MEETING AGENDA - MGT10001 Group Assignment Presentation

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MEETING AGENDA – MGT10001 Group Assignment Presentation


Objective: Discussion of Group Assignment Project

Date: 23/10/2021
Location: Microsoft Teams platform
Time: 8 P.M – 10 P.M
Chair: Nguyễn Hồng Minh
Timekeeper: Huỳnh Gia Hân
Note Taker: Nguyễn Ngọc Ngân Hà

1. Nguyễn Hồng Minh

2. Huỳnh Gia Hân
3. Nguyễn Trung Hiếu
4. Khưu Bảo Khang
5. Nguyễn Ngọc Ngân Hà


Please read: Assessment 2 – Group Presentation instructions on Canvas

Please prepare: Ideas for the issue include using (one of) the management roles of planning,
organizing, leading, or managing to efficiently control a global crisis, such as the current
COVID-19 pandemic, or an environmental issue.


1. Group work Discussion

1.1 Roles of group members [Who will take on the different roles in the meeting?]
o Facilitator: Nguyễn Hồng Minh (NHMinh)
o Monitor: Nguyễn Trung Hiếu (NTHieu)
o Recorder: Huỳnh Gia Hân (HGHan)
o Devil’s advocate: Khưu Bảo Khang (KBKhang)
o Note taker: Nguyễn Ngọc Ngân Hà (NNNHa)
1.2 Group decision process [How will your group decide?]
− Planning: Each person describes the problems, then do the list of issues for team to
discuss, go to decision which is the best solution to apply with clear and persuasive
reasons. We can apply one of the four management roles and explain why we choose
this topic.
>> We have proposed a number of issues as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak such
as overheated economy and overproduction.
− Determining alternatives: All members will conduct the research on the issues and
decide whether it is appropriate for the assessment.
− Choosing the most reasonable alternative: We have all agreed to choose the human
resources difficulties in Ho Chi Minh City after the pandemic using the controlling
1.3 Group work processes [How will you put the presentation together?]
− Choosing a presentation video rather than a PowerPoint presentation. The video will
comprise a filmed intro, animation, and voice dubbing.
2. Task Discussion
2.1 Choice of organisation scenario:
− Scenario 1: Do the research on Google Docs and give the result.
− Scenario 2: Do the research on Real-life situations that occur in HCMC and give the
− Scenario 3: Do the interview on the selected companies currently in HR difficulty and
give the ideas.
>> Based on the results, team propose the plan.
2.2 Plan for set task [What are you going to do?]
− Make a Google Docs document and work together on it.
− Explaining the problems and why this circumstance happened: NHMinh
− Researching for real-life situations that occur in Ho Chi Minh City: KBKhang, NNNHa
− Interviewing companies that are having difficulty handling human resources and
finding solutions: HGHan, NTHieu.
2.3 Alternative courses of action:
− Interviewing firms should be limited.
− Investigate several types of newspapers to determine the current situation.
2.4 Division of tasks [Who does what, by when]
− NNNHa: script example, voiceover example, cameraman (before 25 Oct 2021)
− NTHieu: script + talk solution-summary, cameraman (before 27 Oct 2021)
− KBKhang: script example, script intro, main editor (before 27 Oct 2021)
− NHMinh: script reasons, voiceover reasons, editor of behind the scenes (before
26 Oct 2021)
− HGHan: script + talk solution-summary, intro editor (before 27 Oct 2021)

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