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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Fandom: Linked Universe - Fandom, The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms
Relationship: Twilight & Wild (Linked Universe), Time & Twilight (Linked Universe)
Character: Twilight (Linked Universe), Wild (Linked Universe), Time (Linked
Additional Tags: Crying, Twilight (Linked Universe)-centric, Others are there but don't
have a real plot in the story
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Short stories
Stats: Published: 2021-04-13 Completed: 2021-12-01 Chapters: 2/2 Words:

by Acuberon_1285


''I'm always with you, even if you can't see me. I'm here.''


English isn't my native language

Decided to add a second chapter for extra drama

Chapter 1

Twilight fell down on his knees. His legs were like lead, unable to keep him up. But he didn’t
care, nothing cared now that he stared down at his brother, his heart beating fast in fear.

Wild’s skin was as pale as snow and his breathing was shallow. His hair was a bloody mess and
his eyes held the flash fear. They kept moving, as in a desperate try to keep himself focused on the
here and now. His hands lay on a wound in his abdomen. The blood oozed through his fingers and
turned his beautiful blue tunic into a dark-red, sticky mess.

‘’I don’t want to fall asleep, Twilight,’’ he whispered. ‘’I’m scared.’’

‘’Don’t try to talk,’’ Twilight murmured. It took him all his power to stay calm. For his brother,
but also for himself. ‘’I’ve got you…’’

Why didn’t he have a potion? And as if that wasn’t good enough, rain started to fall and drench
the two.

I won’t lose you, too! Twilight thought and bended over Wild to cover him from the rain.

He looked down on Wild and stiffened, his eyes were closed and his breathing had gotten even
more shallower than it already was.

‘’Hey! Don’t give up now!’’ Twilight slapped Wild on the cheek and the other’s eyes opened
ever so slightly. ‘’Come on, Cub. Look at me!’’

Wild gave a tiny shake of his head. ‘’I cannot journey with you anymore. I’m so sorry.’’

Twilight’s eyes filled with tears and he shook his head. ‘’No! I still need you!’’ He felt his heart
beat even faster. This wasn’t real. This wasn’t happening!

‘’You… You’re gonna have to be brave for me, okay?’’ Wild rasped, his voice hardly even a
whisper. ‘’I c-can’t be there with you, but… I know… you’re strong enough to do it on your own.’’

‘’You can’t die. I’m begging you!’’ Twilight cried.

Wild looked up at him and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. A small gasp
escaped him; then he fell limp.

Twilight felt a lump grow in his throat and he pressed his forehead against his brother’s. It was
already as cold as ice. He felt his eyes burn and it didn’t take long before the tears started to flow.
‘’It’s okay, Wild. There’s nothing be afraid of,’’ he whispered and gently turned Wild so that it
looked like he was sleeping peacefully. ‘’I’m sorry I failed you, I should’ve been there…’’

The rain slowly stopped and the sun started to break through the clouds. Twilight gently ran his
fingers through Wild’s hair and untied any knots.

‘’Remember that time in Warriors’ Hyrule? You pulled out that prank on us with the Goron
spice. I still have a sore tongue, you know,’’ Twilight murmured and smiled. ‘’And then Time had
demanded to make new dinner. You remember, right?’’

His smile faded away and sadness filled his heart. ‘’Come see me in my dreams every now and
again, okay? Until I meet you in our next life.’’
Twilight stood up and transformed into Wolfie to dig a hole for Wild. No way he was gonna
leave him here for crow-food. Dirt flew all around him and once the hole was deep enough, he
transformed back and gently picked Wild up. He walked over to the grave and carefully put Wild

He looked down one more time, before he covered the body of his brother with dirt. In his mind
yelled a tiny voice to stop. Maybe he was still alive and then he’d be buried alive! But Twilight
knew better… Wild was really gone.

‘’Good-bye, Cub,’’ Twilight whispered and took a step away from the small dirt pile. ‘’May you
have found peace and let the Light guide you through the Darkness.’’

He took another step back, his eyes filling with tears again, he tumbled over a tree root, but he
didn’t have the heart to turn his back at the grave. Because maybe if he did, the world would
collapse and crash down on him. But eventually, he turned and walked away, shoulders shaking
with every sob that escaped him.

Twilight stared up at the moon. The fire crackled and he heard the others mumbling and
whispering. But he blocked it out, caring not a tiny bit for the current gossips or rumours.

Everything had changed since Wild’s death. He sighed and rolled onto his side, turning his back
to the others. He hadn’t spoken to anyone of them since 4 days ago when he found the others. He
even didn’t speak to his Mentor, the man he trusted the most.

Every night Twilight would’ve stared at the sky, grief in his eyes.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. It sounded so simple, but nightmares haunted him. ‘’They
aren’t even nightmares, they’re memories…’’ he whispered and tried to block out the desperate call
for help from his brother and then the agonizing yell in pain as the Moblin’s sword struck its

No! Stop! Twilight thought and shut his eyes tighter, hoping that this time the darkness would
take him easier and give way to the light.

He felt himself being pulled deeper and deeper into sleep and suddenly a bright flash of light
awakened him. He stiffened and tried to understand where he was.

He stood in a flower field, every flower as white as the graceful stars at night. He looked around
and started to wander.


Twilight turned around and saw someone standing on a small green hill, golden hair flowing in
the breeze and cobalt-blue eyes were a blaze of starlight.

Twilight’s eyes filled with tears and a smile appeared on his face. ‘’Wild?’’ he whispered and
then charged forward. He skidded to a halt before his brother and wrapped his arms around him
and held him tight as if he let go, he would be gone.
‘’I miss you so much,’’ Twilight whispered. ‘’Why did you have to go?’’

Wild held on just as tight and started to speak, his voice echoed in the clearing. ‘’Everything in
the wild has its season. Where one thing falls, another grows. Maybe not what was there before,
but something new and wonderful all the same.’’

‘’But I feel so alone…’’

‘’I’m always with you, even when you can’t see me. I’m here.’’

A bright white light shone from Wild and Twilight had to close his eyes against the brightness.
When he opened them, he noticed it was dawn and the others started to wake up.

Twilight closed his eyes again and smiled. He knew everything would be alright now, Wild was
at peace and from the far distance a soft voice spoke.

‘’I’m here. Always.’’

Chapter 2

Twilight stood watch near a tree. He had his wolf pelt tight over his shoulders and had his arms
crossed over his chest to block out most of the winter cold. He looked over his shoulder to see his

It had been a few weeks for he was ready to talk again, and still he mostly kept quiet and distant,
his heart still grieving for his brother's death.

The moon had risen to shine high above the trees. Twilight knew it was time to wake Legend for
his watch, when a painful familiar voice sounded through the trees.

'' Hello... ''

Twilight turned to the sound and looked through the trees. ''Hello?''

'' I'm here... ''

A flash of pain and confusion surged through Twilight. He took a step forward. ''Wild?'' His
voice was barely a whisper.

''It's me... Hello...''

Twilight smiled when he heard his Cub's voice and began following the calls. He searched
through the trees, not caring for the Group. They'd be fine without him. He'd be back in no time,
they won't even notice he was gone. And when he returned, he'd bring Wild with him.

'' I'm here...! Hello... '' came the eery voice again.

''Wait! I'm coming!'' Twilight pushed branches aside until he skidded to a halt on a large
meadow. A thick layer of snow covered the grass. ''Hello?''

When it stayed quiet, he backed away again, shoulders drooped down with disappointment and
grief. It must've been his imagination.

'' Hello...! I'm here... ''

Twilight's eyes brightened up again and he ran over the meadow toward the woods on the other

Suddenly, birds flew up from the bushes, cawing in alarm and before Twilight could comprehend
what was happening, a group of Shadows was charging toward.

Frozen, all Twilight could do was watch how they got closer and closer.

Time shot up from the sound of cawing. He looked around camp to look for one person in
particular and gasped when he noticed him gone.


He scrambled to his feet and followed the other's footsteps that led toward the meadow. Time
searched the horizon until he saw Twilight standing in the middle of the open, completely
paralyzed as Shadows came toward him.

''Run, Twilight!'' Time yelled, but the man didn't hear him, his gaze fixed on the Shadows.

Time unsheathed his sword and ran forward, armor clanking as he tried to reach his Pup before
the Shadows. He skidded to a halt before the man and raised his sword. He killed the Shadows
with ease and shot his gaze toward the bushes on the other side.

A pair of red eyes glimmered in the undergrowth.

''Run, Twilight!'' Time yelled, but Twilight's eyes were blank. ''Go! Now!'' Time grabbed his
Protégé's shoulder and pulled him out of his trance.

Twilight blinked a few times before he ran back to the woods, Time behind him. They stopped
close to camp, where Twilight turned to his Mentor.

''But it was Wild!'' he protested, his eyes wide. ''I heard his voice!''

''It was one of Dark Link's tricks!'' Time snapped back and sheathed his sword.

''I'm sorry...''

Time looked his Protégé straight in the eye, anger surging through him. ''What if I hadn't gotten
there in time? You could've been...'' His voice trailed away. ''When I tell you to run, you run!
Never freeze like that, EVER!''

Twilight looked at the ground, hurt by his Mentor's words. ''I'm sorry...''

Time's anger faded and he sighed. ''Let's go back to the Group,'' he murmured and laid a gentle
hand on Twilight's shoulder and led the man back to the others.

Sitting down on his bedroll, Twilight looked up at Time with a sad glance in his eyes. ''He's
never coming back, is he?'' he whispered and his eyes filled with tears.

Time sighed sadly. ''No,'' he whispered. ''He won't...''

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