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Request for Proposal

Online Booking Platform


Request for Proposal


Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

Table of content

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................................................................................2

1. COMPANY INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................3
2. PROPOSAL GUIDELINES .......................................................................................................................................3
3.1 Website High-level Overview ....................................................................................................................4
3.2 Project Details .............................................................................................................................................5
3.3 High level Requirements ............................................................................................................................5
3.4 Collaboration Guidelines ............................................................................................................................7
4. SOLUTION CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................................................................10
4.1. Business ....................................................................................................................................................10
4.2. Technical (suggested technology) ........................................................................................................10
5. CONTACT ............................................................................................................................................................11
6. PROPOSAL AND PROJECT TIMELINE ..................................................................................................................12

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

1. Company Information

Adoreal brings an ecosystem designed to improve customer experiences &

improve outcomes via disruptive technologies in the aesthetics space. Adoreal
consists of several entities whereof a two-sided market between consumers and
treatment providers place is a main feature.

2. Proposal Guidelines

This Request for Proposal represents the requirements for an open and
competitive process. Proposals will be accepted until March 18th, 2022. Any
proposals received after this date and time will not be considered on the
selection process.

If the vendor submitting a proposal requires to outsource or contract any work, to

buy or subscribe to 3rd party software, libraries or platforms (online or on-prem) ,
or requires any additional cost to meet the requirements contained herein, this
must be clearly stated in the proposal.

All costs must be itemized and must include any outsourced or contracted work
or additional costs and be explicit with the additional costs that Adoreal needs to
continue paying after the contract completion. In addition to the costs, proposals
which call for outsourcing or contracting work, and 3rd party software must
include a name, description of the companies providing the service or product,
contact and reasoning why it was needed.

Costs must be presented in USD, and proposal must be written in English.

Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning
bid for this RFP. All contractual terms and conditions will be subject to review by
Adoreal legal department and will include scope, budget, schedule, and other
necessary items important to the project.

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

3 Project Description, Collaboration Guidelines and High-level Requirements

3.1 Website High-level Overview

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

3.2 Project Details

Adoreal offers a digital ecosystem designed to improve customers and service providers
experience through their journey.

This project's scope is to create a website according to the Adoreal requirements and
Figma file specifications.

The website consists of several static sections and pages combined with dynamic
sections, like FAQ, blogs, and components integration like login and user interest. The
deliverable includes the templates for blogs and FAQ and one example page of them,
so Marketing can use them as a reference to continue adding more content.

The website should guide the user to access the correct information to successfully start
their journey.

3.3 High level Requirements

Please find the website Figma UI on this link.

CMS Features
Website should be responsive to desktop, phones and tablets
Website should allow/follow accessibility industry standards
CMS should support multiple languages
CMS should be able to conditionally show/hide components
Custom web components should be reusable through the pages
CMS should allow admin user to customize workflows, organize
content, generate reports
CMS should be secure, flexible and scalable
CMS should guarantee a high performance and reliability

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

CMS should collect analytics or have the ability to connect with 3rd
party platforms to collect/report on analytics
CMS should have built-in SEO tools
CMS should have version control and backups
CMS should have a staging environment or preview capabilities
CMS should allow the creation of pre-made templates
CMS should use Adoreal domain
CMS should allow the ability to add keywords for search and indexing
CMS should have an intuitive dashboard
CMS should allow users to add translated content for keys/texts
- If not possible, then it needs to connect to external platform that
manage content in all languages
CMS should allow admin to create temporary announcements
CMS should allow to embed components/widgets or add custom code

Animations, Global and Dynamic Components

Global header and footer should be responsive offering the user the
options according to their user type (Consumers and business
Top or recent blogs (based on visits or most recent)
Join the waitlist (customers and business partners)
[Nice to have] Thumbs Up/Down and moderated comments
[Nice to have] Create animations for the app on-boarding carousels

Sections and Pages (Desktop and mobile)

Consumers home page
Business home page
App on-boarding carousel (Consumers and Business Partners)
Blogs section (Magazine)
Blog template (Magazine Article) with hashtag and related articles
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FAQ Sections and FAQ template
Search a question on FAQ section
[Nice to have] Send your question to Adoreal (if not found on FAQ)

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

Contact page
Language selector
Place holder pages for
• About
• Terms of Service
• Privacy
• Accessibility
• Investors
• Careers
Call to actions

Integrations and Call to Actions

Embed Personalization/Recommendations Component (Consumers
and Business Partners)
- Leverage interests to provide personalized material
- Collect email and interest for Adoreal to share future material
Sign Up / Sign In (Consumer, Business Provide, Business Manager,
Treatment Provider)
Download the app
Register on Waitlist
Redirect to Social Media
Redirect to Web Application

3.4 Collaboration Guidelines

Project Visibility

Adoreal should have access or clear visibility to project documents, project

planning and tracking tools, issue trackers, defect reports and other relevant
resources. If this is not possible Adoreal will setup a project and collaboration
tools and will provide access to vendor team.

Adoreal should receive weekly or bi-weekly reports on project status, finance and
functionality progress.

Project Management

Implementation model for this project must provide clear milestones and follow
agile process delivery & development approach. Sprints or Development
Cycles should be planned for 2 weeks, and demos should be held at the end of
each sprint to validate progress and that requirements (user stories) are meeting
the agreed acceptance criteria. Vendor will include a Scrum Master as part of the
implementation team and risk or delays should be timely communicated to

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

Adoreal to prevent them to become into issue and impact scope, time or quality
of the agreed solution.

Development Environment and Integration Efforts

Custom implementation or SaaS integration should be implemented directly on

Adoreal Dev/Test environments or vendor should specify what level of
support/service will they provide during integration.

Integration requirements should be clearly communicated as early as possible

and outlined prior to development begins. Integration risks should be mitigated as
much as possible and from the early stages of project.

Vendor should support Adoreal to push functionalities through Staging (for final
validation) and finally to Production.

Quality Gates

Vendor should conduct rigorous testing/validation (e.g., System, UAT, End to

End) to confirm that all functionalities are working as expected with no bugs.
Issues or bugs caught by Adoreal during final validation or during warranty period
should be resolved as urgent by the vendor with no additional cost.

Engagement Scope

Vendor should facilitate a single point of contact and easy access to executive

Warranty, Service Level Agreement and Escalation Process

Vendor should include in the contract details about warranty, type of issues
covered, period of warranty. Vendor should document and share the service level
agreements (SLAs) in terms of communication channels, severities and
responsiveness, quality, and availability to respond technical issues.

The document should also include details about escalation process, initiation
details, status update frequency, primary and secondary contact and resolution
assets like Root Cause Analysis (RCA).

Milestones & Approvals

Milestones and approval of milestones should be made explicit, and a standard

approval process outlined. A single project owner from Adoreal should be
identified and will give final sign off. UX/UI, content strategy, design, technology,

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

architecture and integration recommendations should also be considered as
milestones, which means that these should be signed off before moving to

Content, Assets, and Translations

Applicable content, translations, and media assets should be fully approved by

Adoreal prior to transfer to vendor.

Compliance Checks

Project should be compliant with GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA and acceptable legal and
regulatory terms. Vendor should perform an info security assessment to confirm
the proper delivery of a secure application.

Non-disclosure Agreement

It is required that the Vendor signs the Non-Disclosure Agreement before starting
the project. In case that the Vendor requires changes on Adoreal NDA, these will
be reviewed with the legal department before

Change Management

Vendor should provide necessary resources (e.g. training documents, videos) to

support the transition to the new system.

Process to Manage Scope Changes

Vendor should provide a process to review/negotiate scope changes. Depending

of type of change it could be negotiated as a milestone or feature request that
can be discuss separately or it can be discuss through additional hours in which
case we need hourly costs rates.

Non-budgeted activities

Vendor should be explicit about what activities or activity types are not part of the
scope or have not been budgeted. They need to provide hourly costs in case we
need to conduct some of these activities.

Project Transition

Vendor should work with Adoreal team to conduct a successful release and
should provide a hyper care support period after Go Live of 1 month. Vendor
should ensure support readiness for both external and internal customer with an
Acceptable Availability and SLA

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

Vendor should schedule training session to transition the project to Adoreal
technical team on the following:
- Architecture and database diagrams
- Project code
- Platform setup and customizations
- Integrations
- Data mapping and migration
- UX/UI design files
- CI/CD pipelines
- Country specific support (localization)
- Admin role training (when applies)

Technical documentation should also include a full list of 3rd party software used
as part of the solution.

4. Solution Considerations

Besides the functionalities specified on the previous section, the Platform or

custom solution is expected to meet the following technical and business needs.

4.1. Business

• It must be integrated or developed within the Adoreal web platform for

desktop, smartphone or tablet.
• Solution must be compliant with GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI.
• Multi-language.
• Fast and reliable. System should be up and running 99.99% of the time
and response time should be less than 1 second for America and Europe
and 3 seconds for Asia, Africa and Oceania.
• Data Mapping and Migration strategy and execution (if applies)
• Data should be connected with Adoreal Customer Data Management and
Identity Access Management platform.
• Solution should have a development and production environments
• In case of SaaS, platform update frequency should be communicated and
Adoreal requires at least 1 month to validate that changes/improvements
do not break other functionalities from the ecosystem

4.2. Technical (suggested technology)

• For a webapp based on Content Management Solution

o Built-in SEO and basic analytics

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

o Integrated audit logs
o Can use static assets from Adoreal’s S3 storage
o Blog post creation
o Blogs filtering, tags and search
o Blog tags as html meta tags for SEO
o Integration of youtube and tiktok contents as educational materials
o CMS Admin Panel to manage content, blog post, SEO and
• For custom solution or platform selection
o Technology suggestions from vendors should be reviewed with
Adoreal technical team before implementing them
o UX/UI should be worked through Figma or similar
o All experiences should look like Adoreal master UX/UI
o Information architecture should be reviewed with Adoreal technical
team to confirm application flow and data inputs
• General Website Requirements
o Web application must be configured in main domain or
a subdomain
o Responsive website that can adopt to any device screen size
• Security
o Solutions should leverage latest security protocols and
recommendations as SSL/TLS 3.0, HTTPS 2.0, etc
• Website Infrastructure
o CMS should have a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
o CMS should handle spikes in demand

5. Contact

Questions concerning technical specifications or Statement of Work (SOW),

contractual terms and conditions or proposal format must be directed to the
Adoreal Lead Contact.

Name Ronald Granados

Position Director of Engineering
Email Upwork
Phone Upwork

Formal questions about the RFP itself should be submitted via email. Questions
should be consolidated into a single document and answers will be sent back

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

during 1 week timeframe. A session prior to RFP submittal deadline can be
conducted to clarify any questions or concerns.

6. Proposal and Project Timeline

All proposals in response to this RFP are due no later March 18th, 2022. In case
it’s required, an RFP review call to solve additional questions that may come up
can be scheduled with Adoreal Product Owner.

Evaluation of proposals will be conducted from March 21st, 2022, until March
31st, 2022. The decision will be communicated on March 31st, 2022. Upon
notification, the contract negotiation with the winning bidder will begin

Notifications to bidders who were not selected will be sent by March 31st, 2022.

Copyright ©2022 Adoreal Engineering Confidential and Proprietary

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