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Topic 6 Internship Reflection

Jorge Romero II

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD-519: Clinical Internship I: Learner-Centered Leadership

Dr. Lesane

July 20, 2022


Topic 6 Internship Reflection

Relationship with Principal Mentor

The relationship with my mentor has been efficient throughout my first internship course.

During the ninety-two hours of internship that we collaborated, I learned about the diverse roles

and responsibilities that a school leader takes on to be successful. Additionally, I understood the

importance of creating a leading collaborative team to share tasks and decrease stress or

workload during the summer. This summer has been unique for our school due to the transition

we are making in grade levels, but it has provided opportunities to learn about the process it

takes to develop a new school campus.

Significant Leadership Experience

One significant leadership experience that I participated in was revising and modifying

the master schedule for next school year. My mentor provided a draft copy of the schedule that

addressed kindergarten through eighth grade instructional minutes, related arts schedule, time

slot for days when students are not in related arts, lunch periods, and collaborative team time for

grade level teams. I was able to use my expertise as a physical education teacher and having

familiarity with the other related arts teachers to suggest adjustments for prep periods and

adequate days to have our collaborative team meetings. Furthermore, my mentor also had

conversations with the assistant leader to gather feedback from her previous school and how they

aligned their master schedule with related arts. One aspect that I considered insightful during this

activity was learning how to align the meetings with related arts periods to ensure general

education teachers would have efficient time to meet with their team on a weekly basis. From an

athletic director’s perspective, this experience will help me as I plan athletic events throughout

our campus site and develop practice times for teams to have access to facilities and fields

without interference or delays.

Connection to ELCC Standards

The opportunity I had to analyze and modify the master schedule gave me a grasp of

what my role as an athletic director will be in regard to scheduling practices and athletic events.

It is an essential aspect of school as it develops a consistent routine for teachers and students to

be prepared and focus on learning. In my case, I will need to provide coaches and student-

athletes with the adequate learning environment where they will have time and resources to

improve their athletic abilities. This approach aligns with the Educational Leadership Constituent

Council (ELCC) standards as it is illustrated in standard 2.2 where “Candidates understand and

can create and evaluate a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular and instructional

school program” (National Policy Board for Educational Administration, 2011). Overall, my role

will also require collaboration with other administration members and coaches to help build a

successful athletics program.

Focus and Application

There are areas of leadership that I look forward to focusing on more to enhance my

leadership skills. One area I will emphasize is collaborating with external stakeholders that

include local businesses, alumni, and donors. This opportunity will occur once we begin school

and events start being planned by committees. Another area I will focus on in the next course is

engaging in school decisions that associate with budget funding, behavior systems, and testing-

based data. This is an area that I am interested in engaging since it will also correlate with my

role as athletic director for my site.



National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2011). Educational leadership program

recognition standards: building level.


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