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Customer Training Material

Ch t 4

HFSS-IE Overview

Introduction to

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-1 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

HFSS-IE Introduction Customer Training Material

• HFSS-IE: Technology η
– A new Integral Equation solver technology in the HFSS desktop E (r ) = j
(∇∇ • + k )∫∫ J (r′) G(r − r′) dS ′
• A 3D Method of Moments (MoM) Integral Equation technique
• Uses equivalence principle to solve only on surfaces

• HFSS-IE: Applications
– Efficient solution technique for large, open, radiating or scattering analyses
• Antenna placement, Radar cross section (RCS), and S-Parameters

• HFSS-IE: Advantage
– Automated results with accuracy
• Effective utilization of automated adaptive
p meshing
g technique
q from HFSS
– Ensures accuracy
• Employs Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) technique for larger simulation
– Automated matrix based solution for larger problems
– Utilization of results from HFSS as a linked source
• Link
Li k can include
i l d effects
ff t off b
k d scattering
tt i tto th
the source geometry

• HFSS-IE: User Interface

– Implemented as a new design type in the HFSS desktop
• Shares same modeler interface and similar analysis setup
• Minimal user training required for existing users of HFSS

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-2 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Examples Customer Training Material

VHF 350 MHz

Antenna Placement - UAV drone @ VHF

RCS of Cone-Sphere

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-3 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Easy to Use Customer Training Material

• A new design type in the HFSS desktop

– Similar interface as HFSS
– Same model tree
– Same project tree
– Si il solution
Similar l i setup
– Same reporter
– Easily share models and materials between types

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-4 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Automated and Accurate Results Customer Training Material

• Adaptive Meshing
– Same adaptive meshing technology as HFSS

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-5 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Materials, Boundary Conditions Customer Training Material

• Material Definitions
– Same as HFSS
– Frequency dependent dielectrics
– All dielectrics must be isotropic

• Boundary Conditions
– Finite Conductivity/Perfect Electric Conductors
– Infinite ground planes
– Aperture opens up a "hole" in a conducting boundary
– Impedance
– Lumped RLC

HFSS IE Excitations
E it ti
– Terminal Lumped Ports
• Rectangular or coaxial
– Incident Waves Ansoft LLC XY Plot 3 HFIEDesign_coupled_E

• Linked Near/Far
Field sources from HFSS
-10.00 Curve Info
Setup1 : LastAdaptive
-11.00 Freq='10GHz'
Ref. Data

• HFSS-IE Reports -13.00


– Same as HFSS


– S-Parameters,, Near/Far-Field,, RCS -16.00


0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Primary Sweep

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-6 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Displaying Surface Currents Customer Training Material

• Fields/Mesh Display

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-7 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Additional Features Customer Training Material

• HFSS-IE Solver Technology

– Direct and Iterative Solve
• For large models uses an adaptive cross approximation (ACA) scheme for matrix compression and fast solutions.
– This fast solving technology is automatically implemented
• Does
D not require
i additional
ddi i l user iinteraction
• Does not require uniform mesh distribution
• Maintains compression with non-uniform meshes
• Works with adaptive mesh refinement
• Uses the same formulation regardless of frequency
• HFSS-IE solves for surface currents on an area –vs- HFSS which solves for fields in a volume
– Electrical area grows slower than volume which allows HFSS-IE to be more efficient for electrically large
problems with open radiation boundaries

• Design Flow
– Dynamic Link to Ansoft Designer
– Optimetrics Support
• Parametric, Sensitivity, and Statistical

• High-Performance Computing
– Multi-processing enabled by same license as HFSS solver
– Distributed Solve Option (DSO) support for Frequency Sweeps and Optimertics

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-8 January 2011
Introduction to ANSYS HFSS

Summary Customer Training Material

– New solver technique in the HFSS interface
– Effective for large open radiating problems
– Automated and reliable accuracy through adaptive meshing and ACA fast solver technologies
– Li k with
Links i h HFSS ffor multi-solver
li l d
i studies
– When combined with HFSS and HPC a comprehensive solution for large radiating and scattering studies

HFSS Horn (Source)

( )
Results: Includes Horn Blockage

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2011 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. L4-9 January 2011

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