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About Techno Air Systems:

Established in 1987 we want to build a better working world through our own actions and by engaging with like-
minded organizations and individuals. This is our purpose — and why we exist as an organization.
Running through our organization is a strong sense of obligation to serve a number of different clients who count
on us to deliver quality and excellence in everything we do.
When business works better, the world works better.

Profile 1: Sales and Marketing Intern

Enhancing OE (Organization Effectiveness) by developing Functional processes, Customer Experience,

customer relation interface, Solving cross functional bottlenecks, Reviewing performance, Digitizing business
process, Delivering management workshop for functional leaders and Transforming key business areas through
Strategic and Business Intervention
Business Forecasting
 Analysis of trends, Mapping business potential, universe calculation, tabbed and none
tabbed market analysis and forecasting growth in line with scenario.
Strategic planning
 Define business strategy and prepare Annual Operating plan and translate AOP into
functional operating plan and define the roadmap along with other CXOs
Business Goal setting
 Translate Business Strategy into measurable operational Goals & Objectives & translate
objectives in to functional KRA. Introduced MBO in entire construction process.
Monthly Business performance Review
 Review of functional objectives, Activity plan v/s achievement and project performance
review as per construction planning with functional stake holders.
 Review monthly Revenue target v/s achievement with sales stake holders and
Financial Strategy
 Developed financial strategies by analyzing trends, identifying requirements, forecasting
growth and anticipating changes. Actively involved in Annual Business planning & monthly
cash-flow review. Developed framework for HR Contingency plan.
Workforce Planning
 Analysis &Assessment of existing talents through Talent Mapping, Talent Gap Analysis,
Talent Allocation and fitment for the projects during project planning stage. Allocate
workforce as per scheduling.
Group operating expenses budget
 Review, allocation and Approval of group operating expenses budget along with finance
and Accounts.
 Monthly review of cost centers of group companies along with Accounts deptt.
Construction process Re-engineering
 Analysis of entire construction process, Process mapping and re-engineering as per
business needs.
Monthly Business Review
 Review the business target of sales & Recovery. Conduct monthly review of all functions
along with Management.
Organization design & Restructuring
 Analyzed the dis-functional aspects of workflow, procedure, structures and systems,
realign to fit current business goals & developed plans to implement new matrix structure.
Cross Functional Team Review
 Conduct cross functional team meeting to analyze & solve cross functional bottlenecks for
smooth day to day operation.
Business process Re-engineering
 Business process mapping, Analysis & reengineering of process flow to enhance Customer
experience, client satisfaction and employee engagement.
Business Strategic Initiatives
 Get involved with promoters in Financial Forecasting, New vertical planning, Cash flow
projection & Review, Financial risk analysis, Process change, policy discussion & other
strategic initiatives.
Review of performance Index
 Initiated C-sat(Customer satisfaction Score)CSI (Customer satisfaction Index),ESI
(Employee satisfaction index),VSI (Vendor satisfaction index, NPS (net promoter score)&
Group Performance Index.
 Monthly analysis of index and devise KPIs for different functions accordingly.
 Benchmarking, validation and adopting of competitive process and policies with industry
leading player.

Sales & CRM Incentive SchemeDesigned sales & CRM incentives schemes for staff on fulfillment
of sales and recovery target.

Annual HR operating Plan in line with Business Strategy
 Design HR road map in sync with Annual Business strategy and prepare Annual HR
Business plan.
Annual HR Budget
 HR Budget formulation, allocation & control amongst group companies on the basis of
Annual Business Forecasting.
Job Design
 Job analysis, define job role, review its key components, tasks & accountabilities &
redesign job by job rotation, enlargement & enrichment. Initiated multi-skilling for project
technical staff.
Process Digitization
 Introduced digitized HR, R&R, Project e-Learning, CRM, Construction Training Dashboard &
Communication Dashboard through Personalized Mobile-App with ESS and MSS.
Change Management
 Demonstrated success in Managing change by developing strategy, managing
communication, facilitating Mangers, handling resistance, building support & recognizing
Guidance to Management
 Guide management on matters of HR financial decision, Structural Change, Organization
Development and policy amendment.
 Implementing talent Management by effective talent assessment, Talent fitment, Talent
development, engagement, Talent review, Reward and Recognition, Motivation, Succession
& Retention.
Competency based Talent Acquisition
 Designed and implemented competency based Talent Acquisition process (Handled
Headhunting of CXOs volume sales force recruitment.)
On Boarding
 Initiated On-boarding with organizational & Functional orientation, Value proposition, role
clarity & goal clarity.
Compensation Management
 Industry benchmarking, correction, normalization and standardization of compensation
Performance Appraisal
 Implementing KRA based PMS System, Developed Operating model & trained the HODs
and staff on PMS Process.
Balance Score card
 Designing framework and implemented Balance score card and developed matrix for 4
perspectives i.e. financial, Internal process, Customer & employees learning & growth.
Employee Engagement
 Started employee engagement activities to facilitate team spirit, dependability & to
increase employee loyalty.
Rewards & Recognition
Introduced performance Linked Rewards, value proposition and standardize PLI structure for all

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