A (2%) Hs Oe OS DF) dn) = G04 Oy (x-¥n) + Oy (X-%) Ohya) 4 CH) Clem) Ibo sing Une 1'ates 4 Poleing Conditious, dn OD = FP 4+ de o12--n 42, Go= Yn a= 94, - Von on , A Be Se du = Gh > aie nt fa Setng x= Yntbh, We fave Wn ®) =4, + bYy, + tere oy te * EH) (P=) gy, nt Enno in Polynomtah interpolation Theorems Suppope %, %---» Hn OM distinck numbes 4 the inlewel [a,b] and you C™'[A,b]. Then, for ead x in [a,b], o number & (x) (gquoraly Unknown ) beboeen Xo, %,--.,%, and fence in (4,b),o ristz i f = (-% 4H) »- = - AEN) (NE + j >In) See On) (§() (ney! Exton Heke You) is apptoximated by a fly noms al of degutt 0,0, feo J n9 ister Pol . baby (j tte polling condi tion falXe) = YIKS)¥ Kroes n. C Proof: If we wan to Kroud, Rous PQ) is Approx mating ws Yr) ok Some fowls other thew node, ce, Wey oy q. baht would be Accuracy of this abbso ximation ? Consider §—®) — Pn) = Le He) --- C-my) —® Ty (%) obviousts, ak nodes xo, U4, -- Ins CxTY yp Zero but we would Qike te Know L for which (Z) holds fr Ory intd.mediate value of X, Bop eR axk be, te XO ---- n YE) —L @njl=o > Le aN) +I) Ths 24n-@ > YO =P @) = B%) 06%). -- Com MH) he — of (8), xq erutoh nH, 0 # Sine 4 OY is qennatly, unknown and Renee we dovt hove any information Concerning yx), formula © 1s almast use les in Practead Compikations. on the other hand, it ig exbumdy vadul fy Unoreltical Work in different brancdus | Numerical anahystk tH Oy does nat vary foo sapidly in the antrvol, a vrcdul Catinn ate 4 Phu derivative Caw be obtained : we hove trey = 4% + hy! oO eB 4" yg > YOR) -yay e Aylin) > 44m = fylay oy ylay = Age > Dym = payou > De £4, $0 me te DS Fan We thy obtain + 4" ar = aye a In view 4 Nastow’s forward inter polation, we Rove Ered = (%-%o) (XG). (Ry) —_____—— 7 «) (neil = (bg (b-nje (ned “he af Enron = PP) (bm) nat “Le tot hh Pe with tbh “be 7 wHy=(b-k oak wpe pen acm Sees sete gs nes dhe toss wenth peer ee een dey AS Oe wes tee it Me tale ee oe dete ene wae ota anpermnaem pei ge fae Bet, pe BS Gt fed gay weber Pree Nt ti a ae . Nets dptod ferne frh egin ty FR hd Hote Beh Me ME egy MOIS ime HH F Sect eee Bh Cote % 9 Bens Bete baet y wills amen = Hs ESR ep 60 Se Q. The table below give the volo of tann for o-log xe 0-30 x O- lo ols d20 0-25 0-30 j hos ge tenn 0. 1003 o- 15K 0.1027 00-2553 9: Be93 Bad i) teu 0012 (iy tan 0.26 ii) tan 0-40 and (iv) tex 0-50 Differenco “lable is given by a 3 x ¢ A Ab NS a % Ola 0.looS =4, v4 ite wy oes at Bie og, de x O15 DIST) =y, 0-0008 p-ocon oy, 0-051¢ 0 cco 020 OLorF=4, 0-00 |o 00516 0.0004, Xs 0-25 22553 <4, 9.80 \4. iy 0 - 0640 v 4 03D 02093 = ty neg + (Mton (0.12) is deter mined Using Nedtacs fywword dif ference ternal tow (0-2) = 0-1205 (acted vole is 0 0b Greed to 4decinol (bes) Wy ton (626) is déter mined using Newton's backward deffervence formula ton (0-26) = 0.2662 (0-266) Usng Neatods forwerd formule doy city adv, we Rove iN) Ea (040) = 0-424) (0 42-28) WV) don (0.50) = 05543 (6-546) # obuleded fpnction ic other Thom Polynomial, then ertvafo lation Very for yom the tale Limits vooald be dangerous - olthmagh init fl ation Com be Greied out very ace ureey © Using pleats frrenrd differenee foley fd He fur Ss Be hs Oye PS ta fo Bye Bak ot we ODF So Sy So = GUE FAS = OHS jlo AMS, = A (BS) = 4 (Soy ~Sa) = Srey ~ BS Bq = OHH GU = Bien tT BS= ont Meee G & BPS = AfSne~ So Gp a fondle dague Flymo? ® 9 Se ase 8 BSH BPI BS> ro Baz SFP AST Pas ie Pons rota, Hopes, xoy ete ter Ate OD se DY be a aw depees Son. 5 02588 Yo te 0:3 42022] 25 04226183 Be os 35 OSF IS #64 a) O64 UTERO fod Siow? 6156S fa 6 Ld vy disums cuntial difference formlae hich ave mast fauthed fre site foation neo te me ddle 4, 6 tabulated aa 2 Gauss” ential difference fosmulae : W Gowns Fcwerd frrmula: we Cansides thy fplloweg aC ference table in which the cembrol ovdinate is taken fo Grvesponding te 2 ( fy Hes Sake af Gnveni ence ) + 3 x q A x A A Ry J. L Ai, . m1 4.1 A at 3 x, eo Ay Sy “A ban ty x * hem ay, TO yO ¥ dD St aoe aL At The ermula is 4 the fom de = eG ay, HG ary Gey, Gays. —O blue GG axe t be determined . “ye mtph” We fo dp = ety = Galy, a a = 4. tb 4S, rhe Oy Hay —@ a! Also, ot ag, = SE = Maya, = A(L AMR ARs. )t = KM (Cho Ady HAY - AS YF ) a4 = And, ~ a yr aty, ay -_ 6 49. > a- ata + BY - aye —@ ay, - Ab ety = At (ayey, = A420 443 ay adtye- - —€@) Usyy OO, @4® wb ©, we fove Ath A+ 19 eas Hypa ay “8 alae ht G ANG de RES”) +43 (a2y— aby + -- ) +Gq Cig, 2a? gp satg—~ ) Ejuatey dn Goff exanly rt A} BM Yy, BY, On both sides, wehove G= > G, - (HP Ce) G,= BEN at L G, = (PN PY GR) Usng Velnes + Sin ®, G eet! g i p ows tyn0064 dysmala is obtained - Gours* backward female: \ \ 2 ! 4, = 4G, Ay, + G, 44+ Gia d,* 45 eg, $oe- —© where Ge are te ke dataminel as im Previous gern: Gleb gh = Cpe “emt pe pcb) ' Bd S “ay G, = he (bank Cb) 4) oe) Values 4 G,, ints 6, one Can ge Gaurd? backeoawd fecerula C . Q. ‘rom Une fellas ing Te, hind el"? Wg Gauss? [werd ord A backs. primate x“ |-oo Joe Lo lis 2a 25 Bo eX ams .g59q Boede Bsg2 BSL S45 5603 Difference table 1s given by a + A L X A x + A A foe, | 273 --y ; CNB oe JoS=%, 7.9599 9 :d00 4. Oo a6s O Hex, g0642. ee - ok . WS=% 3 ise” ee wo eS 5 FSS ley 7 N\ a veso |20=% 3.3204 09-0004 D-00%3 0-000] 125= 3.4403 elton 00005 00088 ldo-% g 633 6-149 2 = iis Ae b = 7s hee X= Eph, = INA, Kee d b 201994 ets 3a221 (furnerd ) ets P (Backward; hone work) Stisling’s fowmula ¢ Takeg th meow of Gaurd foroerd backend formulae, we Awe = 4g, AY, yo I 3 3 2 We be HLA Fay, LN Hg, z Bessel’s formula: . 2 4! a b* at a” as A, 45 Ag x 3 a, . Ss, " & * arg oes ay Xe 2 3 5 (;) Sh ay 4a 4g dae * A - K A ' 4 (ON ss Oa ey Vv d_s ° 4 - x 4 8g, ~ ag ayy Bde “Bracket means average” x 3 Ys Bessel’s formula is give by 2 . dp . (ey + Bade pCa’) 4B, ey 1B, “ath, rr Bs (On S)ehs (SE) oa a (AE L z Use 1) Ue Saas Procedave 04 dome vn Gaurl forioord devi volion we Rove Bah =p, by= bb ( p-4) a, = bth) 3) “ay By = Oba a) Rs Bess els Later elation formula iy 4 th= te hs, + ROY (8% eh) ray) oy stonntha e fi) ’ 3) +! - ot Nok: A netival question iss hid) one 4 Unese dprmulae. gives the moct Accurehe sesh ? iy Re intedlation of Us begiring ov end of teble 4 velass, Naston”s forward and backward fee to be used, serpectively » di) Cy UstirPolation neon Ue middle fa volts, tr floes are tke cho oan Stsling formule a Bessel’s formule 4 in

( ) Thus : (0-638) =|. 39648]—o2 (TT Sale ¢ C 2 Correct 4, 4 decimal 9 ) = LALIT Bessel’s dermal: zé bs + Reve choosy Xo = 0:63 K=5 0: 658 Bo f= 08 J (638) = bBrrtsr (Cred 4 z decimal Trees) ELapange’s Tlrpl alton formate: Jt geo peter func tc fash). ME 4 06,46) > 04a, nf de ger dale noes resed val to be qpally capteed We woth te fied @ polgremiol chguen, Recrotty ey) (auch Hat in one solic rob, Inbeflatig condtins Ln) = fe Fost Gneidee Ut thee cout only ow peaks wr data, i'e, Cate) al 0 31), Uh he egualon of abragl Bane (nes Prenat) unig these fos ta SOB O26) te aye break y poe) y feo | Ge > Wolo yo Fatah (A eee Gre) Lyf = GD [acte. oe? Gael - too + 2 ey, Luby = Qitoge hoe Loe = 620 es a ep 2 Lieve Gt) oe dwiowrly, fered bay 0, D, Gop= 0 Hou) =| ov Di vg = Sig Hereous, 2002 Lies Quay> AL Fe Foy Eovation® & tt pation ® called Lepage itafltiy plpenel f deer one fi Uregh “oe fabs Cost and (23h) - . ms Swilealy, Laginage plyanial | deyee te (uadale feynsely Foss Eengh Uree ferts Ctodd C,8) and O15 44) 8 Geen eos bot im the fry. Goes Qh, on = Bema) tenn Gerd “FOr 2 Dacre rte JO) Gam) O-4) tire Qe) dagen — Deogy = Say & & Quay = 4 te 10 Genrel, Lagranp fatpuriat of dgue n- gring) C0 fs Cube gree 98 Le = 2, Srosye ————— ®) whee es GDR EB) ete Berea (Heer Ole) ke Devgy = Sy 5) how = mn S Desivatien f Lagrange Interpetatvon -feemula. ¢ 9 La dite (edd) C= 212. oF be given ant nodes nec tbe be equalty peut La istapelabiy candi be gien by Luo ys, Cee, — asdte Uys ete tase tn 4 ax Fee a pli {Myronal ed °F te unbion tahiek, etl be detoromeied ya. haste, ye 4 OHH tee dey, Ye Qe hay arte raz? Po chang Yq = Ged Gay FREI 4 Gone Syskm © hes eH eqraltos well, (41) uhkesons Ao, 44,~~- An Se by order te fove wape Sclations mat fove — Lote eee ae Vo ae | £0, geannerntrmorny : . (rtm thea)» Onr*) Fo eee fhe chninalng an, 24, ~~ 7 20 fom @ +O, WE fave lo te ea Robe we PO) 4! : ~ wi om w- 8 Selung —Por LO, Wwe he Lay = ZAO%, whe @® Lee set in) caeng = 09 Ete cecte mye) HD cade (289) an becheyg LG hCG, toe Get Inverse Lagrange iteration Leaeee LAG ve Uh) ead gHiey (4%) Page Bee Ye Bop Tod leapet 2 wie 4e5 ye Bot Low = 3 fieoae te eA) 9) yy DOA I Grote easy Pies, "BRAC Gere Dam T Geren ts) yy (205) 06-% J hae 2 Bet, Lyep = 24986. be Q@ HWA Waly dete ted ye d find x py Bete Tap fata, ae SF lyse Awe Garay | P ~ Ove Jy (Carr) ie OF Bars foie Q.—Usigg Lagronge’s teteptaion formal, fied Je pen ef, Uae fonction yes Frm ae flor stable 4 * ° 1 3 4 at the UL be clearly Gens afechy ef hyrmial Ae ths fom witt be ye = Nhe 7 hove HSE “nn me ats hoy meno) be ue 3 ‘ a4 Q fo (= Peo Tes yo < epee dy Q. Fat Ha massing tor i” eo oe Te yo Sie spe to ge 08 6 2] Combe afforinatte) by ne “age ne ¥ 3 Ths sot should howe » ae Kyse Paes 2 €D*m=° + x a [EN HAE HEM FE Hao Ty Ag FR Wy thE? be 3 Quy Vee Ua numbers %=2, x= 245 andx,=4 te Find the second ‘agrege inleeolating Blotamiad for Lrar= Ya « fi) Use Une Felynomial ts abproxi mate f(s) = %s: 2 SM i, Rare Ly = 2 bev az Azo hwe Dey = $0279 x4), Mt = i (ay cae ay ' dnd Qo = z (x2) (%-2- 75) Ths 09 = mT a2 8% 44 wy fax %, G3) = 0-°329549454 O 6.3295 Mw. Q. Detesmne the error fem {ov woccond Lap tinge Tay namias fer foy= L wih ten nodes Om £2.49" Algo find the mori mum error ishun the Tlynoon all 1s wed t Afproviindle fre) Joy XE [2,4], Ter = (to Bs )(X) (42) x2) aan XSF Be 8) Lye me X% fo rj Dir) bem) : im Pig 1 tae oa = 08, ee) Deyo ter] Ba = He Fen if the coqunenip ore equal, the duided. differences sy uit Rove. 4 mean — sethig 1 Ho€, ce Be, x = bin he wore] ah, Here “809 ee ay ze = Alte) 41,%2)- Bo, pe, (oie) = | Cee) hil 389 foline 2220 +E Aye © hh General, fretted = PO einem re We tay He Lb we Pex aye Dita) = Be ¥] Se “emf GE CE} Baltr Ga a) te = te re ey GAN) GH) eH = Parem] = [ate 4d ae ie. Divided ifferences ave Symeme Witte theiv axqunets Tn Geert, 4 4 Teme med? _ a om rears Ceara ERIE UR) % + _ (eta) Pe) = OTF) Sifose nodes be ony Aig ated Hak acererd & my Generel, e ayce ste) = oA i es Lhen le if ‘the Labalated flnction is a fityrominl of degree n, “ % Te be Genfowt A free divided Aifferce of ath cer tow ahohe @ Geastant g thts Geneeat Inkl formate Mee ag Hoy, 2 Bere Hee GH) [42] —— HS aot) © Che] = [4044] =a 7 Pays [te 4 1) [4 t0,4)] —O So Using® ile D, we get — POD= et Bey H T+ OH) ED [204 Mes, » Carry) = [6 %,%) - [01,69 jee Se Ga) [ure a4 Dey, aR Usig ® int ©, we L._ GOH 4 Ot) [ror] 4 Groner Cae. s Jefe) (yp lore Cate ® Genral = yoy 41 ENO 4 Gee) C081) [to Ag] + (0) 0-4) 0. For, 4,05) et Geto Cte) (ytory,--020]._, Keri Fam as fol i Ctl Phare ymal Talal fom sth 4 desl differers the fst Yorn ery He 2 oe, He fot an bey He Seay ta oe B— Use Goal depletion forte. te fo Syst koe 2 t fol dey Aizen oles Merde ee weasel go pgg eX nna wee 4 2AB29 ~e0ee f ad soolte (49 pecs wood HH DAMS 2 bas ote) ae SOP 248 fot (et) fi] # Gey ot) Em] 1 On nan) (es) & e000) 2 tag Hy tt Ct) * > sunt de gee fllcig WE poston a pogrmnial ne © foo “1 3 ° -t 3 39 ‘ Bar ¢ a de foo Hasitasitae Numerical Dithe vent akron a — Usig the lynenal tilerplation we can oblain forme for devivalives 4 Are ofded br a given function, eg, to caheabtte Flo ok dome Pore 2, we use the Oppeoxinele fyemula Lion 2 FOO here Pyle) dersles The ax eb) fehypomi el fpr FOO. Henes, Corres ford ng to each 4 Use formulae desived earlier, one tox derive formula ley the derivative . 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