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1.1 Background

Language shows the nation. Indonesia consists on various tribe, every tribe
has their own language as communication tool between their communities besides national
language which is Indonesian language. The language which is had by every tribe is called
region language. The region language in Indonesia is nation culture tool that very precious
and meaningful, because the region language can be eternal and become a variety culture in
the community.

As a form of thoughtfulness to region language, then researcher decides Muna

language as an object of the research by considering that Muna language as one of region
language in Indonesia that has same position with the others language as local identity such
as Jawa, Bugis, Tolaki, Wolio, etc. Muna is an Austronesian language spoken on the island,
Muna, located off the southeast coast of the crab-shaped island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Same
with the other region, Muna Language also has language variation. Muna language consists
of two dialect, they are tongkuno dialect and Mawasangka dialect.

Morphologically all the words in sentence or paragraph have the formation

process which is called word formation. As I have explained before, Indonesia has a lot of
region language that used for local identity. Every single tribe or territory use their language
and learn about the morphological process where they have to be able to use their language in
every context appropriately. Trough this paper I would like to deliver some material about
the alteration form of region language morphologically. In this case, I will explain the
changing form of Muna language especially for Mawasangka dialect. In morphology we
know about the derivation and inflection system. So it is important for us to know how every
word in Muna language could change through the affixes of language.

1.2 The Formulation of The Problem

1. What are the form of affix in Muna language especially for Mawasangka dialect?

2. How are affix in Muna language especially for Mawasangka formed?



2.1 Basic Comprehension

1. Morphology process
Morphology process is one of base from linguistic. It is the process of forming the
words by connecting one morpheme to another morphemes. Morphology process
probably has basic form such as main word, complex form, phrase, or word. Badudu
(1977:27) said that morphology process is word formation process of how the words
are constructed by connecting the morphemes.
2. Affix
Ramlan (1987:55) explained that affix is grammatical unit which is bunched in some
words. Every affix definitely has the bunched morpheme. It means in usual ranks, it
cannot stand alone and has free characteristic grammatically.
Verhaar (2006:107) divided affix for three kinds, they are :
a. Prefix, it supplemented in the left. Basic of this process called prefixed.
b. Suffix, it supplemented in the right side. Basic of this process called suffixed.
c. Infix, it supplemented in the base of word which is called infixed.
d. Confix, simulfix, amfibix, or circumfix, it supplemented in two side in the left
side and in the right side. The process called conifixed or cicumfixed.
3. Decription of Muna language in Gu-mawasangka
The language experts have been making description of this dialect such as Mursalin
and his friends (1992) with title Mawasangka language structure (struktur bahasa
Mawasangka). In their research, they concluded that morphemic process in
Mawasangka language is not systemic and rare to be found. Besides, it has affixes in
Mawasangka language. It consists of :
a. Prefix : ka (N)-, fe-, fo-, po-, me-, ko-, paha-, noka-, noti-, nopo-, manso-, dan
b. Infix : um-.
c. Suffix : -i, -e, -o, -mo-, -no,
d. Confix : po-i, feka-ie, foko-e, koa-a.
2.2 The Form of Affixes in Mawasangka dialect

1. Prefix ne-
/tambu/’timba (bucket) /netambu/’menimba (bailing)
/gunti/’gunting (scissors) /negunti/’menggunting (cutting)
/suawi/’sisir (comb) /nesuawi/’menyisir (combing)
2. Prefix me-
/jari/’jaring’ (seine) /mejari/’menjaring’(catching)
/tambu/’timba’ (bucket) /metambu/’menimba’(bailing)
/gunti/’gunting’(scissors) /megunti/’menggunting’(cutting)
3. Prefix po-
/golu/’bola’ (ball) /pogolu/’bermain bola’(playing football)
/temba/’senapan’ (rifle) /potemba/’saling menenbak’(shooting)
/kapulu/’parang’ (chopping knife) /pokapulu/’saling memarangi’(chopping)
4. Prefix noti-
/kamalo/’cat’ (paint) /notikamalo/’tercat’ (painted)
/paso/’paku’ (nail) /notipaso/’terpaku’ (sticked)
/hasu/’racun’ (poison) /notihasu/teracuni’ (poisoned)
5. Nominal inflection with affix ka-
/paso/’paku’ (nail) / kapaso/’pemaku’
/tambu/’timba’ (bucket) /katambu/’penimba’
/kunsi/’kunci’ (key) /kakunsi/’pengunci’
6. Nominal inflection with affix fe-
/tei/’laut’ (sea) /fetei/’menyerupai laut’ (similar with sea)
/kauhi/’binatang’ (animal) /fekauhi/’menyerupai binatang’ (similar with animal)
/oe/’air’ (water) /feoe/’menyerupai air’ (similar with water)
7. Nominal inflection with affix manso-
/tei/’laut’(sea) /mansotei/’pelaut’ (sailor)
/lagu/’lagu’ (song) /mansolagu/’penyanyi’ (singer)
/ome/’kebun’ (farm) /mansoome/’pekebun’ (farmer)
8. Suffix i-
/gaha/’garam’ (salt) /gahai/’garami’ (salting)
/gola/’gula’ (sugar) /golai/’gulai’ (sugaring)
9. Suffix e-
/palu/’palu’ (hammer) /palue/’palulah’ (hammer it)
/kahakadi/’gergaji’ (saw) /kahakadie/’gergajilah’ (saw it)
/kabua/’pancing’ (fishing rod) /kabuae/’pancinglah’ (fishing it)
10. Confix fe-…-e
/sala/’celana’ (pants) /fesalae/’pakaikan celana’ (wear me the pants)
/badu/’baju’ (clothes) /febadue/’pakaikan baju’ (wear me the clothes)
/kacamata/’kacamata’ (glasses) /fekacamatae/’pakaikan kacamata’(wear me the
11. Confix foko-…-e
/suara/’suara’ (voice) /fokosuahae/’berikan suara’(give me voice)
/mina/’minyak’(oil) /fokominae/’berikan minyak’ (give me oil)
/oe/’air’ (water) /fokooee/’berikan air’ (give me water)



From those explanations we can conclude that :

 Morphology is the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other
words in the same language. It analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such
as stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes.
 In Muna Language there are two dialect, they are Tongkuno dialect and Mawasangka
 In dialect Mawasangka, there are some affixes. They are :
1. Prefix : ka (N)-, fe-, fo-, po-, me-, ko-, paha-, noka-, noti-, nopo-, manso-, dan
2. Infix : um-.
3. Suffix : -i, -e, -o, -mo-, -no,
4. Confix : po-i, feka-ie, foko-e, koa-a.
Badudu, J.S. 1975. Morfologi Bahasa
Brataatmaja, T.Heru Kasida.1987.Morfologi Bahasa
Chaer,Abdul.1987.Linguistik Umum.Rineka Cipta.
Keraf,Gorif.1991.Linguistik Bandingan HistoryJakarta.
Parera,Jos Daniel.1990.Morfologi.Jakarta:Gramedia.
Tarigan,H.G.1985.Pengajar Morfologi.Bandung:Angkasa.
Verhaar,J.W.M.2006.Asas-asas Linguistik Umum.Gadjah Mada Universitas Press.




Name : Akbar Ibnu Zen

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