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Student id: 103525920

Nguyen Kim Anh
I. Persona Profile.
I.1. Job to be done
In the corporate sphere, the tendency of "self-reliance" is also desirable. The
virtue of independence, of taking care of one's own life, exemplifies the attitude
of self-control. By surviving life's problems and tribulations on your own, you
will obtain numerous experiences and lessons along the way. You can mature
and become self-sufficient after overcoming adversity. The job to be done
Framework will be used to examine and validate how the trend will satisfy the
to-dos from the three components: functional, emotional, and social.
In terms of function, the proprietor divides and arranges the work alone, and
there is virtually little help. Aside from the fact that even the simplest steps
must be prepared by hand, you may regard people who are self-sufficient,
fighting to earn money, living an inner life, and achieving on their own as a
tremendous miracle. For the "socialized" sector, such individuals are typically
less likely to trust someone too much, and it is not difficult to find out about
what you want if you don't put in the effort yourself. You may become lost in
your work at times, but you will be proud of the outcomes and obtain good
results that you have achieved on your own. The last portion of "emotional"
individuals who are self-sufficient typically have a job above all emotions,
which is not always essential. However, they are driven by powerful emotions
and a great desire to succeed as well as relatives. Only I am my support, and I
am also the most dependable support. As a result, always strive to improve
yourself. Only those who are powerful have a voice in this world. This is a
continually growing civilization; if you do not study, assimilate, and better
yourself, you will fall behind in society. And there will be moments when
society will reject you.
The pressure causes you to summon your inner power. The allure of money, the
conflict in business while thinking about employment, the clash in society...
1. b
Not only Hoang Anh Tuan, a vivacious, nimble student whose work and
purpose for the future will follow the industry, but every one of us is certain that
everyone always has a decent job and a solid paycheck. He opts for business. In
terms of functional trends, he knows how to schedule a reasonable amount of
time for his studies and part-time work, not to mention that he has basic skills
and his own passions. When it comes to job placement, the profession he
chooses is based on his observation and sensitivity, and when he goes to work
or practice, he can also apply "self-reliance" to know where he stands. Where is
your power? In society, he is a versatile individual with good communication
skills. Teamwork is likely to be an important aspect of learning, therefore in
society, if you solely rely on someone with limited experience to help you. Such
an event will be quite challenging for them at the start of their research and
development career to be able to get up and start a business or achieve anything,
they must be confident and well-equipped with information, so that the
percentage of failure is reduced. He faces everything in his "emotions," he feels
more pressure when he is alone than when he is with friends, emotions are
sometimes controlled by the subconscious, emotions do not allow but are
controlled. Other ideas might take over and confuse him.
II. Innovation Concept Statement
To illustrate what an innovative concept is, consider the following: Company A
has been open for 4 years, consumers come and get close for a specific time
then go, in those days, the company thought and gave out special deals and
products in the globe, that attracted and provided joy for customers, established
more new policies, and designs. That is the notion of innovation, and in
business, innovation is one of the most effective and promising methods for
organizations to enhance production and company efficiency. However, given
our country's present corporate environment, innovation is both an opportunity
and a challenge. Opportunity to moderate groundbreaking items that address the
requirements of a vast number of people. Potential clients who are unable to
enter the market because present solutions are too costly or difficult. Potential to
fill a new market demand This is prevalent in sectors where corporations
concentrate on certain goods or consumer groups, requiring them to continually
develop and popularize their products. This strategy enables businesses to
reimagine the industry's ability to generate profits. There are several
perspectives on the new business model. However, the majority of nations
encourage the development of innovative business models and technological
applications. In reality, some nations choose an innovative economic model that
allows for small-scale experimentation, while others are more cautious, waiting
to observe how other countries do it before doing it themselves. followed to
avoid delays, breakdowns, and disruptions to the traditional corporate structure.
II.2. Forecast analysis
In today's ever-changing business climate, innovation is seen as a crucial basis
for creating competitiveness to achieve the long-term success of the
organization. To survive and grow, businesses must continually improve their
ingenuity and originality. Researchers, corporate executives, and policymakers
are increasingly focused on the subject of innovation. Innovation research acts
as a catalyst for long-term competitive advantage in businesses. However, due
to the nature of innovations in this subject, investigations have become
increasingly vast and dispersed. Internal forces in self-renewal transform. Self-
sufficiency is excellent, but it requires a lot of health on the inside, just like
Hoang Anh Tuan did. For successful learning, individuals must have a good
sense of learning. At the same time, kids must sharpen their thinking skills.
Learning objectives and motivation both have a significant impact on learning.
Learning is more successful when there are clear objectives. I have a different
mindset at different times of the year. Work is heavily influenced by
psychology. When presented with a job that I am interested in, there will be
initial enthusiasm. People will be afraid and shun occupations that are above
their skills. When confronted with challenging external circumstances that
generate negative psychology, altering something psychologically pleasurable
and exciting can sometimes stimulate work more. External variables, in addition
to internal elements, have an impact. The family has an important part in
shaping each individual's development. It is possible to argue that family is a
very crucial component influencing people's learning and employment.
Relationships with coworkers and friends are also a source of concern.

III. Business Model Canvas.

Typically, organizations will select the proper market groups for themselves.
With each segment including items that are likely to become clients of the firm,
these customers can become loyal customers who remain with the business for
an extended period. If a company does not have a market segment, it will be
easily drawn into a self-sustaining loop and will not operate well.
3.2 Elaboration of the BMC
If you're looking to conquer the market with your connectivity, think about
growing your e-commerce business. A great idea to diversify your product
offering is to turn your store into a community.
Segmentation is applied segmentation by consumption behavior
While demographic and psychographic segmentation focuses on who the
customer is, behavioral segmentation focuses on how the customer acts.
Specifically, segmentation by consumer behavior focuses on specific responses,
i.e. consumer behavior, patterns, and how customers go through their decision-
making and purchasing processes. Behavioral segmentation is perhaps most
useful for e-commerce businesses. Market segmentation helps the business to
clearly identify the different needs of customers across the market segments and
identify customer needs that the business has not yet satisfied and may be an
opportunity for the business. Moreover, based on market segmentation,
managers have the conditions to build marketing programs according to more
optimal than competitors and effectively control the operating results in each
market segment of the business. It is necessary to identify customer groups that
have different responses to marketing stimuli. In addition, it is fairly easy to
find descriptive differences among market buyers but provided these differences
are accompanied by differences in response, segmentation is possible.
meaningful. Segments reachable: That is, the segments must be effectively
reachable and serviceable. Marketing efforts should be focused on the segment
of interest and should not be wasted on unsegmented customers. They are
divided according to the first stages of determining the market characteristics
and supplier capacity, determining the characteristics of the customer market
that the business approaches, selecting segmentation criteria, and conducting
market segmentation. schools according to the decision criteria, check before
Core values of the business
Clarity: Amid a forest of restaurants and hotels on the market today, how do
make your unit stand out and leave an impression on employers? To do this,
you need to build a core value for the business that the first thing to aim for is
clarity. Knowing what your goals are, mission and tasks will make it easier for
the unit to plan and implement.
Vision and ambition: Helping people in the organization to constantly strive to
accomplish common goals. In addition, each individual will have an orientation
to improve their capacity and develop comprehensively to become more and
more successful.
Adapting to change: A core value that works for businesses is that they are not
affected and impacted too much by changes in the environment. To succeed and
continue to be successful, businesses need to have great adaptability to the
market to assert their actual value.
Empathy: Helps create a strong bond between businesses and customers,
between businesses and society, between employees and employees, and
between employees and superiors.
A business can only keep a competitive edge for a limited time before
competitor firms replicate and destroy it. As a result, just acquiring a
competitive edge is insufficient. A corporation must seek long-term competitive
advantage by constantly adjusting to shifting trends and external events, as well
as internal competencies, capabilities, and resources.
Create, execute, and evaluate ways to capitalize on possibilities created by those
IV. Service Gaps Model
1. Gap 1
The first is the disparity between customer expectations and management
perspectives. Gaps emerge when management misjudges consumer quality
expectations due to a lack of market research or a breakdown in internal
communication. To eliminate discrepancies, the business model will perform
extensive research on potential consumers and provide acceptable reasons to
support the adoption and execution of relevant products and services. between
customer expectations and opinions of management Customers' expectations for
products and services will include easy access to information on entertainment,
traffic, security, medical facilities, and avenues along the tourist route is the
goal of innovation. Furthermore, BMC's consumer segment building block has
clearly defined a segment to be supplied based on the value that customers
anticipate receiving. Finally, leveraging channels such as social media and word
of mouth may give openness to the public about a business's activities
2. Gap 2
Poor service design, a lack of customer-driven standards, tangible evidence, and
an improper service environment are examples of Gap 2. To build and offer a
relevant and great service, core business activities and value propositions are
adapted to match customer demands and aspirations. offered to customers To
address the second element, firms may develop relationships with customers
through community, personal assistance, and automated services to obtain a
better knowledge of the demands or challenges that consumers have while
connecting. By collaborating with the service, you can then rethink, improve,
and adapt to better fulfill the requirements and wishes of users.
3. Gap 3
Because the business is essentially comprised of information and planning tools,
the gap may be bridged by successfully managing the important resources
included in the BMC building block. First and foremost, the computer system
and website should be routinely updated to avoid obsolete services and faults.
Furthermore, managers and staff in the firm must maintain tight and clear
communication to ensure that everyone knows the business model, aims, and
objectives, allowing the company to give good service to its clients. Clients will
also be chosen based on the talents and abilities required to accomplish their
tasks better. The service itself must be upgraded and renewed throughout time
to fulfill the demands and desires of the consumer.
4. Gap 4
The fourth gap occurs when the quality features presented to the consumer via
external communication channels such as advertising, personal selling, and so
on do not correspond to the qualities of the service delivered. The primary
means of avoiding this gap is to maintain truth and openness in conveying its
operations and value to consumers. To accomplish so, companies must always
present accurate material regarding how the service is delivered, as well as what
is supplied for people to work in this service, during the advertising process.
Furthermore, channels such as social media and word of mouth are seen as the
most potent forms of advertising, since they might be the most accurate and
transparent means to represent to consumers what a brand has to offer. must
give clear pricing for the quality of service information, such as free users will
not have access to the application's security systems, but premium users can.
Offer made in private.
V. References
‘What is business model innovation? - Definition from’ n.d., SearchCIO, viewed
26 June 2022,

Reddy, N n.d., ‘Council Post: Want A Successful Business? Build An Effective Strategy’,
Forbes, viewed 24 June 2022,
build-an-effective-strategy/?sh=8b5b77069bf0 .

Valcheva, S 2019, ‘15 Competitive Advantage Examples And Strategies That Work Great’,
Blog For Data-Driven Business, viewed 25 June 2022, .

Thomas, SR 2020, ‘4 Types of Market Segmentation With Real-World Examples’, Yieldify,

viewed 26 June 2022, .

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