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Centre for Management Studies

Assignment - 4, May-2020

MBA (Exec.)

Business Research Methods (CP - 205)

1. Describe the methodology of preparing a business report. Also distinguish

between a technical and management report.

A technical report is usually directed to the technical manager whereas a

general report is written in more generally understandable terms and directed
toward general management.

A technical report is just that. It is PURELY technical and covers all technical
aspects of the matter in question. It does not extend itself to sales or the
matters of other departments or make other projections into non-technical
areas. It should be written in a way such that any technician trained in that
subject will understand it and not need to ask for further information as it
is self-contained ie has within its content references to ALL information it has
been drawn from, inferred from or relies upon. We just want the facts here,
but JUST the technical ones. it doesn’t matter if the lay person cannot
understand it. What is important is you and the person to whom you report it

The quality of the research reports are defined by the degree of formality and
design of the report. Research report are written either formal or informal
format. Formal reports are also called long reports and informal reports are
called short reports.

There are two types of long reports which are technical and management
report. Technical report is written for the research audience, who can
understand the technical terminology. It is the major source documents that
consist of all the working papers and original data files. It is detail report of
research methodology, sampling design, data gathering techniques, data
analysis methods interpretations, recommendations and references.
Management reports are written for the non-technical audience. The section
in this report are followed inverted order as the reader need quick grasp to
conclusions and recommendations without much reading. If the audience
wishes to read further information it can be seen in findings and appendix.
Most management reports use visual displays in the place of content.

The major difference between these two reports is that technical report is
complete research report for technical audience and management report is a
brief report on critical findings that supports non technical audience to make

Q. 2 How do you write and draft a business report? What are some of the
important concerns before giving a business presentation?

Characteristics of an effective business report

-Accuracy -

Business reports which are effective are always accurate and do not contain
anything more than requires.

- Relevancy

Effective business reports are always been containing relevant information and
not much more than that.


The effective business report always contains useful facts which are required in
it and serve a clear purpose for both parties.

At the time of structuring report, you make sure that it's short and consider so
that you can address Propper audience you want to address. It required to
contain a description of a sequence of a situation or events. It required the
evaluation of facts and results.

As told presentations in business are mandatory and which also serves as a

powerful tool to disperse information at various levels. To give a very effective
presentation the speaker should do certain things. They are;
1.The most important event is to know the target audience before giving the
presentation be it 20 or 200.

2.Knowing the expectations of the audience be it based on age group or the

subject related the presenter can prepare himself in a best manner for a very
effective presentation.

3.To some extent the knowledge base of the audience should be known to
make the topic more interesting and appealing.

4.The speaker should not assume things about doing a background
study about the audience can help the speaker mentally prepare himself for
the event.

5.What are the audience going to learn from me today. this question should be
asked by the speaker to himself.

6.Suppose a presentation is to be given in a foreign country or a foreign

audience then definitely their culture and certain other general characters
regarding them should be known beforehand.

7.Preparing for an audience of 20 should be given the same time and effort
given for 200.Only then the speaker will feel satisfied and also be successful.
He should assist his presentation with visuals ,demonstrations , illustrations
which will add value to his presentation. Stories ,explanations and statistics will
be the cream on the cake. Appearance and greeting warmly will also give a
positive energy to the audience from the speaker. So any good and successful
speaker will definitely know about his target audience. Suppose he is not able
to get the audience details in advance, he should try to get it at least after
entering the venue.

4. You are creating slides for presentation that is being given to seek a research
contract with a leading toy manufacturer. Considering the following aspects of
your presentation (introduction, problem to be solved, market opportunity,
technology, manufacturing , production, financials, conclusion) create slides
representing four of these areas.
As an answer to this question, I am going to share the varios aspect of
presentation of toy manufacturing comppany.I hope this will serve your

Even in the fast-paced, money-driven world of 21st century, toys are
undeniably the inseparable part of childhood. A range of toys are available in
the market, from classic Barbie doll to remote control-driven cars. The demand
is ever increasing and customers are constantly looking for creativity and
originality, and of course affordability. It is a challenging business with high
ROI, demanding creativity and entrepreneurship, and is realistic and impacts
our day-to-day lives.
Problems to be solved:
The product needs continuous change and uniqueness.

It is capital intensive job and requires initial investment.

The marketing and distribution is very challenging because of limited stores.

Market opportunity:
It has either very niche player or most generic player.

A player which has contemporary taste and unique packaging style can attract
good profit.

Toys has also become a medium of learning thus it can have a good share in
learning industry as well.

The current market is expanding and move towards globalization.

Input material is soft plastic which doesn’t cause health problems to children

Use embedded technology to build simple circuitry

Die-based manufacturing unit

Procurement schedule should match with manufacturing schedule.

The product should be manufactured on the principle of customization.

Mass production for single product should match with market forecasting.
Effective quality control process should be followed.

Daily day-to-day financials should be maintained.

Appropriate financial regulation and controls should be followed.

All cost will be calculated and managed by cost center.

Value-based pricing methodology should be adopted.

The toy manufacturing business needs innovative approach to design new
product and good technology support to make it very attractive. This business
will have risk but that can be mitigated by having good market research and
customer feedback.

5. Nokia is the world’s leader in cellphones. At the Consumer Electronic show,

Nokia president and CEO discussed the company strategy for reaching the
world’s developing markets. He wants Nokia to do good business to “do good
business and do good at the same time”. The company’s program, “Calling all
innovators,” aspires to change people’s life through mobile phones. He
described a contest called “Nokia growth economic venture challenge” that
provides 1 Million dollars in funding to a company that creates products that
improves people’s lives. He hopes the venture will promote upward mobility to
the cell phone users in the markets where the average income is less than 5
dollars a day. This year’s theme is “connecting apps that make a difference”.
What multivariate techniques or a combination of techniques would you use to
investigate mobile applications, that when connected, improve the quality of

Multivariate techniques means it is the statistical method which measures the

relationship between two or more response variables. Multivariate techniques
is the examining relationship of two or more variable at same time.
Multivariate Techniques- Multivariate Analysis is a statistical method that
checks the relationship between the two or more variables. Multivariate
Techniques attempts to the reality models where each product, decision,
situation comprises of more than a single factor. For Example- If You want to
buy a Mobile Phone, you will consider the following things- features, price,
camera, functionality and lot more.
Modern Societies have gathered the massive data in every field, but the ability
to use the data to get the complete picture of what is actually going on and
make the accurate decisions.

Identify Research Purpose- Multi Variate Techniques are used to understand

the various data in market research, quality assurance, process control, quality
control, research and development. These Techniques are essential in the
research of Social Science because these researchers can't use randomized
laboratory experiments. Multivariate Techniques can easily establish the
relationship between variables and correlate how important each variable is
the outcome and what are the dependencies exists.
Determine the Effective Statistical Method- Most Data Analysis answer
complex questions comprises of more than two variables, these questions are
addressed by the use of multivariate techniques. There are various
Multivariate Techniques to select based on various techniques according to the
nature of data, type of association etc. Each Technique tests all the theoretical
models of the research against the observed data. All the Theoretical Models
are based on fact plus the hypothesis about the associations between
Multivariate Techniques allow the researchers to look the relationships
between the variables and measure those relationships. These Techniques can
control the association between variables by using the Partial Correlation,
Multiple Regression and more to know the links between the Dependent and
Independent Variables. These Techniques provide the strong significance than
the univariate techniques. It is involved when finding the solution to the
problem that contains more than one variable. The statistical techniques in the
multivariate analysis are used in observation and analyzation of the data that
has more than a variable. Dependency and interdependency techniques are
the two types of multivariate methods.

The criterion and predictor variables in the experiment indicate it as

dependency method. In case interdependency there is no dependent and
independent variables instead there is an interrelation between the variables
in the experiment. Multiple regression, multivariate analysis of variance and
discriminant analysis techniques include dependent and independent
variables. Interdependency technique includes factor analysis, cluster analysis
and multidimensional scaling.

The multivariate technique used to investigate mobile application to improve

the quality of life is hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Multiple
regression analysis is also used In the case of estimating mobile application and
also as a tool to test the hypothesis. Customer do online shopping with the
help of mobile devices, this happens because of the usefulness of mobile
application and enjoyment using it. The suitable data is collected through
qualitative data collection method then both the hypothesis model is tested
using hierarchical multiple regression analysis. From anywhere and at any time
consumers are able to shop , this enhances to save money and time. Hence
mobile application and mobile when connected properly, improve quality of

6. The Government economic data reveals that young adults, not middle aged
or older adults are having the most difficult time in today’s economy. Although
the nation’s labour market show’s a decline in the unemployment rate, the
percentage of young adults, ages 18 to 24, currently employed (54 percent) is
at the lowest level since Government data collection began in 1948.If you were
working for a national survey organization doing a general public survey of
young adults and older adults, what topics and questions would you design
into your survey to elaborate on these findings?

The questions which i would add in my survey to gather information for such
findings that there is decline in unemployment rate in our economy for young
adults are-

1- Are you currently employed?



If yes, how many hours do you work?

If no, how long have you been unemployed?

2-Are you currently in Further Education?


3-What difficulties do you face as a young person in finding a job?

Lack of experience




Other; please state

4-What aid and support could be put in place to help young people in finding a

5-List 3 sources you would use in searching for a job

6-Do you believe there should be an equal minimum wage for all ages?



Please state how much you think this should be:

7-are you satisfied with your current Job?



8- are you running your own family or others in your family are employed too?



9- How many jobs have you done during/after your graduation?

these above questions will help me to know if current findings are true and
unemployment rate is declining or not. it will also give us insight how young
adults are facing tough time to get jobs in our economy and if they have then
they are satisfied or not.

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