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What matters to me on Tee es Tre in the room. Don't say who itis, ts must ask questions to find out who itis Wat colour is her hair? What sort of clothes does she wear? DESCRIPTIONS ‘ Information questions 1. Match a question with an answer Psa dsats 1 Lel What’ she like? She's in her twenties. 2 LA What does se ook like? She likes dancing and shopp 3] What does she lite doing? Five foot eight. 4 [2] How tall is she? ‘She's quite tall and pretty, 5 LJ What colour eyes has she got? ‘She's really nice. Very easy-going 6 [_] How oldis she? She's fine. T () What kind of clothes does Brown, she wear? Its sort of long, fair,and wa 8 [_] What’ her hair lke? Not smart. Casual, She has alot: 9 C1 Howisshe? of style Listen and check. Work with a partner. Practise the questions and answers. Cover one column, then the other. 2 Ask and answer the questions about a relative ae oa — ie ete histor? ) eRe an vere You's ee ho. You can use the ideas in the box to help. goodfun abitquiet very sociable good-locking quite dark attractive medium height about Imetre 70 inhismid-twenties straight short curly 46. Unit 6 © What matters to me 3. Underline the correct answer. Dae aeas GERD Listen and check. With your partner, practise the ‘questions and answers, 4 Ask and answer questions about where you live. You can use the ideas in the box to hetp. inanold block noisy has view of a terrace where we canst ouside grounc floor enormous tiny He quite smal, but it's cont Look ai the questions for describing things, Put a word from box into each question How make of long for sie juestions and answers, Listen and check. With your partner, practise / sile/camera/MP3 player. Ask and answer similar questions about your lap top! | / Unto PRACTICE Getting information Ask questions for these situations. 1 Do you have brown bread? White bread? What cort of bread co you have? 2. Would you like vanilla ice-cream? Strawberry? Chocolate? 3. Do we goleft or right at the traffic lights? Or straight on? 4 Ts your camera a Canon? A Samsung? ‘An Olympus? 5 Do you like pasta? Hamburgers? Spicy food? 6 Is that your sister's top you're wearing? Suzie? Or your own? 7 Does it take 30 minutes to get to the airport? An hour? 8 [s your house 100 metres fram the beach? One kilometre? 9) Do you go to the cinema once a week? Once a forinight? 10 Do two of you want coffee? Four of you? Allof you? 11 Do you take size 40 shoes? 427 447 Listen and compat Unit 6 » What matters to me VOCABULARY Adjectives 1. Workin pairs, Look at the advertisements 1-3, Which advert is for ...? adate —somethingtoest holiday destination 2 Find some adjectives in the adverts ° f Mamma Mia ‘Mame Mia pasta sauces, From much-loved bolognsis: to ourlatest garlic and basi Made from the finest organic ingredients in the old-fashioned way. So tempting! Just like home-made. ‘You'll be amazed! ‘Come to Kos, our world-famous island paradise, and you'll leave relaxed, and sun-tanned! Sandy beaches. Exciting night-life. Visit the ancient ruins, go walking or painting, or just take it easy! You won't be disappointed. fax resume: LOVE, MAYBE? Pretty, slim, blue-eyed lady, |: 35, tired of living alone, | pa ‘seeks tall, dark, handsome, | /* easy-going, charming M| “© with great Sense of humour, 30-40, for fun and long” iasting friendship. And | E possbly more! Box 349066 | — = 8 °C ASSOCIATE | Ac 48 Unit 6 » What matters tome -ed and -ing adjectives 3. How do these words end in the adverts? disoppoint’ tir. charm Complete the sentences with one of these adjectives ending in -ed or -ing. 1 Having a massage is very relaxing 2 Lwas when they offered me the job. I was sure Td failed the interview. ama rela ac 3. Our holiday was Itrained every day. 4 My kids are so ‘on Christmas Eve, they can't sleep. 5 The journey was very. Twas exhausted. 6 He says such lovely things. He is He makes you feel so special Adjectives and nouns that go together 4 Some adjectives and nouns often go together. ‘sandy beach ancient ruins Match an adjective and a noun, Sometimes there is more sibility. friend fruit clothes fashions hair job restaurant food woman fresh latest pretty leat fast cronded casual close handsome | straight cosy challenging man room sky Listen and check. Compound adjectives 5. Find some compound adjectives in the adverts, much-loved old-fashioned ‘Match a word from A and B to make compound adjectives, A 8 well-(+2) full hard good-| new dressed hand behaved second tand- brand | time looking working made ‘Think of noun that goes with each adjective, What’ the opposite? Woll-bohaved children badly-behaved children 6 Test each other on the compound adjectives in exercise 5, So What cort of Job ic itt you Work forty hours a week? full ‘Another word for handsome. Adverbs 1 Look at adverti nts 4-6. Which advert is for ...2 @ pain killer. awatch a house to rent 2 Find adverbs that end in -ly in adverts 4 and 5 simply beautifully Find some adverbs that don't end in -ly in advert 6. st too LOG FIRES IN DEVON £750 pw simply in this beaifilly restored 16th contury country cottage. Sit peacefully i ofthe fire. Situated in a charming village, sloops 6, fully equipped. Cs ae hand-made instruments. You merely eee eng cea este tert n't actually own one of our er pa eT pores Ser at Cron GO ee ade ere eae ere eer tri ecoNe nd Can ke Erin Adverbs and verbs that go together 3. Some verbs and adverbs often go together. drive carefully walk slowly explain clearly Match a verb and an adverb, Sometimes there is more than one possibilit verb abverb badly peacefully heavily smartly patiently fluently suddenly deeply brightly passionately wait love behave shine fight leave whisper die rain dress speak breathe softly bravely 4, Mime some of the verbs and adverbs to the class. {re oiving carefully! Youre riinaarcotv! ) (Se wanna patna Adverbs that don't end in -ly 5 Complete the sentences with an adverb from the box. agin fast. hard loud even right straight wrong, together almost 1 Peter and [lived at university, 2. He's a good student. He tries 3. ‘Where's the town hall?”'Go_____on? 4 Say that didn’t hear you. 5 Dont talk so ! Everyone can hear you. 6 ___# Slow downt 7 His wife's name is Sue, not Sally! Get it 8 erything went 9 in summer. ‘Why do you drive so ‘The holiday was a disaster, E ‘This room is cool 10 ‘Are you ready?" * minutes! Listen and check. Give me another five Project - My most treasured possession 1 Listen to three people, Amy, Jack, and Lucy, describing what they’ save if their home was on fire. ‘What is it? Why would they save it? 2. Whatis your most treasured possession? Prepare to talk about it. | cowidn’t tive without my ts important to me because... Iwas given tome by. . Uvohad it for Itreminds me of ... READING AND SPEAKING The heart of the home 1. Close your eyes and think of your kitchen at home, + Who's in it? + Whats happening? + What are they doing? + What can you smell? 2. Read the introduction to My kitchen at the top of p51. Do you agree that the kitchen is the heart of the home? Is it where your family get together? 3. Work in three groups Group A Read about Santina, from Italy. Group B_ Read about Elizabeth, from the United States. Group C Read about Lakshmamma, from India, Answer the questions. 1 What does she do? 2. Whet does her husband do? 3. Where does she live? 4 What's her house like? 5 How does she feel about her kitchen? 6 7 8 9 Isher life easy or difficult? ‘What does her family eat? Does she seem to be happy? What do you think she worries about? 4 Find a partner from the other groups. Compare and swap information 5. Which person is most likely to say ...2 1 ‘Tean never decide where to go swimming? 2. ‘We have found you a very nice girl Why won't you marry her? ‘Ifanyone wants me, Tm weeding and watering” Tm too busy to play tennis today: “Live my lije in tune with mature? 6 Td love to have a new kitchen. What do you think? In your opinion, who ...? + isthe wealthiest materially + isthe happiest spiritually + isthe most creative cook + has the hardest life Give reasons for your answers, Speaking 1 What food do you most associate with home? Is there a particular day of the week or time of year when you eat it? 2 Talk about your kitchen. Answer questions 1-12 from the text. D> WRITING DESCRIBING A PLACE pias 50. Unit 6 + What matters tome TAL eres ee Green hoa wusband, Carl, 56, w Q How much is your house worth? 1A About £50,000. Q What is your kitchon ike? ‘A t's not very big. Its my litle comer ofthe House. I's where | belong, end nhere'a happiest. Q How bigis it? A 12sqm Q What's your favourite thing? A My cuphoard (lof efferent alien herbs Q How much time do you spend in the kitchen? ‘A About four hours every day Ard the Same the garden. Q How many meals do you cook a day? ‘A Thwee. For the three of us, and whoever coms by ~ fends, ‘elaties. My familys the most impartent thing to me. wert ‘grandchicren| Q What’ in your fridge and cupboards? [A Vegetable, watey, wine gs, cheese ham, sausages, lemonade, but, pasia, tinned tomatoes, beans Honey, ane home-made jam, @ What would make your life easier in the kitchen? A Nothing [have all | need Q Who holps you? ‘A fy daughter helps sometimes My husband wouldn't dream fit and I wouldnt want im to, How often do you sit dovn and eat together asa family? A Twice a dy, How much do you spend on groceries every week? A L row my oun vegetable, ard we have chickens nd rabirs, £0 ony spend about £20 a eek But there 3 drought this year What can you see from your kitchen windows? [A My garden, my orcherd, and ry olive tees. The kitchen is the heart of the home. It's where the family gets together for “Seen the important things in life — food, conversation, and celebration, Three women from around the world invite us into their kitchens. PENNY ROGERS reports. a 10 1" 2 Q How much is your houre worth? A About £6 mln, Q What is your kitchen ike? ‘A There are tm. The beach kichen is simple. The house kitchen isfuturszic | don't know how everthing works soit’ al abt ‘alen'to me, Q How bigis it? A 45 sqm Q What's your favourite thing? A The three cvons, but thoy take up too much space. The It that Langs the groceries fom the five-cr gage is andy. Q How much time do you spend in the kitchen? A About seven to eight hours a day. But not cooking It's the reer we lve in, Q How many meals do you cook a day? ‘A Teo to thie: if you court cereal and bages Bur only one, if you ‘mean actually dong things with real fod. What's in your fridge and cupboards? ‘A. Fut, veetables, champagne, milk, yochut, pat, cheeses, crises ard cereal Lots of take-avay food. And dog foce. @ What would make your life easier inthe kitchen? A P.chot We do everything forthe kids ourselves. Ne nannies, housekeepers, or cooks fr them. Q Who helps you? [A Ny husband and kids tate fod out of take-away contareré and fputit on plates Does that court as heling? Q How often da you sit A Evy morning and evening @ How much do you spend on groceries every week? [A £300. Eventing is lowe and organic, pre-packed ane prepared is all delivered Q What can you see from your kitchen windows? A A panoramic, 180-dearee view of the Pecific Ocean, wm and eat together as a family? Shires ta Ce ee eee ns near Bangalore. Her husband, Adaviyappa, 55, works on a cattle CU eect oe Cre ay oad Q How much is your house worth? A To ebuid it would cost about £1,250, 2 Q Whatis your kitchen ike? A its smal dar, and crumbling | cise just about eveything about it t's 0 0 3 Howbigisier Assam 4 Viat’syour favourite thing? ‘A The store where grind my 0 ces 5 @ How much time do you spend in the kitchen? ‘A. Sito seven hours a day ~ sometimes more. m always coking or washing 6 Q How many meals do you cook a day? A Twocrtres 7 Q What’ in your fridge and cupboards? AA We don't have aide. On selves hae ently, pees such a ilies, uimerc pow, some vegetables ae sl. 8 Q What would make your life easier inthe kitchen? AA Running weer A deghtere- ke would be goods wel But God has gen me ife and | am grateful 9. 9 Who helps you? ‘A Miyeldest son helps when he has tine My younger sen isn't ‘wel ene needs constant care, My husband doesnt hep 10 @ How often do you sit down and eat together as 3 family? ‘A. Mon cat before women in our communty. We don't eat together 11. @ How much do you spend on groceries every week? ‘A £4, Sometimes lst depends how mach money we have 42. Q What can you see from your kitchen windows? ‘A thave no windows in my kitcen, LISTENING AND SPEAKING My closest relative 1. Discuss the statements in small groups, Are they true for your family? + Mothers feel closer to thei sons. Fathers fel closer to their daughters. + The first-born child is ambitious. responsible, dominant, and insecure The second childs fre. independent, creative, and easy-going The last-bom childs the baby ~ spoilt, happy, confident, and secure, 2 Listen to five people talking about who they feel closest, to in their family. Complete the chart. [ tilie | simon Tiel clovestto [my mum He/she is easy to talkta, wy We do things together. We haves similar charactes, Hike the way he/he thinks Weare different 3. Who said these expressions? What do you und. 1 ‘We have our ups and downs, of course ..! 2 ‘We dont reaily see to eye to eye about anything? 3 Tn many ways she drives me crazy! 4. “Were like chalk and cheese’ hey fight like cat and dog? SPOKEN ENGLISH Adding emphasis 1. We can change the order of words ina sentence to add emphasis Wat is the more usual word order for these sentences? 1. She's very open, my mother. 2 My father | don't relly get on with 3 My mother | hardly ever see 4 Hes pretty cool, my dad, 5. Me, Ima lot quieter 2. Noticehow these sentences add emphasis What like about her is her attitude What Ilike about him is that he's interesting end interested, The thing | ove about her isthe way everyone knons her. 3 What could people say about ...? 1 Joe: his sense of humour the way he makes everyone laugh 2 Tina herkindness the way she makes everyone feel good 3 Beth: heratitude to lite the fact she doesnt care what other people think Discussion + Work in pairs. Discuss who you feel closest to in your family, and why. + Work in groups of four. Who has a similar family relationship to yours? + Discuss asa class, Which family member are most people closest to? 52 Unit 6 » What matters to me vhat What are the big department stores in yourt arc they famous for? Do you like shopping in them? Look at the board showing where the various departments are in ¢ store. Where would you find ..? + atie inmenowesr, on the ground foor + avallet ird floo Leen nee * earrings Beco) + asaucepan ia ees + hairdryer Sports + shower gel 4 + adoll + aDWD player + womens boots + the Ladies + abirthday card + a shaving mirvor + lipstick + avase + trainers + asofa «sheets + a suitcase + apair of tights alight snack. Bathroom accessories toe tec Dea Bence fecicomct Lingerie et ey S Ground floor Ne Sens) eet Jow erected Isr Tteln Eoeaa Crees 5 1) ® = ja 3. In which department could you see these signs? y tworcottee ~ ‘) gotone trae! ay fee ee ea eee so Ceres custoiis ane) {aSUNDED Tat OSL | Toon AND BRN ruRCHASED ONES Parana SAE CONSUMED HER 4 Which of these two signs ..7 + is telling you how to take things back «+ isinviting you to save as you spend If goods are retumed in their original packaging with a receipt within 28 days we will offer an exchange or refund. Open a foyalty card {today end you will recelve 9 10% discount ‘on all your purchases, Listen to some conversations in a department store. Which department are they in? What are they trying to buy? 6 Listen again and complete the lines, LA o you take? B Nine. That’ 41, isn't it? A___43 would be more comfortable, si 2B Tmatraid We've that size A Will you any more 2 B Weshould by the end of the week. STANDG you have mae B No, Madam, They all 4 A Would you like me ‘ B Och, Thank you so much! 5 Al Its too tight B Shame, It Wha of? A Cashmere. Its so soft! 6 A Keep your __. That’ your guarantee, B sit for? With a partner, practise the conversations. 7 Practise having conversations in other departments, Act them out to the class. Unit 6 + What matterstome 53

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