Introduction To Introduction To Ansys HFSS: CH T 3 Boundary Conditions

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Customer Training Material

Ch t 3

Boundary Conditions

Introduction to

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-1 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Customer Training Material

• Why are They Critical?

– For most practical problems, the solution to Maxwell’s equations requires a
rigorous matrix approach such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) which
is used by Ansoft HFSS.

• The wave equation solved by Ansoft HFSS is derived from the

differential form of Maxwell’s equations.

– For
F these
th expressions
i t be
to b valid,
lid it is
i assumed
d that
th t the
th field
fi ld vectors
t are:
• single-valued,
• bounded, and have a
• continuous distribution (along with their derivatives) ∂B
∇× E = −
– Along boundaries of media or at sources,
• Field vectors are discontinuous ∂D
∇× H = J +
• Derivatives of the field vectors have no meaning ∂t
∇⋅D= ρ
Boundaryy Conditions define the field behavior across discontinuous boundaries

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-2 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Customer Training Material

• Why do I Care?
– They Force the fields to align with the definition of the boundary condition
• As a user I should be asking
– What assumptions, about the fields, do the boundary conditions make?
– Are these assumptions appropriate for the structure being simulated?

– Model Scope
• To reduce the infinite space of the real world to a finite volume, Ansoft HFSS automatically
applies a boundary to the surface surrounding the geometric model
– Outer boundary
– Default Boundary: Perfect E

– Model Complexity
• To reduce the complexity of a model, the boundary conditions can be used to improve the:
– Solution Time
– Computer Resources

Failure to understand boundaryy conditions mayy lead to inconsistent results

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-3 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Customer Training Material

• What are Common Ansoft HFSS Boundary Conditions?

– Excitations
• Wave Ports (External)
p Ports ((Internal))
• Lumped

– Surface Approximations Largely the users responsibility

• Perfect E or Perfect H Surface
• Finite Conductivity Surface
• Impedance Surface
• Layered Impedance Surface
• Lumped RLC
• Symmetry Planes
• Radiation Surface
• Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
– Strictly not a surface approximation
• Master/ Slave
Sla e

– Material Properties
• Boundary between two dielectrics
Transparent to the user
• Finite Conductivity of a conductor

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© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-4 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Customer Training Material

• Perfect E – Forces the electric field perpendicular to the surface

– Outer Surface – Default Boundary
– PEC/Perfect Conductor Material Property
– Model complexity: Reduced by eliminating conductor loss Perfect E Surface

• Perfect H – Forces the electric field tangent to the surface

Perfect H Surface
• Finite Conductivity – Lossy electric conductor.
– Forces the tangential electric field at the surface to: Zs(n x Htan).
• The surface impedance (Zs) is equal to, (1+j)/(δσ),
• Model complexity: Reduced by eliminating conductor thickness

• Impedance Surface – Represent surfaces of a known impedance

– Forces the tangential electric field at the surface to: Zs(n x Htan).
• The surface impedance (Zs) is equal to, Rs + jXs (Ohms/Square)
– Layered Impedance – Models multiple thin layers in a structure as an Impedance Surface
– Lumped RLC – Parallel combination

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-5 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Customer Training Material

• Symmetry Planes – Enable you to model only part of a structure

– Perfect E or Perfect H Symmetry Planes
• Must be exposed to the outer surface
• Must be on a planar surface
• Remember!
R b !M Mechanical
h i lS Symmetry ddoes not EEquall El
i lS Symmetry
– Model complexity: Reduced by eliminating part of the solution volume

Perfect E Symmetry

Full Model

Perfect H Symmetry

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-6 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Customer Training Material

• Radiation Surface – Allows waves to radiate infinitely far into space.

– The boundary absorbs wave at the radiation surface
– Can be placed on arbitrary surfaces
– Accuracy depends on
• The
Th didistance b
between the
h bboundary
d and
d the
h radiating
di i object
– The radiation boundary should be located at least one-quarter of a wavelength from a radiating structure. If
you are simulating a structure that does not radiate, the boundary can be located less then one-quarter of a
wave length (The validity of this assumption will require your engineering judgment).
• The incident angle
– The radiation boundary will reflect varying amounts of energy depending on the incidence angle. The best
performance is achieved at normal incidence. Avoid angles greater then ~30degrees. In addition, the
radiation boundary must remain convex relative to the wave.
• Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) – Allows waves to radiate infinitely far into space.
– Not a Boundary Condition
– Fictitious materials that fully absorb the electromagnetic fields impinging upon them.
– These materials are complex anisotropic.
• Types
– Free Space Termination or Reflection Free Termination
• Can only be placed on planar surface
• Model complexity: They do not suffer from the distance or incident angle issues, but should be place at least one-
tenth of a wave length from strong radiators

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-7 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Customer Training Material

• Infinite Ground Planes – Simulate the effects of an infinite ground plane

– Only affects the calculation of near- or far-field radiation during post processing
– Types: Perfect E, Finite Conductivity, or Impedance Surface

• Frequency Dependent Boundary Conditions

– The following boundary parameters can be assigned an expression that includes Freq:
• Finite Conductivity
• Impedance
• Lumped RLC
• Layered Impedance
– Supported Frequency Sweeps
• Single Frequency
• Discrete Sweep
• Interpolating Sweep

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-8 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Excitations Customer Training Material

• Ports
– Unique type of boundary condition
• Allow energy to flow into and out of a structure.
• Defined on 2D planar surface
• Arbitrary port solver calculates the natural field patterns or modes
– Assumes semi-infinitely long waveguide
• Same cross-section and material properties as port surface
– 2D field patterns serve as boundary conditions for the full 3D problem

Port 1
• Excitation Types
– Wave Port (Waveguide) – External
Port 4
• Recommended only for surfaces exposed to the background
• Supports multiple modes (Example: Coupled Lines) and deembedding
• Compute Generalized S-Parameters
Measurements – Frequency dependent Characteristic Impedance (Zo) Port 3
Constant Zo Port 2
– Perfectly matched at every frequency

– Lumped Port – Internal

• Recommended only for surfaces internal to geometric model
• Single mode (TEM) and no deembedding
• Normalized to a constant user defined Zo

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-9 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Excitations Customer Training Material

• Wave Equation
– The field pattern of a traveling wave inside a waveguide can be determined by solving Maxwell’s equations. The
following equation that is solved by the 2D solver is derived directly from Maxwell’s equation.

⎛ 1 ⎞
∇ × ⎜⎜ ∇ × E ( x, y )⎟⎟ − k02ε r E ( x, y ) = 0
⎝ μr ⎠
– where:
• E(x,y) is a phasor representing an oscillating electric field.
• k0 is the free space
p wave number,
• μr is the complex relative permeability.
• εr is the complex relative permittivity.

– To solve this equation, the 2D solver obtains an excitation field pattern in the form of a phasor solution, E(x,y). These
γz do they become traveling waves
phasor solutions are independent of z and t; only after being multiplied by e-γz waves.

– Also note that the excitation field pattern computed is valid only at a single frequency. A different excitation field pattern
is computed for each frequency point of interest.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-10 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Excitations Customer Training Material

• Modes, Reflections, and Propagation

– It is also possible for a 3D field solution generated by an excitation signal of one specific mode to contain reflections of
higher-order modes which arise due to discontinuities in a high frequency structure.
– If these higher-order modes are reflected back to the excitation port or transmitted onto another port, the S-parameters
associated with these modes should be calculated
– If the higher-order mode decays before reaching any port—either because of attenuation due to losses or because it is
a non-propagating evanescent mode—there is no need to obtain the S-parameters for that mode.

• Wave Ports Require

q a Length
g of Uniform Cross Section
– Ansoft HFSS assumes that each port you define is connected to a semi-infinitely long waveguide that has the same
cross section as the Wave Port

uniform cross section

no uniform cross section added for each Wave Port
at Wave Ports

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-11 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Excitations Customer Training Material

• Wave Port Boundary Conditions

– Perfect E or Finite Conductivity
• Default: All outer edges are Perfect E boundary.
– Port is defined within a waveguide.
– Easy for enclosed transmission lines: Coax or Waveguide
– Challenging for unbalanced or non-enclosed lines: Microstrip, CPW, Slotline, etc.

– Symmetry or Impedance
• Recognized
Recogni ed at the port edges

– Radiation
• Default interface is a Perfect E boundary

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-12 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Excitations Customer Training Material

• Lumped Port Boundary Conditions

– Perfect E or Finite Conductivity
• Any port edge that interfaces with a conductor or another port edge

– Perfect H
• All remaining port edges

Perfect E

Perfect H

Perfect H

Perfect E

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-13 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Excitations Customer Training Material

• Excitation – Calibration
– Ports must be calibrated to ensure consistent results. Determines:
• Direction and polarity of fields
• Voltage/ Current calculations.

– Solution Type: Driven Modal

• Expressed in terms of the incident and reflected powers of the waveguide modes.
– Definition not desirable for problems having several propagating quasi-TEM modes
• Coupled/Multi-Coupled
Co pled/M lti Co pled Transmission Lines
• Always used by the solver
• Calibration: Integration Line
– Phase between Ports
– Modal voltage g integration
g p
path: Zpi,
p , Zpv,
p , Zvi

– Solution Type: Driven Terminal

• Linear combination of nodal voltages and currents for the Wave Port.
– Equivalent transformation performed from Modal Solution
• Calibration: Terminal Assignments
– Polarity
– Nodal current integration path

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-14 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Excitations Customer Training Material

• Example
E l Solution
S l i Types:

Mode 1
(Even M
d ) I
i Line

Mode 2
(Odd Mode) Integration Line

Port1 Port2
2 Modes 2 Modes

Modes to Nodes

T1 T2

T1 T1

Port1 Terminal Port2

Differential Pairs
T2 T2
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0
© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-15 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Application Customer Training Material

• Application of Boundary Conditions - Case 1

– Emulate laboratory measurements
• Verification/Validation before production

Picture courtesy of Tektronix

Picture courtesy of Delphi

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-16 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Boundary Conditions Application Customer Training Material

• Application of Boundary Conditions - Case 2

– Isolate part of a structure (i.e. Exciting arbitrary transmission lines)
• Not physically possible to measure in the laboratory
• Full-Wave analysis not required for total system
– Or total system too complex
• Design work/Component level optimization
• Post production problem solving

Total System

Isolated Component – Via Transition

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Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Coax to Stripline Example Customer Training Material

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-18 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Customer Training Material




T2 T1


Lumped Gap Port



Terminal Line


ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0
© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-19 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Customer Training Material

Lumped Gap Port

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

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Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Customer Training Material

Differential Lumped Gap Ports

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Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Customer Training Material



ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L3-22 January 2011

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