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Lecture 1: 25/01/2022

No mid-term just end term

3rd session Case: The Foghorn Decision:

Understanding the lifecycle; are all projects
doable, project selection
Around 3rd 4th session i.e., 8th feb Quiz
Session 7th Teradyne Corporation: The Jaguar Project:
Francesca Gino & Gary Pisano: 9-606-042
Next sessions Quiz

Project Management

Skeletal schema of a project includes 3 elements:

 Time (Deadlines)
 Scope (Goal/ performance/ quality)
 Cost

Role of PM: We have diff dept which have different priorities, interests, interpretations but project
manager has a common link between them has to deliver what is expected.

A project is a unique process, consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start
and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective confirming to specific requirements including
constraints of time, cost and resources.

 Unique: it is to be focused on because there are some features that could be standardized
but some things are unique to the project.
E.g Airports are being manufactured, they have some kind of commonality in terms of
structure but there is something that makes it unique may be geographical area where its
constructed, décor, culture.
 Specific objectives (the project product)
 Constraints (especially: limited time frame)

Projects may form part of a larger project. E.g mangalyan, chandrayan. The exhaust system, fuel
system or navigation system can be considered as individual projects but are the part of these
big projects such as mangalyan. This will be a project in a project mode.

Project in a process mode: If we talk about different concultancy or even in s/w companies there
are people who are on a bench. Some of them are deployed on the projects when there is a
requirement of those people but after the project is over they are again put on bench.
It is possible to manage non-project processes as projects. Sometimes we want to bring in efficiency
so we define milestones, we will complete this and we will allocate this much budget to this part.
Even if its long process we divide it into small parts and execute it into project mode.

There are diff dept and suppose a new product is to be launched, other than employees from R&D
people from sales, marketing, production, QA and make a team who will work on new product
development (which is a project).
So, can we say that a after a new product is launched then managing it or enhancing it would be a

One thing to focus on is that as we have limited time, we need to maintain agility and flexibility so as
to implement it at correct time and look at it from a holistic view.

Common project elements:

 Product specification
 Project plan
 Time frame
 Budget
 Cost plan
 Statement of quality required
 Identification of areas of uncertainty
 Risk Management: Evaluation & responses

Reasons why the govt collaborates with private firms could be different. For e.g., GST
implementation is a PPP project, Arogya Setu, passport seva by TCS. In some cases, it’s because
govt doesn’t have technological expertise with the govt. Another example could be the new
parliament building that is being created is in partnership with TATA. We can analyze that in one
part it is purely public delivery and on other side it’s a purely private delivery.
BOLT: there could be a lease time and then one would return the amount to the govt.

Factor intensity Oriented which would be something around labor intensive, capital-intensive,
TECHNOLOGICALLY intensive whichever factor is more important we define project accordingly.
For e.g., roads being made under manrega so those are labor intensive projects.

Causation- oriented projects: Sometimes there are reasons for which the project has been
undertaken and that would define our project.

Magnitude oriented Projects: Small scale, large scale, mega scale projects. This could be based
on the budgeted amount.

Iron triangle/ Project management trade offs

This is true for any and every project. Maneuver between these 3 things

 Scope
 Cost
 Time

Here we actually define the scope i.e., what is part of the project what is not part of the
Specifications are already specified now and adhering to these specifications is the
performance we are expecting. There are 5 approaches to quality e.g., transcendental
approach: Whatever is best is the quality. It is an oldest approach. Next is
Manufacturing quality: The specifications are in the product then it is a quality product.

Lecture 2

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