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‫ﺗﺼﻮﯾﺮ ﺳﻠﯿﻤﺎن ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻞ اﻟﻌﺮب اﻟﻄﺒﯿﺔ‬


:I:cnmvnolo9j: ,·s -tt?e s-1-vdj o� 1he im1Ywne. �:1.s.J..em.
(I Im,nune SJ.Stem ts Q f;':JS+e'Y> o+ Ce/ls , --h-ssues ef.- their .s"luhle
pro clue ts -that recu.3nize , o#-ac ks £. desfro.:1s ef'>ti-J.£es -fh".f­
Coutc.J endan3er -fhe heaf-lh of an i11d,v;cl1Aof.
In1m uni f'1 ; ,'5 -the re�;s+a()Ce ( Res-�nse � pro-lecl,on) e)rh,h :lecl
b.j hos.J- '!;o dy ag cins.J. Fore;.3 n an-h:3e1Js �uch t-1s pafh o.9e1J5
t:f.. Jransl'ormed loo dJ ceU� { J.umor Ce !Is)

e h>f)C-h'ofl or -tn_e im,nv()t SjS.fetn 1_

<D �err I NO() ser � d;sct;minct l·io I) .
• imrnune s:3.s-/.e,n clesijned -1-c, �coBnize � respond 10 ()tJn-sel( A<J
© -fo _pro -kc+ h71m pe1-l-ha3ens
_ • ifl +race /111 I ar ( e-3. Viru Se.s £ So rne hac.J..e.,;q , pa:ras; ef>kr
. a /,,os� cell i- cJS/fJj II its l'()e/-aholtc mqchi()e_JJ
S4byer-f ,i
• G;clracellt.1lar {e,9. MOS+ hackriq. fun(ji ef. �4r4Sites)
_@ -lo el,mlna � mo d,h·ed or al+ered s-e1r (fraf)s/;,IY)�d �ells)
,·.e. Cef/s .,tha-f are d,'seasecJ.: dam�ed, d,·s1res!ed or d.:J i".j are
reco9n,zed � e /,/fll/Jt,,le d b::1 -fhe ihJ nJU()e sys telY)

· • £ffe,fs of -the inimune s�s+em

® 8ef>e 'h·c;al :
(D prok.c+ior-, Fro rn ,'r)yc,d ers ·
© €/;m,-na-ltol'1 or a,.J.e,.ed �el�.

@ Oe-1-ritY> : I LiO

© 0,·s {OIY) fort ,,t c(J I IQ k fq J d "'IY) Ci.j e (/!) Fl ecm rn a1 fO {))
© DQIY1 q[Je -t"t, s e Ir ( 1-f�p ersens,·,kvi +j Or auto ,mm UI) i �) .

‫ﺗﺼﻮﯾﺮ ﺳﻠﯿﻤﺎن ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻞ اﻟﻌﺮب اﻟﻄﺒﯿﺔ‬

( H\JmQn irnrnvne S� S �,n (2 Comp{et0enta '3 arm�

i_ �
I()() Q,k ( Na.f.uraJ • 1s�. line of deff()�) Ado.phve {Aq,uirecl . Znd, l;ne o{ JeA

• in he.r� kd (e ver.9 <>l)e ;s bor') w/fh

/nl)Qk •tntYJul):1-:J = Collje'f1ll-ai}
• A 9 - ,·,.., d e.pende I)+ {to,esen J. n aJ-qra!J
wi'-/houi previo'4S sh·miA/qh-on)
• imme J ,a.f.e ma1<imttl t'f!sponse • La:J h·me .be-lweel'J e�posvre �
('() o�: ma} rtspot'Jse .
• r./or,_ spec/t c {have /,-m1kd . . spec;G·c ( each 8 ..e. T L3,,,phoc_yJ

spec,'frc,'J-y) /s sper; l,c r po.,/; (Cflar arJh:J e,i)


• tv() memo':!1 { are no� e()hanred it> • ,·flJ,ntJ()o I 09,·c n?elf]o ':.J {are en haru
ac-kv; lj upotJ S1.1bseq_uenJ e-,:por11re). w,·-11, each repeat. el< posure).
. l;m�kd c:J,·v�, s:f:J { reffer�d b_j . h,jh (e�kns;ve) d,·ve,s:fy;, re.1u;,
( lim,kd t'>ul()ber o( pafk,,, rer�nik11� -lo pm.feet t1.9«r"r;sf -fhe mq;c:mvlfJ D
�t�.pior s a( pokn h·al pcnh o.g ens .

• Are. 'Capahle o�'j Se/)

r�m non-sel( � is in
� 1nnak imtorKJe rec,,9T1;J;or, h;h;J;'!J a.ult, immune re�ponse .

. Oesp,k -fh eir ex+reme. hekrojenec,"fJ, . Al'?' set{ /i'm; kr>_j � 4//ow.s -fhe [;/:
p<rfJ.,�e()S sbQre h,_1h� Con5e.r'<ed -fu ../-o Q bq�al reshn3 sfu/.e
mo(ect1le.s. called £h·tho3en-sss-oc,ttled a. Fkr a chq// e119e. ,lo Conserve e1Je�

-rfJo(ect1.lar ea+-J.erns ll & resources � --lo aYt1icl Ul}ul)-fro lied

[PA MPs] l
cell prt)t, erqho� ret"r.1tk"!J ,-� Let1k
. hos+ cells clo na+ share PA/V1Ps or 1:Jmphomq .
wdh P'lfho-9ens .
. PAMPs a� re�.:Jl1iZed b.:1 !onak
,'mrl)ufl.e f'fCQJf)f hon Ye(eplvrs O:tlled
fql.J.ern [!Co__gl'}ih-o� tf.1�/etq/es /r.etepl-ars
L [PRM�/P�R�]·
Closs lII MHC : MHc:nr
( _geoe,t;;\� en code. Secrekd pn.le;ns qstoc.; akd wi..Y, -+he imrnu!J;
pracesi. ( ff'�5'on 4,., loca h)J() wFthio ihe r1Hc "tjion is U()a>,-lain
• ,'f)Clt.tdes .reve,o.l c0.
C1,tnplmen1 .c.o mpef>en.Js ( Cz, TN{::' o{ �9

h ea-! shock- pr1J k; ns-

• fV6f melf>Pm()e prikilJ> � h�ve t>O 1?Jle ,�() 4()h�eo prese�Jrn.,n "
a l.fho C{f) h rno-s-}- p I".J tJt � le ,"'r) I, f? .
- -
• MHC Ualo-ltjpe.s :
• Ualo.Jype - �el (It 9e11es locakd on " Stn!jle ch�romos,mP 4-
c harackris -kc.s Jepen d, t1n -f/tt1t'I}.
, 41> /r,Jtr{ du11/ /,as 2 l,a/()Jjpe.s ot. '9ac � �J tJ( !JPne S
{ Ma./erna/ / po/.ern�I) ,+- G"'-f."tJ!ed Codol!1itton1!.!J lb�
molern .. ( i pakrn()( pro d,.,ck PJ<f'lll!td ;,., S'otnJ!____ cett!)

• A,1,·marphirm of Clt.rrs T t]:

( • po!Jlf)arp hiftrJ � prertnte 4f mul b·p/� ttllele� Q+- " �iven
geneJ;c LoCf.l.f vlfJ,,"n spet/t's.
. D,f'err/ry If /v1Hc w/-fhif') .rpecr"e..s t-trulf.1 f;.d) pol_Jl'AOrr
• MHC P�r-t�l&:I � i1JJ•'f/c:/u4/ doe.1 fJOf cbo�f! ov_e,. }tme .

® C,!J-Hlk:nes G1pee:o'!J !PtL 7r) tncreASe. �J(p«:lllll) or MHC

‫ﺗﺼﻮﯾﺮ ﺳﻠﯿﻤﺎن‬
‫ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻞ اﻟﻌﺮب اﻟﻄﺒﯿﺔ‬

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