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1.1 Enacted/Implemented Public Hearing during the Brgy. Sycnchronized Assembly  
BSWM Ordinance   Implementation (as approved)/Strengthening Implemented Provision
1.2 Enacted/Implemented -do-    
Brgy. Clean-up Drive Ordinance              
1.3 Created/Active BSWM Committee Issuance of LCE Special Order or Passage of Sang. Brgy. Resolution
        Conduct of Regular Meetings      
1.4 Elected /Appointed Cooperative Organizing Purok Organization  
Purok Organizations Conducted of Regular Meetings      
1.5 Created/Capacitated Info. Edu & Creation of IEC Team  
Communication (IEC) Team Training/Orientation of IEC Team      
1.6 Organized/Responsive Purok Organizing Purok Sub-Groups  
Sub-groups with leader Designating Purok Sub-Leaders  
        Training/Orientation of Purok Sub-Leaders    
2.1 Effective IEC   House to house disseminations and campaign  
    Integration of the SWM in other programs  
    Putting-up signages and printed materials  
        Setting-up the Brgy. Hall as showcase model for households replication
3.1 Functional Material Recovery Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing of private lot/Certification
Facility (MRF)   Issuance of authority to use the lot.  
    Contruction/Pintakasi, the construction of the MRF  
    Implementation/Enhancement of Waste Segregation at Source
    Imlementation of Waste Segeregated Collection (No segregation, No Collection)
    Installaton of composting facility/Setting-up composting (Windrow or
        compost pit/heap)          
3.2 Closed Open Dumpsite   Retrieval of Non-compostable waste  
Composting Installed Compost Transfer of Removed Non-compostable waste  
  pit/heap     conversion to Compost pit/heap      
4.0 ECONOMIC                  
4.1 Waste decorative/useful products Training on Waste Processing of Products    
Training on Organic
4.2 Organic/soil conditioner/complete Fertilizer  
4.3 Backyard/Containerized gardening Promoting Backyard/Containerized Composting and Gardening
4.4 Eco-bricks making   Enhancement of Eco-bricks Production and Usage  
4.5 Pasa basura (Gawin muna, dahil Promoting Pasa Basura Best Practice  
kailangan nila, basta't kaayaya)              
5.1 Acted Isumbong Mo Kalat Basura/ Launching Bandilyo of Isumbong Mo Kalat Basura/Illegal Waste
Illegal Waste Activities Activities          
6.1 Submitted Quartely Self-Compliance Submission of QSCMER  
Monitoring and Evaluation Report Assessment of QSCMER  
6.2 Recognized and Disclosed Best SWM Recognition and Dsiclosure of Awardees:  
Compliant Awardees Outstanding Purok; Most Performer IEC Team; Best Purok Sub-Group; and
        Model Household/Waste Generators      

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