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Customer Training Material

W k h
Workshop 1.5


Introduction to
ANSYS Q3D Extractor

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-1 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Example - Connector Customer Training Material

• Connector
– The connector model is intended to show you how to create, simulate, and analyze a portion of a connector using
Ansoft Q3D Extractor. This example assumes that the user has reviewed and understands all of the sections covered
in the Getting Started Section of this guide. Refer back to the Using the 3D Solid Modeler for details on creating the
a ous profiles
p o es cocovered
e ed in tthis
s docu
e t
– The following illustrations detail the passive device you will be creating.


Transceiver Board



•Transceiver & Host Boards – BT

•Connector Body – Epoxy
Host Board
Pins & Pads – Copper
•Transceiver Ground – Copper

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-2 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Getting Started Customer Training Material

• Design Review
– Before we jump into setting up this device let’s review the design
• Pin Thickness = 0.3 mm
• Pin Width = 0.2 mm
• Pin
Pi S
i =0 0.6
6 mm
• Pad Thickness = 0.03 mm
• Pad Width = 0.5 mm
• Pad Spacing = 0.3 mm
• Host & Transceiver Board Thickness = 0.9 mm
• Ground Plane Thickness = 0.03 mm

• Launching Ansoft Q3D Extractor

– To access Ansoft Q3D,, click the Microsoft Start button,, select Programs,
g , and select the Ansoft >
Q3D Extractor 10.0 program group. Click Q3D Extractor 10.0

• Setting Tool Options

– Note: In order to follow the steps
p outlined in this example,
p , verify
y that the following
g tool options
p are set :
– Select the menu item Tools > Options > Modeler Options.
– Modeler Options Window:
• Click the Operation tab
– Automatically cover closed polylines: ; Checked
• Click
Cli k th
the Drawing
D i tab
t b
– Edit property of new primitives: ; Checked
• Click the OK button
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0
© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-3 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Opening a New Project

– In Ansoft Q3D Extrator Desktop, click the  On the Standard toolbar, or
select the menu item File > New.
– From the Project menu, select Insert Q3D Extractor Design.

• Set Model Units

– Select the menu item Modeler > Units
• Select Units: mm
• Click the OK button

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-4 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Create Board
– Select the menu item Draw > Box
• Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position
– X: -3.0, Y: -3.0, Z: -0.03, Press the Enter key
• Using
U i theh coordinate
di entry fi
ld enter the
h opposite
i corner off the
h bbase rectangle:
– dX: 9.0, dY: 10.2, dZ: -0.9, Press the Enter key
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: host_board
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• Next to Material, click the material property copper, then click Edit
• Scroll the material list and double click BT_systems
• Click the OK button

• Create pad
– Select the menu item Draw > Box
• Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position
– X: -0.1, Y: -1.0, Z: 0.0, Press the Enter key
• Using
U i th the coordinate
di t entryt fi
ld enter
t the
th opposite
it corner off the
th bbase rectangle:
t l
– dX : 0.5, dY: 2.0, dZ: -0.03, Press the Enter key
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: hpad
• Click the OK button

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-5 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Create the pin profile

– Select the menu item Draw > Line
• X: 0.0, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0, Press the Enter key
• X: 0.0, Y: 0.85, Z: 0.0, Press the Enter key
• X:
X 0.0,
0 0 Y:
Y 1.2,
1 2 Z:
Z 0.3,
0 3 Press
P the
h Enter
E k
• X: 0.0, Y: 1.2, Z: 1.1, Press the Enter key
• X: 0.0, Y: 1.45, Z: 1.1, Press the Enter key
• X: 0.0, Y: 1.45, Z: 2, Press the Enter key
• X: 0.0, Y: 3.7, Z: 2.5, Press the Enter key
• X: 0.0, Y: 4.2, Z: 2.5, Press the Enter key
• Click Enter to exit editing mode
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: path_pin
• Click the OK button

• Create the Pin cross-section

– Select the menu item Draw > Rectangle
– Change
Ch the
th ddrawing
i plane
l tto ZX
• First Point: X= -0.1, Y= 0.0, Z= 0.0, Press the Enter key
• dX: 0.2, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.3, Press the Enter key
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type:yp ppin
• Click the OK button
– Select the menu item View > Fit All > Active View

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-6 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Create the Pin cross-section

– Select the menu item Draw > Rectangle
• Drawing Plane: ZX
– First Point: X= -0.2, Y= 0.0, Z= 0.0, Press the Enter key
– dX:
dX 0.4,
0 4 dY:
dY 0.0,
0 0 dZ:
dZ 1.0,
1 0 Press
P the
h Enter
E k
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: cut
• Click the OK button

• To sweep cross-sections along a path:

– In the model tree, highlight pin, cut, and path_pin
– Select the menu item Draw > Sweep > Along Path
• Angle
g of twist: 0 deg g
• Draft Angle: 0 deg
• Draft Type: round
• Click OK

• To change the material property of cut

– Double click cut in the model tree
• Change the material to vacuum
• Click OK to exit

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-7 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Create a pad
– Select the menu item Draw > Box
• Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position
– X: -0.25, Y: 2.5, Z: 2.8, Press the Enter key
– dX:
dX 0.5,
0 dY:
dY 2.0,
2 0 dZ:
dZ -0.03,
0 03 Press
P the
h Enter
E k
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: tpad
• Click the OK button
– From the model tree, highlight tpad, pin
– Select the menu item Modeler > Boolean > Subtract
• Blank Parts: tpad
• Tool Parts: pin
• Clone tool objects before subtract: ; Checked
• Click the OK button
– To duplicate the objects along a vector:
• From the model tree, highlight cut, hpad, pin, tpad
• Select the menu item Edit > Duplicate > Along Line
– Using the coordinate entry fields
fields, enter the box position
• X: 0.0, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0, Press the Enter key
• dX: 0.8, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
– Total Number: 4
– Click OK
– Click OK when Properties window appears

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-8 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Create the epoxy

– Select the menu item Draw > Box
• Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position
– X: -1.0, Y: 0.7, Z: 0.3, Press the Enter key
– dX:
dX 4.6,
4 6 dY:
dY 5.3,3 dZ:
dZ 4.8,
4 8 Press
P the
h Enter
E k
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: Body
• For the Value of Material: modified_epoxy
• Click the OK button

• Create an Air box

– Select the menu item Draw > Box
• Using g the coordinate entryy fields,, enter the box position
– X: -1.0, Y: 0.7, Z: 2.65, Press the Enter key
– dX: 4.6, dY: 4.8, dZ: 1.25, Press the Enter key
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: cut_5
• For
F the
th Value
V l off Material:
M t i l vacuum
• Click the OK button

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-9 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Create the Transceiver board

– Select the menu item Draw > Box
• Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position
– X: -1.0, Y: 0.7, Z: 2.8, Press the Enter key
– dX:
dX 4.6,
4 6 dY:
dY 4.6,
4 6 dZ:
dZ 0.9,
0 9 Press
P the
h Enter
E k
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: trans_board
• For the Value of Material: BT_systems
• Click the OK button

• Create the Transceiver Board Ground

– Select the menu item Draw > Box
• Using the coordinate entry fields
fields, enter the box position
– X: -1.0, Y: 0.7, Z: 3.0, Press the Enter key
– dX: 4.6, dY: 4.6, dZ: 0.03, Press the Enter key
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: trans_gnd
• For the Value of Material: copper
• Click the OK button

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-10 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Create source objects

– Select the menu item Draw > Rectangle
– Change the drawing plane to ZX
• First Point: X= 2.3, Y= 0.0, Z= 0.3, Press the Enter key
• dX: 0.2, dY: 0.0, dZ: -0.3,
0.3, Press the Enter key
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: src
• Click the OK button
– To duplicate the object along a vector:
• From
F the
th modeld l ttree, highlight
hi hli ht src
• Select the menu item Edit > Duplicate > Along Line
– Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position
• X: 2.3, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.3, Press the Enter key
• dX: -0.8, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
– Total Number: 4
– Click OK
– Click OK when Properties dialog appears

– To subtract the vacuum parts:

• From the model tree, highlight cut, cut_1, cut_2, cut_3, cut_5, Body
– Select the menu item Modeler > Boolean > Subtract
• Blank Parts: Body
• Tool Parts: cut, cut_1, cut_2, cut_3, cut_5
• Clone tool objects before subtract: † Unchecked
• Click the OK button

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-11 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Creating the 3D Model Customer Training Material

• Create the sink objects:

– Select the menu item Draw > Rectangle
– Change the drawing plane to XY
• First Point: X= 2.3, Y= 4.2, Z= 2.8, Press the Enter key
• dX: 0.2, dY: -0.5265,
0.5265, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
– Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
• For the Value of Name type: snk
• Click the OK button
– To duplicate the object along a vector:
• From the model tree, highlight snk
• Select the menu item Edit > Duplicate > Along Line
– Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position
• X: 2.3, Y: 4.2, Z: 2.8, Press the Enter key
• dX: -0.8, dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
– Total Number: 4
– Click OK
• Click OK when Properties dialog appears

• To complete the model:

– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor> Design Settings
• Select the Set Material Override tab
• Enable material override ; Checked

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-12 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Assign Boundaries and Sources Customer Training Material

• Auto Identifying Nets

– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Nets > Auto Identify Nets

• Assigning Sources/Sinks
– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Nets > Assign 2D Terminals
• For src, src_1, src_2, and src_3 change the Terminal definition to Source
• For snk,
snk snk
snk_1,1 snk
2 and snk_3
snk 3 change the Terminal definition to Sink
• Click OK

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-13 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Analysis Setup Customer Training Material

• Creating an Analysis Setup

– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Analysis Setup > Add Solution Setup
• Click the General tab:
– Capacitance/ Conductance: ; Checked
– DC Resistance/Inductance
R i /I d † Unchecked
U h k d
– AC Resistance/Inductance: ; Checked
– Solution Frequency: 100 MHz
• Click CG tab:
– Maximum Number of Passes: 10
– Percent Error: 1
– Percent Refinement Per Pass: 30
• Click AC RL tab:
• Maximum Number of Passes: 10
• Percent Error: 1
• Percent Refinement Per Pass: 30
– Click OK

• Save Project
– In an Ansoft Q3D Extractor window, select the menu item File > Save As.
• From the Save As window, type the Filename: q3d_connector
• Click the Save button

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-14 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Analysis Customer Training Material

• Model Validation
– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Validation Check
– Click the Close button
• Note: To view any errors or warning messages, use the Message Manager.

• Analyze
– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Analyze All

• Solution Data
– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Results > Solution Data
• To view the Profile:
– Click the Profile Tab.
• To view the Convergence:
– Click the Convergence Tab
– Note: The default view is for convergence is Table. Select the Plot radio button to view a graphical
p of the convergence
g data.
• To view the Matrix Data:
– Click the Matrix Data Tab
– Click the Close button

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-15 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Results Customer Training Material

• Solutions
– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Results > Solution Data
• Click on Matrix Tab
• To view the Capacitance Solutions choose CG from the pull down menu
• To
T view
i the
h AC IInductance
d andd AC R
i S
l i choose
h AC R
RL from
f the
h pullll d
down menu. Wh
When fi
i h d
viewing, click the Close button.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-16 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Results Customer Training Material

• Matrix Reduction
– To look at the effect of grounding the ground plane we can use matrix reduction.
• Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Reduce Matrix > Ground Net
• Highlight trans_ground from the Select Net column
– Click
Cli k Apply
A l
– Click OK
– To view the results from the matrix reduction
• Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Results > Solution Data
– Click on Matrix Tab
• To view the Capacitance Solutions choose CG from the pull down menu
• Change the pull down menu from Original to RM1
• Click Close to exit

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-17 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Fields Customer Training Material

• Display of Solution Results - Fields

– From the model tree, highlight trans_ground
– Select menu item Q3D Extractor > Fields > CGFields > Abs _Q
• Solution Type: Setup1: Last Adaptive
• Field
Fi ld T
Type: CG Fields
Fi ld
• Plot Quantity: Abs _Q
• In Volume: AllObjects
• Click the Done button
• Rotating the model might be needed to view the correct visualization
– To change the source excitations
• Select menu item Q3D Extractor > Fields > Edit Sources
• Click the CG tab
• Change to the following excitations:
– hpad: 0
– hpad_1: 1
– hpad_2: 1
– hpad_3: 0
– trans_gnd:
trans gnd: 0
• Click OK to apply the changes

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-18 February 2011
Introduction to ANSYS Q3D Extractor

Fields Customer Training Material

• Display of Solution Results - Fields

– Expand Field Overlays in the project tree
– Select ABS_Q1
– Select menu item View > Hide Selection > All Views
– I the
In h model
d l tree, hi
hli h pin,
i pin_2,
i 2 pin_3,
i 3 and
d pin_4
i 4
– Select the menu item Q3D Extractor > Fields > AC R/L Fields > Mag_SurfaceJac
• Solution Type: Setup1: Last Adaptive
• Field Type: AC R/L Field
• Plot Quantity: Mag Surface J AC
• In Volume: AllObjects
• Click the Done button
– To change the source excitations
• Select menu item Q3D Extractor > Fields > Edit Sources
• Click the AC RL tab
• Change to the following excitations:
– hpad_1:scr_2: 1 A
– hpad_2:scr_1: 1 A
– hpad_3:scr:
hpad 3:scr: 0 A
– hpad:scr_3: 0 A
• Click OK to apply the changes

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 10.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS1.5-19 February 2011

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