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November 2018

Nov 2020
History repeating itself

286 -- 386 -- 486 -- Pentium in the 1990s

People focused on Clock Speed….

Things changed when faster clock speed

didn’t drive user experience anymore

It’s really about the cost of computing

What other markets will arise?

Enterprise Automation has the

potential to grow to the
Trillion-dollar level
5G Network Deployment

Korea/Japan/USA driving
solid growth based on real
customer demand
China’s 5G Surge
China’s MIIT is delaying
the 5G deployment so
this peak may move into
COVID Impact
The Cloud saved the World

770% increase in Cloud instances (Azure)

22X increase in Webex sessions

Zoom grew from 10M to 300M daily participants

Mobile Saved the Cloud

10% to 50% growth in mobile data traffic

Wired networks fail with regularity—wireless picks up the slack

Mobile has accelerated its attack on fixed broadband

Pain Points in 5G networks

Vendor Lock

URLLC—slow adoption

Edge Computing

Uplink performance in
Open RAN is gaining traction!

Rakuten network demonstrates that it works

Best for coverage, not capacity

Expect high-capacity performance to improve

The result: Fragmentation with more radio

The Chaos of the Trade War

Huawei cut off from TSMC

Other chip companies also cut off. SMIC not a viable solution.

Qualcomm asking for a waiver to ship SoCs to Huawei

Chinese government is delaying 5G buildout

Shifting from massive MIMO to simpler base stations to keep shipping!

Overall: 2020 was a good year but China is not surging as expected

Fragmentation is driven by:

The Trade War


5G technology

The economics of ASIC vs FPGA are changing!

5G enables “true cord cutting”

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