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Environmental Technology

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Bioremediation of greywater using a novel

bacterial–fungal consortium: optimization and
validation of the operating parameters in vitro

Nikita Rajpal , Jatinder K. Ratan , Neetu Divya & Ananda Vardhan Hebbani

To cite this article: Nikita Rajpal , Jatinder K. Ratan , Neetu Divya & Ananda Vardhan
Hebbani (2021): Bioremediation of greywater using a novel bacterial–fungal consortium:
optimization and validation of the operating parameters in�vitro , Environmental Technology, DOI:

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Published online: 11 Feb 2021.

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Bioremediation of greywater using a novel bacterial–fungal consortium:

optimization and validation of the operating parameters in vitro
Nikita Rajpala, Jatinder K. Ratana, Neetu Divyaa and Ananda Vardhan Hebbani b

Department of Chemical Engineering, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India; bDepartment of Biotechnology,
New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India


In the present study, removal of pollutants in greywater was investigated using a novel bacterial– Received 7 May 2020
fungal consortium. Response surface methodology was used for the optimization of process Accepted 22 January 2021
variables like pH, temperature, inoculum size, and Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N ratio) for degradation
of pollutants. Experiments were based on Box Behnken statistical design and the results show a Greywater; COD; RSM;
good fit with the quadratic model, coefficient of determination (R 2) value of 0.9499. The sulphate; optimization
reliability of the model was established by various statistical parameters like lack of fit, pure
error, and residual sum of squares. The optimized conditions for maximum reduction in
chemical oxygen demand, oil & grease and sulphate were found to be 78.7%, 82.6% and 89.7%,
respectively after 96 h of incubation of the reaction mixture at pH 7; temperature 35°C;
inoculum size 150 µl and C/N ratio of 1:2. Our results clearly demonstrate that the developed
novel bacterial–fungal consortium can be a cost-effective, safe, and environment-friendly
alternative for remediation of greywater.

1. Introduction
solids, fats, oil/grease, heavy metals and synthetic
Water supplied to the developed communities globally chemicals, are likely to be present in greywater [6,7].
is of 100% potable quality [1]. However, only a mere Greywater is considered the most preferred waste-
3% of the supplied water is understood to be used up water resource for treatment and reuse because of its
for drinking and cooking purposes, while the remaining minimal levels of contamination, thus making it a rela-
major portion referred to as ‘greywater’ (∼ 65–75%) is tively easier resource to treat in comparison to the
used for domestic activities such as bathtubs, showers, other forms of wastewaters [8,9]. Among the different
hand basins, laundry machines and cleaning purposes treatment methods for greywater, bioremediation tech-
[2]. Even though the precise composition of greywater nology has been proved to be a very effective method
depends on its source from where the water is drawn by many researchers over the last few years [10–13].
[3], it generally does not include the wastewater that is Nutrients and organic compounds present in greywater
generated from toilet use, which is referred to as ‘black make it a favoured substrate for the growth of microor-
water’ [4]. Composition of greywater (i.e. water from ganisms and research has been carried out earlier,
bathroom, laundry or kitchen sinks) is known to be wherein greywater was treated both under aerobic
greatly influenced by water quality in the area of [14] and anaerobic conditions [15], using different bac-
sample collection [5]. A variety of contaminants, includ- terial, fungal and algal species [16]. Different bacterial
ing acidic and alkaline substances, suspended/dissolved strains have been proved to have evolved specific

CONTACT Ananda Vardhan Hebbani

© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

enzyme systems that can degrade pollutants under assist the parameters related to the described novel con-
aerobic and anoxic conditions, thereby having the sortium for greywater treatment.
potential for bioremediation [17]. Similarly fungi and Highlighting on the importance of the BBD approach,
algae are also known to achieve pollutant reduction by this present study was designed to investigate the inter-
multiple mechanisms wherein the complex organic/ active effects between each operational condition (pH;
inorganic contaminants are degraded into cellular con- temperature; inoculum size and C/N ratio) and pollutant
stituents such as lipids and carbohydrates [18]. reduction process. Moreover, greywater sample was
Reports claim that the bioremediation of greywater analysed before and after treatment for various par-
has been achieved using different pure microbial cul- ameters using novel consortium.
tures under in vitro conditions, wherein pure single
microbial cultures were used to remediate either a
single pollutant or a combination of the polluting 2. Materials and methods
factors present in the greywater [19–22]. However, 2.1. Chemicals
many of the earlier reports clearly acclaim the poorer
performance of pure cultures towards mixture of pollu- All chemicals required for the present study were
tants [20,23]. In this context, the current work is being obtained from Sigma Aldrich. Solvents were purchased
designed to look at the greywater bio-remediating from Hi-media Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India. All
capacity of microbial consortia since the combination other chemicals used were of the highest purity avail-
of microbial cultures would have a better pollutant able and of analytical grade.
stress withstanding capacity, due to their symbiotic
inter-relationship which would function synergistically
to exhibit the bio-remediating capacity [20]. Moreover, 2.2. Greywater sampling and its characterization
a novel microbial-fungal consortium has never been Greywater sample (excluding toilet waste) utilized in this
used to treat domestic greywater, which is being study was manually collected from household drains of
researched upon and optimized and validated in the apartment in Whitefield (between 12° 58′ 17.0004′′ N,
current work. 77° 45′ 0.4680′′ E), Bengaluru. Raw greywater was col-
Implementation of Response Surface Methodology lected using acid-washed sample bottles and immedi-
(RSM) for design optimization is a best and effective ately transported to the laboratory and kept in reserve
alternative for decreasing the cost of expensive analysis for further study in a refrigerator below 4°C to avoid
methods [24]. For empirical model building, RSM is a col- any physicochemical changes. Initially, suspended
lection of mathematical and statistical techniques. It is solids and other impurities in greywater sample used
an apt tool for finding the most suitable condition for in this study were filtered using Whatman filter paper
multiple factor experiments, search for relationship grade 1 made up of nylon membrane with a 0.45-µm
between factors, and prediction of response [25]. By suit- pore size. Before the experiment, some raw character-
able designing of experiments, optimization of a istics of greywater sample have been tested as stated
response, which is influenced by various independent by the standard method for the examination of water
variables (factors), can be performed. The resultant and wastewater [29], depicted in Table 1. It includes
model is a full illustration of the independent variables,
their interactions and their influence on the responses.
Table 1. Characterization of greywater.
A comparison between the Box–Behnken Design (BBD)
Greywater without any Greywater with
and other response surface designs like central compo- Characteristics treatment treatment
site design (CCD) has revealed the fact that the BBD pH 6.2 7.26
matrix is slightly more coherent than CCD and much Colour Milky Clear
Odour Pungent Odourless
more efficient than the three-level full factorial designs Turbidity 40.0 NTU 1.30 NTU
[26]. The BBD approach saves cost and time with its Electrical 2048.17 μS/cm 480.70 μS/cm
great accuracy on describing effects of the interaction Total suspended 680.67 mg L−1 136.76 mg L−1
between different independent factors and predicted solids
responses. On a broader scale, it works best for overall Total dissolved 1230 mg L−1 928.34 mg L−1
optimization process in terms of expenditure and Total solids 1910.43 mg L−1 504.6 mg L−1
keeping away experiments done under extreme con- BOD 540.43 mg L−1 85.90 mg L−1
TOC 385.90 mg L−1 96.23 mg L−1
ditions [27,28]. This would imitate the real process COD 1165.6 mg L−1 249.89 mg L−1
execution under field conditions. However, little con- Oil and grease 58.0ppm 10.34 mg L−1
Sulphates 95.6 mg L−1 10.34 mg L−1
sideration has been given to the BBD approach to

pH, colour, odour, turbidity, Electrical conductivity (EC), (150 rpm) for 48 h at 32°C for bacteria, and 96 h at 37°
total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, chemical C for fungus.
oxygen demand (COD), Biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD), total organic carbon (TOC), oil & grease, sulphate
and heavy metals (Fe and Mn). 2.5. Assembling of consortium and bio-
The pH was measured with the help of a pH meter, interaction studies
while EC and TDS were determined by a meter (Eutech Bacterial–fungal consortium was prepared aseptically
con 700). The turbidity was measured by the Nephelo- transferring the equal volumes (50 mL) of 48 h
metric method. Total solids (TS) and oil & grease (O&G) M. luteus, R. equi and 96 h grown A. niger strain into a
were estimated by the gravimetric method. Total sus- Erlenmeyer flask containing soybean casein agar (SCA)
pended solids (TSS) were determined by subtracting medium, followed by 96 h incubation at 32°C. Conse-
total dissolved solids (TDS) from total solids (TS). BOD quently, the consortium obtained was used as a source
was estimated by preparing a required volume of of inoculum for further studies. To check the antagonism
dilution water with the addition of nutrients and incu- between bacterial and fungal consortium, petriplate
bation period of five days at 25°C, while chemical bioassay was performed in which the above-mentioned
oxygen demand (COD) determination was based on strains were grown on a single petriplate containing
rapid dichromate oxidation method. Total organic composite broth medium (CBM) and incubated at 28°C
carbon (TOC) was measured using TOC analyser (Shi- for five days [35].
madzu). Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
(ICP-MS) was used to detect heavy metals, Manganese
(Mn) and Iron (Fe). 2.6. Experimental design and optimization study
The culture conditions were examined by implementing
2.3. Micro-organisms and stock cultures RSM to interpret the effect of important variables on
degradation. Based on one factor at a time experiment,
Freeze-dried microbial isolates Micrococcus luteus the four significant factors selected as the independent
(MTCC 4698), Rhodococcus equi (MTCC 6939) and variables were pH, Temperature (°C), Inoculum size (µL)
fungal isolate Aspergillus niger (MTCC 16888) used in and C/N ratio were studied and modelled for consor-
this study were purchased from The Institute of tium. A four-level Box – Behnken factorial design, con-
Microbial Technology (IMTECH) Chandigarh, Punjab, sisting of 30 experimental runs in one block with three
India. The cultures were revived according to American replicates at the centre point, was generated by the
Public Health Association [29] protocols. Stock cultures Design – Expert software (Stat-ease, trial Version
were refrigerated at 4°C in the refrigerator. Furthermore, 10.0.6.) This method is suitable for fitting a quadratic
for degradation studies of pollutants in greywater fresh surface and it helps to optimize the effective variables
cultures from stock were prepared. The above selected with a minimum number of experiments as well as to
bacterial and fungal strains were selected on the basis analyse the interaction between the variables.
of previous reports suggested for their degradation This design requires an experimental number of runs
potential [30–34]. according to
N = R4 + R3 + R2 + R + CP (1)
2.4. Culture maintenances, inoculum preparation
and isolation of micro-organisms where R is the factor number which is 4 in this case and
Cp is the number of replications at the centre point
The cultures were maintained on nutrient agar and which has been set at 5 in the present study.
potato dextrose agar (PDA) slants, respectively at 4°C The coded values (Table 2) of the process parameters
and preserved for further study. The stored cultures are determined by the following equation
(M. luteus (MTCC 4698), R. equi (MTCC 6939) and fungal
isolate A. niger (MTCC 16888)) were inoculated on nutri- Xc = Xa − (2)
ent agar and potato dextrose agar plates, respectively DXf
for growth. The inoculated medium with cultures was where Xc and Xa are the coded and actual values of the
statically incubated for 48 h at 32°C and 96 h at 37°C independent variables, respectively. Xo is the actual
for bacteria and fungus, respectively. From each plate, value of the independent variable at the centre point,
suspension cultures were also prepared in 100 ml of and Xf is the step change of Xa.
autoclaved inoculum media. The flasks, containing indi- The analysis of experimental data was performed to
vidual cultures, were kept on a shaker incubator estimate the response of the dependent variable fitted

Table 2. Level of different process variables in coded and un- variability [5]. Assembled consortium (M. luteus, R. equi
coded forms for degradation of pollutants in greywater. and A. niger) has been shown to possess tremendous
Factor range and levels(coded) potential for pollutant degradation in greywater. Grey-
Code Name of Variables −1 0 +1 water without any prior treatment was obtained directly
A pH 6 7 8 from the households. Preliminary characterization was
B Temperature (oC) 25 30 35
C Inoculum size (µL) 100 150 200 done in terms of organic load. The pH was slightly
D C/N ratio 1:1 1:2 1:3 acidic i.e. 6.2 and turbidity reported was 40 NTU. The
colour and order was milky and pungent, respectively
as judged by the senses of sight and smell. The electrical
into a second-order polynomial.
conductivity was 2048 μS/cm and total solid (TS) con-
Y = bo + b1A + b2B + b3C + b4 D + b12AB centration was 1910 mg L−1. Initial COD, oil & grease
+ b13 AC + b14AD + b23 AC + b24AD and sulphate values were 1165.6, 58 and 95.6 mg L−1,
respectively. Microbial growth and degradation exper-
+ b11A2 + b22B2 + b33C2 + b44D2 (3) iments were carried out at shaking and static conditions,
where Y = Predicted response, A,B,C,D are independent respectively. The pH of the greywater shifts towards
variables, b0 is the offset term, b1, b2, b3, b4 are linear neutral pH after treatment Table 1. The graphical rep-
effects, b11, b22, b33, b44, are squared terms and b12, resentation shows the reduction in turbidity 1.30 NTU.
b13, b14, b23, b24 are interaction terms. It may be due to the excess consumption of suspended
Statistical significance of the model equation and solids, by micro-organisms, as their macro-nutrients for
model term was evaluated by Fisher’s test and Analysis further growth. Similar decrease in the turbidity of
of variance (ANOVA). Quality of quadratic model wastewater was reported by Porwal et al. with the con-
equation was expressed by the determination of coeffi- sortium of mixed bacterial culture [36]. The electrical
cients R 2 and adjusted R 2. Optimal values are obtained conductivity was 480.70 μS/cm after treatment, as rep-
by solving the regression equation and three-dimen- resented in Figure 1. The observed reduction in EC
sional (3D) response surfaces were plotted by varying might be due to the use of ions by micro-organisms
two variable levels while keeping the other variables at for their growth and survival. Figure 2 shows the
a constant level to directly exhibiting the outcome of reduction in TDS and TSS. The organic contents along
independent variable on the responses. with other mineral ions of greywater could have been
metabolized by the micro-organisms to cause overall
reduction of total solids which also signifies the
3. Results and discussion efficiency of the consortium in the bioremediation
process. Gaikwad et al. had reported similar reduction
3.1. Greywater characterization in TSS and TDS by using microbial consortia of various
Greywater from domestic households is very difficult to bacterial species, namely Pseudomonas, Actinomycetes,
treat successfully because of their high compositional Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Streptomyces [37]. Figure 3

Figure 1. Reduction in Turbidity and Electrical conductivity (EC) after treatment with consortium.

Figure 2. Reduction in Total suspended solids (TSS) and Total dissolved solids (TDS) after treatment with consortium.

shows the performance of consortium in terms of water quality guidelines – Drinking Water Directive
reduction in BOD and TOC of the greywater. The result 2015/1787/EC and WHO (2008). The degradation
showed that the consortium accounted for the dynamics of the three significant parameters of grey-
maximum removal (454.5 mg L−1) of BOD and water viz., COD, oil & grease and sulphate are further ela-
(96.23 mg L−1) of TOC in 96 h. The consortium has borated and discussed separately by applying statistics.
shown slight reduction in BOD and TOC during initial
hours because of its negligible growth during this
3.2. Process optimization for pollutant removal
time. Considerable reduction in BOD and TOC has also
from greywater stream
been reported by Porwal et al. and Gaikwad et al. from
wastewaters by using bacterial isolates [36,37]. It is The experimental and predicted results of 30 runs, for a
also evident from Figure 4 that after consortium treat- study on the effects of four independent variables (pH,
ment, significant reduction in heavy metal concentration Temperature (°C), Inoculum size (µL) and C/N ratio) on
(Fe and Mn) is being recorded and similar such obser- the COD, oil & grease and sulphate removal, are pre-
vation was reported by Asare et al. [38]. However, con- sented in Table 3. The data for different coefficients
centration of heavy metals is in general low for and ANOVA are presented in Table 4. The correlation
untreated greywater samples according to the drinking coefficients of R 2 were 0.9140–0.9499 for all the

Figure 3. Reduction in Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and Total Organic carbon (TOC) after treatment with consortium.

Figure 4. Reduction in heavy metals, Iron (Fe) and Lead (Pb) after treatment with consortium.

responses, which shows that the equations were reliable. qualification of the model to predict the COD, oil &
According to Abbasi et al. [39], for a good fitness of grease and sulphate removal from greywater by
model, R 2 should be at least 0.8. Darvishmotevalli et al. microbial consortium. These values indicate that the
and Olmez reported that high R2 values suggest a regression model layout gives a good explanation of
great accordance between the experimental data and the association between the four factors and the
data estimated by the model [40,41]. Moreover, the F- response. Ahmadi et al. and Muhamad et al. reported
value of 9.91–17.59 and P-value of 0.0001 indicate that similar such regression model along with their factors
the obtained model is significant, confirming the and responses [42,43]. Taken into account the

Table 3. Box Behnken design-based experimental conditions for the treatment of greywater using bacterial–fungal consortium.
%COD %Oil & Grease %Sulphate
Run No. pH Temperature Inoculum size C/N ratio Experimental Predicted Experimental Predicted Experimental Predicted
1 −1 1 0 1 73.5 74.30 65.3 65.62 64.7 67.97
2 0 0 1 −1 64.8 63.55 58.4 58.80 64.3 69.18
3 −1 0 0 0 64.6 62.37 60.4 54.71 68.6 65.92
4 −1 0 −1 1 65.3 63.28 58.4 61.45 65.4 66.03
5 0 −1 −1 1 59.2 57.19 49.4 47.76 57.9 58.84
6 0 0 −1 0 63.2 66.91 57.9 58.71 65.7 65.92
7 1 0 −1 1 64.3 65.74 55.6 57.37 64.2 62.08
8 0 −1 1 1 59.2 57.92 49.4 45.69 58.9 55.45
9 −1 0 1 1 65.3 64.15 58.4 60.94 65.4 65.66
10 0 1 0 −1 68.5 68.78 62.7 64.83 69.6 67.63
11 0 0 0 1 62.5 62.65 59.7 59.61 64.9 66.10
12 0 0 0 1 62.5 62.65 59.7 59.61 64.9 66.10
13 1 0 1 1 62.5 64.82 64.5 65.76 75.8 73.31
14 1 1 0 1 76.4 76.32 72.4 72.33 76.4 80.73
15 0 1 −1 1 78.4 76.92 76.6 74.78 68.7 68.90
16 0 1 1 1 78.7 77.95 82.6 78.71 89.7 85.51
17 0 0 0 1 62.5 62.65 59.7 59.61 64.9 66.10
18 −1 −1 0 1 49.6 52.14 49.7 50.99 54.5 55.28
19 0 1 0 0 78.4 75.92 65.5 68.83 72.5 70.85
20 1 0 0 −1 59.3 58.77 57.1 57.26 63.8 63.23
21 1 −1 0 1 57.6 55.56 45.2 46.09 56.7 58.53
22 0 0 −1 −1 56.3 56.66 65.1 62.93 61.8 61.92
23 0 0 0 1 65.1 64.95 60.6 60.69 79.6 78.40
24 −1 0 0 −1 55.2 53.56 62.5 60.99 59.7 57.44
25 0 −1 0 −1 49.5 52.27 44.1 45.08 57.6 57.39
26 0 0 0 1 65.1 64.95 60.6 60.69 79.6 78.40
27 0 −1 0 0 51.8 51.81 46.6 48.78 58.4 58.51
28 1 0 0 0 61.4 60.28 63.2 59.18 64.8 63.82
29 0 0 1 0 59.7 61.80 61.3 64.69 66.9 71.88
30 0 0 0 1 65.1 64.95 60.6 60.69 79.6 78.40

Table 4. ANOVA for the percent reduction of pollutants in greywater.

Responses Source Sum of squares df Mean square F-Value P-value Prob > F
% COD reduction Model 1297.73 14 92.7 17.59 <0.0001 Significant
Residual 68.51 13 5.27
Lack of fit 68.51 9 7.61
Pure error 0.000 4 0.000
r2 0.9499
Adjusted r 2 0.8959
CV% 3.61
% Oil & grease reduction Model 1571.60 14 112.26 9.91 <0.0001 Significant
Residual 147.23 13 11.33
Lack of fit 68.51 9 7.61
Pure error 0.000 4 0.000
r2 0.9143
Adjusted r 2 0.8221
CV% 5.63
% Sulphate reduction Model 1621.38 14 115.81 9.87 <0.0001 Significant
Residual 152.47 13 11.73
Lack of fit 152.47 9 16.94
Pure error 0.000 4 0.000
r2 0.9140
Adjusted r 2 0.8215
CV% 5.12
DF: degrees of freedom of variance source; F: F-value of variance source; P: probability of error to be significant.

dependability of quadratic terms on linear terms, with all Adjusted R-squared value should be in close proxi-
the linear coefficients regardless of their significance mity to R-squared since it rectifies R-squared value for
included, the following second-degree polynomial the sample size and the number of terms in the
equation for COD, oil & grease and sulphate reduction model. Predicted R-squared must be in the range of
can be obtained and given as follows: 0.2 from adjusted R-squared. In the present study,
adjusted R-squared and predicted R-squared are in the
% COD = +62.00 + 2.23∗ A + 9.88∗ B + 1.96∗ C reasonable values indicating the adequacy of the
+ 3.26∗ D − 0.16∗ AB + 0.10∗ AC model. In similar kinds of optimization studies, Nair
− 1.19∗ AD + 0.000∗ BC + 1.26∗ BD et al.[44] and Ghafoori et al. [45] reported that predicted
R-squared must be 0.2 from adjusted R-squared denoted
− 1.51∗ CD − 1.06∗ A2 + 2.44∗ B2
that the regression models were well fitted. For reprodu-
+ 1.37∗ C2 − 1.09∗ D2 (4) cibility of model the value of the coefficient of variation
(CV) should be less than 10. The value for CV is 3.61–5.12
% Oil &Grease = +57.41 − 1.32∗ A + 12.71∗ B which is suggestive of a good model fit since the lower
+ 0.98∗ C + 0.90∗ D + 1.66∗ AB the CV, the smaller the residuals relative to the predicted
value. These findings are consistent with data reported
+ 0.72∗ AC + 3.571E − 003∗ AD
in previous studies [42,46–48]. To consider the relation-
+ 1.50∗ BC − 0.72∗ BD ship between the predicted values from the model
− 0.51∗ CD + 0.77∗ A2 values calculated by Equations (4)–(6) and the observed
− 0.39 B2 + 5.52∗ C2 values, the data obtained were very close to linear, indi-
cating that both values were accurate and reliable, as
− 0.34∗ D2 (5) shown in Figure 5.

% Sulphate = +68.23 − 5.28∗ A + 10.65∗ B

+ +5.95∗ C + 4.67∗ D + +6.04∗ AB
3.3. Interactive effects of factors on responses
+ 3.49∗ AC + −3.77∗ AD
Response surface as a function of factors can be plotted
+ 5.00∗ BC + 0.56∗ BD − 2.65∗ CD in order to exhibit the outcome of factors on the depen-
− 2.57∗ A2 − 1.57B2 + 1.47∗ C2 dent variable. The three-dimensional response plots are
− 1.92∗ D2 (6) the graphical representations of the regression
equation. The relationship between % COD, oil &
where A, B, C and D were the coded values of the grease and sulphate and the four independent factors
process variables, pH, temperature (°C), inoculum size (pH, temperature, inoculum size and C/N ratio) is
(µL) and C/N ratio, respectively. shown through 3D surface plots (Figures 6–8). The

Figure 5. Regression plots of the Predicted values against the Actual values from the response surface models describing (a) COD
reduction (b) Oil & Grease reduction and (c) Sulphate reduction using microbial consortium.

effect of each variable was further estimated by the use Figure 6(a) shows the interactive effect of two vari-
of three-dimensional response plots to show how the ables pH (A) and temperature (B) on percent removal
response changes as each variable moves from the of COD. COD reduction increases with the increase in
chosen reference point, with all other factors held at pH and then decreases with further increase of pH. In
constant reference values [49]. the case of temperature, less reduction can be seen at

Figure 6. 3D plot showing the interactive effect of (a) pH and temperature(b) pH and inoculum size(c) inoculum size and temp(d) pH
and C/N ratio(e) C/N and temperature(f) inoculum size and C/N ratio for COD degradation by using microbial consortium.

lower temperature and increases with the increase in Figure 6(b) the degradation of COD increases with the
temperature. Maximum COD degradation was found to increase in inoculum size and maximum results were
be 77.9% at pH 7 and temperature 35°C (Table 4). In obtained at 150 µL. Similar patterns of degradation

Figure 6 Continued

Figure 7. 3D plots showing the interactive effect of (a) pH and temperature (b) pH and inoculum size (c) inoculum size and temp (d)
pH and C/N ratio (e) C/N and temperature (f) inoculum size and C/N ratio for oil & grease degradation by using microbial consortium.

activity can be seen in (Figure 6(c–f)). From the figures, it 77.9, 78.7 and 85.5%, respectively under optimum
is inferred that percentage removal of COD increases conditions.
with the increase in pH, temperature, inoculum size
and C/N ratio. Similar patterns were obtained for the
3.4. Response prediction, model validation and
effect of process variables on oil & grease and sulphate
reduction in greywater and are depicted in (Figures 7
and 8). The maximum predicted values for degradation For validation of obtained combination of variables
of COD, oil & grease and sulphate were found to be through RSM, It is necessary to check the adequacy of

Figure 7 Continued

Figure 8. 3D plot showing the interactive effect of (a) pH and temperature (b) pH and inoculum size (c) inoculum size and temp (d) pH
and C/N ratio (e) C/N and temperature (f) inoculum size and C/N ratio for sulphate degradation by using microbial consortium.

the obtained model before analysing and predicting the models. Out of the all conditions applied, one solution
responses. The obtained model should show approxi- was then chosen for further process studies to confirm
mation to the actual test results, otherwise it may lead the validity of the statistical experimental strategies
to the poor results. The confirmatory experiments were with experimental data. The optimal reduction con-
applied on the predicted optimized conditions (Table ditions were as follows: pH 7, temperature, 35°C, inocu-
3) to establish the validity and acceptability of the lum size, 150 µL and C/N ratio, 1:2. The average

Figure 8 Continued

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