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MAY / 2021


NO. MATRIKULASI : 900615106092001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 9006150106092
NO. TELEFON : 0106628445


Description Page


References – question 1a 4

Question 1b 5-8

References – question 1b 9

Question 2 10 - 11

Conclusion 12

Reference 13


Maintaining a healthy body weight is important for health and can help to prevent many
diseases and conditions. If a person is overweight or obese, they are at the high risk of
developing serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes. It is not always easy to maintaining a healthy weight. Make changes in daily eating
and physical activity habits is the key to success in maintaining a healthy weight.


To begin it seems important to take a measure of where we are. A common method of
measuring the body is the BMI (body mass index) which measure height and weight and
determines the BMI. A person is in the healthy range with a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. 25 to 29.9
Is considered overweight and someone with a BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese.

According to Brittany Masteller BMI doesn’t measure fat mass, so even someone with a
‘normal’ BMI could have a high percentage of fat around their organs, which is concerning
when you consider someone’s health (Orangetheory)


A more complete measurement is the BCA. The InnerScan BCA, is the simple and accurate
way to monitor your fat loss journey and set u up for success. So much more than a simple
scale, the BCA uses FDA-clear Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology to
measure key health indicators, including body water percent, muscle mass and visceral fat.

BCA is more beneficial measurement. Where can look at the ratio of fat-free mass (bones,
water and muscle) to fat mass.

Using a method of BCA is much better, can look into a person’s health and their risk for
disease. A higher percentage of body fat may categorize you at higher risk for metabolic
syndrome and leads t conditions such as high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels.

1) Raymarjensen,2017. BMI or BCA- What’s the difference?. Retrieved from
2) Britanny Masteller. What’s the Difference Between BMI and Body Composition?.
Retrieved from


Overweight and obesity may raise risk for certain health problems and may be linked to
certain emotional and social problems. (National Institute Diabetes and Digestives and
Kidney Diseases,2017)
Obesity is a condition in which a person has a harmful amount of body fat or an unhealthy
distribution of body fat. It raises the risk for several serious health complications. Excess
body fat puts strain on the bones and organs. It also causes complex changes in hormones and
metabolism and increases inflammation in the body. (Healthline,2019)
People who have obesity are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health
conditions, including the following:

2.1 Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is
too high. About 8 out of 10 people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or have obesity. Over
time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, eye
problems, nerve damage, and other health problems. (National Institute Diabetes and
Digestives and Kidney Diseases,2017)

2.2 High blood pressure

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a condition in which blood flows through
your blood vessels with a force greater than normal. High blood pressure can strain your
heart, damage blood vessels, and raise your risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and
death. (Healthline,2019)

2.3 Heart disease

Heart disease is more prevalent in people with obesity. Over time, fatty deposits may
accumulate in the arteries that supply the heart with blood. People with obesity have higher
than normal blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, and
blood sugar, all of which contribute to heart disease. Arteries that become narrow can lead to
a heart attack. Blood clots in narrow arteries can result in a stroke. (Healthline,2019)
2.4 Stroke

Stroke is a condition in which the blood supply to your brain is suddenly cut off, caused by a
blockage or the bursting of a blood vessel in your brain or neck. A stroke can damage brain
tissue and make you unable to speak or move parts of your body. High blood pressure is the
leading cause of strokes. (Healthline,2019)

2.5 Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which someone may momentarily stop breathing during sleep.
People who are overweight and living with obesity are at a higher risk of having sleep apnea.
This is because they tend to have more fat stored around the neck, making the airway shrink.
A smaller airway can cause snoring and difficulty breathing at night. Losing weight can help
decrease the amount of fat in the neck and lower the risk of sleep apnea. (Healthline,2019)

2.6 Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that put you at risk for heart disease, diabetes,
and stroke. These conditions are including high blood pressure, high blood glucose levels,
high triglyceride levels in your blood, low levels of HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol)
in your blood, too much fat around your waist. (NIDDK,2017)

2.7 Fatty liver diseases

People with obesity can develop a liver disease known as fatty liver disease or non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis (NASH). This happens when excess fat builds up in the liver. The excess fat
can damage the liver or cause scar tissue to grow, known as cirrhosis. Fatty liver disease
usually has no symptoms, but it can eventually lead to liver failure. The only way to reverse
or manage the disease is to lose weight, exercise, and avoid drinking alcohol.
2.8 Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a common, long-lasting health problem that causes pain, swelling, and
reduced motion in your joints. Being overweight or having obesity may raise your risk of
getting osteoarthritis by putting extra pressure on your joints and cartilage. (NIDDK,2017)

2.9 Gallbladder diseases

Overweight and obesity may raise your risk of getting gallbladder diseases, such

as gallstones and cholecystitis. Imbalances in substances that make up bile cause gallstones.
Gallstones may form if bile contains too much cholesterol. (NIDDK,2017)

3.0 Certain cancers

Because cancer isn’t a single disease, the association between obesity and cancer isn’t as
clear as other diseases like heart disease and stroke. Still, obesity can increase your risk for
certain cancers, including breast, colon, gallbladder, pancreatic, kidney, and prostate cancer,
as well as cancer of the uterus, cervix, endometrium, and ovaries. One population-based
studyTrusted Source estimated that about 28,000 new cases of cancer in men and 72,000 in
women in 2012 were associated with being overweight or having obesity in the United States.

3.1 Kidney disease

Kidney disease means that your kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood like they should.
Obesity raises the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, the most common causes of
kidney disease. Even if you don’t have diabetes or high blood pressure, obesity itself may
promote kidney disease and quicken its progress. (NIDDK,2017)

3.2 Pregnancy problems

Overweight and obesity raise the risk of health problems that may occur during pregnancy.
Pregnant women who are overweight or obese may have a greater chance of
developing gestational diabetes. Also having chances to get preeclampsia—high blood
pressure during pregnancy, which can cause severe health problems for mother and baby if
left untreated. And needing a cesarean section , or C-section and, as a result, taking longer to
recover after giving birth. (Healthline,2019)

3.3 Gout

Gout is a disease that affects the joints. It happens when you have too much uric acid in
your blood. The extra uric acid can form crystals that deposit in the joints. Gout is more
common in overweight people. The more you weigh, the more likely you are to get gout.
Over the short term, sudden weight changes may lead to a flare-up of gout. (WebMD,2020)

1) Jacquelyn Cafasso, 2019. Common Health Conditions Related to Obesity. Retrieved


2) Jamy D. Ard,2017. Health Risks of Overweight & Obesity. Retrieved from

3) WebMD,2020. Health Risks Linked to Obesity. Retrieved from


We all have periods of good

health, periods of sickness, and
possibly even periods of
serious illness, so our health is
changing as our lifestyle
changes. So, our everyday
lifestyle choices determine
whether or not we will live a
healthy life. Then again,
wellness is the quest for better
life quality, self-development
and potential by conducting
and attitudes in positive
We all have periods of good
health, periods of sickness, and
possibly even periods of
serious illness, so our health is
changing as our lifestyle
changes. So, our everyday
lifestyle choices determine
whether or not we will live a
healthy life. Then again,
wellness is the quest for better
life quality, self-development
and potential by conducting
and attitudes in positive
We all have periods of good
health, periods of sickness, and
possibly even periods of
serious illness, so our health is
changing as our lifestyle
changes. So, our everyday
lifestyle choices determine
whether or not we will live a
healthy life. Then again,
wellness is the quest for better
life quality, self-development
and potential by conducting
and attitudes in positive
I believe health and wellness is the quest for better life quality, self-development and
potential by conducting and attitudes in positive lifestyles. By learning subject Health and
Wellness in this semester I can enhance my wellness daily if I take accountability for my

health and well-being. I do believe a healthy lifestyle is equals to a happy life. Weight
management is a longtime approach to living a healthy lifestyle. My weight plays a very
important role to get a healthy lifestyle. Weight management requires ongoing efforts. It is
including regular physical activity, healthier eating habits, enough sleep, managing stress,
keep body immune strong.

I am aware exercise or physical activity is important for good health. I frequently make
excuses to avoid exercising, even after thousand thoughts. I am unable to incorporate it into
my daily routine. But from the lectures class I got a better understanding that physical activity
keeps our muscles healthy. And it enhances the flow of blood in the body, allowing us to stay
healthy. Regular exercise boots up metabolism and the calorie burn, resulting in weight loss.
Every alternate day I am trying to spend at-least 20mintues for workout. Using online
platform such as YouTube to learn simple and effective exercises. Exercises also can helps to
fight health conditions and diseases. Physical activity also helps to maintain weight, reduce
high blood pressure, reduce risk for type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and several forms of
cancer, reduce arthritis pain. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may
leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.

I made a decision to reduce my work hours and use the time to really focus on my health and
wellbeing. I started with everything I needed to track my diet, sleep, moods, energy, habits
and more. I started to plan my daily meal preparation. For breakfast, lunch, evening snacks
and early dinner. All are home cooked food which using less oil, no sugar intake. I am
limiting my meal portion size to control calorie intake. A Big NO to fast food and chocolate
and ice-cream. Most importantly per day I am drinking 2litres.

I started to understand healthy balanced diet plays an important role in body weight
management. For a balanced diet I need to choose foods and drinks that offer good nutrition.
This keeps my body healthy. A balanced diet also includes avoiding too much of foods. All
my food and beverage choices count. I found out that there is two hormones control hunger:
leptin and ghrelin. These hormones can raise stress levels, which often causes people to crave
sweets and junk food.

I believe if insufficient sleep it can lead to metabolic irregularities, skipping breakfast in the
mornings, and increased intake of sweet, salty, fatty, and starchy foods. I will be started to
have the craving for other foods mostly unhealthy. When sleep deprived, I feel groggy, and
that grogginess also applies to my metabolism. I will consume black coffee at least two to
three times in a day. The coffee effects remain till night. Then again, I will wide awake at
night like an owl. As the result, I decide to change coffee from caffeinated to de-caffeinated
coffee in day time. As a habit I am trying to go bed early to get a good 5-6 hours sleep.

I become more conscious towards taking care of my health. I started to learn yoga through
online class. At first had some difficulty in following the simple steps. It is because I never
practice any exercise so all my body muscle felt tight. After some time, muscle started to
loosen up. Since then, I am enjoying my yoga session. Yoga benefited in losing weight, in
such a healthy way. Basic principles of yoga which can blended well helps in healthy weight
loss, such as exercise, diet, breathing exercise, relaxation and meditation. Yoga promotes a
balanced and mental wellbeing too.

I am a staff nurse working at a private hospital. During this Covid 19 pandemic from 2020
my stress level increased. Non-stop working, long hours without break time ended up with
stress. The longer I feel stressed, the more cortisol is produced, increasing my urge to eat
more and more, even when I am are not hungry. But then I realized managing stress is the
key to a healthy life. I started to apply several tools and techniques that can help with stress
management. Some of which only take five minutes to feel more relaxed. Example deep
breathing, release physical tension, exercise, yoga meditation or spend time in nature.

To maintain a healthy weight, get a handle on stress. May find it easier to stick to healthy
eating and exercise habits, when we feel less stressed.


Long-term maintenance of the lost body weight can be described as a success. Although meal
replacement has beneficial effects on weight loss, it cannot guarantee weight maintenance.
Healthy diets recommend low carbohydrate, low GI, and moderate fat foods, but it is not
clear whether they are useful in preventing weight gain. It seems that consuming fewer
calories helps people to maintain the weight loss. Some special behaviors are also associated
with better weight loss maintenance. Consuming a lower amount of sugar sweetened
beverages, not being awake late at night, and consuming more healthy foods are some
examples of such behaviors. No special food can definitely promote weight maintenance.
Therefore, there is a necessity to develop further research to find strategies in obesity
management, focusing on the successful maintenance of weight loss. (Journal of Research in
Medical Sciences,2014)


1) Journal of Research in Medical Sciences,2014. Weight loss maintenance: A review on

dietary related strategies. Retrieved from

(2378 words)

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