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The World's Bait

(Inspired by the verses of Samyutta Nikaya 1:3,4)

Time is fleeting;
Days and nights pass in dizzying succession;
There is no shelter for one who has grown old;
Seeing this danger - the imminence of death,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

This dream swiftly disappears;

All that is thought and experienced is unreal;
Not a thing remains of this illusion, this play of light.
Seeing this Truth - that everything is erased,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Conditions ceaselessly alter:

There is no refuge to be found in the world.
Incessant change is suffering:
no finality can be reached;
Knowing this danger -
that the worlds are in flux,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Desires cause suffering;

The characteristics of each and every being

is manifest from desires;
Desires carry one from one world to the next;
Seeing this Truth -
that personality is a composite of desires,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Involvements with impermanence bring suffering;

Whatever is thought, said, or done,
is like extending one's hands towards a
Better to be like stone, or dead wood:
unmoved by whatever occurs.
Seeing this danger -
that the world cannot be relied upon,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The Universe is an ocean of shifting conditions;

Where conditions ceaselessly alter
there is no possibility of peace;
Where there are only conditions
there is no self-being, nor anything
Seeing this Truth -
that body-and-mind is a temporary creation,
void of independent self-existence,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

All appearances are momentary by nature,

like shapes that are drawn on water;
Words are empty - mere transient sounds;
Thoughts and deeds are gone
the instant they occur;
Seeing this Truth - that all is Empty, not truly there,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

This has come to be;

Consciousness rises from conditions,
like fungus from the damp earth;
And who knows, after death,
where consciousness may rise again?
Seeing this danger -
that wherever modes of self-existence arise,
it is there that such beings are found,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

All is an empty dream;

No consciousness can truly be found;
This luminous moment is an illusion,
like a rainbow appearing out of conditions.
Seeing this Truth -
that suffering is an illusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

This personality is conditioned,

bound up with culture, world, and time;
Feelings, perceptions, and thoughts

rise from contact, like passing reflections;
The mind is like a mirror: temporary and unowned.
Seeing this danger -
that this body-mind is an illusion
with no real person within,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Thoughts have neither substance nor origin;

They issue forth from Emptiness
and seek involvement with impermanence;
All knowledge, including the insight into emptiness,
is identical in substance to a dream;
Seeing this Truth -
that thoughts do not actually exist,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

No beings are possessed of self;

Perceptions are empty, and occur in Emptiness;
Emptiness is the substance of all that is;
Finding this Truth -
that all is Empty: all is One,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Personal existence is a fleeting illusion;

The notion 'I exist' is merely a deluded thought.
From the perspective of the Eternal,
all things are like sunlight glittering on water:
illusory, uncreated, and undestroyed.

Seeing this Truth -
that all formations are momentary
appearances in the Eternal,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Detachment is liberating:
See the world from the perspective of the Eternal.
Know this body and mind as a momentary illusion,
like a rainbow arisen from conditions:
ownerless, and empty of self-being;
like a dewdrop sparkling in the sun.
Seeing this Truth - that there is only the Eternal,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

There is only Emptiness:

There are no individually existing beings.
Like leaves that grow from a single tree,
all beings have Emptiness as substance and
Seeing this Truth -
that all is united in Emptiness: all is One,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Whatever has been given a name has no name;

Whatever appears to have form is not actually
Like colours in space, like yesterday's dreams:
such is this illusion;

Seeing this Truth -
that absolutely not a thing is,
or has ever been,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The world exists only as thoughts;

Like clouds in the clear sky -
ceaselessly changing,
disappearing without a trace,
but thoughts cling to the momentary shapes;
Thoughts themselves do not exist,
how then can there be an existent world?
Seeing this Truth - that not a thing is,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Speaking only at the right time,

With kind intentions,
Words that are beneficial, and true,
And seeing this danger -
the delusion of opinions and views,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Desires are insatiable;

Beings seek to grasp, to have, to consume,
but all is unattainable by nature;
Experiencing momentary delight
one craves ever more,
but whatever is experienced is an illusion;

Seeing this danger -
that to the end of time
there is no such thing as 'enough',
A seeker of peace - stopping right here, right now -
should drop the world's bait.

Not a thing exists;

What is deemed existent is an ignorant conception;
It is the outcome of clinging
to that which does not exist;
Understanding this Truth -
that from ignorance as to the momentariness
of reality,
there arise desires and clinging,
which evoke the false spectre of existence,
accompanied by notions of 'birth' and 'death':
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Beings have their origin in sperm and ovum:

What therein could constitute a self?
When death comes, everything disappears:
thus, there is no person here, even now.
Understanding this as it is -
origination and cessation,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

This mind is a fleeting experience;

Fuelled by desires it thinks: 'I exist. This exists';

But nothing here is existent, all is an illusion:
like a rainbow - appearing from conditions,
like a reflection - ungraspable,
like a mirage - not truly there,
like a walking corpse - an impossibility;
Seeing this danger -
that desires manifest delusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Whether one dies from a disease, or from old age,

or in a flood, or in bloody war,
All are merely manners of cessation;
It is of no consequence to the dead,
and the world's continue ceaselessly to
Seeing this danger -
the undesirability of birth, life, and death,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

So long as desires are appeased

life seems wonderful;
But when desires are not met there is
a wailing and gnashing of teeth;
Thus, beings continue on the rounds -
grasping, gaining, losing;
Seeing this danger -
that this vortex of cycles is suffering,
and never ends,

A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Existence is a delusion:
nothing anywhere is possessed of self;
All beings are like bubbles on water:
Arisen out of conditions, they are fleeting
Seeing this Truth - that no entity is self-created,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Thoughts are suffering;

The mind, arising from conditions,
becomes entangled in illusions.
Whatever is thought about is impermanent:
what is impermanent is not really there;
Awakening to this Truth -
that thoughts, too, are impermanent,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Understanding that this has arisen from conditions,

and that existence is an error of thoughts,
Purify the mind of all desires and thinking;
Remain focused on breathing -
the pillar of the Miraculous.
Knowing this danger -
that thoughts misconceive what is empty,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Forms, feelings, perceptions, thoughts,
consciousness: all are impermanent.
What is impermanent is suffering;
what is suffering is not self.
When this is realised the journey is over.
Penetrating this Truth - the truth of suffering,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

All this is a passing illusion.

Desires, involvements, and thoughts
are nothing but suffering.
When this is thoroughly understood what more
could possibly be achieved?
Understanding this Truth -
that it is best to be detached,
living alone and aloof,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The worlds are ablaze.

Where will you go that the eye
will not experience pleasure and pain?
Where will you go that the eye
will not experience gain and loss?
Realising this Truth - that there is no perfection
to be found anywhere in the world,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The worlds are ablaze.

Where will you go that the mind and senses
will not be surrounded by impermanence?
Where will you go that the mind and senses
do not experience alteration, change and
Understanding the Truth -
that in impermanence there is only suffering,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

If the mind is at peace then all is at peace,

regardless of where one finds oneself.
If the mind is not at peace,
then there is no place on earth that is
Thus, only see to it that the mind is at peace.
Seeing this Truth - that foremost of all duties
is to pacify the mind,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

If the mind is liberated then one is free,

regardless of where one finds oneself.
If the mind is not liberated then even a Paradise
will be unsatisfactory.
Thus, only see to it that the mind is liberated.
Seeing this Truth - that wrong thinking is an
affliction which causes suffering,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Mind, body, and world are fleeting illusions.
When the mind is liberated and at peace
there is no longer anything existent;
How then could there be any concerns
for the future, the present, or the past?
Seeing this danger -
that greed, hatred, and delusion
are the outcome of clinging,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Just as a mirror can only reflect objects

that have been placed before it,
So the mind occupies itself with contacts
that have been made.
Whatever one is thinking is like a reflection,
or an echo: it is merely the result of contact.
Seeing this Truth -
that the mind is preoccupied with contacts
which are instantly gone - already in the
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The mind moves amongst conditions which are

momentary - ceaselessly changing;
The mind too is conditioned
and cannot be grasped;
There is only a cloud of fleeting conditions:
not a thing truly exists.

Seeing this Truth -
that all is empty, a momentary illusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Whatever is thought about is not truly there;

Thoughts themselves have no real existence.
There is only this Emptiness:
this momentary display.
Seeing this Truth - that not a thing is,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Thinking: 'It exists', one is entangled in the world.

Knowing: 'There is nothing', one is free.
When all is understood to be like an ungraspable
dream, what could one possibly desire?
Knowing this danger -
that reality is a mere construct of thoughts,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Leave aside the temporary world:

Whatever occurs is instantly in the past;
There is nothing in the present:
all is an illusion, a dream;
Knowing this danger -
that all desires are a delusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Whatever one is thinking - is it truly important?

Lying on one's deathbed will one think:
'These are thoughts I wish to take with me;
these are thoughts to which I will cling' ?
Is it not better, recognising thoughts as topical,
temporary and worthless, to discard them
here and now?
Knowing this Truth - that it is best to dwell in Purity,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Lying on one's deathbed, there is only one security:

To pass from this world with a mind that is Pure -
Free of craving, free of harmfulness,
free of confusion.
Knowing this Truth - that a pure mind
is the greatest of all assets,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

At the level of atoms,

where is seeing and hearing to be found?
At the level of atoms,
where are thoughts to be found?
Considering that this body is composed of particles,
all of which are ceaselessly moving and
altering, how can there be consciousness?
Seeing this Truth - that form is Emptiness,
and Emptiness is form,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Those who wish to change others, or the world,
are lost in confusion;
Those who endeavour to train and tame
their own selves, arrive at happiness.
How can one possibly enlighten others
when one is not enlightened oneself?
Knowing this Truth -
that the first priority is to be free
of greed, harmfulness, and confusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The mind of each and every being is disfigured

with desires, ill-will, and confusion;
Ordinary people, confused, are like monkeys
grasping at the reflections on a pond;
Liberated beings are like the image of the full moon
reflected on the calm clear surface of a lake.
Seeing this danger -
that until one cures one's own mind
of its afflictions,
one will continue to re-arise in worlds
that are base,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The heart is not separate from the body:

body and heart are one;
The body is not separate from the Universe:
the Universe and the body are One.

All beings are like corpuscles:
a part of the indivisible Whole.
Understanding this danger -
that greed and ill-will are a disease,
the outcome of confusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Which is more important:

the heart, the stomach, or the brain?
If any organ, overcome with greed or ill-will,
were to attempt to seize power,
the entire organism would perish.
Similarly beings, deluded by notions of individuality,
cause suffering for all, and for themselves.
Understanding this Truth -
that a healthy organ will be found
in a healthy body,
and a diseased organ will be found
where there is disease,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The antidote to greed is contentment with little;

The antidote to ill-will is friendliness
towards all creatures and beings;
The antidote to confusion is to awaken to
the inescapability of death.
Understanding this Truth -
that a state of health

is a state of purity and harmlessness,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Abiding in Nothingness one is free:

There is no greed, no ill-will, and no confusion;
There is no grasping, no clinging, and no suffering.
Knowing this danger -
that any wish to heal the world
implies there is a world to be healed,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Abiding in Nothingness one is free:

There is no existence, no birth, and no aging,
no disease, and no death;
There is this dream, but it has no being:
it is not, and never was.
Knowing this danger -
that the subtlest desire
evokes the falsehood of existence,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Involve yourself in the dream

and the dream appears to be real;
Be detached, and the dream is known for what it is.
It is not that there is anyone dreaming,
but that momentary conditions evoke this
Observing this Truth -

that every instant disappears,
the instant it occurs,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Being attached to the dream, the dream exists.

Being detached, there is nothing existent.
When detached, one knows:
there is nobody here,
and nothing to be done.
Realising this Truth -
that all is a passing show:
nothing truly is, and nothing remains,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

A shifting display of conditions,

and not a thing besides;
Existence is merely imagined-
the outcome of clinging.
What is imagined, clung to, and not real -
that is suffering.
Understanding this as it is -
that reality is wondrous,
but ignorance is suffering,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

All beings are afflicted with three diseases:

desires, ill-will, and confusion.
Driven along in a diseased state, one suffers,

and causes much suffering.
What is the use in seeking knowledge of the world
while one's own mind
is overcome with afflictions?
Understanding this Truth -
that every being in the world is afflicted,
and the foremost responsibility
is to cure one's own self,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

One who is liberated is forever content:

They appraise the world with impartial calm clarity,
and friendliness towards all beings.
For this indeed is Nibbana -
the extinguishing of desires, ill-will,
and confusion.
Knowing this Truth -
that for so long as one is diseased,
nothing will ever be satisfying,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

These are to be known as the Asuras -

those who delight in destruction.
These are to be understood as the Devas -
those who feel that conditions of beauty
should be nurtured and preserved.
But all are caught up in desires, ill-will,
and confusion.

Penetrating this Truth -
that conditions are impermanent, empty,
and ceaselessly changing,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

On the beach, some children delight

in building beautiful sand-castles;
Others delight in smashing castles down.
All are caught up with desires, ill-will, and delusion.
Knowing this Truth -
that from the start all is impermanent:
nothing can be gained, nothing is lost,
nothing can be preserved,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

One who is wise takes no interest

in formations of sand:
They seem neither to build, nor preserve,
nor destroy.
Understanding the unceasing wash
of the mighty ocean,
they are liberated!
Seeing this Truth -
that the universe is an ocean
of ceaselessly shifting conditions,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Consciousness is nothing more

than arisen conditions;
It comes to be,
like a rainbow, a bubble, a burning flame.
It is a fleeting occurrence,
impermanent and unowned.
Seeing this Truth -
that nothing exists apart from the universe,
and the universe is not something separate
from any one thing,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Like a flame igniting,

consciousness does not come from
Like a flame extinguished,
consciousness does not depart.
Like a flame igniting,
consciousness comes back into being.
Understanding this Truth -
that what one clings to as 'self'
is merely defined by conditions
of wanting, ill-will, and confusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

What is 'wanting'?
It is the desire to have, the desire to experience,
the desire to know, and the desire to cease.
From wanting comes the delusion of duality:

of an independent subject amongst objects.
Seeing this danger -
that one is defined by one's wants,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

What is 'ill-will'?
It is anger, annoyance, resentment, dislike, envy,
ill-feelings, and hatred.
From ill-will comes the delusion of duality:
of an annoyance and one who is annoyed.
Seeing this danger -
that one is defined by qualities of ill-will,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

What is 'confusion'?
It is not knowing what is good and what is bad,
what is right and what is wrong;
It is not knowing that all beings are afflicted
with selfish-desires, ill-will, and confusion;
It is not knowing that all things are conditioned;
It is not understanding that all is impermanent,
empty, and fleeting by nature.
It is not knowing that desires are insatiable;
It is not knowing that there is
no independent self-being.
Understanding this danger -
that one is defined by qualities of confusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

What is 'contentment'?
It is the antidote to 'wanting'.
It is ease of living, joy in simplicity,
and happiness with little.
It is being happy with any dwelling, any food,
any clothing, and any medicine;
Like a blind person who suddenly sees,
it is being astonished at the experience of
no matter what it is that is seen;
Like a deaf person who suddenly hears,
it is being astonished at the experience of
no matter what it is that is heard;
Like a corpse that suddenly raises a thought,
it is being astonished at the fact of thinking,
and not cherishing any particular thoughts.
Knowing this Truth -
that contentment leads one to liberation,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

What is 'friendliness'?
It is the antidote to 'ill-will'.
It is Friendliness towards all creatures and beings,
wishing them well, being compassionate,
living in harmlessness,
sacrificing one's desires,

letting things be what they will.
Knowing this Truth -
that friendliness leads one
to sublime happiness
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

What is 'impartial calm clarity'?

It is the antidote to 'confusion'.
It is knowing that all beings are afflicted
with selfish desires, Ill-will, and confusion.
It is knowing that all things arise from conditions.
It is knowing that all is impermanent,
fleeting, and empty.
It is knowing that the universe is an entirety:
One, and not two.
It is knowing that there is no independent
Knowing this Truth -
that clarity requires concentration,
mindfulness, and effort,
and is nurtured by calm meditation,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

To be stationed in the eternality of death,

and yet cognisant of the light of living;
To have no independent identity,
and be That which animates all entities;
To know that this moment is a fleeting dream,

in the midst of eternal Nothingness;
And to be content, friendly, and at peace -
such is the experience of liberation.
Knowing this Truth -
that really is a dream
arisen out of conditions,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

For one who is stationed in death,

how could there be such a thing as dying?
For one who has never been born,
how could there be any clinging to life?
For one who abides in eternal Nothingness,
how could there be such a thing
as existence?
Knowing this Truth -
that liberation is beyond all description,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

One who is liberated feels in anonymity

and utmost simplicity;
They have no use for fame, fortune, or recognition.
They are neither superior, nor inferior,
nor equal to anyone else.
Seeing this danger -
that fame and fortune are the province
of desires, ill-will, and delusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

This moment, being presently experienced,
Is already in the past.
Who is it that clings?
And to what?
Seeing this Truth -
that this moment is an empty vision,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Like clouds, altering forms in the sky -

now a dragon, now a castle, now a ship:
Thoughts ceaselessly take on new shapes;
But all disappears into nothingness -
only the blue sky, immaculate, remains.
Knowing this danger -
that thoughts evoke a reality,
but thoughts absolutely do not exist,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Let those who wish to destroy, destroy;

Let those who wish to create and preserve
be happy.
One who is calm and gentle,
friendly and non judgemental,
is beloved by all.
Knowing this Truth -
that like clouds in the sky,
like visions in a dream,

nothing is created, and nothing destroyed,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

One who lets thoughts dissolve

like clouds in the sky,
Who is free of clinging, free of identification,
and free of thoughts,
Is the happiest of all beings.
Knowing this Truth -
that this experience is beyond defining,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Nothing to do, nothing to be done,

nothing left undone;
When this dream is over, everything disappears.
For one who sees correctly,
there is nothing, even now.
Understanding this Truth -
that this experience has arisen,
but there is nobody here,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

The hells pass, and disappear into nothingness.

The heavens pass,
and disappear into nothingness, too.
Not a thing can be clung to,
not a thing can be grasped:
all is ceaselessly changing.

Seeing this Truth -
that this moment is a momentary illusion,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

If one knows there is nothing,

But still harbours selfish desires, concerns,
and annoyances -
then these are still something!
For one who is truly liberated,
there is sublime purity -
not a thing at all.
Knowing this danger -
that concepts are one thing,
and real freedom another,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Wood that is wet cannot make sense of fire;

But wood that is dry becomes one with the flame.
If one wishes to penetrate wisdom,
one must alter the fundamental nature
of one's being.
Understanding this Truth -
that only those who obliterate selfish desires,
ill-will, and confusion
attain to real liberating insight,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Just as clouds are transformations of vapour

in the sky,
All formations are transformations of dust
in empty Space.
Seeing, hearing, thinking -
all occur in empty Space.
Knowing this Truth -
that all is a passing display,
void of location and time,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Empty Space - all occurs in empty Space:

Space is the foundation and the being.
These bodies, these minds, this consciousness -
all are temporary and unrepeatable,
But Space, beyond all formations, endures.
Seeing this Truth -
that the foundation of all formations
is eternal,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Whether at the level of atoms,

Or in the midst of infinite Space,
All contacts are momentary illusions.
Seeing this Truth -
that whatever occupies the mind
does not actually exist,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Whether at the level of atoms,
Or in the midst of infinite Space,
Where are desires, ill-will, and confusion
to be found?
Seeing this Truth -
that whether at the level of atoms,
or in the midst of infinite Space,
there is no separation between things,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

Whether at the level of atoms,

Or in the midst of infinite Space,
Where are seeing, hearing, tasting, and thinking
to be found?
Seeing this Truth -
that whether at the level of atoms,
or in the midst of infinite Space,
there is no location,
no measurement,
no existence, and no time,
A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.

This moment is like a dream:
surreal, stainless, and empty;
Everything transforms and disappears,
like clouds that leave the sky unstained;
There is no individual being, no existence,
no birth, and no death;
Nothing is created, nothing abides,
and nothing is destroyed;
All thoughts, speech, and actions are empty
and never occur.

There are no beings,

nor any beings that have ever been;
Nobody realises enlightened,
nor is there anyone lost in ignorance;
Nothing is attained, nothing is lost;
There is no time:
no beginning, no middle, and no end;
Everything is beyond definition, and unknowable.

This moment is not, and has never been;

There is no contact, no feeling, no craving,
no clinging;

There is no consciousness, no mind-and-body,
no perception, and no thoughts;
The arising and disappearing
of the countless things
are momentary illusions:
like sunlight glittering on water,
like a rainbow in the sky;
There is only the Eternal:
stainless, serene, empty,
indescribable, and unaltering.

A seeker of peace should drop the world's bait.


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