Report of Independent Investigation Into The Management

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Following the persistent complaints of some members of AWICCUL in the Awing Memory Lane and
other forums and considering the lack of an appropriate response to their complaints as it was then
this Awing-ndzungwho is opportune to be in a position where he is empowered, was motivated to
engage this independent investigation into the situation that ignited these persistent outcries.
The outcries and complaints evolved around the fact that the funds of AWICCUL were embezzled and
or misappropriated causing liquidity crises that resulted to the inability of the union to render the
expected appropriate services to her members as they ought to do.
The decision and declaration of this assignment was done more than six months ago and has lasted
till this date as a result of so many obstacles encountered an example being the fact that the last
document received was so received only on January 17 th 2022 when the date for the presentation of
the report was announced by the Kwerfor.
This independent investigation was motivated by the following scenarios that prevailed at the time of
the decision to engage the exercise:
A cross-section of Awing-ndzungs– members of AWICCUL and persons indirectly affected complained
of the inability to gain access to their funds lodged in AWICCUL without any appropriate response
bythe board of directors of the union;
The executive of NACDA – the only umbrella organization that articulates and acts the catalyst in the
cultural and community development initiatives in the village appeared very unconcern, inactive and
was projected as being alienated;
The Board Of Trustee (B.O.T) which is the supervisory body to NACDA was apparently absent and,
The royal authority of Awing and its related institutions maintained an alienating silence.


The independent investigator is a full blooded Awing-ndzung to the sixth generation with royal blood
of Awing and a descendant of Mbuluwe (Ndi-Ameh) consequently cannot compromise the interest of
Awing as a geographical entity neither that of her leadership to witHRM Fooh Fozoh II the paramount
ruler or that of Ndi-Amehneither can he afford to compromise the dignity of his other ancestral
parenthood of Mbaatu of Mbeme one of the four pillars of Mbeme (Mbeme Nerkwa).
As it relates to this investigation, he is the program coordinator of WIDCO which is a member of
AWICCUL, was a member of the board of directors and also of the supervisory board respectively of
Mbeme CCUL which merged with Awing CCUL in 1998 to produce the structure existent in crises
As it relates to the legality of the investigation and whatever actions that could follow, the
independent investigator is the Secretary General of Cameroon Consumer Service Organization
(CamCoSO) which exists legally under reference N O76/C/72/NW06/AR/2015 of 29/12/2015 and also
Sec. Gen of CCSO which by virtue of instruction N O PRC/DSP/24/07/2014, Decree NO 067/CAM/PM of
14/07/2014 Decision NO 00259/MNTSS/SG is a member of the National follow-up committee for
social Dialogue.
CamCoSO is a consumers rights defense organization which by the provision of section 26 (3) and 27
(3) of law No 2011/012 of May 06, 2011 it can engage action against AWICCUL and her staffs and
board of directors in the case where it is establishedthat concerted actions were carried out by the
latter detrimental to the avowed interest of her members considered in this case as consumers while
AWICCUL is a service provider organization.
The law regulating the cooperative movement in Cameroon gives members the right to look into the
documents of AWICCUL and also empower CamCoSO to take appropriate legal actions to defend the
interest of members besides also being empowered to take preemptive actions in the situation where
it is contemplated that the interest of members is at stake. Therefore, the work of this investigation
has been guided by the provisions of the above laws including those of law N O 2019/021 laying down
the rules governing credit activities in the banking and micro-finance sector In Cameroon
Finally, the investigation has also been guided by the culture of Awing which discourages every
Awing-ndzung to not take negative advantage of any other one.
From the provisions of the above laws, it holds that CamCoso can engage judicial preemptive actions
against this current board of directors to stop a situation wherein it is conjectured with sufficient
reason that actions ongoing can become detrimental to the welfareof AWICCUL and or her members.
The essence of this assignment is to investigate into the crisis plaguing Awing Central Cooperative
Credit Union Limited (AWICCUL) which as is presented has rendered the union unable to satisfy the
needs of her members and Awing as the brand owner. The exercise entails working from an
independent platform to determine what went wrong that resulted to the crises determining whether it
outright embezzlement;
mismanagement or
management incompetency.
Is the crisis an accumulated consequence of mismanagement over time or a particular incidence
motivated by a particular team of actors?
Who were the actors involved and in what way and to what extent in this particular case?
The Management Board of Directors?
The Supervisory Board?
The Technical Management Team?
The Apex Organization(CAMCCUL)?or
The General Assembly in that order?
As it is normal, the reasonable trend of the assignment is to achieve positive results which are to make
the union recover fully from the crisis which is a prerequisite to rendering the appropriate services to
her members and the community. This entails developing or finding a way forward. The wish to have a
pragmatic way forward entails identifying the potential actors well placed to articulate the solutions
presented at the end of the investigation.


Awing Cooperative Credit Union Ltd was created on June 6 th 1968 through an Awing village
community initiative led by HRM FoohNgongehfoh III with Pa AlotahNtsorternjemVincent as its
pioneer president shortly after the launching of the produce marketing cooperative movement
Within a short while, within the same year and as a result of a crisis involving the theft of NdiAmeh’s
coffee at the cooperative premises, Ndi-ameh and the people of Mbeme broke off and launched the
Mbeme CPMS Ltd in the same year 1968 with Mr.Mukongmepeh Joseph Nwuternjerm as its pioneer

Sometime in 1971 Mbeme Cooperative Credit Union was established with Pa Joseph
MukongmepehNwuternjem as its pioneer president. These two credit unions and cooperative societies
functioned well till sometimes in the late 1998 when the two unions were merged to come up with
what is today known as AWICCUL with PaForneng F Alfred as the president of the board of directors
of the new generation that we are talking about today.

Sometimes in 1988 all the cooperative societies were merged to create the Awing Central Cooperative
Produce Marketing Society ltd which was affiliated to Santa Area Cooperative Union ltd. Within the
period of membership of SACU Ltd a depot was constructed at Mewungne with a hauling machine
which never functioned till sometimes 1996 when SACU ltd was split and assets shared.
The cooperative societies of Awing to wit Mbeme CPMS ltd, Mbenjom CPMS ltd, Mbentene CPMS
ltd and Awing Central CPMSltd split from SACU Ltd to establish the Awing Valley Cooperative
Union ltd taking along the two depots at mile 12, a 20-ton Mercedes truck and the depot at Merwungne
as part of their own share of assets.
With these, Awing Valley Cooperative Union ltd was launched.

In the normal style, with impunity, the union which had Pa Abraham Muluh as its pioneer president
did not last long. It disintegrated in an unusual manner similar only to what is happening to
The question that poses itself for answers is the fact that the liquidation process for the union was not
duly engaged but the interest of the members not taken care of meanwhile the houses at mile 12 are
gradually wearing away without any sustainable use to the benefit of the people of Awing as a
community most of who constituted the membership of the affiliates of the union.

The creation, existence and functioning of AWICCUL is regulated by law N o 92/006 of 14/08/1992
and Decree No 92/455/PM of 22/11/1992 and its subsequent amendments. According to the stipulated
provisions of the said law and decree, cooperative societies are owned by their members who also
subscribe to and own shares. They are managed by the members through an elected board of directors,
controlled by members through the supervisory board and promoted by members through the women
and youth committee. For the particular purpose of this investigation, extracts of the current laws in
force are included as part of this report.


AWICCUL just like every other cooperative society and related organization is organized to function
in the following form


The general assembly which is composed of all the members in the updated register of
members is the owner and supreme organ of the credit union.
The general assembly remains the sole body to:
1) Elect members of the board of directors.
2) Determine the duties of the members of the board of directors or dismiss them in the case
provided for by the laws in force and articles of association
3) Elect members of the supervisory board
4) Give the board of directors’ directives and the necessary management power for the proper
functioning of the credit union
5) Fix the authorized ceiling of debts that the cooperative society may contract with public and
private credit bodies
6) Fix the investment and placement ceiling above which decisions must be taken by the
general meeting itself
7) Decide on any other matters duly submitted to it or provided by the article of association
and internal regulations


The board of directors shall be the administrative and management organ of the cooperative
society with only the general assembly is capable of limiting their powers. The board of
directors may delegate some of her powers particularly for the day today running of the
cooperative society to a chairman as provided for in section 25, to a manager or to any other
person deemed competent


The distribution of annual profit after the appropriation for the statutory reserve fund
has been made shall be determined by the board of directors.
When a cooperative society records a trading loss at the close of the annual account the
balance of the loss after drawing on the reserves may be carried forward or be made up
through special contributions from members in accordance with the articles of
association or with the decisions of the general meeting. However, profit shall not be
distributed during the ensuing years as long as the loss has not been made up. (S 35.2


The supervisory board shall be a compulsory body for the internal supervision of the
cooperative society. In that capacity it shall:
- Regularly control the management of the cooperative society by the board of
directors and the technical management team;
- Check the regularity of the inventories and balance sheet as well as the accuracy of
the information contained in the report of the board of directors on the accounts and
the management of the cooperative society;
- Evaluate the activities of the cooperative society;
- The supervisory board may at any time check the documents, management books,
cash and any asset of the cooperative society and carry out any control it deems
necessary. The board of directors and the manager shall be required to facilitate
the work of the supervisory board
- The supervisory board shall draw up a report at least once a year for the general
meeting on the discharge of its duties and indicating its finding (S 27.1) and also
making its observations known to the board of directors (S 27.2);
- The supervisory board shall be empowered to call for a board meeting and/or to
convene an extraordinary general meeting on sufficiently serious grounds such
as failures to duly convene the annual general meeting (S 27.40)
- Open an enquiry where on the PRESUMPTION of an irregularity on the
functioning of a cooperative society. Such inquiry is requested as the case maybe
by some of its members, the general meeting or the supervisory board by virtue of
their special knowledge (S 27.5);


The day-today management of the credit union is performed by the manager under the
supervision and authority of the board of directors which shall appoint and dismiss him and
also fix his salary (S 20.1)
The manager shall implement the policy laid down by the board of directors and
represent the cooperative society vis-à-vis third parties within the limits of the powers
delegated to him by the board (S 30.2)
He may in particular be responsible for:
- Drafting and submitting to the board of directors for approval the programs of
activities, the budget and investment proposals of the cooperative society;
- Constantly ensuring the judicious use of funds, proper use of property; maintenance
of facilities, equipment, the internal organization of services, and proper and
accurate accounting;
- Negotiating purchase and sales;
- Cash receipt and payments;
- Drafting periodical management reports;
- Preparing the account for the financial year or for any other period requested or
defined by the board of directors;
- Personnel management in accordance with the regulations in force;


The articles of association of a union of thrift and loan cooperative societies may provide for specific
obligations for affiliated thrift and loans cooperative societies.
Such articles of association shall be rectified by the general meeting of the affiliate cooperative society.
By the special provisions of the law, the annual audit of the accounts of AWICCUL is entrusted by the
general meeting to CAMMCUL to which it is affiliated. (Sec 47)
Considering that AWICCUL is an affiliated member of CAMCCUL with a pledge to respect the
articles of association, CAMCCUL is the immediate supervisory and umbrella organ over the
functioning of the union and its management. CAMCCUL serves as the routine external auditor for
the union


Notwithstanding as the case may be the criminal liability members of the board of directors and the
manager of a cooperative society, officials and the director where applicable, of a common initiative
group shall be severally or jointly answerable to the organization they represent and to third parties in
accordance with ordinary law or principles for their act constituting:
- violation of the laws and regulations and/or bye laws as the case may be;
- Negligence or mistakes in management or in the performance of their duties;
In the case of a presumed violation of the provision of this law or of a serious mismanagement of the
properties of a cooperative society the state which shall be represented by the competent minister may
order an inquiry the finding of which shall be referred to the law courts
Violation of the regulations governing cooperative societies and their unions shall be punished in
accordance with section R370 of the penal code
Any aggrieved person or a person having an interest in the good reputation of a cooperative society
may sue them for damages


AWICCUL through her board of directors is required to provide information to all the potential
borrowers to help them determine whether the loan they were to take were tailored to their
needs and financial position (section 6)


In case of non-compliance with a repayment term the credit provider shall send a reminder
letter to the borrower requesting regularization of his or her situation. Within 30(thirty) days of
receipt of the reminder in case of failure on the part of the borrower, a formal notice is served
through a bailiff giving the borrower further 8(eight) days period to regularize the loan situation
The failure of the loan debtor to honour this formal notice will give reason for a formal closure
of the loan debtor’s account and the immediate engagement of a legal recovery procedure
Where there is collateral for the loan, the creditor may redeem the collateral under the terms of
the revised OHADA UNIFORM ACT on the organization of collateral

By virtue of the provision of section 12, AWICCUL can issue a loan ban against members who
owe delinquent loans and information sent to the secretary general of the National Credit


Whoever IN BAD FAITH defaults on a loan granted by AWICCUL shall be punished with
imprisonment for from six (6) months to five (5) years or with fine of from 100,000CFAF to
1,000,000FCAF or with both imprisonment and fine.
The penalties shall also be applicable in case the defaulter is on a will with a moratorium
As provided for in section 24, members of staff of AWICCUL may become criminally liable
for the offence of abetment in the irregular issuance of loans to a loan debtor

The shares of AWICCUL is what constitutes the basis of membership and hence may only be
withdrawn upon the expiration of membership
The only authorized source of financing that links a person to AWICCUL is the share capital
which in this case is in two categories
The ordinary shares and
The preference shares
AWICCUL funds beside the share capital can be derived from whichever source as long as the
general meeting approves of it as seen in section 15: IX


The board of directors or any officer of the union shall be severally and jointly liable to
AWICCUL and third parties for wrongful acts or omissions in the performance of their duties
or for acts of omissions which are not in conformity with the law and articles of association.
The supervisory board is responsible for regular control of the management of AWICCUL by
the board of directors and the general manager and the entire technical management staff
They are so empowered to check the regularities of inventories, balance sheet as well as the
accuracy of the information contained in the report of the board of directors to evaluate the
activities of the union:
Check at any time management books and documents, cash and other assets of AWICCUL and
to carry out any control it deems necessary;
Draw up and present once a year a report to the general meeting on the discharge of its duties;
Make its observations to the board on the management of the union
Convene an extraordinary board of directors or general meeting on sufficiently serious grounds
such as a failure to dully call the annual general meeting,
Open an inquiry where or when there is irregularity in the functioning of AWICCUL as
requested by the general meeting.


The general manager and his assistant shall be liable to AWICCUL and to third parties for any
acts of dishonesty, embezzlement, fraud or negligence in the performance of their duties

Disputes arising between members and AWICCUL, between two or more members and
between AWICCUL and its umbrella organ may be handled in accordance with the alternative
Dispute Resolution ADR policy of AWICCUL

The credit union has a voluntary commitment towards the community (sec 8 of the by-laws).
In this way the credit union can allocate in its annual budgets a sum of money to support
community development projects.
The allocation for support to the community shall be decided upon by the general assembly.
The case of AWICCUL, it is not just a voluntary commitment considering that the pioneer
structures of AWICCUL as at 1968 and 1971 were not erected by members but rather by the
community of AWING.

Loans granted to members must be fully covered all through its duration by either uncommitted
funds of the members in the credit union or other forms of security as per the LOAN POLICY.
Assets held by a borrower within the credit union and those of sureties shall serve as collateral
and may be frozen dependent on the amount of the loan for which the mentioned assets served
as collateral and the interest due
The maximum amount of loans granted to a member must conform to the loan policy approved
by the general assembly in compliance to COBAC regulations and norms in force

A loan must not be granted if

o The amount of delinquent (Portfolio –at – risk –per-borrower) exceed 25% of the total
amount of loan outstanding in the credit union;
o The total loan outstanding in the credit union excluding reserves and external loans are up
to 80% of its savings;
The credit union reserves the right to publish names of delinquent’s members provided
the members ignored reminders from the credit union to make good the sum due the
o The supervisory authority CAMCCUL shall play the supervisory role in the appraisal of
loans above certain limits as specified by the loan policy, CAMCCUL circulars and other
CAMCCUL guiding rules;
o The BODs may put in place an alternative dispute resolution committee ADR to resolve


The persons involved in the management and functioning of AWICCUL within the period of the crisis


1) Chief Peter Chi President 2014 - 2018
They all resigned en mass a few
2) Fomboh Kenneth Vice 2014 to 2018
minutes to the elections. The
3) Akondeng Regina Secretary 2014 to 2018 motivation for this act is open to
4) Aziseh Eric Njekang Member 2014 to 2018 several interpretations in the face of
5) Alondi Richard Member 2014 to 2018 the current situation of the union
6) Tepekem Pius Member 2014 to 2018

1) Mbangazoh Christopher chairmen 2014 to 2017
2) AlakehMbiseh secretary 2014 to 2016
3) Ngomessing Vincent Member 2014 to 2017
4) Ndah Justus Member 2017 to 2018, chairman 2018 to 2018
5) Fruo Louis Alota Secretary 2018 to

1) Kumasi Anasthasia Chairlady 2014 to 2017
2) Njekang M Josephine Secretary 2014 to 2018
3) Ndikum Helen Member 2014 to 2017, chairman 2017 to 2017

1) Fru Louis Alota Chairman 2014 to 2017
2) LeberatusAlangeh Secretary 2014 to 2018 chairman 2019 to
3) Julius Mbatangie Member 2014 to 2016
4) Ndah Justus Member 2016 to 2017
5) Mbapeh Ernest Member 2017 to 2018, chairman 2018 to 2018


1) Mr. ApetwohTakohGeneral Manager
2) BognouHypoliptusAssist General Manager
3) NjekangDieudonne Internal Controller
4) Weypite Julius Mboh Chief Lending Officer Bamenda
5) Alongifor Christian Accountant Awing
6) Mbonwu Glory Branch Manager Douala
7) Divine Permanboh Branch Manager Bamenda
8) Anu-ambosElizabeth Branch Manager Awing
9) Alota Alex Fon Loan Officer Awing


The following constitute the members of the current management team elected during the 2018
annual general assembly of 2018


1. Dr. NdamNgombi President
2. Mr. NchangNgomande SimonVice
3. MrNkwewoh Christian Secretary
4. Mr. Ndepuh Emmanuel member


1. Ndah Justus Nkezi Chairman
2. Frou Louis Alota Secretary


1. Ngongeh Helen Barrister Ateh Jacob


1. Leberatuslangeh Chairman
2. Alombah Louis Member

The investigation involved:
 Meeting with the president of the board of directors Dr. NdamNgombi in Baffoussam
 Meetings with the members of the board of directors in the AWICCUL board room in
Bamenda formal and also informal in three different instances
 Met and chatted with the PG of NACDA and one other member of the EXCO
 Interviewed and chatted with some prominent members of AWICCUL and sympathizers
like MrKupong Valentine, Ma Mangwendi,Evangelist SheyMerryline ETC.
 Some members of the former board of directors where contacted to seek for information
and clarifications on the issues at stake then CamCCUL was also contacted.

Collaboration was received from many members of the current board of directors notably Dr.
NdamNgombi, TatahNchang Simon, MrNdepuh Emmanuel, MrNkwewo Christian.

Of all the members of the outgone board of directors, supervisory board, women committee, youth
committee and the principal members of staff, the only person who voluntarily contacted the
independent investigator to furnish information useful to shed light on the crises is the Chief Lending
officer Mr. MbohWeypite Julius who is presently in USA.
One member of that board of directors in the person of Mr. NjekangAzise Eric was contacted by
WhatsApp correspondence on September 27, 2021 to have a briefing from him on the issues but he
refused to collaborate tagging the correspondence as SOCIAL MEDIA DISCUSSIONS to which he
would never be part of.
MrNjekang N. Dieudonne who was the INTERNAL CONTROLLER wascontacted earlier sometime in
July 2021.As indicated in the management record from 2014 to 2015 he was the internal controller
and Branch manager Bamenda branch in 2016. He was contacted to obtain information from him as
the most important officer who was the internal controller and branch manager to the most strategic
Bamenda branch to no avail.
From the reactions received from the two stake holders above mentioned, other methods were
developed to obtain information.




Information was obtained from the following documents furnished by the board of directors, Mr.
Kupong Valentine, MrMbohWeypite Julius (Chief Lending Officer) and the following listed recorded
phone calls and WhatsApp messages
1) 112-pages in seven booklets of AWICCUL annual reports of 2014, 2015, 2016,2017, 2018,
2019 and 2020
2) 180-pages of Loan application forms and loans agreements with the following references


AYAFOR NAPOLEON 253 4533 197

253 4575 129

253 4579 144

253 3297 65

253 3490 115

253 119649 68

ANUMBOH EBENEZER 354 119820 91

354 317 143

354 NIL 143

354 50170 121


MOUSSAH ETIENNE 1174 3499 12

ABRAHAM ALI 695 50217 6

NDONWI CLETUS N 1113 119831 110


WOMEN COMMITTEE 915 4521 167

3) A 2-page set of resolutions of the AGM of 24th January 2015

4) A 51-pages contract document for the construction of the AWICCUL tower building at the
FON’S street Bamenda signed on 20/02/2015 by Mr Chi Peter Chi as president of the B.O.D of
AWICCUL in witness ofMrFombuhTertoh Kenneth as V.P, MrApetwohTakohGM,
Mrs.Akondeng Regina Pezungha as board member of AWICCUL on the one hand and
MrAyafor Napoleon as director general of NAPOCAM in witness of MrPenenji Celestine
Shenjeh notarized by Mr. Napoleon Fru Esq.
5) A 2-page correspondence dated March 24, 2015 signed by Mr. Fombon Raphael
MbebwoChapter supervisor copied the Chapter president CamCCULBamenda Chapter, The
GM CamCCUL, and the Network Coordinator CamCCUL in which the chapter supervisor
cautioned the Board Of Directors of the fact that the procedure for the award of the contract
for the construction of the AWICCUL Tower and at 584,000,000CFAF violated all provisions of
public law on contract awards and more seriously the general assembly resolution of March
2014 in which an investment budget of 200million CFAF was voted.
28.12.2016 from NAPOCAM Enterprise through the general manager to the Board of Directors
AWICCUL strangely endorsed as approved by Ayafor Napoleon the general contractor, Ndang
Emmanuel the consultant, MrApongpo David and MrAlondi Richard as the project committee,
MrApetwohTakoh—GM and Mr Chi as president of the board of directors.
7) A 7-page set of documents captioned “MEMBER SITUATION”dated November 17, 2021 in the
names of NjekangDieudonne, Njekang Josephine Masazi, NjekangPekwaleke, Njekang Gabriel
Akondi, Njekang Martin Ndah, NjekangAghetse Godfrey and Women committee AWICCUL
8) A 43-page document compiled by MrNkeh Christopher Mbonglen captioned “MANAGEMENT
9) A 25-pages document captioned “DRAFT LOAN POLICY TO BE REVIEWED AND ADOPTED BY
10) A 31-pages document captioned “AWICCUL BYELAWS” adopted on February 2018 with the
following as the adoption clause: “THESE PRESENT MODEL BYE LAWS FOR THE AWICCUL, AN
FEB 2018” endorsed by MrNjem Clement Alomachi and Akondeng Joseph as scrutineers then
Akondeng Regina as Secretary, Chi Peter Chi as president of BOD and another person
MrAkouyou Bruno Ngwalum as the Registrar-In Chief of the Regional Service of Coops and
11) An 18-pages Articles of association of AWICCUL adopted in 2013 and endorsed by
MrFozohTambende as secretary of the extraordinary general assembly, Pastor Chi James as
the president of the B.O.D, the regional registrar of Coops/CIGs NWR then notarized by Mr.
Akum Rene Esq but without page 5 containing very vital information on the statue, head
office, jurisdiction, address, mission statement, share capital and classification of shares.
12) A 7-pages Term deposit contract between AWICCUL represented by MrApetwohTakoh and
NjekangDieudonne on the one hand and MrAkondengNsahtime dated November 8, 2016
notarized by Ashuntantang Tanjong Esq dated 06/02/2017;
13) AGM resolutions of 06/02/2017;
14) A 1-page Extract of extraordinary board exco meeting of 01/02/2017 endorse by Mr chi Peter
Chi, MrFomboh T Kenneth and Mr APETWOH Takoh;
15) A 1-page standing other issued by the board of directors on 05 th day of April 2018 to Barr
Akum Rene handing land certificate No 7270 vol 36 folio 194 to MrAkondeng John Best;
16) A 16-A4 pages in 8 A3 sheets of Updated list of delinquent loans as at June 30,2021 of 373
delinquent loans with Bamenda branch members alone holding 1,111,336,744CFAF, Yaoundé
holding 128 loans at 135,145,000CFAF, Buea branch holding 27 loans worth 82,408,286CDFAF,
Douala Bonaberi branch holding 26 loans worth 47,965,461CFAF, Santa Branch holding 9 loans
worth 18,964,197CFAF and the Awing mother branch with 55 loans worth 39,002,596CFAF;

17) A 14-A4 pages in 7 A3 pages of Updated list of delinquent loans as at November 30,2021 of
345 delinquent loans with Bamenda branch members alone holding 125 loans worth
1,133,739,480CFAF, Yaoundé holding 106 loans worth 116,114,687CFAF, Buea branch holding
26 loans worth 82,342,896CDFAF, Douala Bonaberi branch holding 26 loans worth
41,982,482CFAF, Santa Branch holding 10 loans worth 17,528,852CFAF and the Awing mother
branch with 55 loans worth 39,180,557CFAF
18) A 4-page document captioned “AWICCUL report to NACDA midyear 2021” by the board of
directors to wit: Dr. NdamNgombi, TatahNchang, Mr. Ndepuh Emmanuel, MrNkwewoh
Christian and Fai Achu.
19) A 3-pages letter from MrMbah Rene Esq dated 29/05/2019 to the president B.O.D AWICCUL
20) A 1-page letter dated 02/04/2019 from MrApetwohTakoh to the relieving manager AWICCUL
on the subject “NOTIFICATION FOR COMMENCEMENT OF MY LEAVES” copied supervisory
board and board with an attached document captioned “NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL LEAVE”
dated 18th January, 2019 signed by Mr Chi Peter Chi as president of the board of directors just
one day to the elective general assembly during which the entire board resigned but
strangely, the said leave had to commence on April 01, 2019 seventy two days later.
21) A 1-page document captioned, “RELEVE DECOMPTE for the period 20/01/2019 to
22) A 2-page document by NchangNgomandeSimon vice president B.O.D captioned“MY
23) A 4-pages document from the president general NACDA captioned “NACDA LEAD AWICCUL
AND OUR ACHIEVEMENTS AS OF 30/12/2020”signed by NchangNgomande Simon BOD Vice
STAFF SALARY FOR FEBRAURY 2019” signed by MrApetwohTaku - the General Manager on
behalf of AWICCUL;
26) A 1-page document captioned, “PAYSLIP FOR APRIL 2017” in the sum of 263,333CFAF in the
name of MrNjekangDieudonne the Internal controller;
27) A 1-page document captioned,“SALARY ADJUSTMENT” in the name of NjekangDieudonne
dated 18/03.2017;
28) A document captioned, “ANTILOPE DATE D’EDITION 05 11 2021”in the name of
NjekangDieudonne being pays lip of the ministry of education” in the sum of 205, 245CFAF;
29) A 5-pages document captioned, “CONSULTANCY CONTRACT OF SERVICE OF A SPECIFIC
DURATION”sealed by Mr Chi Peter Chi as the president of the board of directors of AWICCUL
and MrNjekangDieudonneNkwate as the contract worker in the presence of MrApetwohTaku
and Asambang Mercy Mengyntoh notarized by Mr Akum Rene Esq dated 01 January 2018;
30) A 1-page document captioned,“A COMPLAINT AGAINST MR, NGONGEH ROHBEN”dated
07/05/2020 addressed to the procureur general North West Region signed by the relieving
manager for AWICCUL MrNkeh Christopher;
31) A 1-page cash receipt issued by AWICCUL YdeObili to MrKupong Valentine dated 09/08/2021
in the sum of 100,000CFAF;
32) 5 pictures of events during an AGM of AWICCUL during which MrKupong Valentine gave a key
note address as a guest of honour;
33) A cash receipt No 0033230 in the sum of 500,000CFAF issued by La RegionaleMenvelle on
23/02/2017 to MrNkwewohKonjohMofor for deposit into account No. 37314912601-19
belonging to AWICCUL;
The State Counsel Mezam by MrAyafor Napoleon dated 08/01/2019;
35) A 2-page complaint from NAPOCAM Enterprise dated 03/07/2019 to the General Manager of
ACCOUNT AND UNPAID BILLS FOR CONSTRUCTION” in which he raises issues on an amount
of 62,439,259CFAF which insinuate that illegal transfers were made from his account to
MrApetwohTaku’s account etc;
36) A 1-page letter from the board of directors to HRM fon of Awing dated 01 st November 2021 on
NJEKANG – A CALL FOR CONCERN” in which the board complaint of the unwillingness of the
concerned to redeem their loans cumulatively in the sum of 14,816,903CFAFas against a total
savings of only 215,286CFAF;
37) A 1-page letter dated 25th November 2021 from the Assistant general manager addressed to
the family of Pa Peter Njekang captioned, “THE LAST DECISION OF THE STAKEHOLDERS OF
38) Two audio messages from MrTakuApetwoh former general manager directed to
MrNkehChristopher furnished by Mr. Ndepuh Emmanuel a member of the board of directors;
39) A 3-page ruling No 023/COM/ BP/2021 of 17/11/2021 of the high court of Mezam in Suit No
HCB/002/BP/2020 between AWICCUL and The People of Cameroon in which AWICCUL is
granted preemptive settlement and suspension of law suits and claims for an interval of 3
years from a date when the said ruling is served to CamCCUL including claims related to:
a. Term deposit contract claims;
b. Claims for social insurance contributions for AWICCUL workers;
c. Claims for the payment of members deposits and savings;
d. Legal retainership claims;
e. Claims related to the construction of the AWICCUL tower and finally
f. Claims in lieu of the payment of taxes.
40) A 7-page document comprising of
a. A query letter dated 29 November 2019 addressed to MrNgongehRohbenForghang-
AWICCUL Tongolo Yaoundé issued by Mr. ApetwohTaku, the general manager of
b. A-2 page attached document captioned, “SUMMARY REPORT ON MR NGONGEH
c. A 1-page document captioned, “YAOUNDE TONGOLO BRANCH LIST OF DELINQUENT
d. A 1-page photocopy of NIC of MrNgongehRohbenForghang;
e. A 2-page correspondence from MrNgongehRohbenForghang dated 2nd February 2019
addressed to the general manager of AWICCUL in which he admits part of the liabilities
inputted against him in the query letter;
41) A 5-page document captioned, “AWICCUL’S REPORT TO NACDA END OF YEAR 2021” signed
by TatahNchangNgomande Simon;
42) A 10-page detailed script of WhatsApp conversations between MrKupong Valentine and the
independent investigator from 10/07/2021 to 28/08/2021;
43) An 8-page script of detailed chat with MrMbohWeypite Julius from 06/08/2021 to
44) A 7-page script of detailed chat with MrNkwewo Christian on AWICCUL from 19/07/2021 to
45) A 14-page script of detailed chat between the Vice President of the Board OfDirectors of
AWICCUL (TatahNchang) from 10/07/2021 to 23/12/2021;
46) A 2-page script of detailed chat with Dr Ndam (president of the Board OfDirectors ofAWICCUL)
running from 24/07/2021 to 03/12/2021;
47) A 1-page script of chat with TatahMbanga former chairperson of the Supervisory board of
AWICCUL running from 11/07/2021 to 06/08/2021;
48) An 8-page script of detailed chat with MrNdepuh Emmanuel member of the Board Of
Directors of AWICCUL from 28/06/2021 to 25/07/2021;
49) 114 recorded calls with the Vice president of the Board Of Directors -TatahNchang, Mr.
Ndepuh Emmanuel (member of the board of directors and MrNkwewo Christian (Secretary to
the board of directors);
50) 8 recorded calls with the Assistant General manager of CAMCCUL;
51) A 4-page correspondence from the independent investigator to General Manager CAMCCUL
on November 23rd 2021;
52) A 4-pages document captioned “Risk management policy of AWICCUL”


A study of all the management reports of all the stakeholders (document 1)involved in the welfare of
AWICCUL with the period 2014 to 2018 including the youth committee, women committee and the
supervisory board and CamCCUL’s representative points to only one opinion and that is to the effect
that all of these committees or stakeholders were conscious all along that AWICCUL was sliding
steeply down into a financial crises as all of them were aware at every stage that management activities
were not productive but never at any one time mentioned such till 2018 when the representative of
CamCCUL presented what can only be termed providing medication to a corpse.
The 17 loan application forms7(document 2)representing loans granted eight persons including one to
the women committee of the union and another one of almost 300,000,000CFAF were all grossly
irregular only exposing the officials in granting the said loans to criminal liabilities;
It is observed that the contract document (document 4)for the construction of the tower building
entered into by the outgone board of directors awarded the contract at 584,000,00document 1)
0CFAF meanwhile the cited general assembly resolution of the 2014 AGM (document 3)referred to by
the field supervisor in his correspondence to in his correspondence dated march 24 th, 2015
(document 5) stated vaguely, “Construction is a good investment and necessity to this union. Never
the less it could not be done with members’ savings. The BOD simply needs our approval and
construction shall be done when money SHALL be available even if it means borrowing to invest for
today and tomorrow”This statement does not constitute an approval for the construction of the
tower building neither did it give approval for the obtainment of a loan of any sum. One point stood
out distinct being the fact that it was prohibited for the project to be done committing in any way the
savings of members.
This document (document 6)on the presentation of extra works done on the construction of the
tower building depicts a bunch of illegalities and fraud in its form. The bill for the submission of extra
works is a document of the project contractor – NAPOCAM in this case and had to be produced,
sealed and signed by the management of that enterprise. The document of approval or disapproval of
the said bill is what would have been signed by the representatives of the project owner – AWICCUL
but here is a bill produced for extra works done by the contractor rather signed by members of the
management and project team.

The document (document 7) captioned “members situation” and (documents 17, 18, 36&37), the
updated list of delinquent loans as at June 30, and November 30, 2021, the delinquent loans situation
of the children of late PahPeter Njekang – a call for concern” and “the last decision of the
stakeholders of AWICCUL”had to be produced and with the seal of AWICCUL only when the
provisions of sections 11 and 12 of law No. 2019/021 of 24/12/2019 would have been fulfilled. After
such fulfilment of the provisions of the cited text, the provisions of Section 20 of the same law could
be applied to defray the cost of such processes.

Of the total number of 373 delinquent loans as at June 30, 2021, 19 are held by civil servants in the
worth of 41,848,300CFAF which is a blatant manifestation of bad faith two members of who are a
member of staff and a member of the women committee.
Furthermore, there are 16 former members of staff who before becoming former members of staff
they had either been involved in embezzlement of funds of the union or were involved in delinquent
loans in the tune of 75,442,670CFAF
There is a delinquent loan N o 12 on the list in the name of Nkeh Derick Chefor with account No.
0003139 in the sum of 1,900,000CFAF as loan balance then 1,705,250CFAF as interest making up a
total of 3,605,250CFAF as at November 30 th 2021. Investigations indicate that Nkeh Derick Chefor
died sometime in June 2018 meanwhile the board of directors has unknowingly recovered from the
family of the decease the sum of 1,500,000CFAF.This loan was supposed to be covered by the risk
management scheme but the outgone board of directors defaulted the payment of the insurance
scheme for the union managed by CamCCUL then purportedly created a risk management scheme as
projected in the document captioned “Risk Management Policy” (document 55)without the
authority of the general assembly.In this regard, the collection of the said sum of 1,500,000CFAF from
the family of the deceased through the intervention of the Natural Government authority (Kwerfor)
of Awing is unjust.

There is also another delinquent loan No. 0003925 in the name of Mbangwashi Emmanuel. This loan
balance is 718,000CFAF with an accrued interest of 662,079CFAF making a total of 1,380,079CFAF
meanwhile the account has a saving of only 151,864CFAF. From available records Mbangwashi
Emmanuel did not obtain this loan but rather, the manager of AWICCUL Tongolo branch Yaoundé -
NgongehRohben fraudulently used this account and many others to initiate and obtained loans
without the consent of the members concern. In this and any other such situations, without much
ado and considering that the management of AWICCUL is well informed that the victims identified as
delinquent loan holders are innocent victims it is illogical to subject them to the payment of loans
they never contracted meanwhile the responsibility is that of AWICCULwhose agent committed the
fraud against the interest of AWICCUL and her innocent members.

The draft loan policy (document 9) and the bye laws (document 10) are not legal management
instruments for AWICCUL.
The fact that page 5 of the articles of association (document 11)is removed has to do with the illegal
transfer of the head office of the union from Awing to Bamenda. There is no other reason that could
motivate the removal of this page of the articles of association and no other person can be
conjectured to have done that other than the board of directors as it has gone smoothly without any
The conception and the application of the Term Deposit scheme by the board of directors and the
members of the management staff involved in the exercise as in the Term Deposit contract
(document 12) between the union and MrAkondengJohnbestNsahtime was only a ploy to extort
money from unsuspecting members using unworthy certificates of excellence and growth from
CamCCUL as an instrument of such extortion.

The resolutions of the annual general meetings (documents 3 & 13)do not conform to the form for
such documents neither do the contents reflect what is said to have been resolved upon during the
said meetings. The registers of the unions do not have the visa of the competent judicial authorities
as requested by the laws in force.

A study of the term deposit contract (document 12 )and(document 15& 19)issued by the board of
directors for the handing over of the land certificate of the plot harbouring the tower building and the
correspondence of the retainer related to the handing over of the said document exposes traces of
some issues involving the concerned members of the board of directors the importance and impact
of which will require the direct involvement of HRM the fon of Awing, Barrister Ntumfor Nico Halle in
their personal capacities in the plan of action conceived in this independent investigation on the
related issues which would be counterproductive if raised in this report.
The date of conception and establishment of document 20being the notification of leave from the
former general manager to the relieving manager dated 02/04/2019 and its attachment being the
decision of the president of the outgone board of directors dated January 18 th 2019 granting
accumulated leave to the former general manager only on the eve of the annual general assembly
meeting exposes serious concerns as to the intentions of the said documents.

The document (document 22)conceived by the vice president of the current board of directors
MrNgomandeNchang Simon captioned “my presentation” was an expert analysis of the situation of
AWICCUL which could have sparked the mindset required to seek solutions but which was ignored.
A keen analysis of the document captioned “NACDA Lead AWICCUL recovery”(document 23)has a
major point of concern being the fact that the funds accruing from the initiative will not be placed at
the disposal of the board of directors of AWICCUL unfettered. The situation that is envisaged in that
situation created in that document is like that where the managers of AWICCUL are not credible
which is far from being the case.
From the documents captioned “releve de compte”, “Awing Central Cooperative Credit Union
LimtedStaff Salary for February 2019”, “payslip for April 2017”, “salary adjustment”, antilope date
d’edition 05 11 2021”and “consultancy contract of service of a specific duration” (documents 21,25,
27, 28, & 29) it is quite evidenced that the worker who served as branch manager for Buea and
Bamenda branches respectively then as internal controller alongside the chief account in the persons
of NjekangDieudonneNkwate and Alake Mbise Pascal were actually civil servants of the government
of Cameroon operating under the civil service code. The civil service code does not permit a situation
wherein a civil servant working under the said code can have another side employment like the one
they sustained with AWICCUL.

The contents of the complaint addressed to the attorney general of NWR(document 30)are to the
effect that MrNgongehRohben who was a duly recruited and regular member of staff of AWICCUL
undertook some illicit operations USING some members’ accounts with the union to the tune of
20,709,672CFAF without the consent nor commitment of the members concern. It can only be sound
judgment to dissociate the members concern from the loans or transactions meanwhile pursuing the
culprit for embezzlement and abuse of trust etc.

The failure of the management of AWICCUL to hand Rohben to the forces of law and order for
criminal investigation as would have been expected following the availability of a series of documents
like the documents captioned “Summary Report on MrNgongehRohbenFoghan’s financial liabilities as
at November 19th 2018” and“YaoundeTongolo branch list of delinquent loans granted without board
approval”(documents 40(b)& (C))constitutes a liability and the consequences cannot be imputed to
the victim members but rather to the management that was on seat then.
From all the documents obtained from Kupong Valentine (documents 31, 32 & 33) it is evident that
MrKupong Valentine was a useful instrument for the growth of AWICCUL at Memvelebut was naïve
for not formalizing his activities and relations with the union.

The complaint captioned “a complaint against illegal infiltration into my account and unpaid bills for
construction”dated 03/07/2019 (document 35) from the contractor to the current general manager
against the former general manager is indicative that some fishy activities took place in the union
involving accounts of members. It can only be an indication that financial impropriety was involved.

In the report of the youth committee for the 2014 financial year, the committee reported the
resignation of its president without any comment to insinuate the reasons. The committee declared
that AWICCUL was experiencing positive growth.


From the report of the Women committee it was stated that the committee gave out loans to 38 women
and one group realizing about 300,000FCAF monthly income for the union as a result of the activities
of the committee.
Was this loan scheme independent from the routine scheme under the Loan and Credit Committee
which is the only committee empowered to issue out loans?
A loan is said to have been granted to the women committee to empower many women through the
committee. What loan scheme was it?


The Supervisory board – THE WATCHDOG strangely did not present the board’s annual report which
by implications meant that the said board did not undertake any activity within that financial year.


The board of directors reported that they drafted a loan policy, an expenditure policy and a human
resource (personnel) Manual none of which has been approved by the AGM.
Rather than presenting these documents to the AGM for deliberations and adoption the board of
directors through her president rather made mentioned of the existence of the drafts.
The board, upon the advice of CAMCCUL as the supervisory body as they stated, sold out the former
building housing the union at 37,000,000cfaf then augmented the sum with 28,000,000cfaf to purchase
another one at 65,000,000cfaf at the Fon street which was not used even for a year before demolition.
The question arises here as to whether it did not need the approval of the general assembly to
dispose of the property when that entailed further investment in fixed asset spending.
Furthermore, the board of directors did not make mention intheir report why the supervisory
board did not present their report but went ahead to congratulate all committees for work well


No of loans granted: 1,280 - value
No of loans outstanding: 768 - value: 1,004,513,669cfaf

Consumption loans : 53,388,743cfaf
Health and others : 146,388,246cfaf
Real estate loans : 35,688,110cfaf
Business loans : 634,043,570cfaf
Agriculture loans : 26,461,000cfaf
No of loan delinquent : 288 - value: 308,522,081
Delinquency ratio : 30% - Authorized delinquency ratio 5%
Delinquency ratio for 2013 : 45%
The mere fact that the board of directors continued to issue loans is criminal mismanagement or


In the 2015youth committee report, the committee stated that they participated in a forceful recovery
task force exercise as part of a committee put in place by CAMCCUL.
There is a contradiction in this aspect of the report when in the report of the board of directors of 2014
it was reported that it was the board of directors that put in place the said committee


In the women committee report of 2015 mention was made in it of a second phase loan of the women’s
committee of 9,440,000CFAF to empower women.
The report also stated that the committee encountered some difficulties in the recovery of the loans
given out through the committee
The question that arises is “What was the amount of the first phase loan? What records were used
in giving out the said loans”?
Did the women committee become a moral person to be awarded a loan?
Does it by implication mean the other committees could also give out loans?


In the 2015 supervisory board report they qualified their performance appraisal of the union as a
successful one. The surprise is that while the supervisory board was qualifying performance appraisal
as good the chapter supervisor had written to the board of directors raising serious concerns of
management irregularities involving the construction of the tower building and a very serious issue
involving the violation of general assembly resolutions determining the investment budget of
200,000,000cfaf which had already been arbitrarily increased to 584 million involving a
misappropriation of 384,000,000CFAF.
The report presented by this committee is indicative that the committee never did any effective
supervision and control otherwise how could the committee talk about a loan policy that was adopted
by the general meeting meanwhile the management report of the board in 2014 stated that a loan policy
was drafted but was not yet approved by the general assembly.
The report of the supervisory board did not reflect the very precarious situation of delinquency
Very strangely also the supervisory board did not make any mention of the fact as raised by the chapter
supervisor on the irregularities involving the award of the contract for the building rather, this board
scandalously stated, “We want to exceptionally congratulate all stakeholders for the exponential
growth recorded within the year”
This board certainly has questions to answer for misleading the members in attendance during the 2015
annual general assembly because they made this statement at a time when they were expected to indict
the management board for gross violation of the laws in force and the articles of association causing a
loss of 584,000,000CFAF.


The board of directors stated in their report that they introduced among many other products Term
deposit and preference shares by which 239,000,000CFAF and 74,100,000CFAF was raised as term
deposit and preference shares respectively.
It is interesting to note that while preference shares are enlisted as one of the sources of funds for the
union in its articles of association term deposit is not equally mentioned as one of the sources of funds.
Consequently, the platform on which the sum of 239,000,000CFAF was raised was illegal as it never
received the initial authorization of the general assembly
The board of directors was required to obtain a prior approval from the general assembly to raise funds
as term deposit. For this to be validly done the legislation regulating term deposit had to be keenly
studied to determine the necessity of such a scheme to the union and the purpose for which term
deposits were needed.

The report indicated that a total of 743 loans were granted amounting to 3,949,382,216frs out of which
277 of amount 447,581,0696 were delinquent making a rate of 30% just like it was in the year 2014
despite the putting in place of a loan recovery task force as the board alleged in their report
Drawing conclusion from the report of the board of directors it exposes the fact that the special loan
recovery taskforce did not produce any positive results yet certainly incurred expenditure.

The board mentioned among problems the following

1) Loan delinquency
2) Low capital/net equity
In the report of 2015, the B.O. Ds stated that the union moved two places up from 2014 to 2015
without stating up from where to where when the rate of delinquency of 30% it was evidenced that the
most serious COBAC norms of 5% delinquency limit was already floated


From the youth committee report it was evident that funds transferred to persons through the system of
the union had difficulties being made available likewise deposits made by members could not easily be


The women committee report still indicated that there were women delinquent in the payment of the
loan obtained from the said committee
The question persists as to whether this committee became a moral person member of AWICCUL

The committee signaled the resignation of one of its members Alakeh Pascal said to be for personal
The report of the supervisory board stated that the board participated in the recovery taskforce but so
far not a single report made mention of the effectiveness of the said task force.
Not even the report of the president of the board of directors did make mention of what the task force
did so far.
The supervisory board stated that despite the effort they put in alongside the special recovery taskforce
made up of members of staff the delinquency ratio still renamed high at 34%. It is worth being noted
that the recovery task force was instituted in 2014 when the rate of delinquency was 30%. The
classification of that committee two years after as vibrant and active was a total misrepresentation. The
situation rather required an S.O.S from the supervisory board and a recommendation for the suspension
of all loaning activities till the situation is corrected
It is totally embarrassing that the supervisory board never made mention of the violation of the general
meeting resolution involving the ceiling of investment in fixed assets
As per the report, the delinquency rate was high due partly to
1) Poor loan granting procedures
2) Bad faith by some debtor members
The supervisory board made the following outstanding recommendation
a) The board of directors, credit committee and members of staff should adhere strictly to the loan
b) Limitation of the granting of heavy loans to individuals
c) The granting of more small-scale loans to individuals in order to improve on the loan patronage
of the union
d) The constitution of more recovery task forces at the level of the head office and branches
comprising of reliable and devoted members with a well-defined mission and training program
e) Review of the following policies:
- Loan policy
- Personnel policy
-. policy on acquisition and disposal of asset
- Policy on personnel allowance and sitting fees
- Development of long-lasting strategy for the recovery of perpetual delinquent loan
It is noted that till date of the above recommendation AWICCUL had not got a legally binding loan
policy but the supervisory strangely did not realize this and hence never mentioned it despite their
claim that they inspected all management records


The board of director’s report highlighted the action plans agreed upon at the beginning of the financial
year with the most outstanding beingcombating the delinquency rate of the union which stood at 34%
In the 2016 report the board stated that the rate of loan delinquency remained at 34% as it was at the
close of 2015 financial year
It would be noted that while the rate of delinquency stood at 34% in 2015 the statistics for loan stood
as follows vis-à-vis those of 2016
2015 AMOUNT No 2016 AMOUNT
No of loans granted 743 3,947,382,216 844 1,740,745,308
No of loan 277 447,581,669 250 489,086,133
Rate of delinquency 34% 34%

With the above report it is evident that the recovery task force that was put in place by the board during
the annual general meeting of 2013 and which was reinforced during that of 2014 had not had any
positive impact as the situation rather worsened from 30% to 34%
In the delinquent situation the board gave out 101 more loans in 2015. It is not established whether it
is from the delinquent loans that recoveries were made or from the loans granted in 2015


The youth committee report for this year was very skeletal. The only issue that was striking in the
report was the plea for the board to train members on the loan policy granting procedures as well as
loans managements.
By implication of this recommendation it is implied that the procedure for the granting of loans was
not regular.


The women committee report of 2017 never contained any new information than was in the previous


The supervisory committee report for the financial year 2017 indicated that all attempts to control the
activities of the board of directors was resisted by the board resulting onto a serious crisis between the
two boards.
On loan recovery the committee lamented that the delinquency rate remained very high above the
normal 5%. As the main cause of the situation the board stated that the situation was encouraged by
some supposed responsible members with very big loans who manifested bad faith in refusing to pay
their loans.
The board stated that the difficulties they had controlling the activities of the board of directors focused
on the capital investment of the union which particularly involved:
1) The AWICCUL tower building at Fon street;
2) The AWICCUL warehouse at Awing and
3) The purchase of the new 4x4 double cabin Hilux for the union

The supervisory board made the following striking observations

1) Holders of huge loans have willfully refused to respect the payment schedules for their loans
2) Non-management and verification of loan portfolio
3) Branches operated without approved budgets
4) Non-existence of portfolio management and alternatives dispute resolution committee
5) Non-existence of most policies especially policies on selection/election, risk management,
acquisition/disposal, expenditure, security, maintenance, budgeting, term deposit, preference
shares etc.;
6) Non availability of hard copies of bylaws and loan policies to members;
7) Poor managements of workers;
8) Massive withdrawals of savings and deposits to other unions due to lack of liquidity and loss of
The committee equally made the following recommendations
1) the branch manager, lending officers or caretakers committee chairperson should be held
responsible if such Lending officers and other actors (committee members, credit
committee members or the B.O. Ds) who influence the granting of loans without following
the recommendation made by a loan becomes delinquent;
2) The general meeting should put in place honest, trustworthy, faithful and credible elected
officials and management that will operate following the principles of credit unions in
order to recapture the confidence of members;
3) A team of 9 consisting of 3 from the B.O. Ds 3 from the supervisory board and 3 from the
general assembly be put in place to look into the crisis of AWICCUL.
By the report and the recommendations of the supervisory board AWICCUL was already declared in a
state of management crises caused by poor management by the board of directors then and the
destitution of the said board was also subtly recommended. It is very strange and could only be
alienating that the field supervisor from CAMCCUL never took any action at this juncture and, it is
equally surprising that mention is not made in the resolutions of the general assembly on this
supervisory board recommendation. The implication of the recommendation for the putting in place of
a team of 9 to look into a crisis alerted by the supervisory tacitly meant a recommendation for the
destitution of the sitting board of that time. How it happened that CAMMCUL never intervened is very


The main issues highlighted in the 2017 management report included:
1) The progress report of the AWICCUL tower building at Fon street which stood at 98% without
mentioning the cost of the building;
2) Just like it is with the tower building the cost of the warehouse and the cost of purchase of the
vehicle was not mentioned in the management report.
While the supervisory board accused the management board of resisting the committee’s control
missions especially as that involved capital investments, expenses, the board on their part isolated two
member of the board (MrsNgazohfornyi Christopher and Ngomessing Vincent president and secretary
respectively) stating that the secretary was transferred out of the area of jurisdiction of the union head
office then the both failed to meet up with the number of times prescribed for savings per year.

The president of the board alluded to the fact that the supervisory committee chairperson held a
delinquent loan with a delinquency of 72 days and an accrued interest of more than a year. This raises
a question as to how a loan that is delinquent only for 72days can hold an unpaid interest for more than
a year. Another question is how were loans managed without a loan policy?
The board of directors raised the following difficulties encountered in the course of the 2017 financial
1) The political crises which was identified as the main cause of the unacceptable rate of loan
2) Internal conflict between the management board and the supervisory board which
compromised the image of the union in public;
3) Divulging of the union’s confidential information to the public specifically to the D.O Santa, all
NACDA branch presidents both at home and abroad, all quarter heads of Awing, All Awing
quarter meeting coordinators, board of trustee of NACDA and notables of Awing regardless of
whether they were members or non-members of the union in total violation of the law No
2003/004of 21/04/03 on bank secrecy.

It is interesting that while the board was alert enough to report on the alleged loan delinquency of the
chairman and secretary of the supervisory committee the situation of the loan of Mr. Anu-amboh
Ebenezer was not worth the mention.


The main decision of the youth committee for 2018 was a call to the AGM to take decisions that would
bring back the glorious days of AWICCUL. The AGM strangely never deliberated on nor enquired to
know what were the issues envisaged. The recommendation meant that the glorious days of
AWICCUL had gone but CAMCCUL still did not find it necessary to intervene


The women committee report was blank saying nothing of any importance vis-à-vis the situation of the
credit union
On loan delinquency, the committee noted that the loans were given out in some branches without the
appropriate collateral and without the required authority thereby influencing the high rate of
delinquency than ought to not to be but never addressed the issues of the irregular fraudulent and
illegal loan of the women committee.


The supervisory board presented a detailed report in which they highlighted the fact that the board of
directors held meetings in which members of the day-today management staff, CAMCCUL and
NACDA bureau members participated the main purpose being seeking out ways to ameliorate the
functioning of AWICCUL
Surprisingly, the supervisory board gave praises to the women committee for being very active in
discharging their duties when per the women committee report nothing effective was reported done. It
is also interesting to note that even with the participation of CAMCCUL and NACDA executive in the
meetings of the management board no mention was still made of the gross irregularities and violations
of this board meanwhile, the credit union was completely deep in the red zone of bankruptcy due to
gross criminal mismanagement.


Following the sharp discrepancy between the report of this committee and that of the same
committee of 2017 especially where in the 2018 report it is stated that the conflict between the
Supervisory board and the board of directors in 2017 was unfounded, the composition of the
committee within this period was scrutinized keenly and it was noted with that the chairman and
secretary of the committee resigned at the end of the 2017 financial year as a result of the crises
leaving behind MrNdah Justus who was a member of the committee. MrFruo Louis Alota was
coopted by the outgone board of directors to become the secretary of the supervisory board of which
MrNdah Justus is 1st cousin to Mr. Chi Peter Chi, Mr. Frou Louis Alota is also cousin or nephew to
Mr. Alota Alex Fon, loan officer for the home Branch who is listed for a shortage of
10,204,922CFAF in addition to some other financial liabilities. While this relation is not a factor
for this investigation, the sharp discrepancy between the two reports makes the relationship an
important element for examination in this investigation.

The supervisory board made the following striking recommendations
1) Long lasting strategies should be put in place to rekindle confidence and hope in the minds of
the members and the public;
2) Strict sanctions should be meted out on members of staff that go against the recommendations
of the board or who work for their personal interest and
3) Drastic measures should be used to cause delinquent members to service their loans.
It is left to be known what constituted the inputs of the NACDA executive and the CAMCCUL experts
who participated in the series of meetings with the board of directors mentioned in the supervisory
board report. It is still very surprising that the executive of NACDA and CAMCCUL would participate
in meetings of the board but would not be baffled and shaken by the precarious financial situation of
the union at the time. It is still very unimaginable to think as it is that the executive of participated in a
meeting of AWICCUL board in 2018 but would not realize the very damaging situation created by the
623,000,000CFAF mismanaged and embezzled.


In their introduction to the 2018 management report the president of the board raised the issue of bad
faith and falsehood manifested by some members which caused business activities for the union to
slow down resulting to untold damage on the performance for the year.
Two members were selected to fill up the vacancies created by the resignation of two members of the
supervisory board. It isstrange coincidence that the two were 1 st cousin to the president of the board of
directors and the loans officer for the home branch MrFonAlota.

In the 2017 financial year management report the president of the board stated that VPN equipment
was successfully acquired and installed for interconnectivity between branches and gave the assurance
that it was going to solve the problems of inter branch differences and liaison but in the 2018 report the
board of directors still raised the issue again to the effect that the installed equipment were not
functional because of some IT issues posed by the suppliers.
What were the bases on which the board referred before giving the assurance to members that the
installation of the VPN equipment in 2017 was going to have a positive impact on the management and
growth of the union in 2018?

The management report reported to the effect that a total of 741 loans were outstanding as at
31/12/2018 amounting to 1,311,644,931CFAF out of which a total of 438 loans to the tune of
1,053,508,792CFAF were delinquent with a delinquency rate of 80% up for 34% the previous year
including misappropriation of funds by some members of staff a typical case being the case of Awing
and Tongolo branches and

While the union kept limping in loan repayment and recovery the recruitment of workers kept going
on such that while the rate of delinquency skyrocketed from the already alarming 34% to 80.3% the
staff strength grew from 27 to 31. Then, instead of causing the arrest of those identified with
misappropriation of the union’s funds, the board of directors instead transferred one of them
MrNgongehRohben from the post of branch of the union’s Tongolo branch in Yaoundé to the
elevated post of Assistant general manager
It is surprising that earlier in their report of 2017 the board presented the acquisition of the
VPNequipment as an achievement yet without the suppliers making it functional


From theminutes of general assembly meetings, annual management reports of the boards of directors,
the supervisory board, the women committee and youth committee for the period 2013 to 2018, it is
evidenced that:
1. The general assembly was docile, passive and non-participative hence only being manipulated
collectively by the members of the outgone board of directors as can be vividly deduced from
the data presented below meanwhile the authorized red line for delinquency is 5%;


year RATE
2014 1,280   768 1,004,515,669 288 308,522,081 30 30.71
2015 743 3,947,382,216 726 1,470,787,435 277 447,581,069 30 30.43
2016 844 1,740,745,308 645 1,486,009,890 250 489,086,153 34 32.91
2017 862 1,676,145,996 786 1,621,088,205 250 489,086,153 29 30.17
2018     741 1,311,641,931 418 1,053,508,792 80.3 80.32

It would be counterproductive to the mission of this investigation if elaborations are made in

this report on this aspect of observation. Any elaboration would be useful during the execution
of the plan B of this exercise
















2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

31 27 29 23 22

Decreased Decreased Increased Decreased Increased Increased Initial

205,900,000 369,650,000 385,210,600 433,300,00 341’900’000 276,900,000 184’900’000

48,387,411 199,939,780 240,483,01 273,459,765 247,011,611 173,080,993

0.1309 51.9040 55.5003 79.9824 89.2061 93.6079

decreased decreased decreased decreased decreased Initial

369,000,000 382,344,578 432,300,00 341,500,000 276,500,000


251,114,429 345,192,924 240,389,01 272,940,107 246,295,536 172,409,184

schemes generated as a result of this investigation.

0.9028 0.5561 0.9981 0.9971 0.9961

increased decreased increased increased Initial

2866022 1000000


519,658 716,075 671,809

145,253,144 93710

Increased Initial

The tabulation speaks for itself. Further interpretation will be done to those involved in the

period or at some stage since in all the reports it is not mentioned in any of them that the
performance of their duty or they were compromised to an extent either all through the crisis
2. The supervisory board either never had a mastery of the legislation empowering them in the
Decreased Decreased
supervisory board attempted in vain to convene an extraordinary general assembly nor to call
for an enquiry into the management of the union by the board of directors even when the field
supervisor raised an SOS in a correspondence dated March24, 2015 in which the issue at stake
was the gross violation of the laws in force by the board which generated a negative impact of
3. CAMCCUL was well aware up and till 2018 that the board of directors was violating with
criminal intentall the related provisions of all the laws and articles of association in their
operations but never took nor even attempted in vain to take the appropriate actions;
Following a correspondence dated march 24, 2015 from the chapter supervisor of CAMCCUL
responsible for the supervision of the management of AWICCUL on the caption “BUILDING
PROJECT AT FON STREET”, the supervisor indicated that there were some reservations on
the way the project was being executed. He further stated that he had concertation meetings with
the board exco and the general manager then went on to enlist the reservation as follows:
 That the annual general meeting of 2014 voted for an investment budget of
200,000,000frs;(It is worth mentioning here the correspondence of the field supervisor is
the only existing document in which it is stated that the building project was ever
approved and even given a ceiling for expenditure meanwhile this cannot be referred to
as a legal reference for the purpose of this investigation)
 That because of the liquidity situation of the credit union at the time the construction
project was to be awarded to a contractor and progressively paid in 5years only upon
completion of the project;
 That the chapter office only noticed that the contract was already awarded without
following procedures as advised by the audit report on the investment policy;
 That despite the resolution of the AGMadopting a project budget of 200million CFAF
the board went ahead to award a contract of 584million CFAF;
 That in the contract documents the contractor was requesting payment of 200million
CFAF from the credit union and full payment upon completion of the project which
duration wasscheduled for 14 months unlike it was decided upon by the general assembly
as reported in the correspondence of the field chapter supervisor;
 The supervisor failed to make the appropriate follow-up action when his expert advice was
ignored by the outgone board to the effect that:
o The board of directors should limit the investments of the credit union to the
resolution of the annual general meeting hence:
o Should operate within the investment budget of 200million;
o Award the contract to a contractor who has to use its funds and the credit union pays
progressively within 5years;
o To embark on serious recovery to bring delinquency down to below 5% by the end
of 2015;
o To redo the costing to be in line with the 2015 investment budget and follow the
stipulated procedure for the award of and supervision of contracts.
The situation as depicted in the correspondence of the chapter supervisor demanded prompt
intervention by the supervisory authority that CAMCCUL as represented was - not advisory
It can be safely declared that CAMCCUL consciously accompanied AWICCUL to be drained to
bankruptcy by the management.
NOTE: The entire board of directors’ team resigned a few minutes to the elections into the board
of directors and went on to refuse to regularly handover to the newly elected. Even so,
CAMCCUL never took any appropriate action to make sure the handing over exercise was
regularly done.
The investigation exercise extended into the management of AWICCUL for the financial years
2019 and 2020 for the purpose of equipping the investigator such so, he should be able to make
appropriate and sound recommendations for the way forward and for preemptive actions to
guard against such occurrences in the future.


It is important to note that even though the author of the management newsletter refers to the
document as an audit report and hence to himself or their team as auditor(s), the said document is far
from being an audit report. Consequently, any reference in this investigation to auditor or audit/audit
report refers to the author of and the management newsletter

A study was made on the 2018 management newsletter presented to the board of directors by the
representative of CAMCCUL
Before delving into the summary contents of the said report it is worthwhile nothing that this report
is the only available report from the financial year 2013 till 2018 financial year.
From all available documents CAMCCUL had never presented any report to the AGM beside the 2018
management newsletter prepared by CAMCCUL’s except that such documents have been extracted
from the union’s management documents.


The duties of CAMCCUL as stipulated in the report submitted are as follows
1) ensuring maintenance of the internal control system of AWICCUL in a bit to safeguarding
the proper receipt, deposit and disbursement of all funds to and out of AWICCUL;
2) examine the financial operations to ensure that commitment obligations and expenditure
related to the budget allocation or other related financial authorities conform to the
objectives of AWICCUL, regulations and other legal provisions;
3) advising the board and management on the internal control system and procedures;
4) detect and prevent fraud and
5) ensuring that the financial statements presented out of the institution represent a true
and fair view of AWICCUL by recommending corrective measures.
The management newsletter indicated that physical inventory of fixed assets was conducted during
the audit at Bamenda that revealed the following striking points:
- some of the asset brought in 2018 were still not coded despite previous audit
recommendations for all assets to be coded;
- the acquisitions made within the year 2018 were within the capital budget;
- the union fixed assets coverage ratio as at 31/12/2019 stood at 20.55% from 24.9%
as at 2017 as against the standard of 100% as per COBAC Norms 2002/09 which is a
VERY BAD situation given that members term deposits and preference share whose
life span is far less than that of fixed assets such as building have been allegedly
invested on fixed assets;
- The list of collaterals presented to the audit team as properties recovered from
delinquent members combines lands and buildings which makes it difficult to
charge depreciation only on buildings. Some of the properties were without deeds
of conveyance rendering the actual ownership doubtful.
On impact/risk tendencies the audit report indicated that:
1) fixed assets such as lands were recovered from delinquent members without the necessary
2) the low rate of fixed assets coverage ratio is against COBAC Norm 2002/09 which is
punishable by the banking commission;
3) non-payment of properties tax could attract sanction from taxation and
4) the missing land certificate indicates serious weakness on the part of management in terms of
custody of important documents and information.


- The management should hasten up the process of acquiring the duplicate of the land certificate of
the land at fon street;
- Further acquisition of fixed assets should be suspended till the fixed assets coverage ratio is
improved upon;
- Ensure the declaration and payment of property tax to avoid sanctions from taxation and
- Pieces of land recovered from delinquent members should be disposed of immediately to
improve the liquidity situation of the union.


i) Despite the fact that sometimes in 2014 the league and the high court and court of appeal
organized an empowerment workshop on loan granting procedures and security by
microfinance institutions under OHADA UNIFORM ACT, the management of AWICCUL who
dully attended this seminar thereafter continued to issue out loans without the
appropriate security. The following irregularities were observed in the loan granting
ii) Management failed to present a copy of the adopted loans policy for examination;
iii) Loan forms were absent in most files;
iv) The absence of the adopted loan policy and loan forms for review prevented the auditors
from adequately analyzing the loan granting procedure that has led to the high
v) The only accepted security document that is recommended by the OHADA UNIFORM ACT
is a land certificate that is registered, mortgaged and registered;
vi) The only few loan files that had land certificates were not supported by the accompanying
legal documents;
vii) Some loan files particularly loan No 235 and 707 had check leaflets as the only collateral
meanwhile checks are accepted only as a means of payment;
viii) In some cases where deeds of conveyance are available in some loan files, they have no
stamp duty;
ix) In most of the files there exist no security documents at all and
x) Most, 50% of the loans examined were delinquent for over a year thereby increasing
provisions expenses.

The examination of the loan patronage of the union as at December 31, 2018 indicated that of a
membership of 5924 members only 741 of them had loan balance representing a patronage of only
8% as opposed to the minimum of 50% situated in the MOS.
In examining the loan portfolio in the head office it was realized that 7 members had an accrued
interest of 8,910,000CFAF converted as second loan to them at zero interest rate and received as
income converted to accrued interest rate of 15 members to account receivable leading to an
artificial collection of loans interest amounting to over 63million thereby creating accounts receivable
of that much.

The audit report further indicated that two separate loans were granted to one Mr Anu-amboh
Ebenezer A/C No 354 with Global Business A/C No 1061 with balance of 126,925,000frs and
71,000,000frs to finance the same business. All the loan forms indicated that all the two loans had
the same collateral which was not the least identified. In effect the said loans do not have any
collateral before the law as there is no land certificate that covers the said loans or collateral

An examination of the Awing branch indicated that staff fraudulently used some members accounts
as surety without their consent.
Some members of staffs opened illegal accounts and went on to grant illegal loans through those


The auditor in his general recommendation highlighted the following:
- The board should desist from granting irrecoverable loans;
- The auditors reminded the board and management that section 374/375 of the OHADA
UNIFORM ACT holds them individually and jointly liable as the case may be to the cooperative
and third parties for their management activities that caused loss to the concern;
- CAMCCUL presented a six months strategic plan to redress the crisis but the board of directors
failed to implement it;
- The CAMCCUL representative noted that several failed meetings were held with the NACDA
executive to find a solution;
- Many workers had incomplete files some without their certificates and without guarantees;

The auditor observed that there was no cohesion between the management team that was
made up of the general manager, Assistant General Manager, Accountant, Internal Controller,
Loan Officer and the staff in charge of recovery which affected the management activities of the
The assistant general manager who doubled as the branch manager of Tongolo absconded from
work after he was identified with fraud and mismanagement. This was also compounded by the
resignation of the branch manager of Buea, Bamenda, Santa, and Bonaberi for various reasons.
The loan officer also absconded from work during the audit exercise.


The lack of cohesion among management staff in the face of the crisis and scandal only resulted
to the following:
- Membership dissatisfaction;
- Skyrocketing delinquency and
- High savings withdrawals due to lack of confidence
This was further compounded by the anti-propaganda in the social media especially in NACDA
In his general conclusion the auditor declared that AWICCUL did not meet up with any of the 14
COBAC provincial Norms


The youth committee in their 2019 annual report made the following recommendation following
their encounter with the population and observations:


1) Corruption should be avoided by the board of directors ensuring accountability and
transparency in all activities;
2) Members of staff should avoid threatening members who come for their money when such
cannot be provided them;
3) Guidelines given by the supervisory authorities (CAMCCUL and COBAC) should be strictly
respected and
4) Funds transferred from one branch to the other for persons and individuals’ deposits should
be made available to the beneficiaries and owners promptly.


1) Members are inclined to be satisfied if this current board applies the guiding rules strictly in
combination with the fresh cash policy;
2) Members are generally impressed with the scaling down of the number of branches, reducing
staff strength and expenditure level of the board of directors.


The striking issues of the women committee report were just the fact that members are not
interested to become members of the committee followed by the fact that the union is a victim of
what the committee termed hate speech.


The supervisory board highlighted the following observations and also made the following
1) members hid behind the crisis within the two regions to become unfaithful to the union;
2) most branch activities fell below average specifically affecting loan patronage thereby
increasing the rate of delinquency;
3) the board of directors in collaboration with members of staff and some volunteers developed
and applied some vigorous legal strategies aimed at reducing the rate of delinquency which
would increase the liquidity and performance;
4) drastic drop of membership;
5) the absence of inventory registers for the union and hence an inventory account;
6) The filing system was poor same as the allocation of expenditure heads;
7) Members who visited the union were mostly those who came to either use their saving to
service their loans or came to directly request for withdrawal of saving implying withdrawal of
8) Only few loans were granted and in the Buea and Bamenda branches;
9) Several techniques were employed by the B.O.D to effect loan recovery some of which
yielded positive effect while others yielded negative effects;
10) The level of income generation is dangerously low;
11) Loan delinquency is still above 80%;
12) Some members deliberately refused to pay their loans;
13) The strength of the staff was reduced from 31 to 19;
14) Many of the branches could not generate income that could
sustain their operations;
15) Some recovered loans and interest were used to pay some of the
members’ deposits and also to sustain the operations of their branches concern and
16) There exist disagreements between the current board and those
who left which can be very detrimental;

The supervisory board made the following recommendations
1) Measures should be taken to bring the former board and the new management together so as
to close up the existing differences that is causing a lot of damages to the union in all aspect;
This last recommendation does not tie with the principles of credit union management. It is
unreconcilable that member of the board of directors who resigned en mass just a few minutes to
elections into that board and at a time when the institution is in a state of undeclared bankruptcy
should rather be thought of being called up for reconciliation for some reconciliation with a rescue
team that is suffering the effect of their criminal activities. Under normal circumstances, that team
was supposed to be arrest instantly just for that act. There is no meeting platform on which the old
and the new board is supposed to meet so as to conflict talk less of to reconcile. The relationship
between the old and the new board of directors has no effect

2) A more cost-effective loan recovery strategy should be implemented;

3) A harmonized budget system should be implemented for financial year 2020;
4) Branches which activities are not sustainable should be shut down and
5) The board of directors and the staff management team should establish an inventory register
and a balance sheet of assets to avoid the misappropriation of some of the assets unnoticed
meanwhile assets which handling and sustenance is not cost effective should be liquidated.


The management board raised the following issues in their 2019 financial year management
1) The loan delinquency rate was 90%;
2) Investment in fixed assets was 442.2% of equity as opposed to 100% and the source of such
investment were members terms deposit in the sum of 683,000,000CFAF which is rather
current assets;
3) High running cost with little or no production and
4) Alarming frauds in some branches with Tongolo topping the list.
The recovery of loans and overdue interest was difficult and near impossible following normal
recovery methods for the following reasons:
1) Haphazard manner in granting of loans without respecting the loan policy that was put in
place by the out gone board of directors;
2) The out gone board managed loans as if the union was a philanthropic organization as loan
files were not properly constituted. Loans were granted even to civil servants without the
commonest collateral which is their salaries;
3) Faced with the situations the management engaged a fierce loan recovery process to reduce
the loan delinquency ratio to a regulated level;
4) This exercise targeted one of the outstanding delinquent loan holders in the person
ofMrAyaforNapoleon who incidentally is the contractor of the TOWER
BUILDING.MrAyaforNapoleon’s loan of 100,000,000frs was the most delinquent.
5) According to the report the board used all the required methods of recovery but in vain.

The management board raised the following very salient issues in their management report:
1) The contractor who constructed the tower building had a delinquent loan of 100,000,000frs
which recovery has been a problem;
2) Following irregularities noticed in the management of the construction of the tower building,
a complaint was engaged at the attorney general’s office where investigations are proceeding;
3) The contractor of the building filed a claim of 169,870,785cfa alleged to be unpaid balance of
the cost of the construction work which was not mentioned in the handing over report and
4) As at Dec 31st 2019 AWICCUL’s loan portfolio stood at an unpleasant level of
1,154,823,573cfaf which loans are classed as unpaid.


1) BY December 31st 2018 members’ term deposits in the sum of 683,000,000cfaf was
misappropriated and allegedly invested in fixed assets very specifically for the building
2) The construction of the TOWER building was never expressly approved which by implication
holds that the out gone board of directors and the management of the union took upon
themselves to defraud the union and her members under the cover of the construction of the
AWICCUL head office;
3) The general assembly in her 2014 AGM is said to have approved a budget of 200,000,000cfaf
for the construction of the AWICCUL building;
4) The building as at Dec 31 st 2018 is said to have been executed with the sum of
879,000,000cfaf and including the 169,000,000CFAF would mean the total worth of the
building is 1,048,870,785CFAF;
5) The exaggerated costof 30 conference chairs at 27000frsper chair and810,000CFAF for the
6) A stock of outdated manure worth 6,000,000cfaf at Awing;
7) The unauthorized acquisition of a car for the union at an exorbitant price of 20,000,000CFAF
meanwhile similar cars worth 11,000,000CFAF at maximum cost at the on-the road state;
8) The exaggerated cost of 86,000,000CFAF as supervision fee of the building to one MrNdang
Emmanuel who so far has no other reference than his name;
9) The questionable misplacement of all the land certificates of the plots harboring the AWICCUL
10) The questionable scene of the deliveranceof the duplicate of the
said land certificate to Mr John Best AkondengNsahteme as collateral for his term
deposit of 350,000,000CFAF meanwhile therewere other term deposits in the tune of
333,000,000cfaf not covered by any such collateral;
The Term Deposit as conjectured was a form of savings hence the fact that the land certificate of
the union was handed as collateral raises the question as to whether savings in financial
institutions are covered with collaterals
11) All the term deposits were matured for reimbursement;
12) An uncompleted yet unauthorized building in Awing which worth
at the uncompleted stage is 13,000,000CFAF;
13) An uncompleted yet unauthorized building in Awing which worth
at the uncompleted stage is 13,000,000CFAF;
14) AWICCUL recorded a loss of 145,074,799cfaf as at December
31st 2018 which increased by same time 2019 because loans were not being granted
and the recovery of existing loans and interest was very difficult and
15) The cost of sustaining many of the branches of AWICCUL was
higher than the income generated.
The operations of AWICCUL from the onset of this current board as a matter of realistic necessity
will be classified in two categories:
Rescue and Revival operations.
These operations involve such activities that will keep the doors of AWICCUL open while operations
continue without obstruction.
The fresh cash policy is a well thought out product for this platform
THESE RESCUE operations will go well if all elites join hands in support.
The authorities that be in Awing should get fully involved in mobilizing the people of Awing to
participate in this program by reviving their participation in their savings schemes. During the
period of rescue operations, the Fon in consultation with NACDA and BOT should mobilize Awing
Ndzungs to continue to save and to borrow using the new savings (FRESH CASH) as a foundation to
The next platform is the revival platform. This platform involves the recovery of the delinquent
loans and the correction of the wrongs of theformer board. The operations of this platform cannot
successfully be undertaken only by this board without rare guard support A special revival
taskforce is needed involving persons who are ready to sacrifice whatever it needs to revive the
union. It should be made up of people who are ready to volunteer and who should not be easily
influenced or eclipsed by any influence peddling.
Mobilization for the rescue operations should include sensitization through NACDA branch and
quarter meetings special status should be given to persons willing to open accounts in these
16) The rate of interest for loans be reviewed
The management board hired the services of two civil servantsinto the staff pool of AWICCUL holding
such sensitive positions as chief Account and internal controller. It became the more incredible that
one of the hired member staff who held the post of internal controller also held that of branch
manager for Bamenda branch.
A legal retainership was signed by the old board and a law firmat a scandalous monthly allowance of
150,00cfaf only for legal opinion and counsel. The outgone board falsely claimed that all the rooms of
the tower building were occupied
Meanwhile only five tenants in one apartment and four rooms were occupied but without any
tenancy contract. On the payment of the rents, the tenants declared that they had been paying to the
general manager and the internal controller.


The following fraudulent transactions were reported on the speech of the management board:
1) The branch manager of Tongolo initiated loan transactions in members account without their
2) The branch manager of the Awing branch and another member of staff also engaged loan
transactions involving members accounts without their consent and in some cases involving
minors accounts;
3) The general manager alongside the internal controller and the chief accountant who manned
the headquarter including the Bamenda branch were also reported implicated in massive
fraud wherein the internal controller was identified as an accomplice and abettor.
A typical case in point is the sale of a piece of land in Buea that was seized from a member in
Buea.This piece of land was sold while the current board was already on sit and thereby fidgeted
with the accounting database;
4) The out gone board signed a leave decision for the general manager two days to the AGM
granting him two months leave which was to commence on April 1,2019;
5) The general manager precipitated the commencement of the said leave period and engaged it
while none of the members of the new board of directors was on seat but has not returned to
duty till date;
6) The outgone board of directors never respected any of the observations of auditors, the
recommendations of CAMCCUL neither did they respect any of the recommendations of
external auditors;
7) AWICCUL owed CNPS dues from 2016 till 2018 despite the fact that these dues were deducted
from the salaries of all members of staff and as a result, many workers have suffered the
consequences and
8) Within the same period as above taxes were accumulated on fictitious profit declared to the
turn of 35,000,000cfa and penalty of 14,000,000CFAF.

Contrary to normal COBAC norms, the level of investment on fixed assets surpassed that of equity
capital by four times.

The loan portfolio dropped from 1,311,262,931cfaf as at 2018 financial year to 1,754,823,573cfaf
meanwhile the delinquency rate rather increased from 80.3% 90%.


Despite the opening to co-opt two new members into the board, nobody indicated the willingness to
serve as a board member.


The board of directors presented the following action plan for the financial year 2020
1) encouragement of fresh cash production to improve on the turn over;
2) further reduction of expenditure (operational cost)
3) continuous mobilization of funds from Awing elites to enhance the granting of more loans.
The independentinvestigator made an analysis of the rescue program initiated by NACDA. If
some minor modifications are made to the program it will be a MARSHAL PLAN for the revival
of AWICCUL if that is complimented with the M. O. U recommended at the end of this report.
4) adherence to COBAC norms to avoid sanctions
5) strategizing to intensify the recovery of delinquent loans


The youth committee was more concise though the committee had only one member. Youths
expressed apathy toward the crises.


Just like it was the case with the youth committee, the women committee had only one member.
In their report women expressed apathy toward belonging to the committee.


The supervisory board which also operated with only one member still raised the recurrent issue
of the union asset inventory and recounted other routine issues
Beside the recurrent issues the board recommended the rescheduling of delinquent loans.


The board highlighted the fact that more than 80% of the membership has been affected in one
way or the other by the external and the internal crises affecting the functioning of the union.

Unlike the previous year, more members opened new accounts indicating an increase in
confidence in the union though with an increase in shares but adecrease in savings.

Loan delinquency dropped from 1,080,032,667cfaf in 2019 to 978,663,788cfaf in 2020 though this
is because savings of some delinquent members were deducted to service their loans reason
while there was a drop in savings.
The management report made the following remark:
1) Close to 60million CFAF of savings was used to service part of the members delinquent loans;
2) The membership of the union stood at 6,032, meanwhile 366 of this numbers held delinquent
loans in bad faith;
3) The high rate of delinquency is influenced by the fact that loans were given out without
effective collateral coverage;
4) It requires just the recovery of 70% of the delinquent loans for AWICCUL to bounce back to
full operation and
5) Civilservants were granted loans without assuring the loans with the common collateral which
is their salaries. Civil servants whose salaries are paid through other financial institutions got
loans from AWICCUL hence have no obliging tendency to pay the said loans.


The value of the fixed assets stood at 1.2billion all including depreciation and provisions
This represented 44% of the total balance sheet and is three times the equity assets (more than
300%) which is inadmissibly higher than the COBAC norms and very detrimental to the functioning of
the credit union.


The Tower building at fon street was worth 879million at completion as declared by the outgone
board. The annual income projection each year for rents was 48millions.
Considering that the said building is an asset which suffers depreciation at 5%, 5% of the projected
sum had to be appropriated for depreciation
By implication 2.4milliom had to be reserved from the 48million for depreciation having 45.6million
as revenue from the building. At this rate, it had to take approximately 20years for the building to be
considered profitable to the union.
Instead of the projected sum, what was effectively collected as rents was an average of
8,446,500CFAF for the years 2019 and 2020. The above rate of collection created an average deficit of
39,553,500CFAF. 5% of 8,446,500CFAF is 222,325 CFAF.
It goes without saying that instead of the projected depreciation reserves of 2,400,000 CFAF what
the union earned was 222,325 CFAF.
At the above rate, it would take 105years for the cost of this building to be recovered only then can
AWICCUL begin to think of generating profit revenue from the structure.It is purely unrealistic for an
investment to be made for a structure which life span is 99 years then for itto require 105 years to
recover profit from the said structure.
This brings to the conclusion that the construction of the tower building was not a feasible project for
AWICCUL which life span is set for 99 years.
Investment in fixed assets is an activity reserved only for real estate corporations.
Until the outgone management board and board of directors prove the contrary, all the funds
obtained through the unauthorized Term Deposit scheme were embezzled.
It must be cautioned that this investigatorbeing of the building construction and civil engineering
profession cannot give value to an executed architectural project - a building simply by looking at it
with the eyes in the situation wherein the project has no expressed authorization from the general
assembly neither is there any architectural nor structures and reinforcement plans available from
which the closed Bill Of Quantities can be ascertained or determined. All the closed Bill of Quantities
of all architectural and civil engineering projects are certified only with reference to the architectural
and reinforcement/structures plans none of which is available in the present circumstances.
Consequently, whatever amount is said to have been spent on such a structure can only be deemed to
be misappropriated funds in the situation wherein there is neither an explicit authorization for the
project by the supposed project owner. By this implication, the outgone board of directors criminally
misappropriated the following sums:
 The sum of 584,000,000CFAF being amount purportedly given out to NAPOCAM Enterprise as
payment for the construction of a buildingwhich was not expressly approved by the general
assembly of AWICCUL;
 The sum of 210,000,000CFAF being money swindled under the pretext of unauthorized extra
works purportedly executed by NAPOCAM Enterprise in lieu of the construction of the
unauthorized Tower Building at Fon’s street Bamenda;
 The sum of 86,000,000CFAF being money swindled under the pretext of consultancy services
rendered by one MrNdang Emmanuel of ERM group purportedly during the construction of the
unauthorized Tower Building at Fon’s street Bamenda;


The management of fresh cash yielded a delinquency ratio of 0% meanwhile attracting a saving and
deposit of 114,011,800CFAF


41,947,198 CFAFwas reported embezzled by members of staff while some former members of staff
left their post while holding delinquent loans to the tune of 14,682,878 CFAF which have remained
delinquent till date.
Inter-branch operations had an outstanding balance of 125,000,000cfa indicating that members’
savings and deposits and operations could not be accounted for. Under normal circumstances the
balance of interbranch operations should be zero.

As at December 31, 2018, the liquidity of the union as presented by the management report then
was 376,438 CFAF meanwhile the COBAC norm required that it should have been 400,000,000
CFAF1063% violation.
This is so because all the funds raised as term deposit while being illegally obtained were purportedly
still illegally invested in fixed assets.


Before delving into the observations and conclusions, it is important to define the terms
mismanagement, misappropriation, embezzlement and to also define the various contexts in which
each of these terms is applicable as that is related to the AWICCUL crises
Mismanagement is defined in the Google dictionary as a significant failure to fulfill a duty to direct
and control an organization or government
Misappropriation is defined as the intentional illegal use of the funds or properties of another
person for one’s own use or other unauthorized purpose. Misappropriation becomes criminal when
the possessions have been innocently come by, but where by a subsequent change of intention or the
knowledge of a new fact with which the party was not previously acquainted but the action
continues. Criminal breach of trust occurs when a person is entrusted in any way with property or
possessions of property and if that person dishonestly uses, covert or disposes of the property in
violation of any legal direction or contract.
Though related to misappropriation, EMBEZZLEMENT takes place when a person uses funds for a
different purpose than they were intended to be used in most cases satisfying personal and or
private interest.
AWICCUL is a micro-finance organization which activities are regulated by the laws regulating the
handling of finances in Cameroon and most specifically the laws on banking and the cooperative
movement in Cameroon
It is therefore succinct to state here that every observation and conclusion given here below
defines an act of blatant violation of one provision or the other of the said laws and or the articles
of association of AWICCUL


It has been noted that the entire building project does not have any express approval from the
general assembly of AWICCUL except the insinuations from the correspondences of the
representative of CAMCCUL. It is with these guiding observations that all other observations are
From the analyses of the available management and accounting documents, the recorded telephone
and WhatsApp communications undertaken as stated above, the following observations are made:
1) That the outgone board of directors of AWICCUL misappropriated with criminal
intention the FUNDS of AWICCUL
2) That the outgone board of directors embezzled the funds of AWICCUL in the portion of
that used in the tower construction project the sum of which is the true worth of the
tower building less the 1.2billion CFAF projected as the value of the building including
the outstanding legal dispute pending against AWICCUL by the construction contractor;
3) The sums of 1,500,000CFAF and 718,000CFAF received from the family of Nkeh Derick
and fromMbangwashiEmmanuelshould be restituted forthwith and all the loans so
recorded against the said accounts and similar accounts should be recorded as
embezzled funds in the name of NgongehRohben then appropriate action taken to
recover same as commenced in the complaint addressed to the Attorney General of
NWR as in document 31.
4) That considering the subsequent revelations the board of directors and the principal
management staff as the case was, criminally betrayed the trust reposed on them by
the general assembly of AWICCUL in that they violated all the provisions of the texts
regulating the management of the said institution and took negative advantage of the
ignorance and naivety of the members who are the effective owners
5) That the current board of directors should as a matter of urgent necessity put up all
working instruments of AWICCUL and let them be approved by the competent
6) That Barr Ateh Jacob is more useful to AWICCUL in reinforcing the legal retainers in the
circumstance than the daydream and shadow chase which is been done now by him in
the supervisory board;
7) That the acts by the outgone board in which it is stated that the headquarters of
AWICCUL is now in Bamenda is illegal and should be reversed during the next general
assembly of AWICCUL;
8) That AWING as represented by HRM FoohFozoh II has a right not a privilege for
corporate social responsibilities to be fulfilled by AWICCUL by specifically including in
the annual budget a budget head for such appropriate expenses;
9) That AWICULL should enter into an M.O.U with the people of Awing as represented
byHRM FoohFozoh II acting with the backing of the Natural Government of Awing
(Kwerfor)for the purpose of guaranteeing the rights of the people of Awing and also the
sustainability of the union. HRM the fon of Awing representative of the Natural
Government of Awing in what relates to interventions relating to issues involving the
welfare of AWICCUL and its members who are of Awing origin shall bethe head of an
Alternative Dispute Resolution committee (ADR) which shall be responsible for handling
all disputes resulting from membership of the union.
10) As AWICCUL shall deem it necessary and useful CAMCOSO shall be available to provide
such services as shall be needed by the board of directors to facilitate as more rapid
11) Every activity undertaken by the board of directors must confirm with the necessary
provisions of the law which is not the case now
12) That AWICCUL should as a matter of urgency fulfill all the legal provisions required for
the publication of the list of delinquent loan holders.
13) The intervention of the Natural Government (Kwerfor) and NACDA to effect forceful
recovery of “delinquent loans” should be kept on hold till the above suggested
memorandum is put in place and all the legal provisions aree respected by the board of
directors; NOTE: The above conditions can be fulfilled within one month of t he board
of directors are serious.
14) That all the members of the outgone management board collectively committed the
offence related to handing over to the current board.
15) That legal time frames should be respected by the current board especially as this is
specifically related to the delinquent loan recovery exercise
16) That the release of the list of holders of delinquent loans cannot be done now without
the fulfillment of the legal obligations that precede such an action.
17) This investigator is calling upon NACDA to act dynamic and to take over and renovate
the buildings at mile 12 and merwugné so as to let them become beneficial to the
population of Awing
18) The revival, rescue and recovery of AWICCUL shall be undertaken with the board of
directors of AWICCUL playing a leading vanguard role while NACDA, the B. O. T and the
Natural Government (kwerfoh) shall play a rearguard role as shall be guaranteed by the

In propagation and magnification of the recent resolutions of NACDA taken during the 2021 annual
general assembly in Awing, community commitment and participation in the recovery of AWICCUL
shall be as follows:
19) Persons holding delinquent loans in AWICCUL whose accounts have undergone the
legal closure shall be prohibited in holding posts of responsibility and or membership in
the following bodies:
a. The village or quarter traditional council;
b. The village or quarter Natural governments in the case where such exist in the
c. The quarter cultural and development association;
d. The national or branch executive committee of NACDA
20) Taking relay to emphasize the decree of the Natural Government (kwerfor) of Awing,
Awing-ndzungs shall be prohibited from participating in the organization of any of the
following occasions in the premises of anyone who either in his or her own person,
through the son or daughter, descendants on the masculine generation line to the 3 rd
a. - Traditional cap wearing exercise (merluh-mertserh);
b. - Traditional marriage celebration;
c. - Traditional born house celebration;
d. - Commemoration of deaths. This does not include burial activities in
situation wherein no other activity should take place after the burial not even
the performance of the traditional burial rites (Ngerb-apoh);
21) Barrister Ateh Jacob should resign from the supervisory board of AWICCUL and rather
be the lead counsel of a special recovery task force in which all licensed legal
practitioners of Awing who do not hold posts of responsibility in the NACDA central
executive and or B.O.T to wit Barrister Atanga Charles and Barrister Njoke all in Douala,
Barristers Amungwa and Ndenkeh in Yaoundé and Barrister Alombah in Bamenda. Each
of these legal professionals should be empowered by the board of directors to take all
such appropriate action within his/their defined jurisdictions to make sure that all the
delinquent loans are regular within the framework of the law to be fulfilled and or
cause the legal closure process to band, to also proceed with the recovery exercise
using all legal and extrajudicial actions they find appropriate. The board of directors
should provide to these officers of the law the necessary means to undertake these
very necessary activities


The absolute objective of this investigation has been and remains to navigate through rough waters
yet to a safe landing and anchor as it relates to the welfare of AWICCUL and her members.

There is a second action – plan B of this investigation which should be multifaceted accompanied by
appropriate actions as the law and the board of directors of AWICCUL would facilitate.
The team that accompanied this independent investigation are convinced that if all the
recommendations listed herein are implemented and timely six months would just be enough time
for loan irregularity and delinquency to be reduced to the barest minimum if not to zero then for the
confidence rating to move from the 10% rating that is approximated now to 75%.
For this to be achieved, the natural Government authority (Kwerfor), NACDA and B.O.T, CamCCUL,
Board of Directors of AWICCUL and CamCoSO should work like one family with the Board of Directors
of AWICCUL acting the Avant guard role and given all the respect, regard and support that they need
which has not really been the case 100%.
By the situation in which this investigation has been undertaken it has taken almost 1,500,000CFAF in
displacements to Bamenda, Bafoussam, Yaoundé and Buea including more than 150 recorded phone
calls, lodging and other logistics in very scary circumstance. It would not be honest if mention is not
made that some personalities provided both financial and moral support but would not want their
names mentioned.



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