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Forgotten den of Azzak

2. Hallway
“Please wear slippers inside the den” reads a sign on the
wall, above a shoe-rack filled with slippers. Sounds of
3. talking can be heard coming from the left (room 5), and
muddy footprints lead off through both doors.

3. Azzak’s Sanctum
Azzak’s memories are here, held in a glowing green
4. crystal ball. It cannot be moved unless you have first
recited the the incantation (see room 7). Attempting to
do so results in a great green python appearing out of
thin air, how do you defend yourself?

2. 1. 4. Azzak’s Study
“Silence in the study” reads a sign on the door. The book
lined study has been ransacked. Two bandits lie asleep
on the floor, apparently the result of a spell. Speak
louder than a whisper in here and a magical green fog
5. 6. fills the room - can you stay awake?

5. Azzak’s Bedroom
The floor in Azzak’s bedroom is enchanted. Five seconds
7. after entering the room anyone not wearing slippers
finds themselves stuck in place. Stuck in here are two
bandits, Joseph and Jules. They want to be released and
will threaten people with their crossbows to get them to
What is this place? help. If they are given slippers, they will be freed.

Azzak’s Den is a magical retreat, where the mage Azzak

can relax and study in peace. It is built into the side of a
6. The Dining Room
hill in the isolated valley of Wendvale. On the far side of the dining room is Azzak’s great rival
Ventrebrax the Red. The table is set for dinner for ten.
Hooks: Azzak the Green is a great sorceror, who for Should anyone enter the room the knives and forks
reasons he cannot recall has magically removed his own levitate and attack. Floating bowls of soup and custard
memories and concealed them in his den. He found a pies add to the mayhem. Ventrebrax has found a spot on
letter he had written to himself telling him this, and the far side of the room where the spell ignores him, but
stressing that he should get someone else to recover the is trapped. How do you deal with the evil wizard?
memories for him.

Rumours and clues: Azzak’s impish familiar warns the 7. The Kitchen
heroes that Azzak’s den is protected by traps, traps he’s The kitchen is well stocked with delicious food. Stuck
forgotten about. to a cupboard are recipies for vanishing brownies,
spaghetti saucery, and scrambled snake. The recipie for
On the way to the den the heroes encounter a priest who scrambled snake is in fact the incantation to disarm the
has been tied to a tree. He says a gang of bandits grabbed ward in Azzak’s Sanctum.
him, convinced he was Azzak the Green, before realising
their mistake.

Appearance: The rooms are comfortable, luxuriously

What’s going on?
decorated, and lit by glowing pebbles. Ventrebrax the Red found out Azzak had discovered the
secret of the deadly spell Morgrim’s Maelificent Mangle,
and is determined make Azzak reveal it to him. Azzak
The Den’s Rooms fled, removing his memories to ensure he couldn’t
remember the secret. Meanwhile Ventrebrax and some
hired bandits are searching for his rival.
1. The Entrance If Ventrebrax sees Assak’s memories he will recognise
Four nervous bandits wait outside the door. Their them for what they are.
companions went inside a while ago and haven’t come
out. Can you convince them to leave without fighting? Map generated with:

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