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Syntax Uzma Yousaf-SS/2020-1418

Application of Syntax in Various fields of Applied Linguistics

What is Language?

“Language is a system of arbitrary Vocal Symbols used for Human Communication.”

System refers to a rule governed phenomenon Phonology/Morphology/Syntactic & Semantic.

Vocal Symbols refers to Sounds, Language is primarily a spoken phenomenon &

Human Communication defines communication as the main function of Language.

What’s Linguistics?

Linguistics refers to the scientific study of the Language. It investigates, analyses and
interprets varied elements of language in terms of sound, structure and meaning.

Branches of Linguistics

There are two branches of linguistics;

● Theoretical Linguistics
● Applied Linguistics

Theoretical Linguistics:

It deals with developing models of Linguistics’ knowledge such as syntax, phonology,

morphology and semantics.

Applied Linguistics:

Applied linguistics focuses on the practical application of language studies as to:

What we know, how it’s leant and how it’s used in order to identify, explore and offer
solutions to language- related problems in the real world.

Some of the academic fields related to applied linguistics are:

● Language Teaching (Theories of teaching & learning/classroom procedures)

● Discourse analysis (DA)

Syntax Uzma Yousaf-SS/2020-1418

● Language and Technology (CALL)

● Text- Analysis (with regards to coherence & cohesion)
● Clinical Linguistics

In context with the scientific study of language, the linguistics' structure outlines a
relationship in terms of linguistics units.

Linguistic Structure

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What’s Syntax and its role with regards to AL?

“Syntax encompasses the set of descriptive rules for how words combine into phrases,
phrases into clauses and clauses into sentences.”

(Cruzan & Adams, 2012,164)

Application of Syntax

● Language Teaching (Theories of teaching & learning/classroom


Teachers who understand Syntax explain comprehensively about language structure. As a

part of (linguistics) Grammar, study of Syntax also contributes to the understanding of
teachers towards grammatical rules.

Syntax helps us understand how sentences work. The meaning behind word order, structure
and punctuation.

“In order to comprehend a sentence, the reader must process, store (in working memory), and
integrate a variety of syntactic and word meaning information”.

(Paris & Hamilton)

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● Discourse analysis (DA)

Discourse analysis is the study of the ways in which language is used in texts and contexts &
investigate the functions of language. Discourse analysis analyses the specific aspects such as

● The form and context of the language being used.

● How the people use language to communicate ideas and beliefs?
● Institutional and organizational factors (That might have shaped the language is

(Reproduced image)

Its major concern is to investigate language functions along with its form and language
function and includes the study of both spoken interaction and written texts.

● Language and Technology (CALL)

Syntax refers to the rules that define the structure of a language. Syntax in computer
programming means the rules that control the structure of the symbols, punctuation, and
words of a programming language.

Without syntax, the meaning or semantics of a language is nearly impossible to understand.

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This figure from Levy & Hubbard (2005) shows how the learner interacts through the
"computer" in the broadest sense with teachers, peers, others, and materials in the pursuit of
language learning objectives. Among other things, this mediation can involve

•Archiving & indexing



•Time control


These can and often do change the nature of the interaction, as when machine translation or
speech recognition (speech transformed to text) is available.

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● Text- Analysis (with regards to coherence & cohesion)

Text linguistics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the description and analysis of
extended texts (either spoken or written) in a communicative context.

● Clinical Linguistics/Pathology

Clinical linguistics involves the application of linguistics theory to the field of speech-
language Pathology. It focuses on the application of the principals and methods of linguistics
and phonetics to communication impairments in children and adults.

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Major Areas in communication impairments are:

● Autism
● Cleft palate
● Developmental speech and language disorders
● Traumatic brain injury
● William Syndrome
Pathologist help students with syntax and Phonology in;

● Ordering words while speaking.

● Rectifying Grammar mistakes (singular – plural and possession's mark).
● Using of Correct Tenses
● Practicing how to Retell stories

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Adjei, S. (2015). Discourse Analysis: Examining Language Use in Context. The Qualitative

CALL Course Unit 1. (n.d.). Www.Stanford.Edu/~efs/Callted. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from

Hughes, H. (2004). International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2nd edition)200487Editor‐in‐

Chief William J. Frawley. International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2nd edition).
Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003. 4 vols, ISBN: 0 19 513977 1 £300/US$495.
Reference Reviews, 18(2), 39–40.

Recursion, W. (2018, January 20). Major Levels of Linguistic Structure • Word Recursion •
Recommendations. Word Recursion. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). (2014, April 23). Opening the Door to Academic
Writing. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from

Various approaches to language teaching and how they relate to a holistic model | Teaching
grammar, Language teaching, Grammar resources. (n.d.). Pinterest. Retrieved March
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