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In this assignment I will provide a detail discussion on the learning module addressing two broad
area including the role of nurses and the type of nurse I want to become. In addition to this, the
report will consist of reflection on the information resources for health care service focused on
the Asthma patience and my vision to enhance health service of such patience. I intend to
develop Asthma information application that can guide Asthma patience for the better health
service. The patience age group that I want to cover is from 5 to 18 years old, which is the most
common group Asthma health issue. In this report I will reflect on the key reasons for why I am
interested in this health care service and the target audience. Rather than just personal reason, the
report intends to provide evidence to support the discussion made through it.

The report will also cover conceptual review of on the learning module and relevance and
application and how the app can be useful to enhance the health of asthma patience. In addition
to this, the reflective report also cover the action plan for the implementation of the application
within the target audience, resources required for the project and constrain that can disturb this
strategy. The action plan will be explored in the form of SMART model which can provide a
detain review on practical application of the strategy. Furthermore, the report will include a
reflection on the key learnings including success and challenges on the overall process and the
improvement required. At last, the report will provide with a summary for the key points of the
overall assignment and the potential measure for improvement in future.



Asthma is a breathing related health issue, it is a disorder in which the airway swell and become
narrow down and can generate extra mucus. This health disorder makes breathing relatively
problematic and create other problem including chest tightness, wheezing and coughing which
can create a breathlessness condition. In short asthma is a health disorder that cause shortness of

The degree of severity of asthma differs among the people. Asthma is the most common problem
within the minor people, under the age of 18. The problem of asthma can be of a minor problem
for some but for other, this health disorder can be a severe problem which can affect the regular
activities as well as be an asthma attack can be a life threatening problem. Asthma is a
challenging health service for medical practitioner as there is a no definite sure for this health
disorder. However, there are a number of treatment available that can help to control the problem
of asthma. The patience can create an action plan through the help of asthma nurse and doctor
which can enable patience to live active and normal life. Inhalers and tablets are among the other
most common health care that can enable to control asthma problem.

Asthma patience

The problem of asthma is most common within the minor people, under the age of 18. The
demographic group, I intends to target for the asthma health care project is 5 to 18 years old.
According to the latest report of Department of Health and Social Care are 2.7 million of
population have asthma disorder, which represent 11 per cent of the overall UK population. In
the year 2017, around 460,000 children under the age of 14 suffered from asthma problem, this
problem was relatively high among the children with disability (18%) as compare to normal
children without any sort of disability (10%). In UK between the year 2014 to 2016, death of 23
children were recorded due to the cause of Asthma attack, in addition to this the report also
emphasis that in UK the asthma disorder have remained around 9% to 11% for a continuous
number of years (Tay T. et al, 2018)1. This data provide a support to the chosen demographic
profile for the study. Despite, asthma is most common health disorder there have been less
number of research or literature that intends to clearly explore the problem of asthma.

As there is no certain treatment for asthma, health care for asthma patience becomes really
difficult. Through a derail research I found that, often parents are only provided with the certain
suggestion to take care of their children with asthma. But this situation can be improved, an
application on smart phone that continuously provide information on recent development in
asthma health care, potential treatment and things to be consider in the form of content, audio
and video can enable parents as well as children to remain aware on asthma health care service.

The study of Chung L. et al (2018), emphasis that there is a challenges with the existing model
of health care provided for asthma patience. The study suggest that the current model treat regard
asthma only as a one single problem but in practical there exist several types of asthma across

UK, this require treatment model for asthma to be more comprehensive considering to address
comorbidities, risk factor and complex issue within asthma patience. The study further emphasis
that a dedicated asthma service care model can enhance the control of asthma problem in UK. It
states that the asthma affects about 11% of the UK population with majority of patience under
age of 18 and about 3% represent the case of severe asthma. As over continuous number of years
DHSC have reported existing of heterogeneous disorder in asthma, the treatment model should
be also be different. Within the existing model providing and updating patience and relevant
member on the action plan for asthma clinical service is most challenging. The study suggest to
adopt a multidisciplinary approach to provide comprehensive and flexible consultation to the
asthma patience and care taker such as doctor and nurse. This indicates the potential of relevance
and application of using the application to provide information to the asthma patients as well as
other relevant member. This process would enable to add a significant value in the improvement
of the existing model of asthma health care.

Action plan

Through the use of the SMART model, I will provide a discussion on the information resources
that I intend to implement. This model will clearly explores the potential application of the
information resource.


The application will be released to the general public with the objective to reach as much as
target audience as possible. The information resource will provide enables audience to access
various content in respective to asthma, its potential challenges and health care service. This
application intends to reach in the hand of 50% of existing asthma patients in UK.


The application will required its user to create a profile or link profile to their mobile number or
other account with the intention to know about the number of the user using the application. In
addition the application will also have a feature to count the traffic of user in the application.

The key concern of the health care information resources is to create awareness among the target
audience in respective the health issue and the potential measure to control the issue. The
information system will only covers the content reverent to the problem of asthma and the
potential control measure.


The app will act as the major sources for the asthma patience and other users to remain updated
on the health care development relevant to asthma. The application will other users such as
AIHW, researcher and medical practitioner to publish their content on asthma.


Development of app might be simple as well as complex depending on the nature of application,
it might take a month to a year for development of health information resource/application (VIC,
Gov., 2015)3.

Cost constrain

In the development of the application cost will incur from hiring the software developer for
creating the practical app. As per Pemberton J. (2011) for the successful development of the
application it requires combined effort of 3 to 5 software developer, and hiring such members
can be relatively costly. The average of software developer is $65,000 and above depending
upon the position and work.


There are several model available to that a healthcare practitioner can use to reflect on learning
module, for example, Driscoll model, Kolb model and Gibbs model. In the report I will be using
Gibbs model in particular to provide reflection on the learning module. As per the Hussien H.
(2018), Gibbs model is relatively simple and easy to use in the reflection and has the well-
developed framework that can enhance the overall reflection 4. The Gibbs model is structured in
phases which focus on experience break down, it allows to reflect on performance as well as
improvement required in the future.


In theoretical the role of nurse seems to be quite simple, assisting doctor in the health service and
administrative action. But in practical the role of nurse is multidisciplinary and comprehensive.
Generally, nurse are recognised as the licensed health care practitioner who take care of infirm
and sick people either supervised by the doctor or even independently. The general role of the
nurse is to collaborate with the other member of health care team to provide an effective health
service to the patience which can any treatment (check-up) or procedure (surgery). Nurse is
responsible to manage the health care of patience. In my opinion, the role of nurse is
multidisciplinary apart from regular health care service, nurses are also responsible for patience
mental, spiritual and cultural need of patience. Nurse are the health care practitioner who roles
require establishing a deep sense of care for patients health.

The nurse plays a major role for providing an effective health care for a patience. Based on the
guideline of the doctor and own knowledge, nurse is required to create a health care plan for the
patience. In my opinion, nurse can have a significant impact in the enhancing the health of the
people. I want to become a nurse who not just perform a regular duties of a nurse but also
contributes for the health and welfare of the general public, especially I am concerned with
improving the health care service for the children under age 18. This is the major reason for my
vision to create an information resource that can enhance the health care service for asthma

The major objective of the information resource is to provide continuous content regarding the
potential control measure and development made within the asthma health care service. I have
chosen to develop an application because of increasing trend of use in smart phone and the
behaviour of people are becoming more digitalised. According to Amlario C. (2017), the digital
health care system is rapidly increasing worldwide. The study emphasis that the online traffic for
health related issue is rapidly increasing and furthermore, it states that this days an educated
patience tends to search for the reason and solution of the health issue online before visiting to
health care professional. This provides the evidence that implementation of application can add a
value to create an awareness among the patience and enables to control the problem of health

Becoming a nurse is an opportunity to do something better for the health and wellbeing of the
people. For me nurse is one of the most effective professional practice that can enhance the life
of large number of people and spread happiness. I am inspired from the work of Florence
Nightingale, she brought a revolution on the nursing work and established a modern nursing
practice. Her life and work teaches me that, nurse is a significant part of the health care system
and social welfare. From her work and contribution to society and nursing, I am inspired to
contribute something innovative and creative practice that can bring about a change in the health
care service. For this reason I have chosen to add value in the asthma health care service.

Even before this assignment I had a vision to implement a system that can enhanced the health
care of asthma patience, because I have seen a lot of children struggling in their daily life due to
the problem of asthma and I have come to realisation that children as well as parents often finds
difficulty to locate the controlling measure for the asthma disorder as there are no specific
treatment available for asthma patience.

In my opinion the role of nurse is not just limited within the workplace only but the experience
and knowledge can be used to create some changes in health and wellbeing to some extent. The
action does not required to be significant but the action can also be simple such as spreading
message within the society promoting better health care practice. Nurse can play a social role
through the active demonstration of knowledge outside work. The vision of the social nurse is
the major reason for my action to develop an application to promote awareness and control
measure for asthma disorder.


Generally, I have realised that there exist a significant gap between the respect for the doctor and
nurse. It is a fact that doctor have more knowledge and value in term of providing treatment to
the patience. But the role of nurse is also a significant part of the health care system. Nurse are
generally and visualised as the administrative workers. People often show respect for the
physical treatment they receive from the doctor but ignores the minor but important care shown
by nurse such as managing regular plan for patience, providing mental, spiritual and cultural care
and support. Nurse plays a major role for increasing the health care outcome of the patience.
Nurse are socially connected to the patience as they are responsible to remain active and take
care of the patience in the long run. In my perspective the role of nurse is multidisciplinary in
nature. The role of the nurse can be physically and mentally challenging as nurse requires to
provide a mental support for patience and take care of different patience at a time. This is why I
think nurse are a kind of social worker, who contributes to provide support for the welfare of

Implementation of information resources on asthma health care, can enhance the health care
service for the asthma patience. Majority of the asthma patients are children under age 18, in
addition to this lack of specific measure to diagnosis asthma makes it a challenging health issue.
Parents often finds it difficult to come up with the best solution to control asthma for their
children as well as to educate their children on controlling measure. But the application that
provides content including audio, video and written paper on the asthma, its medical
development and potential controlling measure enables to parents as well as children to control
this problem.


Nursing is a complex subject, it requires multidisciplinary theoretical and practical knowledge.

Based on my own learning and experience over a time of I have realised that, the role of nursing
is challenging but it is a role that can enable to contribute for the health and wellbeing of the
society. The opportunity to help other people through the health care service not just professional
work but also voluntary work. I my opinion the position of nurse is a work that is both
professional as well as social work practice. The nurse become more effective and efficient with
over time, this is because nurse are continuously exposed to new condition with each new day at
work this provides them with the new knowledge and experience. Nurse have the opportunity to
use gained knowledge not just for professional efficiency but also to create value for the society
through voluntary work.

The decision related to the implementation of information resources can be a challenging project.
It requires a various resources and strategy for the successful implementation of the information
system in the market. Even the cost constrain can be of the major challenges. At my current state
the lack of experience in professional background can be of a major challenges for the
implementation of the information resource. Even I am currently unaware about the content that
can add value for the project. But this problem can be solved over time through gaining
experience and continuous exposure to knowledge. For the development of the any application it
needs to go through a life cycle and must consist of the sponsor and stakeholder that can add
value for operating the app. To convert a strategy into a plan it is essential to consider the barrier
and overcome such barriers for the successful implementation.

Conclusion the reflective model

Over the time period of the learning module, I have learn a great knowledge about the role of
nurse. This have provided me with the opportunity to gain understanding on the action than can
enhance the professional and voluntary practice as a nurse. This also have provided me with the
opportunity to think on the types of the nurse I want to be and the practice that I will need to
consider to improve as nurse and the action that can enhance the social health care system.
Through, the learning as well as personal research, I have realised different various practice and
procedure that enables nurse practitioner to enhance health care provided to the patience as well
as the social action. I can state that over this learning module I have come across with the road
map that I need to consider for becoming a social nurse with both professional and social
contribution in health care service.

This assessment have provided me with the opportunity to think on work on my vision to
develop an information resources. Reflection is an important process that can facilitate the
member to review the time spent over the learning and realise the experience gain and work on
the improvement required. In order to implement information resources, I need to seek assistance
from various other member for the implementation of the information resources.


The role of nurse seems to be quite simple, assisting doctor in the health service and
administrative action. But in practical the role of nurse is multidisciplinary and comprehensive.
Generally, nurse are recognised as the licensed health care practitioner who take care of infirm
and sick people either supervised by the doctor or even independently . The nurse plays a major
role for providing an effective health care for a patience. I want to become a nurse who not just
perform a regular duties of a nurse but also contributes for the health and welfare of the general
public, especially I am concerned with improving the health care service for the children under
age 18. This is the major reason for my vision to create an information resource that can enhance
the health care service for asthma patience.

The major objective of the information resource is to provide continuous content regarding the
potential control measure and development made within the asthma health care service. I have
chosen to develop an application because of increasing trend of use in smart phone and the
behaviour of people are becoming more digitalised. So, this method can be effective form of
information resource.

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