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Effective Date March

Chapter 4
Waiting Line Problems: Where they Occur & their Effect on Business


This is a pre-assessment test that aims to know your prior knowledge about the topic.

Fill in the blanks: Write True on the blank provided if the statement is correct,
otherwise write false
______True___1. There are four parts to a service line or system.
______False____2. The time taken by a server to complete service is known as
waiting time in the system.
_____False____3. Queuing theory is one of the oldest and most widely used
quantitative analysis techniques.
___False______ 4. There are three parts to a queuing system.
____True_____ 5. The service system is characterized by the number of waiting lines,
the number of servers, the arrangement of the servers, the arrival and service patterns,
and the service priority rules.
____True_____ 6. Waiting lines may be finite or truncated.
___False______ 7. The entry points, waiting lines, service channels and exit points are
the four components of waiting line system.
____False_____ 8. The statistical pattern of the arrival can be indicated through the
probability distribution of the number of the arrivals in an interval.
____True______ 9. If more than one customer enter the system at an arrival event, it
is known as bulk arrivals.
_____False_____10. Reneging customers enter the queue but become impatient and
leave without receiving their service


FILL IN THE BLANKS. Enumeration.

1. ____Balking_______ refers to customers who refuse to join the queue

2-3. Reneging customers enter the queue but become _____impatient____ and
____leave_____ without receiving their service
4. A ___finite_____ population scenario considers a fixed or limited size of customers
visiting the service counter.
5. If more than one customer enter the system at an arrival event, it is known as
_______bulk arrivals________.
6-10. The ______service system__________ is characterized by the number of waiting
lines, the _______number of servers________, the arrangement of the
___servers____, the arrival and ______service patterns____, and the _______service
11. A ______waiting line system________ is when a person or object spends time
waiting in a line for an activity or transaction to happen.
12. When a ________low level of service____________ is experienced in a waiting
line, a customer can be dissatisfied with their experience and not return.
13-15. Enumerate the three measurements used to determine the economics of a
waiting line.
1. Population
2. Wait time
3. System utilization rate

VI. ASSIGNMENT (10 pts/2 each)

I’m going to share my experience in waiting line when I got my vaccine. It has
worst and best experience the worst thing is I waited 11 hours to get my
vaccine I started at the back of the lines at 8 am in the morning and got out at
7pm in the evening. It was my first dose and I did not know the line is long and
has to pass a couple facilities before the actual vaccination room. The best
thing happen is I met some friends in front and back of my line because we
are there for so long and started to complain at each other and talk until we
got out. I realized how queue and waiting lines is important to be organized
and have concept to avoid longer queuing process.


Name: John Vincent M. Samonte Date: May 12, 2022

Year and Section: 2-1 Score:

Instructions: ENUMERATION (20 pts)

1. Three basic components of a queuing process.
 Arrivals
 Service facilities
 The actual waiting line
2. Three parts to a queuing system
 Arrivals or inputs to the system (sometimes referred to as the calling
 The queue or waiting line itself
 The service facility
3. Four Basic Queuing System Configurations

4. Components of a Waiting Line System

 The entry points
 The waiting lines
 Service channels
 Exit points

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