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A Tale of two cities

Charles Dickens

 Character List
Jerry Cruncher A messenger for Tellson's Bank and. He supplements his income
by working as a “Resurrection-Man” one who digs up dead bodies and sells them to
Mr. Jarvis Lorry An elderly businessman who works for Tellson’s Bank. A loyal
friend to the Manette family.
Lucie Manette, - A young French woman who grew up in England, Lucie was
raised as a ward of Tellson’s Bank because her parents were assumed dead .
Doctor Manette - Lucie’s father, he spent 18 years as a prisoner in the Bastille.
While being imprisoned, Manette does nothing but make shoes. After being released,
he is nursed back to health by his daughter, Lucie, in England
Charles Darnay - A French aristocrat. Darnay renounces his family name of St.
Evrémonde and moves to England, where he works as a tutor and eventually marries
Lucie Manette. He is put on trial during the Revolution for the crimes of his family.
Sydney Carton A lawyer who looks like Charles Darnay. His love for Lucie
Manette motivates him to sacrifice his life to save the life of her husband.
Ernest Defarge The owner of a wine-shop in a Paris suburb. Defarge is a leader
of the Jacquerie (a roving band of peasants) during the French Revolution.
Madame Defarge A hard, vengeful woman who is married to Ernest Defarge.
Miss Pross A forceful Englishwoman who raised Lucie .
Mrs.Cruncher Jerry's wife. A pious woman, she is beaten by her husband for
Chapter 1: The Period
, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. . . .
As its title promises, this brief chapter establishes the era in which the novel
takes place. England and France in 1775. The age is marked by contradictory
things .and life in England and France seems paradoxically the best and the worst that
it can be. The rulers and ruling classes of both countries may have the best of life, but
they are out of touch with the common people and believe that the status will
continue forever.
In France, inflation is out of control and an oppressive social system results in
intolerable and extreme injustices being committed against average citizens, who
believe they have the worst of life. and France secretly but steadily moves towards
England was in a state of disorder . Daring robberies by armed men took place
in houses and on highways.
Introduction Questions
1. some of Dickens novels are given the name of the hero " Oliver Twist, David
Copperfield , but A tale of two cities wasn't the same " Explain
 " A tale of two cities " is about two different worlds – London represents peace
and order , and Paris breakdown of law and order .
 It's doesn’t have the name of the hero because there's more than one ,

2. If the hero is a good man then the hero is Darnay . Explain , mentioning the
main features of Darnay characters .
 He is an idealistic young French man who has given up his right to be an aristocrat
, he hates the cruelty , oppression and corruption of his uncle and other French
aristocrat . Charles moves to London to live but Britain and France are enemies ,
he is accused of being a French spy . When he returns to France he is suspected of
being an enemy of the new revolutionary government . He is caught between the
two hostile worlds .
3. A tale of Two cities is rich with symbolism ‫ الرمزية‬, Explain
 The red wine shop that spills from the broken cask outside monsieur Defarge shop
symbolises the blood that will split in the coming revolution .
 The frenzy of people drinking the wine from the street symbolises more dangerous
unrest to come
 The violent storm that breaks when Carton and Darnay were visiting Lucie
symbolises the coming turmoil .
 Madame Defarge quietly knitting her register of those who are die , symbolises
fate , silently driving to the revolution .
4. The use of symbolism serves to underline the themes of ………,…….,………,
5. What are the main themes of the novel ?
 Violence , fate , sacrifice and resurrection.
Chapter 1
6. Why did the writer start his novel saying " It was the best of times, it was the
worst of times …….?
 To express the contradictions in this period in both England and France . In
France , the rulers and only few people had the best of life and posses great wealth
but the most people were suffering and their life was hard. The rulers thought that
things were settled forever .
7. How was the life in France in this period ?
 Most of the French were farmers , they lived in a miserable poverty . They didn't
own the land they worked on, but rented it from the nobles. They were forced to
pay heavy taxes .
 The French citizens were treated badly and roughly a young man may be
punished by cutting off his hands or his tongue ,with pincers, and his body burned
alive .
 But there were secret but stead steps towards revolution in France .
8. England around 1775 had little or no order to justify any national pride ?
 England was in a state of disorder . Daring robberies by armed men took place in
houses and on highways , took place in the capital itself every night . The
highwayman in the dark was a tradesman in the light . The great Lord Mayor was
held up by the highway robbers while his guards looked on. Prisoners in jail
fought battles with their jailers . Thieves cut diamond jewels from round the necks
of people at court .
Chapter 2
9. How were the passengers of Dover coach mail afraid of each other ?
 All the passengers were wrapped in heavy coats up to their ears . In those days
travellers didn't reveal themselves to others because they might be robbers or
working with robbers .The guard suspected the passengers , the passengers
suspected one another and the guard . They all suspected everyone else
10." Is that Dover mail , I want a passenger "
11.- who was the speaker ? - who was that passenger ? why did he want him ?
 A messenger ,Jerry Cruncher from Tellson's Bank.** Jarvis Lorry , a banker in
Tellson's He wanted to give him a message " Wait at Dover for Mam’selle"
12.What was the message ? what was Mr Jarvis reply?
 " Wait at Dover for Mam’selle. ** The reply was " Recalled to life "
13. I wish a room be prepared for a young lady who may come at any time"
 These words were said by the Jarvis Lorry to the clerk at Royal George Hotel . he
asked him to book a room for the woman which the message asked him to waited
for .
14.Who was that young woman who meet Jarvis Lorry at the hotel ?
- why did she come to meet Jarvis ?
 she was Miss Manette, a young girl not more than, she came from London to meet
 Because she received a letter from the bank telling her that she had some property
of her long dead father who she never saw , and they must go to Paris for this
purpose . she wanted Jarvis to travel with her.
15. " it's very difficult...I'm a man of business. I have business to do , when you
hear what I have to say , only think of me as a speaking machine. In truth I
am not much else , with your permission , I'll tell you the story of one of our
16.What did Jarvis tell Miss Manette about her father ?
 He told her that he was a doctor , a gentleman of Beauvais , who had a good
reputation . Jarvis had business relation with him 20 years ago .He married an
English woman his affairs were in Tellson's hand , Jarvis had been a trustee for
her father like other customers .
17. " When I was left an orphan through my mother dying when I was two , you
brought me to England"
 These words were said by Miss Manette to Jarvis when he told her about her
father and how they had business relations twenty years ago , Jarvis replied that he
was the one who brought her to England after her mother death.
18. What was the surprising thing that he told her about her father ?
 He told her that her father hadn't died , he had suddenly disappeared , his wife
feared that some enemy might have sent him to prison by obtaining a letter from
the king (something that French nobles had the right to do at that time)
19." she died of a broken heart " Comment
 These words were said by Jarvis to Miss Manette , he told her that her mother
died of a broken heart as she couldn't find her husband or learn anything of his
fate ‫مصير‬, but she left her without the dark of cloud of living in the uncertainty of
her father .
20. We are going there: I ,to identify him if I can , and you ,to restore him to life,
love , rest and comfort . What do The underlined words refer to ?
 There : Paris - I : Jarvis Lorry - You : Lucie Manette -him: Doctor
21." I'm going to see his ghost . It'll be his ghost not him " Comment
 These words were said by Miss Manette to Jarvis when he told her that her father
was still alive in the house of an old servant . Mr Jarvis said that he would try to
identify him and she to restore him to life . She replied that she would be his ghost
not him .
22."Couldn't you tell her what you had to tell without frightening her to death "
 These words were said by Miss Pross " Lucie's servant ". When she saw Miss
Manette looked pale, with cold hands . she was angry as she was worried about
the young girl. Setting a rough hand on Mr Lorry and pushing him, back against
the wall ,she blamed him for telling her about her father in that way . He replied
by asking her to accompany Manette to France but she refused .
23. "If it was ever indeed that I should go across salt water , do you think God
would have put me on an island " Comment
 The same answer (exchange the characters )
Chapter 3
24."A large cask of wine had been dropped and broken in the street" It
 the blood that will split in the coming revolution
25. Someone used the muddy wine to write the word …………. On the wall of
the house , another one(a tall man) wrote .………, - Who was that tall man ?
 blood - his joke - Gaspard ( Monsieur Defarge friend )
26. "The people from the market did it . Let them bring another "
 These words were said by the wine shopkeeper "monsieur Defarge "when a cask
of wine was dropped in the street , he said the people in the market must bring
27. "Are you the subject for the mad hospital "
28. " Why are you writing in the public streets ?
 These words were said by the wine shopkeeper "monsieur Defarge " to Mr
Gaspard who was writing up his joke on the wall . Defarge rubbed it with a
handful of mud .
29. " it's not often that many of these miserable beasts know the taste of the wine
or anything but black bread and death " Comment
30. " A bitter taste it's that such poor cattle always have in their mouths , and
hard lives they live . Comment
 These words were said by the one of the Jacques at "Monsieur Defarge wine shop.
He meant that the people in France in this period were suffering , they led hard
lives until death , and other few aristocratic people have the best of all .
31." because he has lived up long locked up that he would be frightened , tear
himself to pieces , die , come to I don't know what harm , if the door was left
open "
32." yes , and a beautiful world we live in when it is possible . Long live the Devil
 These words were said by Monsieur Defarge to Jarvis Lorry when they were about
to enter doctor Manette room . Mr Jarvis asked Defarge why he kept Dr Manette
locked up in his room . Defarge answered that Dr Manette used to be locked up
for many years in the prison . He might cause harm to himself if the door was left
open .
33." You think it's necessary to keep the unfortunate man locked up "
 The same answer but exchange the characters
34." Courage , dear miss . The worst will be over in a moment ; it's but passing
the room door and the worst is over . then all the good you bring to him , all
the happiness you bring to him will begin "
 These words were said by Jarvis to Lucie when they were about to enter doctor
Manette room in Paris .Mr Jarvis asked her to be courageous when she saw her
father in such condition saying that she would bring him all the happiness and all
the relief .
35." Do you make a show of Monsieur Manette "
36." Who are the few ? How do you choose them "
 These words were said by Jarvis Lorry to monsieur Defarge when he and Lucie
were outside doctor Manette room in Paris , Jarvis was angry when he saw that
there were three men with them. Defarge said that he showed him to only few
chosen , he chose them as real men of his name "Jacques''
37."I show him to a chosen few" I choose then as real men of my name-Jacques
is my name- to whom the sight is likely to do good "
38. I forgot them in the surprise of your visit, leave us good boys, we've business
 The same answer but exchange the characters
39. Where did Doctor Manette live in Paris ?
 He lived in an old room at the top floor of the wine shop , the top floor was used a
storeroom for firewood and other things .
40.' Here is a visitor, who know a well made shoe when he sees one , show him
that shoe you are working on .
41. " tell monsieur what kind of shoe and the maker's name "
 These words were said by Monsieur Defarge to doctor Manette when Jarvis lorry
and Lucie went to see doctor Manette in Paris . doctor Manette was making a pair
of shoes . Defarge asked him to show the shoe to Mr Jarvis and to tell him about
its kind and the name of the shoemaker . He replied that it was a young girl's shoes
. about his name he said " one hundred and five " ( his cell number in the prison)
42." It's a young lady walking shoe, it's in the present fashion , I never saw a
fashion , I have had a pattern in my hand "
43."I am not a shoemaker by trade? No , I was not a shoemaker by trade, I
learned it here , I asked permission to teach my self "
 These words were said by doctor Manette to Monsieur Defarge and Jarvis lorry
when Jarvis and Lucie went to see him in Paris . doctor Manette was making a
pair of shoes . doctor Manette was proud of making such beautiful shoes .Jarvis
asked him if he was a shoemaker by trade , he replied that he wasn't a shoemaker
by trade but he learned it and asked permission to do it .
44. Are you going to finish that pair shoes today "
 The same answer but exchange the characters
45." one hundred and five , north tower "
 These words were said by doctor Manette to Jarvis in Manette room in Paris .
doctor Manette was making a pair of shoes . doctor Manette was proud of making
such beautiful shoes . When Jarvis asked him about the name of the maker . He
answered saying " one hundred and five , north tower " . ( his cell number in the
 It was clear that : after long years of being imprisoned, doctor Manette was
thinking that he was still a prisoner .
46." you remember nothing of this man ? look at him , is there no old banker ,
no old business , no old servant , no old time rising in your mind"
 These words were said by Defarge to doctor Manette in his room in Paris .
Defarge tried to make Doctor Manette remember Jarvis. As a prisoner for many
years sat looking at Mr Jarvis , at last he remembered him and said that at first he
couldn't remember but then he remember the face who once knew well .
47. Yes , for a moment . At first I thought it quite hopeless but I have without a
question seen for a single moment the face I knew once so well !, let us go
 The same answer but exchange the characters
48. " You are not the jailer's daughter "
 These words were said by Dr Manette to Lucie when she went to his room in Paris
. At first he couldn't remember her thinking that she was the jailer's daughter , but
at last he could remember her .
49. "He put her head on my shoulder , that night when I was called away –she
was afraid of me , though I wasn't . , she was before the slow years of the
north tower – ages ago "
 These words were said by Doctor Manette in his room in Paris when he first saw
his daughter Lucie. It was after long years of being imprisoned , he could hardly
knew her . remembering the last time he saw her .
 After that Lucie decided to take him to London .
50. I , without disturbing him, everything could be arranged for our leaving
Paris at once , so that he could be taken away from here "
51. More fit for that than to remain in this city that is so terrible to him
 These words were said by Lucie Manette to Defarge and Jarvis Lorry in her
father's room in Paris . She asked them to prepare everything to leave Paris at once
, Mr Lorry asked if he was fit to such a journey , she answered that he was more
fit for the journey than to stay in the city where he had terrible experience .
52. Then be so kind as to leave us here , You see how calm he has become and
you cannot be afraid of to leave him now with me , if you will lock the door so
that we are not disturbed …."
 These words were said by Lucie Manette to Defarge and Jarvis Lorry in her
father's room in Paris . She asked them to prepare everything to leave Paris at once
, Mr Lorry and Defarge went to prepare for the journey , and left Lucie with her
father who has become calm after seeing her , they went and lock the door so as
not to be disturbed
Chapter 4
53. "Outside Tellson's, never in , was an old-job man" Who was that man ?
what was his job?
 Jerry Cruncher - a messenger ( a porter)
54. Where did the Clerk send Cruncher to ? Why ?
 He sent him to the Old Bailey Courts .- to deliver a message to Mr Jarvis lorry
55. Find the door where the witnesses go in and show the doorkeeper this note
for …
 These words were said one of the clerks at Tellson's Bank to Jerry Cruncher He
sent him to the court to deliver a message to Mr Jarvis lorry
56. What was Charles Darnay charged with ‫ = متهم ب‬accused of ?
 He was accused of being a traitor ‫ خائن‬to the serene , excellent king of England .
He helped the French king in his wars against the king of England . He revealed to
the French king what forces the English king had in preparation to send to Canada
and North America . He was coming and going between The English Kingdom
and France many times for this purpose .

57. What did the Attorney-General tell the jury about Charles ?
 He said that the prisoner although young in years , was old in treasons , and that
he was travelling between England and France for this purpose , He helped the
French king in his wars against the king of England . He revealed to the French
king what forces the English had . He said that a great patriot ( an old friend of the
prisoner) and the prisoner servant were going to witness against him
58." A person who was entirely trustworthy , and a great patriot had found
what the prisoner was doing "
59.Who was that patriot ? who was the other witness , how did he denounce his
master ?
 John Barsad , he was an old friend of the prisoner (Darnay) but he decided to
denounce him .
 The second witness was his servant (Robert Cly)who had found some documents
and papers with his master . The papers were about the English preparations and
some information which was passed to a hostile power (France) , the servant
presented the paper to the court.
60. Why was Mr Jarvis called during the trial ?
 He was called as a witness . he was asked if he met the prisoner (Darnay) before .
 He was asked if the prisoner was one of the two passengers at Dover mail coach
five years ago, but he answered that he wasn't sure he was . because it was a dark
night and the passengers were wrapped up .
 He also said that he met the prisoner on board the fairy boat .
61. " the prisoner came on board , he noticed my father was very tired and in a
weak state,,,,"" he showed great gentleness and kindness to my father ."
 These words were said by Lucie Manette at the court when she was called as a
 She said that she met the prisoner (Darnay) on board the ferry as she and her
father and Mr Jarvis were returning from France to England. She said he was a
good man and he helped her and advised her how to shelter her father from the
wind . She said that he showed great gentleness and kindness to her and to her
father .
62.They talked together till the last minute , when it was necessary for the
French gentlemen to get off "
63." some papers were handed about among them but I don't know what papers
 These words were said by Lucie Manette when she was called as a witness at the
court .
 She said that she met the prisoner (Darnay) on board the ferry as she and her
father and Mr Jarvis were returning from France to England. She said he was a
good man who was kind to her and her father and he helped them on board.
 She told him that there were two other French gentlemen with him , the Attorney
General asked her if there were papers handed she answered that she saw them
handing papers but she didn't know what they were .
64."The prisoner was kind to my father. I hope I may not repay him by doing
him harm today"
 These words were said by Lucie Manette when she was called to witness at the
court .
 She said that she met the prisoner (Darnay) on board the ferry as she and her
father and Mr Jarvis were returning from France to England. She said he was a
good man and he helped her.
 She told the Attorney general that they had a conversation , then she burst into
tears she was afraid that she might harm her despite his kindness to her and her
father on the ferry .
65. What did Lucie tell the attorney general about her conversation with
Charles on the ferry ?
 Lucie said that Darnay told her that he was travelling on business of a delicate and
difficult nature , which might get people into trouble , and that he was travelling
under a false name , and that he was travelling between France and England many
times .
66. My mind is blank. I can't even say what time – when I occupied my self in
prison making shoes to the time when I found my self living in London with
my daughter
 These words were said by Dr Manette when he was asked by the attorney general
at the court if he knew Darnay or spoke to him on board the ferry . He said he
couldn't remember anything as he newly released from the prison . He didn't
remember anything he just found himself living in London with his daughter
67. Did you ever see anybody very similar to the prisoner ?
68." Look at that gentleman over there , and then look carefully at the
prisoner ? Are they very like each other ?
69.How did Mr Stryver destroy the case and save Darnay ?
 These words were said by The lawyer (Mr Stryver) to the witness . He asked him
to look at Mr Carton (the other lawyer who had thrown a scrap of paper to
Stryver) , to his surprise and to the surprise of everyone ,they were indeed alike.
Mr Stryver said what happened once might happened twice . The result of this was
to smash this witness and destroy his part of the case .
70.What did Mr Stryver say about Barsad ? and why the prisoner was
travelling from England to France many times ?
 He said that he was a traitor and a hired spy and one of the greatest villains in the
world and that his servant Cly was his partner .he said that the prisoner was going
between France and England because of some family affairs .
71." it's the wisest thing to expect and the likeliest , but I think their not
agreeing and requesting more time is in your favour "
 These words were said by Mr Carton to Darnay . When he asked Darnay what he
expected for his trial . Darnay replied that he expected the worst . Carton said it
was the best thing to expect but he thought that requesting more time form the jury
is was in his favour.
72. I'm glad to have saved you , it was false prosecution , terribly false , but not
the less likely to succeed because of that
73.I have done my best , and my best is as good as another man's , I believe "
 These words were said by Mr Stryver to Darnay at the court after Darnay's trial
and not being guilty, he said that he did his best for him , Darnay replied that he
owed him his life .
74. "I have an obligation to you for life - in two senses "
 The same answer ( exchange the characters )
75.I hardly seem yet , to belong to this world again " I begin to think I'm faint
76. I'm terribly confused about the time and place but I'm so far mended as to
feel that "
 These words were said by Charles Darnay to Sydney Carton after the trail and
being accused of treason . He told him that he felt that he was almost faint and that
he didn't belong to this world because he was about to die if he was found guilty .
77. "Do you feel that you belong to this world again"
 The same answer but (Carton to Charles Darnay)
78. " That's fair young lady to be pitied by and wept for how does it feel ? , it's
worth being tried of one's life to be the object of such sympathy and
compassion "
79.She was extremely pleased to have your message when I gave it to her "
 These words were said by Carton to Charles after the trial . he told him that Lucie
Manette sympathised him and was happy to receive his message at the court .
80. " I neither want any thanks nor deserve any , it was nothing and I don't
know why I did it "
 These words were said by Carton to Charles after the trial , when Darnay thanked
him as he saved his life at the court . Carton said that he didn't deserve thanks and
he didn't do anything . Even he didn't do why he behave like that .
81. " I haven't asked myself that question "
who said ?, to whom? Where ? What was the question?
 Charles Darnay -to Carton - in a tavern in London
 The question was if Carton liked him
82." you have acted as if you do , but I don't think you do "
83. I haven't asked my self that question "
 These words were said by Charles Darnay to Carton in a tavern in London after
Darnay's trial and being released . Carton asked him if he liked him . Darnay
answered that he didn't ask himself the question Carton said to him " ask yourself
now " finally Darnay replied that he thought that Carton had acted like him but he
didn't think he liked him
84. " I don't think I do , I begin to have a very good opinion of your
 The same answer but (Carton to Charles Darnay )
85. Why should you like a man who looks like you ? There is nothing in you to
like ; you know that , What a change you have made in yourself ? A good
reason for helping a man who shows that you have fallen away …
86.Change places with him and would you have been looked at by those blue
eyes that he was ? Come on don't hid the Fact, you hate the man .
 These words were said by Sydney Carton to him self when he was looking at
mirror . In That day , he saved Charles Darnay at the court because he looked like
him . Now he was asking himself if he liked Darnay .
 Darnay said that if they changed places , there were no one to pity him or
sympathised with him > he was ashamed of himself and his life .
87. What was Carton role in Stryver's cases ?
 He usually prepared the cases for him, He summarised the case and gave them to
Stryver .Stryver never had a case in hand , without Carton being there with his
hands in his pockets staring at the ceiling .

88. "How have I done what I have done ? How do I do what I do ?

89. " I had to go into the first rank , I wasn't born there"
 These words were said by Carton to Stryver . Although Carton helped Stryver a
lot in all his cases and , Carton said that Stryver was always in the first rank but
Carton still behind for many years .
90. You have always fallen into your rank and I have always fallen to mine
 These words were said by Carton to Stryver . Although Carton helped Stryver a
lot in all his cases and , Carton said that Stryver was always in the first rank but
Carton still behind for many years .
Chapter 5: Hundreds
91. What did Monsieur Manette work in London ?
 He worked as a doctor .His old reputation , scientific knowledge and skill brought
him moderate demand and he earned as much money as he wanted .
92.What did Jarvis Lorry see in Dr Manette room , how was it strange ?
93. I wonder that he keeps that reminder of his suffering "
 These words were said by Jarvis Lorry when he saw shoemaker's bench and tray
of tools . Jarvis was surprised that Dr Manette kept those things although they
reminded him with his miserable years in France
94. I don't want dozen of people who are not all worthy of ladybird to come here
looking for her "
 These words were said by Miss Pross to Mr Jarvis Lorry . She told him that
hundred of people came to their house in order to look for her . It was
characteristic of her to exaggerated everything
95. "Do you suppose that Dr Manette has an idea why he was imprisoned or
who caused him to be imprisoned "
 These words were said by Mr Jarvis to Miss Pross. He asked her if Dr Manette
ever spoke about his imprisonment and who cause him to be imprisoned .
96. Touch that subject and he instantly changes to the worse , better leave it
alone .
 These words were said by Miss Pross to Jarvis Lorry when he asked her if it was
better for Dr Manette to speak about cause of his imprisonment or keep it shut .
She replied it's better to leave that subject and if he'd touched the subject , Dr
Manette would change to the worse .
97. What usually happens to Dr Manette at night ?
 He usually walks up in middle of the night and can be heard waking up and down
in his room , Lucie knows his mind was walking up and down in his old prison ,
she hurries to him and they walk together until her love and company have
brought him to himself.
98." I imagined those echoes to be the echoes of the footsteps that are coming
sooner or later in our life "
 These words were said by Miss Manette to Carton and Darnay ,there was a very
strong storm , there were many people getting a shelter before the storm begins .
she thought of the echoes of those footsteps as people who would come to her and
her father's life .

Chapter 6: The Marquis

99.The marquis got into his carriage , it was agreeable to see people run before
his horses . How was this situation a symbol of injustice ‫ الظلم‬in France in
this period
100. What happened while the marquis was travelling in his carriage ?
 People were running before his horses , the carriage was going very fast , Women
were screaming and men were pulling children out of his way .
 Then his carriage killed a child , the people couldn't do anything but watching .
Simply , the marquis took out his purse and gave a gold coin to the father of the
child who was killed saying that they should take care of their children and that he
didn't know which injury they had done to his horse .
 It was clear that the marquis was a symbol of injustice in this period . according to
him ,human were nothing but rats come out of their holes .
 Killing a child was like a gentleman who accidentally broke something and paid
for it .
101. " It's extraordinary to me , that you people cannot take care of yourselves
and your children , >> How do I know what injury you have done to my
horses .
 These words were said by the marquis to the people in the street .While the
marquis was travelling , his carriage killed a child , the people couldn't do
anything but watching .The marquis took out his purse and gave them a gold coins
saying that they should take care of their children and that he didn't know which
injury had done to his horse .
 It was clear that the marquis was a symbol of injustice in this period in France .
according to him ,human were nothing but rats come out of their holes .
102. " Be a brave man , my Gaspard ! it's better for the poor little thing to die
so , than to live "
 These words were said by Monsieur Defarge when he came saw that the marquis
carriage killed a child with no mercy . Monsieur Defarge said to the father of the
killed child that it was better to die than to live in such conditions . The Marquis
replied that he was a philosopher and threw another gold coin for Defarge .
103. "Pick up that , philosopher and wine seller and spend it as you will "
 The same answer but ( the marquis to Defarge )
104. " You dogs ! If I knew which of you that at the carriage , he would be
crushed under the wheels "
 These words were said by the marquis to the people in the street .After killing the
child while he was travelling in his carriage .The marquis took out his purse and
gave them a gold coins saying that they should take care of their children . After
that one of the people threw something at his carriage he became angry saying that
if he knew who threw it he would crush him under the wheels .
 It was clear that the marquis was a symbol of injustice in this period in France .
according to him ,human were nothing but rats come out of their holes .
105. "Who was Monsieur Gabelle?
 He was the postmaster and a tax officer ( there were taxes for the state , for the
church , for the lord , local and general tax , all was meant to keep the people

106. " You did well to see a thief on my carriage and not open that great of
you ''
 These words were said by the marquis to one of the villagers ( the road repairer)
who told the marquis that he saw someone hanging and swinging by the chain of
the drag under the carriage and then he ran over the hill , he told the marquis that
he was a stranger that he didn't know . Then the marquis asked Monsieur Gabelle
to arrest him .
107. I had the honour of being passed on the road"
108. He was swinging by the chin of the drag "
109. He wasn't of this part of the country I never saw him?
110. He was whiter than the miler all covered in flour , tall as a ghost
 The same answer ( exchange the Characters )
111. "Whom was the marquis waiting for ?
 He was waiting for Charles Darnay to come form England .
112. "We have done wrong and we are reaping the fruits of our wrongs"
113. "Our family even in the father's time we did a world of wrong , injuring
every human creature who came between us and pleasure whatever it was . "
114. " Why need I speak of my father's time when it's equally yours "
115. " bound to system that is frightful to me . I am responsible for it but
powerless to it , I'm trying to carry out the last request of my dear mother as
she lay dying , which begged me to right our family wrongs "
 These words were said by Charles Darnay " the marquis' nephew "
 He told his uncle that , as they were cruel to other people for their own pleasure ,
his father was like that and so was his uncle then , , but he couldn't .
 He also told the marquis that he wanted to carry out what his mother said on her
death bed , to right the wrongs of his family .He told his uncle that he could give
up his property for that .
 His uncle replied that he should accept his natural destiny ,
116. I would abandon it and live in a different way in a different place , it's not
much to give up , what is it but wildness and misery and ruin
117. " To the eye , it's fair enough here , nut seen from a distance under the sky
and by daylight , it's a crumbling tower of waste , mismanagement , debt ,
oppression , hunger , nakedness and suffering "
118. "If ever it becomes mine I would put it in better qualified hands ….So that
people who cannot leave it and who have long suffered , may ,in another
generation , suffer less , There's a curse on it and on all this land "
 These words were said by Charles to his uncle " the marquis , he told him that he
was ashamed of what his family had done , he wanted to get rid of that system
even if he gave up his property .
 He thought that all those luxuries were nothing to him , and that property was like
a crumbling tower of waste and suffering . He wished if that property was his ,
he'd to give them to the suffering people .He hoped the following generation to
suffer less
119. What happened to the marquis at last?
 He was killed . The murderer put a knife in his heart and on a scrap of paper round
the knife he wrote " Drive him fast to his tomb . This from Jacques " later we
know he was Gaspard , the child's father ( who was also swinging under the
Chapter 7 The promises
120. What did Charles Darnay work in London?
 He worked as a teacher of the French language who also knew something of
French literature , he became known and in demand because he taught what
beyond dictionary knowledge .

121. " I knew she wasn't at home , I took the opportunity to ask to speak to you
122. " I've had the happiness of getting to know you well this past year and half
, I hope the subject which I am about to speak may not …….
123. " I love your daughter , if even there were love in the world , I love her,
you have loved yourself >>let your old love speak for me
 These words were said by Charles to Dr Manette , Charles went to Dr Manette
while Lucie was out he wanted to speak with Dr Manette about his love to
Lucie ,and his intention to marry her , at first , it seemed that her father didn't
agree .Then , her father asked him if he had told Lucie or written to her , he
replied " Never" her father thanks him for that .
124. Not that , sir ! Let that be , I beg of you , don't remind me of that "
 These words were said by Dr Manette to Darnay when Darnay told him that he
loved Lucie . Darnay said that Dr Manette himself loved one day ( his wife) he
said to Manette that his old love would speak for him ..Manette asked him not to
remind him of that .
125. " I know that between you and miss Manette there is an affection so
unusual "
126. " I know that , in her childhood she had no parent , she's now completely
devoted to you , …""she loves you through your terrible imprisonment , in
your blessed restoration "
127. " if I were fortunate to make her my wife , It would cause any separation
between her and you "
 These words were said by Charles Darnay To Dr Manette when Darnay told him
that he loved his daughter and wanted to marry her . At first Darnay thought it was
because of the deep live between him and her daughter . Darnay told him that their
marriage wouldn’t separate them but support their relation .
128. " like you , I am an exile from France , like you I have been driven from
it's oppression and miseries . Like you I am trying to make my living from
my own efforts and trusting in a happier future ,
129. I only look to sharing your fortunes , to being faithful to you till death .
Not to divide Lucie's privilege as your child , companion and friend but to
support it and make it closer .
 These words were said by Darnay to Dr Manette when Darnay told him that he
wanted to marry Lucie . At first the father seemed uncomfortable , Darnay thought
that Dr Manette was afraid that marriage would separate Lucie .
 Darnay told Dr that he was a man in exile like him a man who made his living by
his hands so their marriage would make the relation between the daughter and the
father stronger .
130. Mysteries arise out of close love as well as of wide division ….my daughter
is such a mystery for me , I can make no guess as to the state of her heart "
131. Why did Dr Manette hesitate to accept Darnay request for marriage at
 These words were said by Dr Manette to Darnay when Darnay told him of his
love to Lucie . at first he hesitated , he said that because of the wide division
for many years , his daughter is a mystery for him , he can't guess the state of
her heart . Besides , it seemed that Carton and Stryver also wanted the same as
they came to Dr Manette house very often .

132. " If Ms Manette bring to you ..such confidence as I have lay before you ,
you will bear witness to what I have said …and not to say anything against
me "
 These words were said by Charles Darnay to Dr Manette , when he went to ask
her hand in marriage . he wanted a promise from her father that if one day
Lucie open her heart to him and told him that Darnay is essential to her
happiness , if so , he would give Lucie to him . he would tell her of Darnay's
great love . Dr Manette gave him a promise.
133. " I give you the promise '' without any condition , I believe your object to
be , purely and truthfully as you have stated it , I believe your intention is to
strengthen not weaken , if she should ever tell me that you were essential to
her happiness , I'd give her to you "
134. " any reasons, anything at all , new or old , against the man she really
loved , the direct responsibility not lying on his head , they would all be wiped
for her sake , She is everything to me, more to me than suffering , more to me
than wrong , more to me than …"
 The same answer but ( Dr Manette to Charles)
135. What promise did Dr Manette make to Darnay ?
 He promised that if one day Lucie open her heart to him and told him that Darnay
is essential to her happiness , if so , he would give Lucie to him . he would tell her
of Darnay's great love . Dr Manette made him a promise
136. What promise did Darnay make to Dr Manette ?
 He promised if Lucie should love him , Darnay should tell him what was his real
name and why he came to England on his marriage morning . Darnay promised
137. Your confidence in me ought to be returned with a full confidence on my
part , my present name , though slightly changed from mother's name , is not
my own , I wish to tell you what that is and why I am in England .
 These words were said by Darnay to Dr Manette when Dr Manette to give him
Lucie as a wife she loved him . to deserve Dr Manette confident Darnay wanted to
tell Dr about his real name and why he was in England . Dr Manette refuse and
asked him to promise to tell him that on his marriage morning . Darnay promised
138. The life I lead is not a healthy one ,what 's to be expected of or by people
who are so careless and wasteful of their lives , God Knows it's a shame
139. It's too late for that , I shall never be better than I am , I shall sink lower
and be worse
140. I broke down because of what I want to say to you "
141. " Don't be afraid to hear me . I am like one who died young , all my life
might have been…"
 These words were said by Carton to Lucie he told her that his life was going from
to worst , that he was careless and wasteful , so he didn't expect to be better
oneday , he was like a dead man . Lucie asked him to change his life and said that
the best part of his life might still be
 Now he was broken because he wanted to tell Lucie that he loved her
142. Why not change it ?
143. I am sure , the best part of your life might still be , I am sure that you
might be much worthier of your self
 The same answer but ( Lucie to Carton )
144. if it had been possible , that you could have returned the love of the man
you see before you , lost , wasted , a poor creature misused as you know him
to be - --he would bring you to misery , to sorrow to repentance , pull you
down with him ,
145. I know very well that you can have no tenderness for me , I ask for none , I
am even thankful that it cannot be "
 These words were said by Carton to Lucie , first he told her that he had a
miserable life , that he was careless and wasteful , but he couldn't give up his bad
habits and low companion
 He told Lucie that he loved her although he knew that she couldn't love , he said
that he would bring her to sorrow to misery , it was better for him that she couldn't
love him
146. Without that can I not save you ? Can I not recall you "
 The same answer ( exchange the characters )
147. " I wish you know that you were the last dream of my soul , in the low
state in which I have sunk , it couldn't be so low when I see you and your
father together and this home made a home by you "
 These words were said by Carton to Lucie , first he told her that he had a
miserable life , that he was careless and wasteful. He told Lucie that he loved her
although he knew that she couldn't love , he said that she was the last dream of his
soul and that he was very happy to see hear and her father .
148. If my career was of that better that was any opportunity or capacity for
sacrifice in it , I would accept any sacrifice for you and those dear to you
149. Try hold me in your mind at some quiet times as sincere in one thing "
 These words were said by Carton to Lucie Manette , he told her about his
miserable life and that he loved her although he know that she couldn't love such a
careless man , he promised her to sacrifice for her or for any one who would be
dear to her if there was any opportunity or capacity, he asked her only to
remember him .
150. What promise did Carton make for Lucie ?
 He promised her to sacrifice for her or for any one who would be dear to her if
there was any opportunity or capacity , he asked her only to remember him .

Chapter 8
151. Jacques one , Jacques two , Jacques three ! This is the witness whom
I ,Jacques four , arranged to meet . he will tell you everything , Speak
Jacques five "
 These words were said by Defarge ' Jacques Four ' to his followers the Jacques ,
he told them that Jacques five ( The road repairer) would tell them his witness .
 Jacques five told them that he saw the murderer of the marquis swinging under the
marquis carriage , Jacques one asked him how could you know him afterwards .
He replied " by his tall figure" when the marquis asked him he answered that he
was tall as ghost
152. You should have said " Short as dwarf "
 These words were said by Jacques two to Jacques five " the road repairer" when
he was telling the Jacques about what he saw on the day the marquis killed . he
saw the murderer of the marquis swinging under the marquis carriage , ,when the
marquis asked him he answered that he was tall as ghost , Jacques two replied that
he should have said as short as a dwarf , The road repairer replied that the murder
hadn't happened yet and that he didn't offer to speak but it was the marquis who
pointed at him " bring me that rascal"
153. What did the road repairer tell the Jacques about how the murderer
arrested and his execution
 He told them that the murderer was hidden for a time until he saw the soldiers
arresting him and ting his hands together , he didn't show the soldiers that he knew
him before . the soldiers put him in an iron cage near the prison for many days
 Then they built a great gallows near the fountain , on the top of the gallows they
fixed a knife , pointing upwards , then they hanged him . and they left him over
the fountain poisoning the water
154. It's frightful , sirs How can the women and children draw water , who can
stop and talk in the evening under the shadow , That's all sirs , I left at sunset
…until I met this friend "
- What was frightful ? - The underline words refer to …………….
 The frightful thing was that the murderer (Gaspard ) was arrested and was hanged
over the fountain and left hanged
 The Jacques - Defarge
155. " to be registered as doomed to destruction "
 These words were said by Defarge to the Jacques when the road repairer told him
about Gaspard execution , they decide to destroy all who execute him , the
marquis family and the chateau and all of them .
156. knitted in her stitches and her own symbols , it will always be as clear to
her as the sun , it 'd be easier for the weakest creatures that lives to remove
himself from existence than to remove one letter of his name or crimes from
the knitted register
 These words were said by Defarge to the Jacques when the road repairer told him
about Gaspard execution , they decide to destroy all who execute him , his name
had to be written in Madame Defarge knitted register in which she wrote the
names of their enemies to be destroyed , Monsieur Defarge said that it was
impossible for anyone to remove his name from it .

157. " Jacques of the police told me that there's another spy taken on for our
part of Paris " Who was that Spy ? What did he ask his wife to do then ?
 His name was John Barsad , age about forty - He asked his wife to register him
158. " If people use knives for such purposes , they have to pay for it , he knew
beforehand what the price would be and he has paid the price "
 These words were said by Madame Defarge to the spy ( Barsad) in the wine shop ,
when he talked about Barsad execution , she told him that he knew before killing
the marquis what would happened to him and he paid the price .
159. What did the spy Barsad tell Defarge about Doctor Manette and Lucie ?
 He told Defarge that he knew them in England after leaving Paris , He knew that
Defarge was Dr Manette old servant who looked after him after being released .
 He told him that Lucie was going to marry Charles Darnay ( the nephew of the
marquis for whom Gaspard was hanged)
 Besides he told Defarge that Darnay lived unknown in England , he was no
marquis there , his name Charles Darnay (taken from his mother's name
160. I hope , destiny will keep her husband out of France "
161. It's very strange , after all our sympathy for Dr Manette her father , and
herself, her husband's name should be on the register by the side of the dog's
who has just left us "
 These words were said by Defarge to his wife when the spy told him that Lucie
was going to marry Charles Darnay ( the nephew of the marquis for whom
Gaspard was hanged) He was very surprised that her husband should also be
written in the register to be destroyed like other enemies , his wife said that it was
his destiny which would take him where he was to go .
162. " her husband destiny will take him where he is to go and will lead to end
that is to end him "
163. Stranger things than that will happen , and they are both here because
that is what they deserve ,
 The same answer ( But Madame Defarge to Monsieur Defarge )
Chapter 9
164. What happened to Dr Manette after Lucie marriage ? why
 For nine days he returned to make shoes , because Darnay told him as, he
promised before , his real name and why he came to England , that disturbed Dr
Manette mind.
165. " you only know me as a wild dog who has never done any good and never
 These words were said by Carton ( who was the first one to visit Darnay after his
marriage to Lucie) he told him that he knew that he was nothing but a dog who
can't do anything good , He asked Darnay if he could come and go to their home .
166. " I feared that he cannot be saved , there's hardly a hope that anything in
his character or fortunes can be saved now , but I am sure he is capable of
good things , gentle things , even generous things "
167. Remember How strong we are in happiness and how weak he is in his
 These words were said Lucie to Darnay she asked him to help Carton and be
generous with him as he had a kind heart although he had done wrong in his life ,
but he may be capable of doing gentle things in the future .

Chapter 10
168. " Come Patriots , friends , we are ready ! The Bastille "
169. " Work , comrades all , work , work , Jacques one , Jacques two , Jacques
two thousand , Jacques five and twenty five thousand , in the name of all the
angels and devils that you prefer , work "
 These words were said by Defarge to his Jacques , they were going to attack the
Bastille ( French Prison)
 The Bastille was surrounded by deep ditches , drawbridges , massive stone walls
and eight great towers .
 Defarge asked them to work , to fight bravely
170. To me women we can kill as well ass men when the place is taken "
 These words were said by Madame Defarge to the women who participate on
attacking the Bastille ( French Prison) , She meant that could also kill many
people when they controlled the prison .
171. What did Defarge after breaking into the Bastille ?
172. What was " one hundred and five , north tower"
173. What he was looking for ?
 He asked an officer " What's one hundred and five , north tower " the officer
replied , it was a cell (where Dr Alexandre Manette was imprisoned for 18 years "
 Defarge with Jacques Three enter the cell and they were looking for something in
the cell , they cut the bed and smash the chairs and everything searching
everywhere for something .
 Defarge was looking for some papers written by Defarge ,
‫قصة مدينتين(الملخص العربي)‬
‫الرواية التاريخية الثانية للكاتب تشارلز ديكنز‪ ،‬تدور أحداثها في لندن‪ ،‬إنجلترا وباريس‪ ،‬فرنسا خالل أحداث الثورة‬
‫الرواية تصوّر محنة الطبقة العاملة الفرنسية تحت القمع الوحشى لألرستقراطية الفرنسية خالل السنوات التى قادت‬
‫إلى الثورة‪ ،‬والوحشية التى مارسها الثوريون ضد األرستقراطيين في السنوات األولى للثورة‪.‬‬
‫الرواية تتبع حياة بعض األشخاص خالل تلك األحداث‪ ،‬أشهرهم في الرواية هو تشارلز دارنى‪ ،‬أحد األرستقراطيين‬
‫الفرنسيين‪ ،‬الذى يقع ضحية للثورة العمياء التى لم تميز بين الخير والشر برغم شخصيته الطيبة‪ ،‬و سيدنى كارتون‪،‬‬
‫المحام االنجليزى السكير‪ ،‬الذى يضحى بحياته ألجل حبه لزوجة دارنى‪ ،‬لوسى مانيت‪.‬‬

‫ملخص األحداث‬
‫"لقد كانت أفضل األوقات‪ ،‬لقد كانت اسوأ األوقات" – الجملة االفتتاحية للرواية‬
‫في عام ‪ ،1775‬يسافر جارفيس لورى‪ ،‬أحد موظفى بنك تيلسون من إنجلترا إلى فرنسا ليقوم بإحضار دكتور‬
‫الكساندر مانيت إلى لندن‪ .‬في مدينة دوفر‪ ،‬وقبل العبور إلى فرنسا‪ ،‬يقابل لوسى مانيت ‪ ،‬ويخبرها أن والدها دكتور‬
‫مانيت لم يمت حقا ً كما قيل لها‪ ،‬لكنه كان سجينا ً في سجن الباستيل للثمانى عشر عاما ً األخيرة‪.‬‬
‫يسافر لورى و لوسى إلى سانت انطوان‪ ،‬احدى ضواحى باريس حيث يقابلوا آل ديفارج‪ ،‬مسيو ارنست ومدام تريز‬
‫ديفارج اللذان يمتلكا احدى الحانات‪ ،‬كما يقومون سراً بقيادة فرقة من الثوريين اللذين يشيرون ألنفسهم باإلسم‬
‫الرمزى جاك‪.‬‬
‫مسيو ديفارج (الذى كان خادما لدكتور مانيت قبل سجنه واآلن أصبح يعتنى به) يأخذ لورى و لوسى لرؤية دكتور‬
‫مانيت‪ ،‬الذى فقد احساسه بالواقع بسبب هول معاناته في السجن‪ ،‬فقد أصبح يجلس طوال اليوم في غرفة مظلمة يصنع‬
‫األحذية‪ .‬وفى البداية ال يتعرّف إلى ابنته‪ ،‬ولكن بالتدريج يبدأ في أن يتذكرها بسبب شعرها الذهبى الطويل الشبية‬
‫لقد جاء العام ‪ ،1780‬واآلن تجرى محاكمة المهاجر الفرنسى تشارلز دارنى في محكمة أولد بايلى بتهمة الخيانة‪،‬‬
‫ويقوم جاسوسان‪ ،‬جون بارساد وروجر كالى بمحاولة الصاق تهم باطلة بـ دارنى ألجل مصلحتهم الشخصية‪.‬‬
‫وقد قدما ادعاءات مفادها أن دارنى ‪-‬وهو رجل فرنسى‪ -‬أعطى معلومات عن الجنود البريطانيين في شمال أمريكا‬
‫للفرنسيين‪ ،‬وتتم تبرئة دارنى عندما يفشل شاهد كان ي ّدعى أنه يستطيع التعرف إلى دارنى في أى مكان في أن يفرّق‬
‫بينة وبين سيدنى كارتون‪ ،‬أحد المحامين المدافعين عن دارنى‪ ،‬والذى صدف أنه يشبهه تماما‪.‬‬
‫في باريس‪ ،‬يقوم الماركيز سان ايفرموند ‪-‬عم دارنى‪ -‬بدهس ابن الفالح الفقير جاسبارد‪ ،‬ثم يقوم بإلقاء عملة له‬
‫كتعويض عن خسارته‪ .‬يقوم مسيو ديفارج بمساعدة جاسبارد ويلقى له الماركيز بعملة هو اآلخر‪ .‬وبينما يه ّم سائق‬
‫عربة الماركيز بالرحيل‪ ،‬يقوم ديفارج بإلقاء العملة مرة أخرى داخل العربة‪ ،‬مما يثير غضب الماركيز‪.‬‬
‫عندما يصل الماركيز إلى قصره‪ ،‬يقابل ابن اخوة‪ ،‬تشارلز دارنى (أى أن اسم عائلة دارنى الحقيقى هو ايفرموند‪،‬‬
‫ولكن ألجل اشمئزازة من أفعال عائلتة فقد قرر أن يحمل اسما ً مشتقا ً من اسم والدتة) و يتجادل االثنان‪ ،‬ألن دارنى‬
‫يشعر بالشفقة تجاة الفالحين في حين أن الماركيز قاسى‪.‬‬
‫تلك الليلة‪ ،‬يقوم جاسبارد (الذى اختبأ أسفل عربة الماركيز وتبعة إلى قصرة) بقتل الماركيز أثناء نومة‪ ،‬ويترك ورقة‬
‫تقول "انقلوة سريعا ً إلى قبرة‪ ،‬التوقيع جاك"‪.‬‬
‫في لندن‪ ،‬يحصل دارنى على اذن دكتور مانيت ليتزوج لوسى‪ ،‬لكن كارتون يعترف بحبة لـ لوسى هو أيضاً‪ .‬عالما ً‬
‫انها لن تحبة بالمثل‪ ،‬ويقطع كارتون وعداً أن يقبل بأى تضحية ألجلها وألجل من يهمها أمرهم‪.‬‬
‫في صباح يوم زواجة‪ ،‬يعترف دارنى لدكتور مانيت أن اسمه الحقيقى هو ايفرموند‪ ،‬وهذا يتسبب لدكتور مانيت في‬
‫صدمة شديدة تجعلة يعود إلى صناعة األحذية لمدة تسعة أيام ولكنة يتعافى مرة أخرى‪ .‬ويظن مستر لورى واآلنسة‬
‫بروس ممرضة دكتور مانيت أن السبب في ذلك حزنة لفراق ابنتة بسبب زواجها‪ ،‬لكنهم ال يعلمون ‪ -‬وال القارئ ‪ -‬ما‬
‫يعنية اسم عائلة ايفرموند للدكتور مانيت‪.‬‬
‫وفى الرابع عشر من يوليو عام ‪ ،1789‬يقود آل ديفارج الهجوم على سجن الباستيل‪ .‬ويدخل ديفارج الزنزانة القديمة‬
‫التى كان دكتور مانيت حبيسا ً بها رقم "‪ 105‬البرج الشمالى"‪ ،‬وال يعلم القارئ ما الذى كان يبحث عنه ديفارج في‬
‫الزنزانة حتى الفصل التاسع بالجزء الثالث من الرواية‪ ،‬وهو الجزء الذى يحكى فية دكتور مانيت سبب سجنة‪.‬‬
‫في صيف عام ‪ ،1792‬يصل خطاب لدارنى من جابيل‪ ،‬أحد خدم الماركيز‪ ،‬يخبره فيه أنه قُبض عليه وتم سجنه‪،‬‬
‫ويطلب من دارنى أن يأتى ليعينه‪ .‬يسافر دارنى إلى باريس لمساعدة جابيل‪ .‬بعض القراء يرون أن هذاالفعل كان‬
‫غبا ًء من دارنى‪ ،‬أن يقلل من شأن الخطر الرهيب الذى سيواجهه‪ ،‬مع مالحظة أن دارنى سافر دون أن يعلم زوجته‬
‫في فرنسا‪ ،‬يُدان دارنى بسبب هجرته من فرنسا‪ ،‬ويتم سجنه في سجن الفورس في باريس‪ .‬يسافر دكتور مانيت و‬
‫لوسى مع ميس بروس و جيرى كرانشر‪ ،‬ولوسى الصغيرة ابنة تشارلز ولوسى دارنى‪ ،‬إلى باريس لمقابلة مستر‬
‫لورى ليحاولوا تحرير دارنى‪ .‬تمر ثالثة شهور‪ ،‬ولكن تتم محاكمة دارنى ويستطيع دكتور مانيت ‪-‬بسبب اعتبارة‬
‫بطالً لسجنه الطويل في الباستيل‪ -‬أن يحرره‪.‬‬
‫لكن في نفس الليلة‪ ،‬يعاد القبض على دارنى ومحاكمته مرة أخرى في اليوم التالى بتهم جديدة قدمها آل ديفارج‪،‬‬
‫وشخص آخر (نكتشف الحقا ً أنه دكتور مانيت نفسه‪ ،‬وذلك من خالل وصيته التى تركها في الباستيل‪ ،‬ويُصدم دكتور‬
‫مانيت عندما يعلم أن كلماته استخدمت إلدانة دارنى‪).‬‬
‫على جانب آخر‪ ،‬تصاب ميس بروس بالذهول عندما تقابل أخيها المفقود سولومون‪ ،‬لكن سولومون لم يكن يريد أن‬
‫يتعرف عليه أحد‪ ،‬ويظهر سيدنى كارتون فجأة ويتعرف على سولومون‪ ،‬ويتضح أن سولومون هو نفسه جون‬
‫بارساد‪ ،‬أحد الرجال الذين قاموا باتهام دارنى باطالً بالخيانة أثناء محاكمته األولى في لندن‪ .‬يهدد كارتون بفضح‬
‫سولومون وأنه جاسوس مزدوج لصالح الفرنسيين والبريطانيين حسبما يروق له‪ .‬وإذا عُرف هذا األمر سيتم إعدام‬
‫سولومون بالتأكيد‪ ،‬وهكذا أحكم سيدنى كارتون قبضته عليه‪.‬‬
‫يواجة مسيو ديفارج دارنى في المحكمة‪ ،‬ويعرّف دارنى أنه ماركيز سان ايفرموند ويقوم مسيو ديفارج بقراءة‬
‫الخطاب الذى خبأه دكتور مانيت في زنزانته في الباستيل‪ .‬يحكى الخطاب كيف أن الماركيز السابق سان ايفرموند‬
‫(والد دارنى) وأخيه التوأم (الماركيز الذى قام جاسبارد بقتله في بداية القصة) قاما بحبس دكتور مانيت في الباستيل‬
‫ألنه حاول أن يفضح جرائمهم ضد عائلة من الفالحين‪ ،‬فقد كان األخ األصغر مفتونا ً بإحدى الفتيات‪ ،‬فقام بخطفها‬
‫واغتصابها‪ ،‬وقتل زوجها وأخوها وأبوها‪.‬‬
‫وقام أخو الفتاة قبل أن يُقتل بإخفاء أخته الصغيرة األخرى وهى آخر عضو باقى في العائلة في مكان آمن‪ .‬وتستمر‬
‫الوصية في إدانة آل ايفرموند كلهم حتى آخر فرد فيهم‪ .‬يُصدم دكتور مانيت‪ ،‬لكن ال يهتم أحد بإعتراضاته ألنه ال‬
‫يستطيع أن يسحب اتهاماته‪ .‬يتم إرسال دارنى إلى سجن كونسييرجيرى في باريس لكى يتم إعدامه بالمقصلة في اليوم‬
‫يذهب كارتون إلى متجر الخمور الخاص بآل ديفارج‪ ،‬ويسمع مدام ديفارج تتحدث عن خططها إلدانة باقى عائلة‬
‫دارنى (لوسى ولوسى الصغيرة)‪ ،‬ويكتشف كارتون أن مدام ديفارج هى األخت الوحيدة الناجية من العائلة التى‬
‫د ّمرها آل ايفرموند‪.‬‬
‫في اليوم التالى‪ ،‬يصاب دكتور مانيت باالكتئاب ويعود مرة أخرى إلى صناعة األحذية بعد أن قضى الليلة السابقة‬
‫ويحث كارتون مستر لورى أن يهرب إلى باريس مع لوسى وابنتها ووالدها‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫كلها في محاولة انقاذ حياة دارنى‪،‬‬

‫وفى ذات الصباح يزور كارتون دارنى في السجن‪ ،‬ويقوم بتخديره‪ ،‬ويقوم جون بارساد ‪ -‬الذى ابت ّزه كارتون –‬
‫بتهريب دارنى من السجن‪ .‬يقرر كارتون – الذى يشبة دارنى تماماً‪ -‬أن يمثّل دور دارنى وأن يُعدم مكانه وذلك بسبب‬
‫حبة للوسى وتحقيقا ً لوعده لها‪ .‬وتهرب عائلة دارنى ومستر لورى إلى باريس ومعهم دارنى غائبا ً عن الوعى ولكن‬
‫معه أوراق تحقيق الشخصية الخاصة بـ سيدنى كارتون‪.‬‬

‫في تلك األثناء‪ ،‬تذهب مدام ديفارج وهى مسلحة ببندقية إلى نزل عائلة لوسى على أمل أن تقبض عليهم وهم في حالة‬
‫حداد على دارنى (حيث أنه كان من غير القانونى التعاطف أو الحداد على أحد أعداء الجمهورية)‪ .‬لكن لوسى‬
‫وطفلتها ووالدها ومستر لورى كانوا قد رحلوا بالفعل‪.‬‬

‫وتقوم ميس بروس بمواجهة مدام ديفارج إلعطاء عائلة دارنى الوقت للهرب‪ ،‬وينطلق سالح مدام ديفارج ويقتلها‪،‬‬
‫ويتسبب الصوت الناتج عنها في صمم دائم لـ ميس بروس‪.‬‬

‫تنتهى الرواية بقتل سيدنى كارتون على المقصلة‪ ،‬ويقوم الكاتب بعرض أفكار كارتون في تلك اللحظة‪ ،‬بشكل تنبؤى‬
‫نوعا ً ما‪ ،‬فيرى كارتون بعين الخيال أن العديد من الثوريين سيتم إعدامهم بنفس المقصلة‪ ،‬ومنهم مسيو ديفارج و‬
‫بارساد‪ ،‬وأن دارنى ولوسى سينجبون ولداً يسمونة بإسم كارتون‪ ،‬وسيكون هو اإلبن الذى يحقق الوعد الذى أضاعة‬

‫"إن ما فعلته أفضل بكثير جداً مما فعلته على االطالق‪ ،‬وأنها لراحة أفضل بكثير مما‬
‫عرفت على االطالق" – الجملة الختامية للرواية‬

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