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0-1m 1-2m 2-4m 4-6m 6-9m 9-12m 12-18 m 1.

4-6m 6-9m 9-12m 12-18 m 1.5-2y 2-3y 3-4y 4-5y 5-6 y 6-12 y 12-18 18-20 20-40 40-65 65+

Freud Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Anal Anal Anal Phallic Phallic Latency Latency Genital
Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Feeding Potty- Potty- Potty- Electra & Oedipal Build & Integrate Re-integrate libidinal drives
training training training Complex

Base: healthy relationships Anal-retentive vs. Anal-expulsive Sexual identity School & Sport Settle into loving relationships

Dependency, Positivity

Erikson Trust vs. Mistrust Trust vs. Trust vs. Trust vs. Trust vs. Trust vs. Auto vs. Auto vs. Auto vs. Initiative Initiative Indust. vs. Industry vs. Identity vs. Identity vs. Intimacy vs. Generativity Integrity
Mistrust Mistrust Mistrust Mistrust Mistrust Shame Shame Shame vs. Guilt vs. Guilt Inferiority Inferiority Role Confus Role Confu Isolation vs. Stagnation vs. Despair
Hope Will Purpose Competence Fidelity Love Care Wisdom

Reliance in environment & future vs. suspicion/anxiety Freedom & self-control vs. Independence to pursue Intellect, social, & phys. Skills. Individuality Love & Career Family & Fulfillment
inadequacy & self-doubt goals vs. guilt when on Social approval Self-understanding vs. Society &
own Friendly, smart, creatv v. Self/desire confusion Care for Accepting
Withdraw,dumb, deviant others vs. Self death

0-1m 1-2m 2-4m 4-6m 6-9m 9-12m 12-18m 1.5-2y 2-3y 3-4y 4-5y 5-6 y 6-12 y 12-18 18-20 20-40 40-65 65+
Piaget Sensorimotor Pre-operational: Pre- Pre-operational: Concrete Formal
conceptual Intuitive Operations Operations
Understands world through: Language & symbols Mental images Logic, Hypotheticals,
senses & actions (Representational thought) categories scientific reasoning
Piaget Object Permanence Body Animism Learning conservation of Tangible logic Process several cause-effect
integrity liquids, mass, numbers, Conservation scenarios
Cognitive substance Classification Dopa & oxytocin sensitive
Seriation Adult: develop PFC
Other 1˚ 2˚ Cirular Full-night Goal- Coord. 2˚ Problem Symbols Love to Count: 4 Count: 10 Creativity Abstract Delay
Cognitive Circular Rxn sleep oriented schemes solve learn thought gratification
Sort 4 colors Time
Recognize Trial & shapes & Make Future-
caregiver error colors believe! oriented
Bridge Knows
ideas reality
Routine Analytic

Follow Answer
rules Why Insight
Memory Use: Use:
Rehearsal Elaboration
Social Rflx Smile Social Preferent. Stranger Likes Separate Partner Tantrum Selfish Same sex Group Sympathy School Shy—> Social Separate Re-appraise
smile smile anxiety mirrors anxiety play play play avoidance from relationships
Care- Likes Conform Obedient —>
Peek-a- giver other kids Copy Board/ to peers defiant Midlife
boo affection adults card Security as trans/crisis
Patty cake games individual
Crushes Risk-taking
Phobias Masturbation
Comprehend Auditory acuity Respond Speech 1 step 2 step 3-step Word
(localize) 1 word patterns command command command Meaning

50 words 20-100
Language Coo Laughs Babble Sound Diff. Name “No” Simple 3-word Simple Full Personal
chains Syllables object sentences sentences songs sentences patterns

sound Nonverb Plural Stories Future Social speech
gestures tense
Fine Motor Pain Track Past Switch Pincer Turn Scribble Line Circle Cross, Triangle Diamond
midline midline hands Page rectangle Letters 3D Shapes

Feed self 6 blocks 9 blocks

No reach Intent Release 3 blocks Scissors:
reach/ objects (age * 3) line
grasp Door Buttons Dresses Tie Shoes
Gross Motor Moro(startle) Head up Sit Sit by Stand Stand Walks.self Runs Backward Tricycle Hop 1 Skips Bicycle Peak motor function
support self support self Walk foot

Rooting(turn.suck) 1 stair Down Stairs Climbs Organized

Stomach Crawls step stair Tiptoes Overhand Sports
roll throw
Babinski (toes) Back roll Walks Swings
Cruises support Throws Aim Ball with Bat
Kicks throw Potty-
Grasp Refx. Scoot trained Dance

Bowby & Secure vs. Insecure Attachment

Ainsworth (Avoidant, resistant, disorganized/disoriented)
Mahler 1st: Autistic 1st: Symbiotic 1.5: (SI) 1.5: (Separation Individ) 1.5: (SI) Rapprochment 2nd 3rd 4th
Hatching Practicing Individuation Individuation Individuation
(self) (own family) (empty nest)

Tanner Stage 1-2 Stage 3-5

Physical Growth spurt Sexually active Healthiest stage Menopause Death
Acne of life Andropause
Increased sleep Physiologic &
Cognitive decline
Kohlberg Pre-conventional Conventional Post-conventional
(Punishmnt Obedience —> Reward) (Good intent—> (Best for most —> Justice for all)
Duty to law)
0-1m 1-2m 2-4m 4-6m 6-9m 9-12m 12-18 m 1.5-2y 2-3y 3-4y 4-5y 5-6 y 6-12 y 12-18 18-20 20-40 40-65 65+

0-1: Trust vs. Mistrust (hope)
1-3: Autonomy vs. Shame (Will)
3-5: Initiative vs. Guilt (Purpose)
5-12: Industry vs. Inferiority (Competence)
12-18: Identity vs. Role Confusion (Fidelity)
18-40: Intimacy vs. Isolation (Love)
40-65: Generativity vs. Stagnation (Care)
65+: Integrity vs. Despair (Wisdom)

0-2: Oral
2-3: Anal
3-5: Phallic
5-12: Latency
12-20: Genital

0-2: Sensorimotor
2-4-6: Preoperation (pre-conceptual, intuitive)
6-12: Concrete Operations
12-20: Formal Operations

3-5: Pre-conventional (Punishment obedience —> Reward)
5-12: Conventional (Good intentions —> Duty to law)
12+: Post-conventional (Best for most —> Justice for all)
<10: pre-adolescence
19-13: Stage 2: 1st signs
10-14: Stage 3: growth spurt, menses/sperm, hair darkens
11-15: Stage 4: Mostly adult
12-17: Stage 5: Adult

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