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When choosing technology solutions, several criteria should be evaluated.

What criterion
description below is NOT true?
 Users should find the technology easy to use and intuitive.
 The solution should be flexible to integrate with existing and future technology.
 The solution should include security protocols to protect data and integrate with
existing technology
 The solution should be the appropriate size to meet the organization's current
Technology should be chosen based upon five criteria—flexibility with existing and future
technology, scalability that enables the solution to grow efficiently and economically, security
that protects data and integrates with existing technology, usability for ease of use, and
extensibility so data from both existing and new technology can be incorporated.

2. In which of the following types of cultures is a detailed contract, as opposed to a verbal

agreement or a handshake, more likely to be a necessity?

 Ascriptive
 Outer-directed
 Universalist
 Particularist
Universalism focuses on rules and the existence of one right way, while particularism embraces
many right ways, relationships and trust. In a universalist culture, a written, detailed agreement
or contract is likely to be a necessity. On the other hand, in a particularist culture, a strong
handshake agreement may be sufficient, and requiring a written agreement may be perceived
as an insult.

3. Which of the following sample measurements is the LEAST appropriate for evaluating
an organization's global diversity?
 Percentage of managers who speak the official language of the corporation
 Percentage of global executives from non-headquarters countries
 Effectiveness of cross-border teams
 Percentage of managers with experience in multiple countries
Although global communications may be substantially improved when all managers speak the
same language, this is not necessarily an indication of global diversity. In fact, the language
requirement may systematically discriminate against employees not aligned with the culture of
the headquarters company. The other items listed reflect measurements that might be used to
evaluate the organization's global diversity.

4. Measuring and analyzing metrics like time to hire, ratio of workers' compensation
claims to the employee population, and turnover try to:
 Measure validity
 Measures association between variables
 Assess HR effectiveness
 Calculates return on investment

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Metrics like time to hire, ratio of workers' compensation claims to the employee population,
and turnover assess HR effectiveness. Return on investment (ROI) is one metric used in HR
audits that attempt to measure HR effectiveness. However, none of these metrics measure
the direct value of expenditures on HR activities. Additional information is needed to
measure ROI. For example, statistics about turnover over time is required to measure the
value added of an employee reward recognition program that HR has implemented in the
last six months. In addition, validity and the association between variables have nothing to
do with these metrics. Validity is the extent to which a measurement instrument or test
accurately measures what it is supposed to measure. On the other hand, association
between variables is the degree to which the occurrence of two variables or events are

5. What plays an important role in the overall fairness of the performance evaluation
 Goal setting
 Employee's self-assessment
 Good documentation
 Performance appraisal errors
Ongoing documentation is essential and can make the difference between winning or losing an
employee lawsuit. More importantly, good documentation plays an important role in the overall
fairness of the evaluation system. Up-to-date performance information helps the manager
explain the comments in the formal performance evaluation.

6. After a merger or acquisition, HR’s main contribution to assist management maintain

productivity is to
 Conduct a job satisfaction survey
 Reduce costs by altering the benefits plan.
 Offer leadership development opportunities.
 Identify an integration manager.
In general, integration is the process by which two companies combine after a merger or an
acquisition is announced, and pre-combination activities are completed. The most critical HR
issue for the success of this integration stage is selection of the integration manager.

7. Which of the following financial statements would you use in order to calculate gross
profit margin?
 Income statement
 Statement of cash flows
 Assets
 Balance sheet
The formula for gross profit margin is Gross Profit / Total Sales, where Gross Profit = Sales -
COGS. The financial statement that would easily provide this information is the income
statement. The income statement reports on a firm's sales, expenses, and profit or loss of a
business on a periodic basis, usually one year. You would not be able to calculate gross profit
margin off the balance sheet alone because the balance sheet merely provides an overview of a
company's financial position showing the status of a company's assets (everything a

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corporation owns or that is due to it), liabilities, and equity at a given time. In addition, the
statement of cash flows only reports the flow of cash in and out of a firm for a set period,
usually one year. It reports the operating activities, investing activities and financing activities of
the corporation. Although you may not be able to calculate gross profit margin with only the
balance sheet or only the statement of cash flows, you would be able to perform the calculation
if you had access to both the balance sheet (over time- at least the current year and the prior
year) and statement of cash flows.

Which of the following signifies way of ensuring an effective meetings?

A. Ensure everybody arrives early

B. Make record of all points discussed and circulate them

C. Make an agenda and follow it

D. Choose an appropriate time and venue

Option C: The definition of an effective meeting- A meeting that adds real value to
companies, one that produce ideas, give direction, strengthen bonds and renew vigor.
The only way to ensure this is to have an agenda that clarifies the purpose of the
meeting and follow that agenda.

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