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PROF. Nelson Miranda

Asignatura: ingles iv fecha: 21/11/2021 Matrícula: 1202148
2- Hacer el siguiente ejercicio:
Subrayar el adjetivo correspondiente en las siguientes oraciones:

My nephew was (amused / amusing) by the clown.

It's so (frustrated / frustrating) ! No matter how much I study I can't seem to remember this
This lesson is so (bored / boring).
I'm feeling (depressed / depressing) , so I'm going to go home, eat some chocolate, and go to bed
early with a good book.
I thought her idea was absolutely (fascinated / fascinating) .
This maths problem is so (confused / confusing) ! Can you help me?
The teacher was really (amused / amusing) , so the lesson passed quickly.
The journey was (exhausted / exhausting) ! Twelve hours by bus!
The plane began to move in a rather (alarmed / alarming) way.
He was (frightened / frightening) when he saw the spider.

5- Hacer el siguiente ejercicio:

Escoger el pronombre correcto para rellenar los blancos : SOMETHING, ANYTHING, NOTHING,

1-Calm down. There is ____nothing____________ to worry about.

2-I heard a knock at the door but there was ____nobody____________ there.
3-We didn't see ___anything_____________ .
4-The restaurant was really crowded. ________Everybody________ had a good time.
5-Be quite ! ______Someone__________ is coming.
6-I don't think ____anyone____________ knows the answer to that question.
7-I've got _____something___________ to tell you.
8-I was really bored during the holiday. I did____nothing____________.
9-I woke up and suddenly ____everything____________ seemed better.
10-There's______something__________ very attractive about her.
11-Did____anyone____________ see George Clooney's latest film?
12-____Everyone____________ is talking about the new soap opera.
13-I'm sure there is ______somebody__________ downstairs.
14-I can't make my point clear. ___Nobody___________ understands me !
15- ___Everyone_____________ must hand in their homework by Friday.

13-Hacer ejercicio D, pag 154, sobre el video.

Complete the information.
1. Joel has worked with National geographic for over 30 years.
2. Joel started taking pictures in high school.
3. Now Joel is working on a project called The Photo Ark.
4. Joel's portraits give animals of different sizes an equal voice; there is no size comparison.
5. Joel's conservation heroes are people with iniciative and passion.
6. Joel doesn't think about the world in 50 years; he thinks about it is today, and what can he do to
make difference.

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