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BMT6195 Innovation Management L T P J C

2 0 0 4 3
Pre-requisite Nil Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. To make students understand multiple-perspective approach in organization to capture knowledge
and creativity to develop successful products and services for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and
Ambiguous (VUCA) world.
2. Inculcate a disruptive thought process to generate ideas for concurrent and futuristic problems of
society in general and markets in particular which focus on commercialization
3. Improved understanding of organizational best practices to transform exciting technology into
successful products and services
Expected Course Outcome:
At the end of the course Students will be able to
1. Understand the role of innovation in gaining and maintaining competitive advantage
2. Comprehend the different sources of innovation
3. Integrate the innovation basis and its role in decision making especially under uncertainty
4. Analyze business challenges involving innovation management
5. Critically assess and evaluate innovation policies and practices in organizations especially from a
cultural and leadership point of view
6. Explain why innovation isessential to organizational strategy – especially in a global environment
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 2,9,12,18
Module:1 Introduction to Innovation Management 3 hours
Innovation – What it is? Why it Matters? - Innovation as a Core Business Process – system thinking
for innovation – Framework for System Thinking - system thinking tools

Module:2 Sources and Transfer of Innovation 2 hours

Innovation Networks

Module:3 Decision Making Under Uncertainty 2 hours

Building Innovation Plan

Module:4 Creating New Products and Services 5 hours

Product and Service Innovation – Exploiting Open Innovation and Collaboration –The Concept of
Design Thinking and Its Role within NPD and Innovation – framework for design thinking

Module:5 Capturing Innovation Outcome 6 hours

New Venture – Benefits of Innovation, and Learning from Innovation – Building Innovative
Organization and Developing Innovation Strategy - Globalization for Innovations, Innovating for
Emerging Economies and Role of National Governments in Innovation

Module:6 Guest Lecture from industry experts on 2 hours

contemporary trends in Innovation

Total Lecture hours: 20 hours

Project:Team of maximum 6 students would undertake the project. The 60 Non-contact

faculty coordinator would provide the topic based on the modules. hours
Text Book(s)
1. Joe Tidd, John Bessant (2013), Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and
Organizational Change, 5th edition, Wiley.
Reference Books
1. Schilling, M (2013), Strategic management of technological innovation, 4th edition, McGraw Hill
2. Irwin.
Allan Afuah (2003), Innovation Management: Strategies, Implementation and Profits, 2nd edition,
3. Oxford University Press.
Michael G. Luchs, Scott Swan, Abbie Griffin (2015), Design Thinking: New Product
4. Development Essentials from the PDMA, Wiley-Blackwell.
John Boardman, Brian Sauser (2013), Systemic Thinking: Building Maps for Worlds of Systems,
5. 1st edition, Wiley.
Rich Jolly (2015), Systems Thinking for Business: Capitalize on Structures Hidden in Plain Sight,
Systems Solutions Press
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Assessment (Midterm, Quiz, Assignments and mini projects ) and
Recommended by Board of Studies 11.03.2019
Approved by Academic Council No. 54 Date 14.03.2019

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