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Technical Communication Assignment

Communication pattern in University of Delhi

Organizational Chart
VISITOR (President of India)

Chancellor (Vice President of India)

(Chief Justice Of India)
SEC-A Written

University court

Academic Council

Executive Council

16 Faculties 91 colleges


Non-teaching Teaching staff

SEC-B staff
Department Heads


department of computer science

Department Of Mathematics

Department of OR Department of Stats Oral


Hansraj college
faculty of mathematical science

15 other Faculties 90 other colleges

The University of Delhi is a premier university of the country with a venerable legacy
and international acclaim for highest academic standards, diverse educational
programmes, distinguished faculty, illustrious alumni, varied co-curricular activities
and modern infrastructure.

The Academic Council is the highest academic body of the university and is
responsible for the maintenance of standards of instruction, education and
examination within the university. It has the right to advise the Executive Council on
all academic matters.

The members of Academic Council are Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Dean

of colleges, Dean of Faculties, Directors, Librarian, Head Of departments, etc.

Communication flow in this region(SEC-A) can be seen in upward and downward

flow and happens mostly in written form like mails, reports, ppts, notices, etc

The general purposes of downward communication in (SEC-A) are

 Implementation of goals, strategies, and objectives
 Job instructions and rationale
 Procedures and practices
 Performance feedback.

The general purposes of upward communication in SEC(A) are

 Problems and exceptions
 Suggestions for improvement.
 Performance reports
 Grievances and disputes
 Financial and accounting information
In SEC-A communication happens mostly in written form like through mails, reports,
ppts, notices, etc

Oral communication can be seen at teaching and non-teaching staff level (Sec-B of
Organizational chart) on daily basis. Communication flow mostly here is horizontal.
For examples communication in meetings, group discussions, orientations, fests,
daily meetup talks etc.

Shubham Paliwal
MCA 1st year,
1st semester
Roll No – 53

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