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Renewable Energy Technology - MJ2411

Lecture Series on Hydropower

Large-scale Hydropower
Problem Solving Session

Babak Rezapoor

Photo: Courtesy of Kvaerner

Performance Characteristic
flow rate (Q) Volume of fluid that passes through a given surface per unit time.
head (H) In SI units, it is represented by cubic meters per second [m3 s-1]
power (P)
rotational speed (N)
size (D)
efficiency (η)

Performance Characteristic
flow rate (Q)
head (H)
power (P)
rotational speed (N) H: Total head (meter of fluid columns)
z: Elevation of the point above some reference plane (meter)
size (D) ρ: Density of the fluid (kg/m3)
efficiency (η) v: Fluid flow speed at a point on a streamline (m/s)
g: Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
p: Pressure at the point (Pa)
h: Hydraulic or piezometric head (meter)
v2/(2g): Dynamic head (meter)

Performance Characteristic
flow rate (Q)
head (H)
power (P)
rotational speed (N) a: Net head on an impulse turbine

size (D)
efficiency (η)

b: Net head on reaction turbine

Performance Characteristic
flow rate (Q)
head (H)
power (P)
rotational speed (N)
size (D) P: Power (watt)
ρ: Density of the fluid
efficiency (η) v: Fluid flow speed at a point on a streamline
g: Acceleration due to gravity
p: Pressure at the point

𝑃 = 𝜌𝑔𝑄𝐻 ηt

Performance Characteristic
flow rate (Q)
head (H)
power (P)
rotational speed (N)
size (D)
ωcyc: Rotational speed (cycles per second)
efficiency (η) ωrad: Angular speed (radians per second)

N: Revolutions per minute (rpm or r/min)

Performance Characteristic
flow rate (Q)
head (H)
power (P)
rotational speed (N)
size (D) Usually refers to the runner diameter
efficiency (η)

Performance Characteristic
flow rate (Q)
head (H)
power (P)
rotational speed (N)
size (D)
efficiency (η)

Pout: Power output of the turbine

T: Torque delivered to the shaft by the turbine (N.m)
ω: Rotational speed (rad/s)
Q: Flow rate (m3/s)
H: Actual total head differences between the inlet and outlet of the turbine (m)
Tω: represents the break power or the power available at the shaft of the turbine

ηv: Volumetric efficiency (leackages)

ηh: Hydraulic efficiency (fluid friction headloss)
ηm: Mechanical efficiency (mechanical friction)

Warm up Examples

Warm up example 1

A turbine is set 40 m below the water level of a reservoir

and is fed by a 60 cm diameter pipe. A short pipe of 45 EL for a)
cm diameter discharge the water from the turbine to
a) Neglect friction and estimate the power that can be
extracted by the turbine when the discharge is 0.8

Warm up example 1

A turbine is set 40 m below the water level of a reservoir

and is fed by a 60 cm diameter pipe. A short pipe of 45 EL for b)
cm diameter discharge the water from the turbine to
a) Neglect friction and estimate the power that can be
extracted by the turbine when the discharge is 0.8
b) Of a total frictional loss of 10 m is assumed and the
turbine efficiency 85%, estimate the power output

Warm up example 2

Suppose ∆z=15 m and the line is 180 m of 200 mm diameter (f=0,025) with the intake and nozzle
loss coefficient of 0.5 and 0.05 respectively.
- Find the jet diameter that will result in the greatest jet power

Warm up example 2

Suppose ∆z=15 m and the line is 180 m of 200 mm diameter (f=0,025) with the intake and nozzle
loss coefficient of 0.5 and 0.05 respectively.
- Find the jet diameter that will result in the greatest jet power

Warm up example 2

Suppose ∆z=15 m and the line is 180 m of 200 mm diameter (f=0,025) with the intake and nozzle
loss coefficient of 0.5 and 0.05 respectively.
- Find the jet diameter that will result in the greatest jet power

Warm up example 2

Suppose ∆z=15 m and the line is 180 m of 200 mm diameter (f=0,025) with the intake and nozzle
loss coefficient of 0.5 and 0.05 respectively.
- Find the jet diameter that will result in the greatest jet power

Calculation Examples

Exercise 1
A hydropower plant is planned to be built using an existing dam, which was
constructed for irrigation purposes. The gross head is 900 meter and the
penstock consists of a concrete pipeline with the length of 1100 meter and 2
meter in diameter (inside diameter).
You are involved in a feasibility study as a consultant to establish an
operational plan for the plant and to evaluate if the project is feasible (for the
project to be feasible the payback time should be less than 20 years).

17, AREST Course

Calculate the required parameters based on the following assumptions:

 Friction losses are 5% of the gross head
 Turbine and electrical generator efficiencies are 81% and 95% respectively
 The plant operates 8760 hours/year except during downtimes
 Transmission line and downtimes losses are 1% and 4% respectively
 The price of electricity is 0.3210 USD/kWh
𝐻 0,42
 Capital cost of the turbine can be calculated by 𝐶𝐶 = 3 ∗ 106 ∗ 𝑃0,71 ,
where P is the net power output in MW H is the net head in m
 The operation and maintenance (O&M) cost of the plant can be calculated by
𝐶𝑂𝑃 = 2,4 ∗ 104 𝑃 0,8

What is the net head and design flow?

What is the turbine power output at the design condition and
what is the amount of energy the hydropower plant produces per

What is the Pay Back Time?

Exercise 2
A rock fill dam is constructed in a mountainous province in Nepal to
control the flow and provide water for irrigation.
Normal water level in the dam reservoir is +1780 SWL (Sea Water
Penstock is a steel pipeline d=800 mm (internal diameter) and delivers
water over the length of 2100 meter from the dam’s reservoir to the
releasing point at the downstream where it has an elevation of +1590
SWL. The pipeline has a cement mortar lining with the friction factor
f=0,02 (internal surface). Minor losses can be neglected along the water
intake to the releasing point.

22, AREST Course

A minimum flow requirement of 1 MCM (Million Cubic Meter) per
month should be kept in order to sustain the aquatic environment in
the downstream.

The peak for irrigational water demand is in June when 4 MCM

should be released over the month to provide the irrigation water for
downstream lands.

You are involved in a feasibility study as a consultant.

23, AREST Course

(a) What is the maximum Q (flow
capacity) in the penstock if the water
is freely discharged into atmosphere
at the end of the penstock?

24, AREST Course

(a) What is the maximum Q (flow
capacity) in the penstock if the water
is freely discharged into atmosphere
at the end of the penstock?

(b) Does this flow cover the maximum

water release requirement in June?

25, AREST Course

(a) What is the maximum Q (flow
capacity) in the penstock if the water
is freely discharged into atmosphere
at the end of the penstock?

(b) Does this flow cover the maximum

water release requirement in June?

(c) What percentage of the available

head is lost in the pipeline due to the

26, AREST Course

(a) What is the maximum Q (flow
capacity) in the penstock if the water
is freely discharged into atmosphere
at the end of the penstock?

(b) Does this flow cover the maximum

water release requirement in June?

(c) What percentage of the available

head is lost in the pipeline due to the

(d) Determine water power that is

available at the releasing point

27, AREST Course

(a) What is the flow capacity (Q) in the
penstock if the water is discharged to
the river through a nozzle with the jet
diameter of 250 mm with K=0,05

28, AREST Course

(a) What is the flow capacity (Q) in the
penstock if the water is discharged to
the river through a nozzle with the jet
diameter of 250 mm with K=0,05

(b) Determine the water jet power in KW

29, AREST Course

(a) What is the flow capacity (Q) in the
penstock if the water is discharged to
the river through a nozzle with the jet
diameter of 250 mm with K=0,05

(b) Determine the water jet power in KW

(c) Consider that a Pelton turbine with

the efficiency of t=0,9 is installed
after the nozzle. What is the brake
power of the turbine?

30, AREST Course

(a) What is the flow capacity (Q) in the
penstock if the water is discharged to
the river through a nozzle with the jet
diameter of 250 mm with K=0,05

(b) Determine the water jet power in KW

(c) Consider that a Pelton turbine with

the efficiency of t=0,9 is installed
after the nozzle. What is the brake
power of the turbine?

31, AREST Course

(a) What is the flow capacity (Q) in the
penstock if the water is discharged to
the river through a nozzle with the jet
diameter of 250 mm with K=0,05

(b) Determine the water jet power in KW

(c) Consider that a Pelton turbine with

the efficiency of t=0,9 is installed
after the nozzle. What is the brake
power of the turbine?

32, AREST Course

Environmental & Social Impacts

Source: Dams and Development, World Commision on Dams

Environmental & Social Impacts
A multi-propose concrete dam is going to be built over a main river in
your country to provide irrigation and hydroelectricity. The rate power of
the hydropower scheme is 1000 MW that will be fed to the national grid.
The project will take 6 years to be completed and requires 2 billion €.
200 sq. km of land will be submerged.

You are invited to debate the pros and cons of the scheme.

… and I am taking on the devil's advocate role!


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