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Simulation Solutions

ToLiss Aeronautical Simulation Solutions

ToLiss Airbus A321 NEO – Aircraft manual

Version 1.0.1 from 2021/06/01
For ToLiss Airbus A321 V1.3 and up

© 2021, ToLiss Inc. This software, digital art work and accompanying manuals are copyrights
and must not be reproduced or distributed without prior written consent from ToLiss Inc.

© Airbus 2021. AIRBUS, its logo and product & service marks are registered trademarks of
Airbus. All rights reserved. Officially licensed by Airbus.

Simulation Solutions

Table of Contents
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................3
2 Airbus A321 NEO aircraft properties ................................................................................4
2.1 Weight limits ..............................................................................................................4
2.2 Payload .......................................................................................................................4
2.3 Fuel capacity ..............................................................................................................5
2.4 Range ..........................................................................................................................5
3 Aircraft systems – NEO specifics .......................................................................................6
3.1 Power plant and power generation .............................................................................6
3.1.1 Fuel System (ATA28).............................................................................................6
3.1.2 Power Plant (ATA70) ............................................................................................6
3.2 Hydro-mechanical systems ..........................................................................................7
3.2.1 Flight control system (ATA27) ..............................................................................7
3.2.2 Landing gear system (ATA32) ...............................................................................8
3.3 Avionics ......................................................................................................................8
3.3.1 Indicating and recording system (ATA31) .............................................................8
3.3.2 Flight Management and Guidance System (FMGS) ..............................................8
4 Limitations .........................................................................................................................9

Simulation Solutions

1 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the NEO add-on to the ToLiss Airbus A321. This add-on will provide
you with the following additional functionality on top of the basic A321 package:
• Choice of two additional engine options, including external 3d models, engine specific
sounds, adapted thrust and fuel burn performance as well as engine-specific functionality
such as the “Dual Cooling” function for the Pratt and Whitney engines
• Fuel configurations and weight envelopes for the A321NEO, the A321LR, and the
A321XLR, including system specific changes such as the flap configuration changes on
the A321XLR.
• Choice of 3 additional exit configurations for the fuselage in line with the “Airbus Cabin
Flex” concept.

This aircraft manual will be focussed on the specificities of the NEO variants. Common aspects
of the CEO and the NEO variants of the A321 will be treated in the aircraft manual that ships
with the A321 base package.

Simulation Solutions

2 Airbus A321 NEO aircraft properties

The NEO add-on adds the following engine variants to the A321 base package:
• Pratt and Whitney PW1130G-JM – Airbus A321-272N(X)(Y)
• CFM LEAP-1A33 – Airbus A321-253N(X)(Y)

In addition to the new engine options, there is a choice of 3 different variants of the Airbus
A321 NEO aircraft:
• A321 NEO – largely the same aircraft as the A321CEO, but with one of the two new
• A321 LR – this configuration has bigger ACTs than the A321 NEO with an option of
a 3rd ACT in the forward cargo compartment. Maximum Take-off Weight is increased
over the A321NEO
• A321 XLR – this aircraft has significant changes from the A321NEO and the A321LR:
o A new permanent fuel tank: the rear Cargo Tank with higher capacity than the
2 removable ACTs in the aft cargo compartment of the A321NEO and A321LR.
o Single slotted inner fowler flaps instead of the regular double slotted flaps,
improving take-off performance
o Increased MTOW to 101t

2.1 Weight limits

The three A321 variants simulated by this add-on package have the weight limits given in the
following table:

Table 1: Weight limits for the different A321 configurations – all weights in kgs
A321 NEO A321 LR A321 XLR
Maximum Ramp weight (MRW) 93900 97400 101400
Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW) 93500 97000 101000
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) 79200 79200 79200
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) 75600 75600 75600
Operating Weight Empty (OWE) 49580 49580 49780

2.2 Payload
With the A321 NEO, Airbus introduced the “Cabin Flex concept”. This concept allows for different
exit configurations to better match the number of available emergency exits to the maximum number of
passengers in the aircraft.
In the ToLiss A321 NEO, the maximum number of passengers therefore depends on the exit
configuration that you choose:

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Table 2: Maximum number of passenger per exit configuration

Classic A321 exit config 220
2 Overwing exits + Door 3 244
1 Overwing exit + Door 3 224
2 Overwing exits without door 3 200

2.3 Fuel capacity

The basic fuel tank configuration, i.e. the fuel capacities of center tank and wing tanks are the same
for all configurations, but the additional cargo tanks (ACTs) differ between the variants.
The following table lists the differences in fuel configuration:

Table 3: Fuel capacities for the different A321 configurations – all capacities in kgs
Basic fuel capacity Removable Additional Permanent Rear Cargo
(Ctr tank + 2 wing tanks) Cargo Tanks Tank
Number Capacity Capacity
A321 NEO 18511 2 2348 -
A321 LR 18511 3 2450 -
A321 XLR 18511 1 2450 10126
Note: The fuel mass is computed assuming a density of 0.785kg/l

The ToLiss Airbus A321 allows configuration the number of Additional Cargo Tanks from none
to the maximum values in the above table via the ISCS, tab A/C configuration.
Note that the 3rd ACT in the A321 LR and the ACT in the A321 XLR are located in the
forward cargo compartment.

2.4 Range
As per Airbus’ website, the range of the different NEO configuration is as follows:
• A321 NEO: 4000NM
• A321 LR: Also 4000NM, but with more payload than the A321NEO – the LR can
transport more payload the same distance as the A321 NEO.
• A321 XLR: 4700NM

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3 Aircraft systems – NEO specifics

This chapter discusses the changes to the aircraft systems that are simulated in the ToLiss Airbus
A321 NEO.

3.1 Power plant and power generation

3.1.1 Fuel System (ATA28)

The fuel system of the ToLiss Airbus A321 NEO has been adapted to reflect the different fuel
configurations described in the previous chapter.
The content of the Additional Cargo Tanks and the permanent Rear Cargo Tanks is transferred
into the center tank, when the center tank is sufficiently empty. This transfer is done by pressurzing
the ACTs and the RCT with the cabin air pressure. As the center tank is outside the pressurized
zone, the cabin air pressure is sufficient to move the fuel across.
There is also an electrical transfer pump that can be activated via the ACT button in the
overhead panel.
There may be changes to this functionality in the future as more information about the A321
XLR configuration becomes public.

3.1.2 Power Plant (ATA70)

Naturally, the different engines are a core aspect of the ToLiss A321 NEO add-on. This includes
adapation of the engine fuel burn, the engine thrust values etc. From a piloting point of view, the
engine selection is transparent to the pilot with the exception of the Cooling function for the Pratt
and Whitney PW1130G engines.
Due to their unique design, these engines may require cooling cycles between flight to avoid
engine startup with warped shafts which may cause engine damage.

Cooling function for the PW1130G-JM engine

The amount of cooling required prior to engine start is shown on the EWD as long as the
engines are off and if the FADECs are powered. In the ToLiss, cooling time can vary between 30s
and 2minutes:

The cooling is performed fully automatically. Upon engine start, the engine will be cranked at
about 10% N2 until the cooling time has expired. Once cooling time is expired, the regular engine
start sequence will continue.
To reduce the engine startup time in regular operations, Airbus has introduced a DUAL cooling
feature, which can be activated via a dedicated switch in the overhead panel:

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To use the dual cooling feature, perform the following procedure:

Engine start (with dual cooling)

• Set Engine mode selector switch to position “Start/IGN”
• Set Dual Cooling to ON
• Set ENG 2 Master Lever to ON (order of engines not important for dual cooling)
You will now see the N2 of both engines spool up to about 10% and the cooling time will reduce
Once the cooling time for the engine with Master Switch ON is complete, the engine start
sequence will continue normally for that engine.
Once the cooling time for the engine with Master Switch OFF is complete, that engine will stop
the cranking process and N2 will spool down again.

• Once ENG 2 start is complete, set ENG 1 Master switch to ON

The second engine will now to a second short cooling cycle and then start as usual.

When both engines completed the start procedure, perform the following:
• Set Engine mode selector switch to position “NORM”.
• Set Dual Cooling to OFF

Note: The dual cooling function is not available above 7000ft and it is also not available at
extreme hot or cold temperatures.

3.2 Hydro-mechanical systems

3.2.1 Flight control system (ATA27)

High lift system – A321 XLR specific changes

The high lift system of the Airbus A321 aircraft is the same between A321 CEO, A321 NEO,
and A321 LR. However, due to the MTOW increase for the A321 XLR, some changes were needed
to achieve the desired Take-off performance.
On the A321 XLR, the inboard flap has been changes from a double slotted to a single slotted
fowler flap, which allowed reducing aircraft weight and drag such that the existing engine thrust is
sufficient to perform a safe take-off at the new maximum take-off weight.

Simulation Solutions

In the ToLiss Airbus A321, this is simulated by both updating the visual representation of the
flap as well as reducing the flap drag coefficient such that the single engine climb performance for
Take-Offs with 101t matches the certification requirements.
Note also that on the A321LR and A321XLR, the maximum speed with flaps/slats in position
1 (VFE1) is increased by five knots to 243kts.

3.2.2 Landing gear system (ATA32)

Braking system – A321 XLR specific changes

The thermal capacity of the brakes on the A321XLR has been increased by 15% over the
capacity of the brakes on the A321CEO, NEO or LR. This was required to be able to absorb the
energy of a Rejected Take-Off at high speed at the A321 XLR MTOW.

3.3 Avionics

3.3.1 Indicating and recording system (ATA31)

On the A321 NEO aircraft, there are numerous changes to the indications on the EFIS and the
ECAM. The following list gives an overview of these changes:

• ECAM indications:
o E/WD shows the bleed configuration (while on ground or if at least one engine is
at MCT thrust or above)
o E/WD shows cooling information for PW1130G engine, as applicable
o A new ECAM caution message has been added in case the DUAL COOLING button
is pressed when the Dual Cooling function is not available.
• PFD indications:
o Indication of Auto Brake Armed and Active status in the FMA, as well as DECEL
indication under the speed tape
o Use of RADIO and BARO instead of DH and MDA for the minima during the
o Indication of the descent profile deviation in 100s of feet, if the green circle is at the
top or the bottom of the altitude scale
o FCU altitude target is indicated in white, if the aircraft is in a mode in which the
FCU altitude is not respected, i.e. in modes G/S*, G/S, LAND, FINAL, FLARE or

3.3.2 Flight Management and Guidance System (FMGS)

On the A321 NEO aircraft, Airbus’ xLS option has been installed. This gives additional guidance
methods for final approach. Depending on the selected approach type, the pilot can configure the
aircraft to fly either an ILS approach, an RNAV approach and an RNP(AR) approach as was the
case on the A321 CEO. With xLS option, the following new approach types are available:

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• GLS – GBAS Landing System: Very similar to ILS approaches, but the aircraft position
is determined via differential GPS with a ground station. The landing system beam are
virtual references computed from the runway threshold. This approach type permits
Autoland and is also available on the ToLiss Airbus A321CEO from V1.3.
• SLS – SBAS Landing System: This is similar to GLS approaches with the key difference
that the differential GPS information is provided via satellite. Autoland is NOT
permitted in this case and the Autopilot must be disconnected at the relevant minimum.
• FLS – FMS Landing System: This system uses similar indications as ILS, GLS and SLS,
however it is NOT a precision landing system. The FMGS uses it’s own position without
augmentation to compute the lateral deviation from the runway center line and displays
it in a localizer type fashion on the PFD. It also computes a glide slope relative to the
runway threshold. The deviations to this glide slope are calculated based on the
barometric altitude.
Important note: The accuracy of this mode is not better than the old FINAL APP
mode. Especially vertical guidance depends on correct QNH setting, otherwise you will
come in too high or too low.

4 Limitations
The following general limitation apply for the operation of the A321 NEO aircraft:

Weight and CG limitations

The weight and center of gravity limitations for the ToLiss Airbus A321 NEO variants are
shown in the following figures:

LDG Limit

Figure 1 – Aircraft weight/CG envelope for A321 NEO

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LDG Limit

Figure 2 – Aircraft weight/CG envelope for A321 LR

LDG Limit

Figure 3 – Aircraft weight/CG envelope for A321 XLR

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Altitude limitations
The maximum and recommended altitudes depend on the aircraft weight, the temperature and
the selected engine type. Consult the MCDU PROG page to verity the maximum and recommended
altitudes for the current conditions.

© Airbus 2021. AIRBUS, its logo and product & service marks are registered
trademarks of Airbus. All rights reserved. Officially licensed by Airbus.


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