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A. Under normal condition:

All employees are required to undergo a baseline or initial medical health examination upon
employment and annually thereafter. The physical examination record which is attached with
other employee records (201 file) shall include but not limited to the following:
1. Complete medical and work history;
2. Physical examination (Pre-employment, During employment and Separation);
3. Other special examination (Pulmonary function test, blood panel, ECG >40 years of age,
4. Random drug testing.
Physical examination is also required to involved workers prior to assigning to a potentially
hazardous activity or workplace.

B. Under pandemic condition (COVID-19)

In compliance with the guidelines issued jointly by Department of Labor and Department of
Trade and Industry on “Interim Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19”, the
following safety and health standards, aligned with the minimum public health standards set by
the Department of Health shall be observed in any premises where the company has business

1. Workplace Safety and Health

a. Increase physical and mental resilience
 Emphasize to workers the everyday actions to stay healthy such as eat nutritious
food, exercise regularly, and have adequate rest;
 Provide free medicines and vitamins; and
 Provide referral for workers needing counseling or presenting with mental health

b. Reduce transmission of COVID-19

 Prior to entrance in buildings or workplaces, all workers shall:
£ Wear face masks at all times except when eating/drinking;
£ Accomplish daily health symptoms questionnaire prior to entry;
£ Have their temperature checked and recorded; and
£ Spray alcohol / sanitizer to both hands and disinfect shoes, if practicable.
£ Equipment or vehicle entering hub operational area must go through a
disinfection process; and
£ Roving officers should instill physical distancing of one (1) meter in areas
where there will be long queue.

For any personnel with temperature >37.5oC even after a 5-minute rest or if the
response to questionnaire needs further evaluation, the person shall be isolated in
the designated area and not be allowed to enter the premises.

 Inside the workplace:

£ All work areas and frequently handled objects shall be cleaned and
disinfected regularly, or at least once every two (2) hours;
£ All washrooms and toilets shall have clean water and soap;
£ Sanitizers shall be made available in areas where workers pass;
£ Workers shall practice physical distancing at minimum one (1) meter radius
space (side, back and front) between workers;
£ Eating in communal areas is discouraged. If eating in individual work area
is not possible, employer shall ensure that physical distancing is maintained;
£ Canteen and kitchens should be cleaned and

c. Minimize contact rate

£ Alternative work arrangements such as working-hour shifts, work from home,
where feasible and on rotation basis;
£ Prolonged face-to-face interaction between workers and with clients are
discouraged and masks shall be worn at all times and not removed;
£ Meetings needing physical presence shall be kept to a minimum number of
participants and with short duration;
£ Office tables should be arranged to maintain proper physical distancing;
£ Workstation layout should be designed to allow to unidirectional movement in
aisles, corridors or walkways;
£ Number of people inside an enclosed space and elevators shall be limited;
£ Use of stairs should be encouraged subject to physical distancing requirements;
£ Online system for clients shall be highly encouraged; and
£ Roving officers shall ensure physical distancing and observance of minimum
health protocols.

d. Reduce the risk of infection

 In the event that a worker is suspected as having COVID-19
£ Worker shall immediately proceed to the designated isolation area and
never remove his/her mask;
£ Clinic personnel attending to the workers should wear appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPEs) and if needed, should require transport of the
worker to the nearest hospital. Company protocols for transport and PCR
testing should be in place;
£ Decontamination of workplace
£ Workplace shall be decontaminated with appropriate disinfectant (e.g.:
chlorine bleaching solution and 1:100 phenol based disinfectant);
£ Work can resume 24 hours after decontamination of work area;
£ Workers present in the work area with suspected COVID-19 worker shall
go on 14-day home quarantine. If the suspected worker tested negative, co-
workers may be allowed to report back to work.
 In the event that a worker is sick or has fever but is not suspected to have
£ Stay at home and keep away from work or crowds;
£ Take adequate rest and take plenty of fluids
£ Practice personal hygiene to prevent spread of disease; and
£ Seek appropriate medical care if there is persistent fever, difficulty of

2. Duties of Employer and Employees

a. Duties of Employer
 Provide necessary company policies for the prevention and control of COVID-19
taken from DOH, WHO and reliable sources of information;
 Provide resources and materials needed to keep the workers healthy and the
workplace safe (e.g. masks, soap, sanitizer, disinfectant etc.);
 Designate safety officer to monitor COVID-19 prevention and control measures;
 Enhance health insurance provision of workers;
 Where feasible, provide shuttle services and/or decent accommodation on near-
site location to lessen travel and people movement;
 Enjoin the hiring from the local community; and
 Put up a COVID-19 Hotline and Call Center for employees to report if
symptomatic, and daily monitoring schemed of suspect employee condition.

b. Duties of Workers
 Comply with all workplace measures in place for the prevention and control of
COVID-19 such as frequent hand washing, wearing of masks, observing physical
 Observe proper respiratory etiquette;
 Cough and sneeze into tissue or into shirt sleeve if tissue is not available;
 Dispose used tissues properly; and
 Disinfect hands immediately through proper washing with soap and water or
alcohol-based sanitizer immediately after a cough or sneeze.

3. Workplace with Imminent Danger Situation

In workplace where workers are evidently at risk of infection (health-care and other
frontline services), the employer shall comply with DOH Memorandum No. 2020-
0178: Interim Guidelines on Health Care Provider Networks during the COVID-19
Pandemic, and shall take extra precautionary measures which include strict hygiene and
use of personal protective equipment.

4. Most At Risk Workers and Vulnerable Groups

Employers are highly encouraged to allow workers who are >60 years old, or, of any age
with co-morbidities or pre-existing illness (hypertension, diabetes, cancer or with
immunocompromised health status, or with high-risk pregnancy) to do work from home

5. COVID-19 Testing
Employers may test workers for COVID-19. Testing kits used and procured shall be the
responsibility of the employer.

Above guidelines may change and shall depend on the advice of the authority. Updates shall then
be published and observed.

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