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Athletics Mentor Program

Layne McLaughlin
Purpose of Mentor Program

High School student athletes that are at-risk for

failing one or more classes and are also enrolled
in a Varsity sport, will be assigned a Junior or
Senior mentor to help with academic material,
advise them on study schedules and habits, and
be there for them for peer support.

Mentors will learn their own learning styles,

build a tool box of studying strategies, build a
tool box of time management strategies, and
build empathy in working with others.
Why should I be a mentor?

It is no secret that our school is not easy and balancing academics and athletics here
can be a challenging task! You have been chosen or you have volunteered as a
mentor, because your ability to manage your time and excel in a certain area. . and
maybe you enjoy helping others?

Share experiences with underclassmen to build our athletic and academic

community in a way that helps others and makes you feel fulfilled..oh and you can
put it on your college resume :)
Be open and
1 2 3 Check in with me
available for Formal check ins
with updates
When your mentee encounters a Meet with your mentee at Check in with me once a
confusing lesson, has a quiz or test least once a week. This can be month to let me know of
coming up, needs advice on
a phone call or an in person progress made, study
working with a certain teacher,
feels overwhelmed with school check in. Record your meeting strategies you’ve discussed or
work, is struggling athletically and on this google doc! If you need anything that seems to be
needs someone to talk to, anything! to use athletic study hall for working or if your mentee is
this time, you may join our not responding to you.
But remember you are NOT doing
group in Pressly Hall.
their work for them!
Mentors will demonstrate..
B-SS 2. Positive, respectful and supportive
relationships with students who are similar to and
different from them

B- LS 3. Time management, organizational and study


B-SS 3. Positive relationships with adults to support


B- SS 4. Empathy

B- SS 8. Advocacy skills for self and others and ability

to assert self, when necessary
Supportive Research

Learning inventory:

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