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Chapter 1 – Introduction to networking

Cisco Icons and Symbols

What is a Network ?

Physical Components of a Network :

Characteristics of a Network







Physical Topologies
The star topology designe concept in networking
Example of using a Full Mesh at the Distribution Layer

Note : The concept of the model: Access, distribution and core will be seen in the
second part of this training.
TCP/IP Networking Model

Historical Progression from the proprietary Models to the Open TCP/IP

The TCP/IP Networking Models
TCP/IP Architectural Model and Example Protocols
Data Encapsulation Terminology

The five Steps of Data Encapsulation of the TCP/IP model :

The receiving computer do the reverse operation (De-encapsulation) :
Names of TCP/IP Messages
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Networking Model
OSI layer functions
OSI Encapsulation and Protocol Data Units

OSI uses a more generic term to refer to messages, rather than frame, packet, and segment.
OSI uses the term protocol data unit (PDU).
OSI Model Compared to the TCP/IP Model
Peer-to-Peer Communications

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