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Boundless Joyce (in Plain Words!)

Terence Killeen. substantial critical work devoted to Ulys- intricacies of magazine publication, prob- it is thus a testament to Killeen’s journal-
Ulysses Unbound: A Reader’s ses,” he also cautions readers that the lems of censorship, the need to produce a istic concision that he manages to offer
Companion to James Joyce’s Ulysses, schema contained therein “was drawn up fair copy for a patron, and Joyce’s own episode synopses which contain all
Third Edition. after the event, when the book was unstoppable urge to revise and add” (10) relevant details within the span of a few
Gainesville: University of Florida Press, already written” (viii). While Joyce without overwhelming the reader with pages. However, Killeen is also flexible
2018. scholars quickly become acquainted with genetic details. However, specialists need enough to modify the structure as needed,
$28.00 this fact, it is worth noting that many not skip this section as they will find such as in the “Cyclops” episode which is
readers who consult the Gilbert first Killeen’s skepticism toward the Gabler mercifully divided into sections of
Reviewed by assume quite the opposite and take his edition, an attitude discussed later in this “Parody,” and the “Circe” episode which
TIFFANY L. FAJARDO authority, particularly given Joyce’s review, a rare treat. is split into nine “entirely artificial” (176)
involvement, for granted. Nevertheless, The analysis of each episode is then parts. Here Killeen assuredly has ease of


Joyce novice and veteran alike,
Terence Killeen’s Ulysses Unbound is
while “the Gilbert schema is not ‘the key’
to Ulysses, it does provide a structure
which clarifies some important aspects of
subdivided into separate sections for
“Summary,” “Correspondences,” “Style,”
“Commentary,” “Biographical/historical”
use in mind and renders the convoluted,
multifaceted narrative with conversational
that rare work of scholarship which the book” (ix), and Killeen follows the information, and a “Select glossary.” This Following each “Summary,” Killeen
makes a text more lucid without diminish- now standard eighteen-episode outline in pragmatic approach provides new readers includes a “Correspondence” section that
ing its difficulty. Whereas recent books his “Commentary on episodes of Ulys- with an overview of events and context, describes not only Homeric parallels, but
marketed to a general audience have ses,” which comprises the bulk of the while allowing more seasoned readers to also Shakespearean and other literary
sought to “simplify” Joyce, Killeen makes book. easily find and target their areas of allusions. Although Killeen makes fre-
no such claims—this reader’s companion In its third edition, Killeen’s insights interest. Each episode is framed with a quent reference to the Gilbert schema, he
strives to articulate problems rather than seem as fresh and provocative as ever. He corresponding image, such as a beachside is also careful to note that “these analo-
solve them, the hallmark of any durable begins with a brief biographical sketch of view of Martello Tower for “Tele- gies can refer to a person who is merely
criticism. From a pedagogical perspec- the “Life of James Joyce” and back- machus,” with its “Time” and “Location” mentioned in the text, not necessarily a
tive, this approach serves to shepherd new ground on the “Writing and Publication of identified below the picture. For Joyce character in it” (25). Perhaps the most
readers through the densely Ulysses.” While Joyceans will appreciate initiates, the summaries that follow offer thought-provoking observations occur
allusive prose without purporting to when these correspondences fail,
demystify a work whose allure is such as when Killeen remarks that
precisely its indeterminacy. “Milly, interestingly enough, does
Eschewing a lengthy not seem to have a parallel in the
introduction, Killeen’s “Preface” Homeric story” (41). He further notes
asserts that “An unhelpful way to in “Hades” that “Odysseus’ en-
approach Ulysses is, I believe, to counter with his mother is omitted;
start with a word, be it ‘paternity’, indeed, Bloom’s mother is hardly
‘androgyny’, ‘differance’, or ever referred to in the course of the
‘colonialism’, or many another, book” (63), providing additional
and to use this as a master key to insight that reference to Gilbert’s
unlock the entire book” (vii). work, and subsequent companions,
While the more theoretically- does not. As such, Killeen engages
minded among us may balk and the correspondences from a per-
read this as a clear signaling of spective that neither treats them as
allegiances—and certainly not in “master keys” nor dismisses their
favor of the much maligned significance. Whereas many new
Derrida, though one wonders what readers are inclined to view these
havoc these diehard Derrideans correspondences as ironic reversals,
continue to wreak and in what such as in the case of Mr. Deasy,
literature department, given the Killeen is sensitive to the intricacies
precipitous decline of decon- of Joyce’s portraits and reminds us
struction since the eighties— “Joyce’s complicating of the issue is
Killeen is right in dismissing part of the book’s burden of
theoretical and academic metho- modernity: the signals are always
dologies to, as Molly demands of mixed, and can be read in different
Bloom, “tell us in plain words.” ways” (27).
Whereas theory may provide While the “Summary” and
further enrichment for those well- “Correspondences” sections provide
advanced in their study of Joyce, a firm narrative framework and
Killeen has set himself the task of display Killeen’s skill as a reader, the
making the text as accessible as “Style” and “Commentary” sections
possible by offering a true bring Killeen’s astute scholarship and
“reader’s companion” for those interpretive skill to the fore. The tacit
lacking the literary and historical challenge to theory resounds in
background; arguably, not only new Killeen’s deft retelling of a familiar narra- unparalleled clarity and discernment in Killeen’s analysis, which avoids interpre-
scholars, but also a lay readership. It is tive, this is also an excellent introduction navigating the smorgasbord of characters tive formulas for how each episode may
Killeen’s singular achievement that he for first-time readers who know nothing and events that occur on Thursday, June be read through such-and-such critical
has produced a work that holds genuine of Joyce’s life nor the circumstances of 16th, 1904. Particularly for those without lens (deconstruction, et al.). Yet, despite
appeal for both audiences, as well as the “the myth of enforced exile that Joyce the requisite knowledge of Dublin or Irish his disavowal of theory-based approach-
seasoned critic aware of Killeen’s was always to cherish” (2), and which politics, Killeen’s summaries distill the es, Killeen offers several points of entry
reputation for nuanced and historically- would deeply influence his creative most significant cultural, symbolic, and into the fields of postcolonial, gender, and
informed readings. output. Though Killeen is unabashed in historical registers needed to grasp the psychoanalytic studies, to name only a
Killeen organizes the companion his praise of Joyce’s work, such irrev- conflicts at the heart of the novel, those few. Moreover, he does so without
effectively in a fashion similar to Stuart erence regarding his life is a welcome between self and nation, parents and burdening the reader with the abstruse
Gilbert’s seminal, though notoriously change from the laudatory tone adopted children, monogamy and adultery, art and jargon which deters newcomers and, as
problematic, James Joyce’s “Ulysses”: A by other Joyceans. The “Writing and life. While Joyce is infamous for the some with an antipathy to theory feel,
Study (1930). While Killeen refers to Publication” section further context- challenges of his linguistic puzzles, for obscures the issues in the novel, with
Gilbert’s foundational work throughout ualizes the difficulties Joyce encountered first-time readers, it is no less a challenge recondite and anachronistic concepts that
and acknowledges its import as the “first and the problems presented by “the to produce a terse summary of plot points; Joyce would have no familiarity with or

interest in. Rather, Killeen demonstrates These readers are afforded a sampling of exaggerated for allegorical and symbolic one to reassess his disappearance and the
exactly how theory should function, not Joyce’s erudition without the onerous task purposes—that to read Molly as “hyper- textual controversies that have largely
as an infinite citational regress that proves of struggling through arcane dictionary sexual” at all is to draw from fallible disappeared with him, as well as the
the theorist’s acumen, but as an opening entries or, even with the ubiquitous aid of assumptions about “normal” sexual be- motives for claiming editorial ownership
onto uncharted vistas of inquiry, such as Google, fruitless internet searches. As havior—this ostensive nymphomania con- of a text.
the emerging fields of animal and Killeen notes, “many readers might tinues to condition responses to her. With respect to the primary concern of
ecocritical studies. He is especially adept welcome help with some of [Stephen’s] According to Killeen, however, the fault Ulysses Unbound, the substance of the
at handling what Joyceans consider some very recondite locutions” (vii), to say is not with Molly’s “obscene” desire but novel itself, Killeen reserves his most
of the “trickier” episodes in the novel nothing of the highly-specialized scien- with our own obsessive focus on and provocative remarks for the last section,
including “Scylla and Charybdis” and tific language of “Ithaca” or the Dublin inability to see past it: “Her attitude “Ulysses: An Afterword.” In a series of
“Circe.” colloquialisms of “Cyclops.” It is this toward men, and her social attitudes short ruminations beginning with “The
Hailed as one of Ulysses’ most attentiveness to a new readership, one generally are nuanced, refined, discrimi- ‘first’ Ulysses,” an exploration of the ori-
difficult chapters, “Scylla and Charybdis” possibly unfamiliar with the conventions nating. If these are not words we normally gins of the novel as an abortive Dubliners
tests even the most stalwart of Joyceans of modernism let alone Joyce’s own associate with Molly, perhaps the reason story, and ending in the enigmatic
with its esoteric mystical and Eliza- anarchic methods, that separates Killeen’s is that we are so fixated on her sexual “Ulysses in Progress,” Killeen contests
bethean references. In the hands of work as a truly elucidating companion dimension that other aspects of her several presuppositions about Joyce and
Killeen, however, the episode seems far which aims to make Joyce accessible, character are rendered obscure to us” his work. Significantly, he complicates
more transparent, as do Stephen’s other- rather than simply paying lip service to (238). Readers seeking an effusive cele- the dominant view of Joyce as modernist
wise lofty ruminations on Shakespeare. this idea for the sake of generating ano- bration of Molly as feminine ideal or a par excellence, “Modernism was identi-
Stephen’s theory is a really a medi- ther “Joyce for Dummies” publication. paean to the virtues of her backside will fied with a belief in hierarchy and order,
tation on paternity. It is animated by an If any criticism can be leveled at be sorely disappointed as Killeen has the in large-scale assertions of will to power,
intense misogyny: The hapless Anne Ulysses Unbound, the fault is certainly audacity to go beyond these tired clichés. in a return to mythical roots for a renewal
Hathway is seen as the author of all of not with Killeen’s prose but with a lack of The multiplicity of Ulysses as a text of a degenerate society ... In so far as
Shakespeare’s woes. The underlying wish visual material. While this is by no means that yields new insights with each re- modernism is identified with such
is to remove the process of paternity from required of a reader’s companion, Killeen reading is an ever-present theme. Setting attitudes, then Joyce is not a Modernist at
all natural contingencies: “What links does include a historical picture pertinent the tone in his “Preface,” Killeen is all” (250). Killeen’s distinction between
them [father/son] in nature? An instant of to the episode at the start of each unequivocal in his assessment of the modernism as a set of techniques and as a
blind rut.” This means that the role of summary. Although this visual touch con- utility of contrasting perspectives, “Al- set of attitudes is quite useful, not only to
begetting, and even more of the mother, textualizes Dublin by setting the scene via though I deliberately do not refer much to new readers, but to those of us who
are being set at naught—father/son rela- old photographs and postcards, for the Joyce criticism in the course of this work, reflexively associate Joyce and modern-
tions are a mystical state, an apostolic purposes of following the trajectory of the I am indebted to all the works listed in the ism on the basis of experimentation or
succession that has nothing to do with the novel, a map may be more useful. Gifford bibliography, even, or maybe especially, zeitgeist alone. Notably, this is one of few
mere natural relationship so denominated. and Siedman’s Annotations do include a the ones I disagree with” (ix). In a similar instances where Killeen insists on his
(94) map of the streets wherein each episode vein, “The Writing and Publication of reading, “[Joyce’s] book is emphatically
While other commentators have takes place and Killeen himself avers of Ulysses” section tacitly calls into question not about ‘the immense panorama of
focused on the allegorical implications for “Wandering Rocks,” “This is the episode the monolithic status of the Gabler futility and anarchy which is con-
Stephen and Bloom, Killeen cuts through where a good map of Dublin is edition. While admitting that it is “prefer- temporary history’, to cite Eliot’s attempt
Stephen’s dazzling rhetorical display to indispensable” (112). Nevertheless, such able to any of the other editions currently to describe Ulysses” (250). Apart from
expose the latent misogyny concealed by maps are readily found online and, given available,” he expresses reservations that the obvious humor of showing up the
it. Provocatively, Killeen goes further in the ease with which they can be viewed, “the Gabler edition is not perfect” (11). grandiose claims of T.S. Eliot, Killeen’s
linking this misogyny to Stephen’s re- should make little difference in whether Although measured in his criticism, he correction also demonstrates how the
pressed resentment of his mother who one utilizes this book as a guide. Argu- goes on to say that “A large publicity novel’s ambiguities have allowed for a
“has abandoned him for another ably, for the attentive reader, Killeen’s machine gathered behind this edition, proliferation of misreadings by even the
lover—death” (95). Although this reading summaries accomplish the mapping of which appeared in 1984, and rather most astute of literary critics.
may seem intuitive to those with feminist Dublin so efficiently as to make these exaggerated claims were made ... an Shored up against these ruins,
inclinations, it is worth considering that visual aids redundant. assumption of infallibility seemed to Killeen’s Ulysses Unbound is an out-
few reader’s guides explore this angle and Most notably, Killeen is unobtrusive invest the project. Such hubris was almost standing entry in guides to Joyce and a
tend to view Stephen as more sinned in his readings; although his “Aeolus” certainly going to be undermined” (10- genuine pleasure to read. As Michael
against than sinning (an attitude likewise analysis argues for the “fundamental 11). As Killeen relates, this “hubris” was Patrick Gillespie wrote nearly ten years
applied to Joyce himself). Thankfully, importance of the newspaper model for undermined by John Kidd, who has ago in “Past Its Sell-by Date: When to
Killeen is not a Stephen apologist and this book” (73), he does not insist on this become something of a cautionary tale Stop Reading Joyce Criticism,” “One of
characteristic of his humor, he adds model as definitive. Killeen’s acknow- and was recently featured in the New York the most dependable areas of Joyce
parenthetically, “The fact that she hadn’t ledgements of his limitations as a reader Times article, “The Strange Case of the criticism is the category of non-perishable
much choice in the matter is neither here are tremendously refreshing. All too fre- Missing Joyce Scholar.” 1 It is significant goods. These are works, generally of the
nor there” (95). He is also perceptive in quently literary critics avoid such phrases that Killeen continues to include this reference variety, that remain impervious
his analysis of “Circe,” “A particularly as “if I read it correctly” or other quali- anecdote since many dismiss Kidd’s to time.” In a saturated market starved for
striking aspect of “Circe” is its curious fications, but Killeen does not shy away attempts at a rival edition; rather than intellectual rigor without pretension,
mechanical quality. Homer’s Circe from admitting that these interpretations compromise Killeen’s credibility, Killeen’s reader’s companion offers just
changed men into animals; Joyce’s equi- are, however informed and well-re- however, the mention of Kidd reminds such non-perishable sustenance and
valent seems to be the changing of men searched, his own and readers likewise critics in the Joyce community that such stands as a crucial addition to any
into machines” (187). Whereas other may come to entirely different conclu- attempts can, have, and should continue Joycean’s library.2
critics have taken a decidedly anthro- sions. For example, while he lavishes to be made. Although Kidd’s reputation —University of Miami
pocentric view of the transformations, praise on “Penelope,” he is sensitive to as an academic outcast may have NOTES
Bloom is alternately liberated by or re- less favorable readings, “One of the great hindered these efforts, as the New York 1. J. Hitt. “The Strange Case of the
duced to an animal state, Killeen de- merits of the ‘Penelope’ episode of Times article avers, “Of the 5,000 or so Missing Joyce Scholar.” New York Times
stabilizes the human/animal paradigm, Ulysses is that it produces very personal corrections Gabler claimed to have made Magazine, 12 June 2018.
offering a novel reading in which “the responses from readers. For quite a to Ulysses, there is not one of them Kidd
dance that leads to Stephen’s vision of his number (I am happy to include myself in cannot discuss, in rich detail, 30 years new-york-times-tried-spoil-its-own-
mother, complete with mechanical their ranks) it is the most inspired, the later ... And indeed, it’s possible to dramatic-narrative.
pianola, turns all those involved into greatest, of Joyce’s achievements; for dismiss Kidd as a man who found a 2. M. Gillespie. “Past Its Sell-by Date:
automatons” (187). others, however, the episode is proble- handful of serious errors and then used When to Stop Reading Joyce Criticism.”
Following the “Commentary,” the matical on several levels” (237). Killeen’s his fussy mastery of minutiae to inflate a Bloomsday 100: Essays on Ulysses. Eds.
“Biographical/historical” and “Select exploration of the misreadings of Molly’s few hundred other flecks into a raging M. Beja and A. Fogarty. Gainesville:
Glossary” sections offered at the end of purported promiscuity are some of his scandal. But it’s also true Ulysses is a University of Florida Press, 2009. pp.
each episode are a boon for first-time finest work. While it is now widely book whose every detail matters.” By 212-227.
readers who have not ventured quite so accepted that Molly’s “hypersexuality” is raising the specter of Kidd, Killeen causes
far as Gifford and Seidman’s Annotations.

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