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Experiencing Poetry Graphic Organizer

Selected Poem Title: She
Walks in Beauty
 The author of the poem is
Initial Response: writing about a beautiful
What does this poem seem to be about? woman. He describes her to
be perfect and when a part of
her is missing a part of his
world is missing.
 “Which heaven to gaudy
days denies” I don’t know
what the word gaudy means,
but a definition I found it
meant to be bright or showy,
Words: Were the words in this poem difficult or easy to understand? which makes sense because
Was there any word or phrase that was powerful to you? the poet is describing how
bright and beautiful she truly
is. I liked the phrase “One
shade the more, one ray the
less” I perceive this as when
he can’t see something about
her a piece of him is missing.
 The poet created an image
Images: of a beautiful woman. Using
Did the poet create strong images? words like, “raven tress” to
What could you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel? describe her dark hair and
“the tints that glow” to show
that she has a bright
Figurative Language:  Similes, metaphors, and
What poetic devices were used in this poem? hyperboles were all used in
What did these poetic devices do for the poem? this poem. The devices
Did these devices help create imagery or communicate the author's described the woman in great
feelings? detail and gave an idea as to
what she looked like. The
devices created imagery.

Emotion:  The author expressed his

What emotion was the author trying to express? feelings of love or lust
towards this woman. He
loves her for her beauty and
describes her with beautiful
 The poem has three stanzas.
Structure: This poem has an ABAB
How is the poem organized (lines, stanzas, etc.)? rhyme scheme. I don’t think
What is unique or interesting about the structure of the poem? he author did his on purpose
Does the poem rhyme? but in the second stanza each
line starts with the letter
O,H, or W and it creates a
similar sound.
 The poem is straight to the
point of talking about his
love for this woman and her
beauty. I don’t have an
Meaning: opinion on the message
What is the poem saying about life or love? because you don’t see the
Do you agree or disagree with this message? Explain. woman but she sounds
Are there any other reasonable ways to interpret this poem? beautiful. I don’t interpret
this poem in any other way
than a man in love with a
beautiful woman, but you
could also see it as him
longing for her.
Cloud 9, the third magazine,
best fits the poem. We don’t
know if its true love or
infatuation because he only
describes her beauty. “And
on that cheek, and o'er that
So soft, so calm, yet
Publication: eloquent” He thinks that
What kind of magazine or other publication would be the best place something as simple that you
for this type of poem? wouldn’t notice like her
cheek or brow is perfect.
This is just one of the many
examples of the beauty he
sees in her, but it’s all
physical traits and nothing
about her personality. He
most likely is infatuated over
her rather than love her.

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