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NAME : ________________________________________GRADE AND SECTION : _______________

TEACHER : _________________________ QUARTER 4 – WEEK 4 SCORE : ________


Background Information
Identifying the measures of position or quantiles (quartiles, deciles,
and percentiles) is a significant ability you have to develop because you will know the
position of a particular score relative to the entire set of data.
Measures of position will become more meaningful if you know how to interpret
them. In interpreting measures of position, you will know how many percent of the
data or group is below, equal or above a specific score. You will know whether
somebody has successfully passed an examination or not.
The illustrations below shows the relationships between quartiles, deciles and
percentiles :

Q1 Q2 Q3
P25 P50 P75

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9
P10 P20 P30 P40 P50 P60 P70 P80 P90

First quartile ( Q1 ) = 2.5th decile ( D2.5 ) = 25th percentile ( P25 )

Second quartile (Q2)= 5th decile ( D5 ) = 50th percentile ( P50 )
Third quartile ( Q3) = 7.5th decile ( D7.5 ) = 75th percentile ( P75 )

Given a particular score, object, or item in a data set, be extra careful and critical
enough as to what measure of position you need to consider.
Remember that every score, object, or item in a data set has its unique position
in the set.

Illustrative Example # 1 – In a set of scores, the 15th percentile or

𝑃15 =55. What does this mean ?
Interpretation :
This means that in the set of scores given, 15% of the scores is less than
or equal to the score of 55. It also means that (100-15)% or 85% of the scores is
greater than the score of 55.

Illustrative Example # 2 – In a set of scores, the 3rd decile or

D3 =25. What does this mean ?
Interpretation :
This means that in the set of scores given, 30% of the scores is equal to or
below the score of 25 because the 3rd decile is equal to the 30th percentile.
It also means that 70% ( 100 – 30 ) of the scores is above the score of 25.

Illustrative Example # 3 – Mrs. Flores gave a test to her students

under the online modality. The students finished their test in 25 minutes.
This time is the 2.5th decile of the allotted time. What does this mean?
Interpretation :
This means that 25% of the learners finished the test 25 minutes or less.
Since D2.5 is equal to the lower quartile or Q1 , low quartile is considered good,
because it means the students finished the test in a short period of time.

Illustrative Example # 4 – Ferdinand is a supervisor in one big

company situated at Tarlac City. His salary is in the 7th decile. Should Ferdinand
be glad about his salary or not? Explain your answer.
Interpretation :
70% of the employees receive a salary that is less than or equal to his salary
and 30% of the employees receive a salary that is greater than his salary. Therefore,
Ferdinand should be pleased with his salary.

Illustrative Example # 5 – Teacher Wyncel is getting the height of her

28 students in Grade 10 STE - Euclid for computing Body
Mass Index (BMI). She noticed that each of the values of the height of her students is
unique. She told one of her students, Cyril, that her height is the 30th percentile. How
many students are shorter than her? How many are taller than her?
Answer :
Since Cyril’s height is the 30th percentile, it means that 30% of 28 students have
the height that is less than or equal to the height of Cyril.
28 𝑥 0.30 = 𝟖. 𝟒
By rounding-off, 8.4 becomes 8
Therefore, there are 7 students that are shorter than Cyril and there are 20
students that are taller than her since none of them have equal height.

Illustrative Example # 6 – A certain government examination

composed of 100 items has a passing score which is the 75th
percentile. What does it imply?
Answer :
It implies that an examinee must answer at least 75 items correctly in order for
him to pass the test.

Illustrative Example # 7 – The score of Jhonhenry in Science in their

Second Quarter Summative Test is the 9th decile (𝐷9 ). If the passing score is the
upper quartile (𝑄3), did Jhonhenry pass the test?
Answer :
Remember that 𝐷9 = 𝑃90 and 𝑄3 = 𝑃75.
Since 𝐷9 has a greater percentile position than Q3, therefore Jhonhenry
passed the examination because the score of Jhonhenry is greater than the passing

For further understanding of the lesson, visit the link below:


M10SP- IVc – 1 - Interprets measures of position
ACTIVITY 1 - Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet of paper. CAPITAL LETTERS
1. The second quartile (𝑄2) of the ages of the 50 Grade 7- Red students of Victoria
National High School is 13 years old. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. There are 25 students that the ages are less than or equal to 13 years old.
B. There are 12 students aging 13 years old.
C. All of the students are aging 13 years old
D. Most of the students are aging 13 years old.
2. In a group of 40 examinees taking the 50-item test, Analyn obtained a score of
38. This implies that her score is ______________.
A. below the 50th percentile C. at the upper quartile
B. the 40th percentile D. below the 3rd decile
3. When a distribution is divided into hundred equal parts, each score point that
describes the distribution is called a ___________.
A. percentile B. decile C. quartile D. median
4. Mike Joseph took the entrance examination for the Special Science Curriculum of
VNHS. His score is in the 6th decile and the passing score is the 75th percentile.
Assuming that the values of 𝐷6 and 𝑃75 are not the same, can Mike Joseph
enroll in the STE class?
A. Yes, because his score is greater than the passing score.
B. Yes, because his score is equal to the passing score.
C. No, because his score is equal to the passing score.
D. No, because his score is below the passing score
5. In a 70-item test, Anabel got a score of 50 which is the third quartile.This means that:
A. she got the highest score.
B. her score is higher than 25% of her classmates.
C. she surpassed 75% of her classmates.
D. seventy-five percent of the class did not pass the test.
6. A dance choreographer is asking his 35 dancers to form a line according to height
from the shortest to the tallest. One of the dancers, Trisha , has a height that is
in the 40th percentile. Assuming that none of the dancers has the same height,
how many dancers are shorter than Trisha?
A. 3 B. 13 C. 14 D. 21
7. Catherine got a score of 92 which is the 88th percentile in a certain examination.
Which of the following is TRUE?
A. She passed the test if the passing score is the 9th decile.
B. Eighty-eight percent of the class got scores less than or equal to 92
C. Twelve percent of the class got scores less than or equal to 92
D. She scored above 90% of her classmates.
8. The 1st quartile of the ages of 750 Grade 10 students is 16 years old. Which of the
following statements is true?
A. Most of the students are below 16 years old.
B. Seventy-five percent of the students are 16 years old and above.
C. Twenty-five percent of the students are 16 years old.
D. One hundred fifty students are younger than 16 years.
9. A certain government scholarship is offered to incoming freshmen students in all
state colleges and universities (SUCs) in the Philippines. The policy is that one
SUC can only offer the scholarship to the students who will pass the qualifying
examination and whose scores will belong to the top 35% of the scores of all
examinees. Which of the following is FALSE?
A. An examinee may get a score with a percentile rank of 40 to get the
B. An examinee may get a score with a percentile rank of 35 to get the
C. An examinee may get a score with a percentile rank of 32 to get the
D. An examinee may get a score with a percentile rank of 20 to get the
10. Rachelle got a score of 55 which is equivalent to 70th percentile in a mathematics
test. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. She scored above 70% of her classmates.
B. Thirty percent of the class got scores of 55 and above.
C. If the passing mark is the first quartile, she passed the test.
D. Her score is below the 5th decile

ACTIVITY 2 - Answer the following situations. Show the necessary

solution and interpretation in your answer sheet.
1. In a certain quiz, the 3rd decile is the score of 35. What does it mean?
2. In a military formation, the height of Roger is the 80th percentile in a line of 12
men. How many persons are taller than him? (Note: Each of them has different
3. The first quartile (𝑄1) of the ages of the 136 employees of RCS Corporation is 43
years old. What does it imply?
4. Zeny’s score is the 7th decile (𝐷7) in the Third Quarter Summative Examination
in Science. If the passing score is the 75th percentile (𝑃75), did she pass the
test? (Note: The values of 𝐷7 and 𝑃75 are not equal.)
5. Rosemarie took a qualifying examination in a prestigious university in Manila for
a scholarship. The university offers the scholarship to the successful passers of
the examination whose scores belong to the top 30% of the scores of all
examinees. Four days after the examination, Rosemarie received the result,
and her score has a percentile rank of 33. Will Rosemarie get the scholarship?


How would you appreciate the state of living of your family in

a daily basis? Write your reflection in 10 – 15 sentences.

Quarter 4 – Module 4 – Interpreting Measures of Position ( SDO Negros Oriental )
Quarter 4 Compendium of Notes ( Math 10 )

Task : Use your Third Quarter grades in all learning areas ( subjects).



Compute : a. Q1 b. D5 c. P75
After computing for the given measures of position, create a short video
presentation ( 3 – 5 minutes ) showing your computation and
interpretation of the results.

Your work will be rated following the rubrics below.

Criteria Percentage
Content 40 %
Creativity 40 %
Adherence to the time limit 10 %
Overall impact 5%
Timeliness of submission 5%
Total 100 %

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