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MSDS No.: BE9041

Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:



Product Name: GLACIAL ACETIC ACID, >80%

Product Number: 000000000000011931

Chemical Family: Carboxylic Acid

CAS Number: 64-19-7

Chemical Name: Glacial acetic acid

Synonyms: Ethanoic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; Ethylic acid

Type of Use: This product is not intended for use in food applications.

Company Business Contact

Millennium Petrochemicals, Inc. Customer Service 888 777-0232
A Lyondell Company Product Safety 800 700-0946
One Houston Center, Suite 700
1221 McKinney St.

P.O. Box 2583

Houston Texas 77252-2583

24 Hour Emergency Contact

CHEMTREC 800 424-9300
LYONDELL 800-245-4532


Emergency Overview
This material is HAZARDOUS by OSHA Hazard Communication definition.

Signal Word

Corrosive. Combustible liquid. In use, may form flammable/explosive vapor-air mixture. Severe irritant and corrosive to
the eyes, skin, and nose. High ingestion hazard - corrosive/irritant. Inhalation hazard.

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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:



Health 3

3 0 Flammability 2
Physic al Hazard 0

Physical State
Liquid above 20 C

Clear, colorless.

Strong, acrid, vinegar odor.

Odor Threshold
0.074 ppm / (detectable) Odor is not an adequate warning of potentially hazardous ambient air concentrations.

Potential Health Effects

Routes of Exposure
Eye. Inhalation. Skin.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Exposure

See component summary.

 Acetic acid 64-19-7

Liquid, mist, or vapors can cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. Eye contact can cause corneal burns. Severe
skin irritant. Respiratory tract irritant. If ingested may cause corrosion of gastrointestinal tract.

Severe skin irritant. Causes skin burns.

Exposure to vapor may cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and respiratory tract. Inhalation may cause asthma-like
symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, tightness of chest, shortness of breath, and headache.


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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


 Acetic acid 64-19-7
Liquid, mist, or vapors can cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. Eye contact can cause corneal burns. Severe
skin irritant. Respiratory tract irritant. If ingested may cause corrosion of gastrointestinal tract.

Moderate to severe eye irritant. Eye contact can cause corneal burns.

May cause burns of the mouth, throat, esphagus and stomach. Signs and symptoms may include pain, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, faintness, weakness, collapse and coma.

Chronic Health Effects

See component summ ary.

 Acetic acid 64-19-7

May cause lung and tooth damage.

Conditions Aggravated by Exposure

Any pre-existing disorders or diseases of the respiratory system Breathing of vapor and/or mist may aggravate asthma
and inflammatory or fibrotic lung disease. Exposure may aggravate skin disorders. Any pre-existing disorders or diseases
of the eye. This material may affect mucous tissue and/or aggravate mucous membrane dysfunction.


Component Name CAS # EU Inventory Concentration Wt.% Risk Symbol

Acetic acid 64-19-7 200-580-7 > 99.85 R10, R35 C

Compositions given are typical values not specifications.

See section 16 for full text of risk phrases.


Take proper precautions to ensure your own health and safety before attempting rescue and providing first aid. For
specific information refer to the Emergency Overview in Section 2 of this MSDS., Assess rapidly and aggressively., Prompt
action is essential., Prolonged observation may be indicated.

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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


Immediately flush affected area with plenty of water while removing contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated clothing
before reuse. If irritation persists, get medical attention.

Immediately remove victim to fresh air. If victim has stopped breathing, give artificial respiration, preferably

Immediately flush eyes with plenty of cool water for at least 15 minutes. Do not permit victim to rub eyes. Get medical
attention immediately!

If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Obtain emergency room treatment immediately.

Note to Physician
Do not induce vomiting because of corrosive effects. There is no specific antidote. Assess airway if inhaled and/or
ingested. If ingested, cardiac and respiratory status must be continuously monitored. Assess extent and severity of tissue
injury by appropriate diagnostic studies and procedures. Vigorous anti-inflammatory/steroid treatment may be required at
first evidence of pulmonary/upper airway edema. Contact ophthalmologist immediately. Prolonged observation may be


Flammable Properties
OSHA/NFPA Class II combustible liquid.

Flash Point
39 °C (102.2 °F) ASTM D-56 (Tag Closed Cup)

Auto-Ignition Temperature
463 °C (865.4 °F)

Lower Flammable Limit

4.0 vol%

Upper Flammable Limit

19.9 vol%

Extinguishing Media

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Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


Suitable: SMALL FIRE: Use dry chemicals, CO2 LARGE FIRES: Alcohol resistant foam.

Protection of Firefighters
Protective Equipment/Clothing: Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Wear chemical
protective clothing that is specifically recommended by the manufacturer. It may provide little or no thermal protection.
Structural firefighters protective clothing will only provide limited protection.

Fire Fighting Guidance: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame, or any ignition source. Vapors may travel long
distances along the ground before reaching a source of ignition and flashing back. Fire may produce irritating, corrosive
and/or toxic gases. Individuals should perform only those fire-fighting procedures for which they have been trained. Fire
fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus in the positive pressure mode with a full facepiece when there is a
possibility of exposure to smoke, fumes or hazardous decomposition products. Cool tanks and containers exposed to fire
with water. Blanket with alcohol-resistant foam. When fighting a fire, notify environmental authorities if liquid enters sewers
or public waters. Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk. Fight fire from maximum distance or use
unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices or
discoloration of tank. Always stay away from tanks engulfed in fire. Dike fire control water for later disposal; do not scatter

Hazardous Combustion Products: Thermal decomposition may generate carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and perhaps
other toxic vapors.


Release Response
Eliminate all sources of ignition. Wear appropriate respiratory protection and protective clothing as described in Section 8.
Turn off or remove all ignition sources. Contain spilled material. Transfer to secure containers. Where necessary, collect
using absorbent media. In the event of an uncontrolled release of this material, the user should determine if the release is
reportable under applicable laws and regulations. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Prevent entry into
sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed.

Avoid uncontrolled releases of this material. Where spills are possible, a comprehensive spill response plan should be
developed and implemented.


Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Carefully vent any internal pressure before removing closure. Do not
handle near heat, sparks, or flame. Avoid contact with incompatible agents. Use only with adequate ventilation/personal
protection. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Do not enter storage area unless adequately ventilated. Metal
containers involved in the transfer of this material should be grounded and bonded. Acid or caustic must be transferred

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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


only through hose rated and certified for this service. Inspect frequently to identify bulging or leaking containers. Handle
'empty' containers with care; residue may be harmful to eyes and skin.

Protect container against physical damage. Detatched or outside storage is preferred. Inside storage should be in an
NFPA approved flammable liquids storage room or cabinet. All ignition sources should be eliminated. Electrical
installations should be in accordance with Article 501 of the National Electrical Code. NFPA 30, Flammable and
Combustible Liquids Code, should be followed for all storage and handling. Consul t local fire codes for additional storage
information. Do not use or store without examining material compatibilities. Flammable materials should be stored in a
separate safety storage cabinet or room. Store so fire extinguishing media can be applied to all containers from a safe
distance/protected location. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use and store in a well -ventilated area. Isolate
incompatible materials such as oxidizers. Containers should be clearly labeled. Metal containers used to store this
material should be grounded. Containers must be properly grounded before beginning transfer. All equipment must
conform to applicable electrical code.


Engineering Controls
Engineering controls, preferably enclosed systems, should be used whenever feasible to maintain exposures below
acceptable criteria. When such controls are not feasible, or sufficient to achieve full conformance, other engineering
controls such as local exhaust ventilation should be used.

Personal Protection
Inhalation A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 or ANSI Z88.2 requirements must be
followed whenever workplace conditions warrant respirator use. Where engineering controls are not feasible or sufficient
to achieve full conformance with exposure limits (Section 8), use NIOSH approved respiratory protection equipment.
Respirators should be selected based on the form and concentration of contaminant in air and in accordance with OSHA
(29 CFR 1910.134).

Skin Wear chemical resistant gloves such as: Butyl rubber. or Viton(TM). When skin contact is possible, protective
clothing including gloves, apron, sleeves, boots, head and face protection should be worn. The equipment must be
cleaned thoroughly after each use.

Eye Wear safety glasses meeting the specifications of OSHA 29CFR 1910.133 / ANSI Standard Z87.1 where no contact
with the eye is anticipated. Chemical safety goggles meeting the specifications of OSHA 29CFR 1910.133 / ANSI Standard
Z87.1 should be worn whenever there is the possibility of splashing or other contact with the eyes.

Additional Remarks
Selection of appropriate personal protective equipment should be based on an evaluation of the performance
characteristics of the protective equipment relative to the task(s) to be performed, conditions present, duration of use, and
the hazards and/or potential hazards that may be encountered during use. Emergency eye wash fountains and safety

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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


showers should be available in the immediate vicinity of any potential exposure. Promptly remove soiled clothing/wash
thoroughly before reuse. Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking, or using
toilet facilities. Wash clothing frequently.

Occupational Exposure Limits

Component Name Source / Date Value Type Notation

Acetic acid US (ACGIH) / 2006 10 ppm 8 HRS/TWA No

US (ACGIH) / 2006 15 ppm 15 MIN/STEL No

US (OSHA) / 1993 10 ppm 8 HRS/TWA No


Appearance: Liquid above 20 C Clear, colorless.

Odor: Strong, acrid, vinegar odor.

Odor Threshold: 0.074 ppm (detectable) Odor is not an adequate warning of potentially hazardous ambient air

pH: < 2

Boiling Point/Boiling Range: 118 °C (244.4 °F)

Freezing Point/Melting Point: 16.7 °C (62.06 °F)

Flash Point: 39 °C (102.2 °F) ASTM D-56 (Tag Closed Cup)

Auto-ignition: 463 °C (865.4 °F)

Flammability: OSHA/NFPA Class II combustible liquid.

Lower Flammable Limit: 4.0 vol%

Upper Flammable Limit: 19.9 vol%

Explosive Properties: No Data Available.

Oxidizing Properties: No Data Available.

Vapor Pressure: 11.4 mm Hg @ 20 °C (68 °F)

Evaporation Rate: No Data Available.

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Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


Relative Density: 1.049 @ 20 °C (68 °F)

Relative Vapor Density: 2.1 (Air = 1.0 at 15.5 - 32.2°C)

Viscosity: 1.2 mPa.s @ 20 °C (68 °F)

Solubility (Water): Complete.

Partition Coefficient (Kow): Log Kow = -0.17

Additional Physical and Chemical Properties: Hygroscopic.

Remarks: Above properties based on Acetic Acid


Chemical Stability

Conditions to Avoid
Heat, sparks, open flame, other ignition sources, and oxidizing conditions.

Substances to Avoid

Chromic acid. Nitric acid. Sodium peroxide Carbonates. Hydroxides. Phosphates Corrosive to some metals. Potentially
violent reaction with acetaldehyde and acetic anhydride. Ignites on contact with potassium -tert-butoxide.

Decomposition Products
Not expected to decompose under normal conditions.

Hazardous Polymerization
Not expected to occur.

Reactions with Air and Water

Does not react with air or water.



Product Summary

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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


The immediate toxic effects of acetic acid are due to its corrosive action at the site o f contact. Severe corrosion of the
mouth and gastrointestinal tract with vomiting, diarrhea, circulatory collapse, kidney failure and death have been reported
in humans following ingestion. Exposure to concentrated vapors of acetic acid may cause severe i rritation of the eyes,
nose and respiratory tract. Acute overexposure to extremely high airborne concentrations has been associated with
development of an asthma-like reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) in susceptible individuals. Very high derma l
exposures to animals caused hemoglobinuria; however, these effects have not been reported following accidental human
skin exposure. Contact with undiluted or concentrated solutions of acetic acid may cause skin and eye burns; while a 10%
acetic acid solution has been reported to cause, at most, slight skin irritation and slight eye irritation has occurred from
contact with solutions containing 3% acetic acid. Acetic acid is not a respiratory or dermal sensitizer. Repeated exposure
studies in animals and human experience indicate that acetic acid does not cause systemic toxicity but may cause effects
consistent with site of contact irritation. Acetic acid is not a reproductive or developmental toxicant. Acetic acid was
negative in standard bacterial mutagenicity studies; positive or equivocal results reported in a few in vitro screening assays
may be related to acidification of the culture medium and not true mutagenicity. Long term studies in rodents treated by the
oral and dermal routes indicate that acetic acid does not induce tumors at the site of contact; it may, however, act as a
weak promoter by increasing the number of benign tumors progressing to carcinomas. There is no evidence that acetic
acid may cause cancer in humans.


 Acetic acid 64-19-7

Acute Toxicity - Lethal Doses

LC50 (Inhl) Rat 4640 PPM 4 HOURS

LD50 (Oral) Rat 3310 MG/KG BWT

Rabbit 1200 MG/KG BWT

LD50 (Skin) Rabbit. 1060 MG/KG BWT

Acute Toxicity - Effects

Inhalation Acetic acid is of low acute toxicity by the inhalation route of exposure. Acute overexposure to extremely high
airborne concentrations may cause severe upper respiratory tract and eye irritation and development of an asthma -like
reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) in susceptible individuals. High acute exposures in animals have been
associated with respiratory and eye irritation and effects on blood, heart, lung and liver.

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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


Ingestion Although acetic acid is of slight acute toxicity by the oral route of exposure based on animal studies where
administration was likely directly into the stomach, acetic acid may be fatal or harmful if swallowed based on human
experience. Ingestion may cause burns of the gastrointestinal tract. Systemic toxic effects and organ failure (possibly due
to shock) including effects to liver, kidney, and lung may occur following ingestion of high concentrations.

Skin Contact Liquid may be absorbed through the skin. Acetic acid may be harmful by the dermal route of exposure. Acetic
acid may cause skin burns and subsequent respiratory difficulty and fatigue. Very high exposures to animals caused
hemoglobinuria: however, these effects have not been reported following accidental human skin expos ure.

Skin Causes skin burns. Concentrations as low as 25% have caused severe irritation in animals. Skin studies performed
on human subjects found that a 10% solution was only slightly irritating.

Eye Liquid causes eye burns. Based on limited animal testing and human reports of eye splashes involving dilute liquid,
contact with a 3 % solution of acetic acid may cause slight ocular irritation while a 10 % solution may cause permanent
damage. Exposure to 25-50 ppm acetic acid vapor causes intolerable eye irritation and tearing in most individuals.
Acetic acid is mildly irritating to the eyes at an airborne concentration of 10 ppm.

Does not induce skin sensitization. Unlikely to cause respiratory sensitization. An asthma-like reactive airways dysfunction
syndrome (RADS) has been reported following exposure to high concentrations; however, the pathogenesis of this
condition is unknown.

Target Organ Effects

Corrosive to skin and eyes. Respiratory system. Nasal cavity. Lung. Gastrointestinal tract.

Repeated Dose Toxicity

Acetic acid is a moderate concern to health following prolonged oral, inhalation, or dermal exposures based on the
potential to cause irritation at the site of contact and a low concern to health based on the absence of significant target
organ effects by any route of exposure. Repeated inhalation exposure studies in animals indicate that acetic acid does
not cause systemic toxicity but may cause reversible histopathologic changes in the respiratory tract typically associated
with site-of-contact irritants. No significant target organ effects were observed in workers exposed for several years to
atmospheric concentrations of acetic acid (50-80 ppm) that would be intolerable to unacclimatized individuals. Repeated
oral exposure studies in animals indicate that acetic acid may cause localized irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. There
are no reports of systemic toxicity in humans following long -term use of vinegar (typically 3-6 % acetic acid) as a food
additive. No repeated dermal exposure studies in animals were available for evaluation; however, hyperkeratotic
dermatitis and blackening and erosion of the teeth were reported in workers routinely exposed to atmospheres containing
high concentrations of acetic acid vapor for several years.

Reproductive Effects

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Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


No reproductive studies are available for acetic acid. However, no effects were observed in the reproductive organs of
male and female rats exposed to acetic anhydride vapor (which readily hydrolyzes to form acetic acid) at up to 20 ppm in a
90-day inhalation study. Also, no significant reproductive or developmental effects were observed in a one -generation
study in mice receiving 0.025 % (~60 mg/kg bwt/day) sodium acetate in the drinking water.

Developmental Effects
Acetic acid did not cause maternal toxicity, fetal toxicity, or developmental abnormalities in animals receiving up to 1600
mg 5% acetic acid/kg bwt/day by the oral route during gestation. A temporary increase i n preweaning body weights and
decrease in activity level in an open field test were observed in male offspring of female rats administered 0.0052 M acetic
acid in drinking water during lactation. While exposure to acetic anhydride (which readily hydrolyze s to form acetic acid)
did cause fetotoxicity in an inhalation screening study in rats, effects were only observed at 100 ppm, an exposure
concentration causing severe respiratory irritation and maternal toxicity. No embryotoxic/fetotoxic or teratogenic e ffects
were observed in the offspring of mice receiving up to 1000 mg/kg bwt sodium acetate by the oral route.

Genetic Toxicity
No evidence of genotoxicity was noted for acetic acid, sodium acetate, or acetic anhydride (which readily hydrolyzes to
form acetic acid) when tested in standard bacterial in vitro test systems. Positive results with acetic acid but not sodium
acetate in the chromosome aberration assay and equivocal results with acetic anhydride in the mouse lymphoma assay i n
the absence of activation may be due to acidification of the culture medium and not true mutagenicity. In a single study,
acetic acid did induce very slight, dose-related increases in sister chromatid exchanges in the absence of activation at a pH
approaching neutral. No in vivo genetic toxicity data are available for acetic acid. However, no increase in frequency of
micronuclei was observed in the bone marrow of rats exposed by inhalation to 20 ppm of acetic anhydride for 90 days.

In controlled animal studies, long-term dermal or oral administration of acetic acid alone did not induce tumors. However,
following initiation with a known carcinogen, acetic acid did act as a weak promoter by increasing t he number of benign
tumors progressing to carcinomas at the site of contact in rats treated orally and mice treated dermally. Acetic acid is not
classified as a carcinogen by any recognized authoritative body. Although repeated exposure to acetic acid ha s been
linked to increased risk of chronic respiratory symptoms and declines in pulmonary function, there have been no published
reports of cancer by the inhalation route in exposed humans. In addition, there have been no reports of cancer from long
term consumption of acetic acid for food preservation or preparation at concentrations approaching 10 %.




See component summary.

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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


Environmental Fate and Pathway

See component summary.


 Acetic acid 64-19-7


Acute toxicity to fish

LC50 / 96 HOURS fathead minnow 79 - 88 mg/lTests conducted on ammonium salt.
Summary: Moderate to low toxicity to fish.

LC50 / 96 HOURS bluegill. 75 mg/l

LC50 / 96 HOURS mosquito fish. 251 mg/l

Acute toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

EC50 / 48 HOURS waterflea. 65 mg/l
Summary: Moderate to low toxicity to freshwater invertebrates.

EC50 / 24 HOURS waterflea. 95 mg/l

EC50 / 24 HOURS waterflea. > 6,000 mg/lTests conducted in a pH neutralized solution.

Toxicity to aquatic plants

Toxicity Threshold / 8 d green algae. 4,000 mg/l
Summary: Low toxicity to algae.

Toxicity to microorganisms
EC50 / 5 HOURS Sewage sludge > 5,000 mg/l
Summary: Low toxicity to bacteria.

NOEC / 0.5 HOURS bacteria. 700 mg/l

Chronic toxicity to fish

NOEC / 14 d rainbow trout. 1%
Summary: Low chronic toxicity to fish.

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Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


Chronic toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

Summary: No Data Available.

Other Adverse Effects

Terrestrial plants (multi-species) lowest 7d NOEC 1 microliter/L (germination effects) 100 microliters/L (early growth). Low
toxicity to terrestrial primary producers.

Environmental Fate and Pathway

Transport between environmental compartments: Based on water solubility, partition coefficient and vapor pressure, this
substance is expected to have high mobility and be partitioned mainly into the atmospheric and water compartments

Persistance and Degradability

Biodegradation: Readily biodegradable

Bioaccumulation: ~ 0.5 (estimated). This material is not expected to bioaccumulate.


Information provided in this material safety data sheet applies to the product as manufactured. Processing, use and
contamination may render this information inappropriate for the material requiring disposal. State and local laws, and
regulations may differ from federal requirements, and requirements may change or be re -interpreted. It is the
responsibility for the waste generator to characterize waste streams relative to the pertinent regulatory provisions to
ensure that applicable requirements are reviewed and met.


Special Requirements
If you reformulate or further process this material, you should consider re -evaluation of the regulatory status of the
components listed in the composition section of this sheet, based on final composition of your product.

Proper Shipping Name Acetic acid, glacial

RQ Acetic Acid (>80% acid, by mass)

ID No. UN2789

Hazard Class 8

Subsidiary Hazard Class 3

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Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:




Regulatory Status
Country Inventory
Australia AICS X
Canada DSL X X = All components are included or are otherwis e
Canada NDSL exempt from inclusion on this inventory.
China IECS X
European Union EINECS X
European Union ELINCS
European Union NLP C = Contact Lyondell/Equistar by e-mail at
Japan ENCS X or
Korea ECL X for additional
Philippines PICCS X infor mation.
United States TSCA X

If identified components of this product are listed under the TSCA 12(b) Export Notification rule, they will be listed below.

SARA 302/304
This material contains a component(s) with known CAS numbers classified as hazardous substances subject to the
reporting of CERCLA (40 CFR 302) and/or to the release reporting requirements of SARA (Section 302) bas ed on
reportable quantities (RQs).

Component RQ
Acetic Acid / CAS# 64-19-7. 5,000 lbs

SARA 311/312

Immediate (Acute) Health Hazard.

Delayed (Chronic) Health Hazard.
Fire Hazard.

SARA 313
This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the De Minimis rep orting
levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313 and 40 CFR 372.

Component Reporting Threshold

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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


State Reporting
This material is not known to contain any chemicals currently listed as carcinogens or reproductive toxins under California
Proposition 65 at levels which would be subject to the proposition.

Massachusetts Substances List (MSL) - Hazardous substances on the MSL must be identified when present in materials
at levels greater than state specified criterion. The criterion is: >= 1%. Components with CAS numbers present in this
material at a level which could require reporting under the statute are:

 Acetic Acid / CAS# 64-19-7.

Environmentally Hazardous Substances listed by the State of Pennsylvania must be identified when present in materials at
levels greater than the state specified criterion. The criterion is >= 1%. Components with CAS numbers in this material at a
level which could require reporting under the statute are:

 Acetic Acid / CAS# 64-19-7.

A Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) is any volatile compound of carbon excluding methane, carbon monoxide, carbonic
acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, ammonium carbonate, 1,1 -trichloromethane, methylene chloride, (FC-23),
(CFC-113), (CFC-22), (CFC-114), and (CFC-115). By this definition, this is a (VOC) material.


Latest Revision(s)
Revised Section(s): 2 3 8 11 12 15 Date of Revision: March 14 2007 Document regeneration error: Date of Revision:
July 19 2007

All Relevant Risk Phrases

R10 - Flammable.
R35 - Causes severe burns.


This document is generated for the purpose of distributing health, safety, and environmental data. It is not a specification
sheet nor should any displayed data be construed as a specification. The information on this MSDS was obtained from
sources which we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty, expressed or implied,
regarding its correctness. Some information presented and conclusions drawn herein are from sources other than direct
test data on the substance itself. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use and disposal of the product are
beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
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MSDS No.: BE9041
Variant: U.S.A.-EN
Material Safety Data Sheet Version No: 2.2
Validation Date:


expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage, or expense arising out of or in any way connected with handling, storage,
use, or disposal of this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this MSDS information may not
be applicable.

Numerical Data Presentation

The presentation of numerical data, such as that used for physical and ch emical properties and toxicological values, is
expressed using a comma (,) to separate digits into groups of three and a period (.) as the decimal marker. For example,
1,234.56 mg/kg = 1 234,56 mg/kg

Language Translations
This document may be available in languages other than English.

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