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Microplate Reader


Universitas Sumatera Utara

• The microplate reader
a multimodal instrument that allows for a variety of experiments
to be performed and measured simultaneously.
• Microplate readers:
▫ Absorbance measurements
▫ Fluorescence measurements
▫ luminescence measurements.
• Multiwell plates are integral to the microplate reader and allow
for many experiments to be performed at once.
• Standard Curve

▫ This curve uses samples of known

concentration to generate a line of best
fit or standard curve.
▫ Experimental values are then
extrapolated to the curve or are
calculated using the equation from the
linear regression.

• Mapping the plate:

▫ standards
▫ samples
▫ blank
▫ positive
▫ negative controls
• Multiplate readers are used to quantify:
▫ Cell viability
▫ Cell proliferation
▫ Protein
▫ Various metabolic processes such as reactive
oxygen species
Types of microplate readers
by wavelength
by detection

microplate filters

microplate monochromator

no wavelength
Microplate Readers by detection technologies

• Dedicated Microplate Readers

▫ Dedicated microplate readers are able to measure one

single technology only either
absorbance, luminescence or fluorescence.

▫ They lack the flexibility of multimode microplate readers

▫ They often offer better sensitivity and reliability than

multimode microplate readers, and they are usually

▫ For example, the microplate luminometer

Microplate Readers by detection technologies

• Multimode Microplate Readers

▫ Multimode Microplate Readers are able to use more than one detection

▫ Multimode microplate readers have been traditionally expensive, but some

instruments offer a high modularity that allows the instrument to be
configured only with the options that are really needed.

▫ Multi-mode reader with up to seven detection modes.

 Common detection modes:
 absorbance
 fluorescence intensity,
 luminescence
 time resolved fluorescence
 fluorescence polarization
 nephelometry
Microplate Readers by wavelength selection
• Filters

▫ Affordable microplate readers use

normally filters to select the desired
wavelength for any given detection

▫ Being the affordable option does not

mean it is the worst one: filters have a
very high transmittance and this brings
a higher sensitivity in many

▫ In addition, wavelength switching is

very fast,

▫ The main disadvantage is that you need

a different filter for each wavelenght
needed, and that reduces flexibility and
makes it impossible to perform a
wavelength scan.
Microplate Readers by detection technologies

• Monochromator

▫ monochromators provide total

flexibility in wavelength

▫ sensitivity in most applications

is worse than when using

▫ Some microplate readers can

be configured with both filters
and monochromators,
Microplate Readers by detection technologies

• No wavelength selection

▫ Luminometers usually lack filters or any other way

of wavelength selection
▫ light of all wavelengths can potentially reach the
❑ Flat bottomed plates are the most commonly used microplate in cell culture.

❑ Round-bottomed ones are useful when cell-cell interactions are important, as

the allow a loose cell pellet to form at the bottom of the well. Examples are T-
cell/antigen presenting cell interactions in T-cell cloning, or T-cell mediated
cytotoxicity assays.
❑U-bottom: Round-shaped well bottom. Wells with a U-bottom have no
edges, so they are well suited for stirring and washing of samples.
This bottom shape is used for agglutination and other assays requiring these

❑ V-well plates are useful when combined with a plate centrifuge for obtaining
tight cell pellets. This permits resuspension and washing of multiple cell cultures.

❑V-bottom: Conically-shaped well bottom. Sample recovery is maximized

with the V-bottom shape.
Data analysis

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