Literature Review Staffing

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Literature review


A strong human resource staffing strategy as well as other personnel management practices
should be in place in order for a company to grow efficiently. Staffing is really the method of
human resource management in which individuals with the requisite expertise, skills and
abilities are found, attracted, employed and retained to meet the roles of current and future
organizational employment (Pangemanan, 2015).

A very expensive exercise is hiring workers. This is also an integral aspect of every
organization and it benefits to provide it correctly. When companies select the right
individuals for the position, teach them well enough and handle them well, these individuals
not only deliver excellent performance, and thereby prefer to remain with the company
longer. In such cases, the preliminary and on-going commitment of the company with them
is effectively rewarded. A company would have all the innovative tech and the finest
resources, but will fail to produce the results it needs since it doesn't have the proper
personnel. This extends throughout the broad range of business operations, such as
colleges, hospitals, legal practices, hotels, aviation, and manufacturing industry (lakshmi,

Adeyemi et. Al (2015) also claimed that in the recruiting and selection process, workers must
all be handled equally and continuously monitored to ensure that they enhance their

In a review of the effects of recruitment and selection criteria on organizational efficiency,

Ekwoaba, Ikeije, and Ufoma (2015) found that staffing requirements have a major influence
on the performance of a company the more objective the selection and recruitment
specifications, the higher the performance of a company

Considering that the efficiency of human resources of a corporation relies significantly on the
efficacy of its recruiting process, recruitment and selection are found to be key critical in
determining the strategic goals of the company to influence organizational performance. The
ultimate goal of the staffing process would be to achieve the correct amount and quantity of
workers at the right moment and at reduced expense. It may be a daunting task to find the
right candidate, but the organization's integrity ultimately depends on the individuals it hires.

Empirical research on employee staffing concentrate on both the responses of candidates to

recruiting strategies and the overall effects of staffing. The usefulness of various employee
recruitment and selection procedures was primarily evaluated by analyzing the retention,
work stability and employee performance statistics along with staffing activities, such as
recommendations by current workers, in-house job posts and the rehiring of former staff.
Research usually suggests a constructive and important correlation between the recruiting
process and the performance of the company. Staffing increases productivity and benefit
development in multilevel staffing models. In this sense, improved employee performance
standards contribute to increased business efficiency by lowering costs and rising production
(Nikolaos & Eleanna, 2019). Only a limited review of the literature revealed positive and
meaningful relationships with regard to the impact of staffing practices on job performance
(Madiono & Mill, 2016).

Recruitment has been one of the factors that can influence the performance of employees
and is supported by Castetter's opinion, that shows that the execution of recruitment that
wasn't in line with the strategy set out can create issues such as high performance, high
levels of employee absence, sometimes too late. It will bring in more skilled workers with a
successful recruiting, so the performance would also be better. The effective recruiting
method would have a positive effect on employee retention, efficiency and quality of work
(Patimah, 2015). From past studies, the relationship between employee retention and
employee performance is established. Retention of employees has a direct beneficial impact
on employee results. This implies that the greater retention of employees would improve the
efficiency of employees.

In research literature, the preplanned role of staffing and selection is widely mentioned. It
stressed that recruitment and selection are structured tools of HRM practices used by
recruiters and candidates to choose from a pool of applicants and candidates best qualified
to succeed in the job, provided organizational lines and authorized boundaries. The general
aim of recruiting and selection is to have a database of potentially eligible work applicants for
the company. It implies that staffing has a positive relationship with efficiency of employees,
the dedication of staff and the standard of work in the company. Argue when we identified
the main stages of a structured staffing style and selection as role analysis, job clarification,
and individual specification, they supported interviewees through different staffing
approaches (Patimah, 2015).

The second edition of the title of a book "Human Resource Management" was almost in
accordance with Foot and Hook even as staffing and selection process was labeled as
consisting of three stages. Job analysis, job description and person criteria are the three
main stages open to them. Effective staffing and selection practices enable the company
and the applicant to better determine the extent to which the person hysterics need the job
and comply with all appropriate regulations. Staffing and selection seems to be the firm's
best hope of choosing candidates who they trust will be most qualified for the
accomplishments of the mission. Selection as a well-organized process for selecting
candidates with the skills and qualifications needed to fill a vacancy in a company. In several
inspections, recruiting and selection in small and medium-sized companies have reported
that seeking able employees has been one of their key crucial challenges. Industries are
also not the career jobseekers' employers of choice. Due to unique reputation that small
firms have as employers, medium-sized companies face difficulties. Now the government
has introduced some designed programs to enable small and medium-sized enterprises to
hire and recruit graduates, such as having a supervisory organization in Turkey, to assist a
medium-sized enterprise that supplies young graduates with salaries for a defined amount of
time (Zeb, Abdullah, Javaid, & khan, 2018).

Recent research has shown that, in relation to younger workers, personal traits such as work
performance and engagement change with age and senior workers can respond differently
to the very same HRM practices. The influence factors of age mostly on interaction between
development activities, maintenance practices and employee performance were examined
by Kooij et al. The research indicates that with age, the interaction between growth practices
and employee performance improves. In order to distinguish the effects of HRM practices on
organizational participation and in-role actions, a far more recent research by Korff et al.
(2017) centered on social exchange.

Shortage of staffing and it negative impact

Previous research has established employee shortages as a major indicator of

organizational success. The roles and tasks of current workers increase whenever there is a
lack of labour, that leads to errors and other shortfalls and adversely affects individual
efficiency, client service, and eventually organizational performance. As per Ingersoll, there
is still a growing trend of teacher shortages and attrition in the U.S. education sector,
particularly at school level, that directly impacts school performance, with pay, work climate,
tension, and work ethics becoming the main factors accountable for such shortages. The
study emphasized that, only if the teacher turnover rate could be minimized, traditional
education measures such as teacher recruitment systems can not address staffing problems
(and increase academic performance). The shortage of teachers is an indication of
underlying issues that can lead to uncertainty and affect organizational functions.
Understaffing in educational institutions, as per the study, create staffing problems that
directly impact student success, effective teaching and eventually lower organisational
performance (Cheema & Asrar-ul-Haq, 2017).

Understaffing in educational institutions, as per the study, create staffing problems that
directly impact student success, effective teaching and eventually lower organisational
performance. During the period of recruiting and hiring, one of the researched stressed the
value of a quality management process, provided that it is difficult to get the right type of
staff. In particular, while crediting the significance of recruiting decent candidates whom were
difficult to find, while Patimah cautioned that skill deficiency is not linked to the massive
population. Whereas reporting that staffing seems to be the only element of recruiting and
keeping skilled professionals, it is important for the process engaged during recruitment and
recruitment of good candidates. Though this research demonstrated the recruitment
methods used by specific job seekers at multiple stages, in addition, the research highlighted
the significance of various methodologies used for the process of hiring, which then in fact
creates every company well-known or less developed.


The hiring of new and growth of employees is clearly, increasing the morale of the workers
and the degree of emotional commitment of public sector organizations to their different

The strong relationship among hiring and employee performance suggests that recruiting
and selection strategies could be an effective investment for organizations as they enhance
individual performance by adding person with high potential and motivation to a company
and presenting them with the ability to succeed. Furthermore, building on the principle of
social exchange, when workers obtain positive consideration through the introduction of
recruiting policies, they compensate the company by being effective in their work. In
addition, staffing is helpful in decreasing information asymmetry for employers, enabling
workers to be recruited to reach higher levels of efficiency. In addition, staffing enhances
efficiency by fostering a performance-oriented organizational structure. Notably, when
workers believe like their company is enforcing a fair and non-discriminating staffing
procedure in the recruiting and selection process, individuals may perform much better.
Cheema, J. R., & Asrar-ul-Haq, M. (2017). Effects of staff participation, morale, and shortage
on organisational performance: An international survey. Issues in Educational
Research, 677-696.
ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT IN ITeS. European Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, 2755-2764.
Madiono, S. E., & Mill, K. (2016). THE IMPACT OF RECRUITMENT, EMPLOYEE
BATIK INDUSTRY IN SOLO CITY, INDONESIA. International Journal of Business
and Society; Sarawak , 375-390.
Nikolaos, P., & Eleanna, G. (2019). Staffing practices and employee performance: the role of
age. Evidence - Based HRM, 93-112.
COMMITMENT . Jurnal EMBA, 3(1), 173-182.
Patimah, S. (2015). he influence of recruitment and selection on the performance of state
elementary school principals Bandar Lampung. International Multidisciplinary
Journal, 165-190.
Zeb, A., Abdullah, N. H., Javaid, M., & khan, M. A. (2018). Impact of Human Capital
Management Practices on Employees’ Job Performance. Journal of Physics:
Conference Series.

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