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Week 2: Source Type Analysis Template

Your name: Omitted

Date: 06/01/2022
Directions: Use the template below to complete the source type analysis based on the movie or historical event that you
selected. For help understanding the characteristics, review the Week 2: Scholarly vs Popular Sources Tip Sheet. Save this
completed template and attach it to your initial discussion post.
Source Type Analysis: Click or tap here to insert name of movie or historical event.

Characteristics Article 1 – Scholarly Source Article 2 – Popular Source

What is the title of the article? Smoking and COVID-19: A Scoping Scientific paper claiming smokers
Review less likely to acquire Covid retracted
over tobacco industry links

Author: Who is the author of Chadia Haddad, Sandrella Bou Journalist Melissa Davey –The
the article and what are their Malhab, Hala Sacre and Pascale medical editor at the Guardian
qualifications? Salameh - All professionals in the Australia. A non-professional with
field stemming from institutions interest in the field.
such as the Research Dept. of the
Psychiatric Hospital of the Cross in
Lebanon, the Institute of
Epidemiology and Tropical
Neurology in France and other
specialized institutions.

Source: What publication or A SAGE published Academic The Guardian Australia – Online
website published this article? Journal titled - Tobacco Use Insights News Article
Volume 14: 1–9

Length: About how many

9 Pages (Long) Approximately 3 Pages (Short)
pages or paragraphs are in the

Language: What type of The article uses academic language Uses everyday language that appeals
language is used in the article? with a professional tone and consists to layman understanding and
of advanced vocabulary. entertainment.

Audience: What audience is Articles are suited for Medical Caters to casual readers in the
the article meant for? Professionals, Researchers, and General Public
Content: How in-depth is the Goes very in-depth with scientific Provides readers with a synapsis of
information about the topic terms, definitions, detailed the retracted article and broad
provided in the article? methodologies, discussions and information related to the article’s
results related to Covid 19 and headline.
smokers’ risks.
Citation/References: Does the There are numerous instances of Does highlight a scholarly article in
article provide citations and citations in this document and a the general body of the article but
references? reference section that includes 107 does not have citations and a formal
different sources. reference.
Characteristics Article 1 – Scholarly Source Article 2 – Popular Source

Images: What kind of images The article does not present images. Images are illustrative and the page
or advertising are present? However, relevant graphs, tables and has many ads encouraging readers to
diagrams often accompany articles subscribe as well as access additional
of this nature. reports.
Purpose: For what purpose Article was written to explain new Provides general information relating
was this article written? research in the field, examining the to the retraction that may have been
relationship between Covid 19 and misleading, false or biased for the
smoking. It aims to add to the body public. Aims to be informational or
of work associated with the topic. provide context for people in the public
to understand.
Is this a popular or scholarly Scholarly Source Popular Source

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